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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Apparently they both share some recurring characters. At least, that's what Wikipedia tells me.

Also, the only worry I have with watching Betterman is that it's definitely not the kind of thing I'm into these days. I tend to gravitate more towards the comedy/slice of life kind of stuff these days (as if anyone hadn't noticed that :lol). So I really hope I don't get bored with it. I'll try my best though. Here's hoping it's good (or at least enjoyably bad)!

All I need now is to know if it also involves Giant Robots.


I think that is on my old CB DVDs too. Probably the same incredibly old set. Not that awesome set with the CDs though. Still kicking myself to this day for not getting that. But it was a good while ago before I built up any substantial savings. If it were released today I would buy it without thinking twice.

I bought each volume as I found them at Future Shop, this was back when they actually had a little anime section. Looking back I consider myself lucky I was able to find all six volumes in store. As it was I had to wait a couple months to find Volumes 3&4 when I had already bought Volumes 1-2 & 5-6. First anime series I ever bought.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 018
This episode's drama bordered on the Dezakiesque even when you count the silly diabolical possession plot. Still, it was nice to see Usagi take a more proactive role for the sake of Shingo and his little love interest. She's a ditzy clumsy infantile moron, but that doesn't mean she's not kind-hearted! Nephrite also shot up a few tiers in my respect scale. What a rebel.
Speaking of Shingo, he began the path to otakudom soon afterwards. Poor little fella.


In this depressed state of the industry. in a world that we have to crowdfund humanity's last gasp... the men of darkness hide behind light - they use ponies to get us to stop fighting. they used moe to get us to squee. the ad men only care how many brownie points they can score for the ad men as the same ad men, thinking there Jon Hamm from Mad Men run roughshod over every single part of the business, if there not asking for escorts to dance at a GDC event, there asking reporters to show their racks. There is no tact. no respect. and government's waiting, just waiting to get there hands on the video games just as much they have with the US animation industry got plenty of ammo. Wrong Phase right?

We live in interesting days.

So - I give this link as a reminder.

Two years ago I had a dream to be like Garry Whitta. I care little of his politics but as a writer, well. All I wanted was a chance. I never got it. Because the world are full of beta males who do nothing but pray on the weak. I get it. That's the world we have now. But I remember a day that evils reminders weren't on a TV show name girls, a man name Adam and his cum infested mind genterfided the city because he was white and had no crime on his record.

The post concerning what New York was before Guliani reminded me of what type of evil existed back then. And how its sugarcoated, candy sweet now. I hate it. It fake. Its why we gravitate to Metal gear solid, and to demon souls, and to dark souls, and to fist of the north star, and to others because that - in its own words, and it its own nature told us the nature of the evil we faced. And now everybody wants to get porn without the parts. blanked out. non existant. its a joke. NTR is a joke. and all you folks that fall for Crunchyfails/Sabans/Funi racist, anti human bullshit arnt helping matters. CGI future? You don't even have a fucking present when they cheat at fundamental maths tests! How much more CGI future?

People consider me a asshole. That's fine. Media Infected? some stupid opinion of a dude who never even seen a womans baby canal before and rejected it because it was the right thing to do - and now has a job promoting 15 year old proto racists that do nothing but make funny noises and do proto lesbian things 10 out of the 12 episodes.

But, at the end I stood my ground. I said what I wanted to say. I feel that the world doesn't have a place for those that think different. They just want us dead and gone. Because they don't know when it feels real.


This was the reason why I supported the Thundercats series.
And now that is gone. My only hope left - the only lifeline to give back to a industry that gave me my sanity is gone.

That's my cross to bare. Im a good Friday dude. The world never left the darkness that day. Its still there. And that coffin is still closed.


That's my cross to bare. Im a good Friday dude. The world never left the darkness that day. Its still there. And that coffin is still closed.

But I think there's quite a large problem here. There're two sides to this, it seems to me. One is humour, in the sense of comedy: materials designed to make you laugh and that I think is important. I like to laugh, I like to make other people laugh, if I can. And more, it seems to me, the Japanese show specifically is a comic mode, which is to say, the show in Japan comes out of Henry Fielding and Charles Dickens and writers who were primarily setting out to make their readers laugh. For an Japanese writer to turn his or her back on that seems to me to miss some of the strengths of Directing in this larger tradition.

But the other half of the equation, aside from laughter, is irony. And irony is kind of related to humour. It might not be laugh-out-loud funny but irony has always struck me as being absolutely central to what anime is. anime is an ironic mode of art. It seeks, you know, to represent the world without reproducing it. It's not mimetic, it's not setting up a mirror, it's setting out to change the way the world is. And the potential of irony is, aesthetically speaking, not only huge but very rarely taken up by anime writers, in fact anime has often been very po-faced and taken itself very seriously. And this has led to a kind of mismatch. It's one of the reasons why so much anime is quite plodding and the way it works its ideas . . . I mean, the ideas may be brilliant and mind-expanding, there may be a real sense of wonder there, but characterization and narrative and story-telling seem very pedestrian in a lot of anime stories. I think that's in part because people don't quite know how to handle humour, and people are suspicious of irony in the anime community. And I think it's rare for a funny show to win any of the big anime prizes. I don't know. Sometimes I write very unfunny shows, very gloomy shows. Certainly, some of my earlier works are very dour and very grim. But I like to think that they're dour and grim in an ironic way.

In the first instance, I write anime because I love anime, it's what I was reading while I was a kid, and I've kept reading it all the way through. Sometimes people say "would you like to write a historical show or a realist show?" and I honestly don't see the point in doing that. I can't see why anyone would write anything other than anime, what else is there to do, really? From a creative point of view, it is simply the most imaginatively hospitable mode of Directing there is, because you can do anything you want and because it engages with these things that fascinate me, things like irony, the sublime sense of wonder, things like imaginative extrapolation. All those things I find fascinating for, I'm sure, cultural or personal reasons or reasons that I would need to go through a lengthy period of psychiatric discussion to really unearth and get to the bottom of. And the problem is I don't think I can afford that financially, it's very expensive to hire a psychiatrist.

It goes very deep in me, I think, is the thing. anime was my first love and I read anime and fantasy omnivorously as a kid and as an adolescent. I read other things too. And then I went to university and I took a degree in Japanese and Classics and I did a PhD on Robert Browning and the classics. And then I got an academic job teaching the 19th Century primarily. In those days it wasn't likely that I would have found an academic job teaching anime. I think things have changed a little bit now. But I'm still reading anime. So the reason why, I think, goes quite deep. It's funny speculating about these questions of psychological motivation and what the roots are of one's adult passions and fascinations. And it is purely, I think, speculative, I'm not sure there's any way you can really know. It might be interesting to try and get back into the state of mind I was in when I would read the anime that first really—to use the cliché—blew my mind, that moved me in ways that I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. And this would be to go back to directors like Nagahama, and a time when I would be really swept away and not really understand why and what was affecting me so profoundly. Directing then becomes part of a larger project to kind of test and explore those areas. The downside of that is because it's rooted in a very personal response, I think there is something idiosyncratic or eccentric about my relationship with anime that isn't shared by the large majority of anime fans. I think what they get out of anime doesn't map exactly onto what I get out of anime. It means that the kind of anime I write doesn't necessarily chime with what a large readership finds interesting or appealing. Or I just write shit. It's hard to know. It's one of the two, certainly. What's your next question?

"Function" seems a very utilitarian way of putting it, doesn't it? Yes, I do find puns fascinating. I mean, they are rarely funny, except in a kind of meta-way. You know, sometimes the worst puns and the most groan-worthy creaking jokes become funny when you think that someone would find them funny. Beyond that, there's an obvious point to make, puns are language alive. They're language in motion, there's something that we can dignify by talking about what James Joyce, for instance, as a writer did with language. Joyce's scholars rarely talk about what Joyce does in terms of punning because punning seems low-brow and vulgar but that is what he is doing, but he's doing it because he's fascinated by language as a living metamorphosis, in the ways it is coiling, turning back and biting itself and so on. I'm fascinated by that too. I find it invigorating. It can become kind of a mental habit, when your mind is always kind of communing with itself, linguistically, to see how language works. Takahata is like that as well, Isao Takahata, an underrated Japanese showist, a showist entirely aware not only of the comic mode in which he's working, but a very speculative showist, a showist who writes anime shows, a very punning showist. What was the question, remind me?


If this is a reverse psychology trap I'm falling right into it.

No it isn't! Please believe me!

I bought each volume as I found them at Future Shop, this was back when they actually had a little anime section. Looking back I consider myself lucky I was able to find all six volumes in store. As it was I had to wait a couple months to find Volumes 3&4 when I had already bought Volumes 1-2 & 5-6. First anime series I ever bought.

Same here. It was already completely available at FYE when I got into the collecting madness and I had most likely just missed the incredibly coveted collection box. I saw all the super cute DVD covers of Cardcaptor Sakura (and Cardcaptors right next to it which I somehow had the intuition must have been a million times worse just by reading the descriptions on the covers) and dreamed of the day I could own that whole damned thing.
That and Saint Tail. As much as I miss those wonderous days of discovering new shows every day, I don't really miss those prices. Recency Bias seems to have caused a lot of quirky fun 90s shows to be ignored though.


In this depressed state of the industry. in a world that we have to crowdfund humanity's last gasp... the men of darkness hide behind light - they use ponies to get us to stop fighting. they used moe to get us to squee. the ad men only care how many brownie points they can score for the ad men as the same ad men, thinking there Jon Hamm from Mad Men run roughshod over every single part of the business, if there not asking for escorts to dance at a GDC event, there asking reporters to show their racks. There is no tact. no respect. and government's waiting, just waiting to get there hands on the video games just as much they have with the US animation industry got plenty of ammo. Wrong Phase right?

We live in interesting days.

So - I give this link as a reminder.

Two years ago I had a dream to be like Garry Whitta. I care little of his politics but as a writer, well. All I wanted was a chance. I never got it. Because the world are full of beta males who do nothing but pray on the weak. I get it. That's the world we have now. But I remember a day that evils reminders weren't on a TV show name girls, a man name Adam and his cum infested mind genterfided the city because he was white and had no crime on his record.

The post concerning what New York was before Guliani reminded me of what type of evil existed back then. And how its sugarcoated, candy sweet now. I hate it. It fake. Its why we gravitate to Metal gear solid, and to demon souls, and to dark souls, and to fist of the north star, and to others because that - in its own words, and it its own nature told us the nature of the evil we faced. And now everybody wants to get porn without the parts. blanked out. non existant. its a joke. NTR is a joke. and all you folks that fall for Crunchyfails/Sabans/Funi racist, anti human bullshit arnt helping matters. CGI future? You don't even have a fucking present when they cheat at fundamental maths tests! How much more CGI future?

People consider me a asshole. That's fine. Media Infected? some stupid opinion of a dude who never even seen a womans baby canal before and rejected it because it was the right thing to do - and now has a job promoting 15 year old proto racists that do nothing but make funny noises and do proto lesbian things 10 out of the 12 episodes.

But, at the end I stood my ground. I said what I wanted to say. I feel that the world doesn't have a place for those that think different. They just want us dead and gone. Because they don't know when it feels real.


This was the reason why I supported the Thundercats series.
And now that is gone. My only hope left - the only lifeline to give back to a industry that gave me my sanity is gone.

That's my cross to bare. Im a good Friday dude. The world never left the darkness that day. Its still there. And that coffin is still closed.

Not sure how rehashing Thundercats was thinking differently?
Also I like how you elegantly tied Good Friday to the whole thing. Very topical.


Unbelievable time distortions, space is the place go down that lonesome highway, but don't be hypnotized reincarnation doesn't have to be; you can concentrate and you can mental telepathy.


GTO 36

In which Fuyutsuki suffers from the inevitable beauty mania, and a-cup angst, and her feelings for Onizuka, and totally ruins her looks, and Ms. Kadena attempts, with little success, to save her from herself.

The Okinawa Arc is underway, kids. Get ready for the ride. Meanwhile, Kaname's class will be taking a side trip to Khanka.


By the way Novid, I actually understand what you are trying to say, but moe and all the fanservicey shit and immature journalism was always there and will never stop being there. The media and entertainment industry will ALWAYS go to where the money is. when peoples' tastes change, they will change with it. Thundercats living or dying really had nothing to do with it and everything to do with people just not liking thundercats as much as you hoped they would. It had its time of relevance and you should remember fondly your experiences with it. But its not around anymore. Thats just how it is. Why do you think I don't play videogames much anymore? the industry passed me by, thats why. It is what it is.


There are some gauntlets being thrown down in this beiatch.
I'll be honest. The #1 reason I want to keep trying to get into Haganai is to discover why these two ladies are so fought over in particular. Yozora vs Meat seems like one of the ultimate waifu battles of our time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yozora is a bully, plain and simple. Bullies should not be tolerated.

Stop putting the pussy on the pedestal and put meat on it instead.


Junior Member

Oh man...what a great send-off episode :( Sorachi stahp with these awesome stories already!!

This episode had great moments from the cast :)

Plus lol, Katsura was on stand-by for two months. Damn.

Can't wait for the movie. I hope they take a longer break this time so they can animate more episodes without reruns next time. Still, I will miss it.


The #1 reason I want to keep trying to get into Haganai is to discover why these two ladies are so fought over in particular. Yozora vs Meat seems like one of the ultimate waifu battles of our time.
It does? So you've already discovered why, but haven't?

Frankly the whole thing is stupid, none of the girls in Hagenai even have a reason to be social outcasts in the first place, except maybe Yozora who's just overall a very nasty person and as such should be shunned by her peers.

But anyways, I've always found the more fascinating thing behind this harem shit anime isn't so much why are the girls being fought over, they usually make that more or less easy to ascertain, it's why now? Why are they not already taken? How did they not develop into people until some blank slate with a penis walked through their classroom door? It's this weird scenario that always leaves me perplexed.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Yozora is a bully, plain and simple. Bullies should not be tolerated.

Stop putting the pussy on the pedestal and put meat on it instead.

I thought one of the big "things " about Haganai is that everyone is sorta an unlikeable asshole and that's why they have no friends.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought one of the big "things " about Haganai is that everyone is sorta an unlikeable asshole and that's why they have no friends.

Only Yozora has an actual unlikeable trait.

The rest are varying degrees of strange and creepy, but not antagonizing.


Gao Gai Gar 36

GEKIRYUJIN!! Man, the list of robot warriors just keeps on growing. These Primevals are gonna have to really pull out the stops in the next twenty whatever episodes, otherwise they're gonna get their butts handed to them by the ever increasing robot military.

Also, are the Pliers okay? Did they ever even bother reviving those losers?


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm surprised no one has made a compilation of all the different hairstyles/looks of Rikka this season.


I didn't like Rikka in Season 1 but she is my favorite character in Hanagai now. She is kinda similar to Ami in Toradora, as the person who has full grasp on a whole situation.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Futari wa Precure] 09

Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo Mepo Mipo *explodes*
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