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Indie Games [April] Now Voting - Post 635!


Awesome thread Toma! Thanks for your approval to post this.

I just wanted to direct people's attention to keep an eye on GAF's very own Indie Dev thread. Quite a few indie games get announced there now and the small teams would love it if their game announcements ended up in this thread somehow. Most just want more feedback on their efforts :)

My bro and fellow gaffer Paz just announced his in-development solo/local co-op arena shooter: Assault Android Cactus

It's coming for PC/Mac/Linux :)

I also really like the recently released Chopper Mike. It's a deceptively simple looking, level based navigation puzzle game. I bought it on iOS but it's out on basically every platform. Here is Razu's iOS/Android announcement post.

Another reason to invite Indie Dev GAF over is the occasional freebies they give out, like Razu did for Chopper Mike recently.

There is so much variety, please take the time to look it over and invite the devs in. It's all a little intimidating but they're just people making cool stuff on their own time and would love to be made welcome here :)

Thanks man! Yeah, Chopper Mike, (more info), is out on PC, (Desura link) and submitted for Mac App Store. Ouya version should be submitted next week!!

If you'd like a free PC copy on Desura, email "GET TO DA CHOPPA!!" to VAMflax@VAMflax.com :D


Great thread. Put a few games on my wish list. Also that race to mars game looks fantastic. too bad its for next year.


grabbed this
Thanks for the game, will give it a shot when I get home later (to a pc capable of playing it)


Toma, any interest in starting a 'survival-sand box type' list thread?
(Games like Starbound, Gnormaria, Edge of Space, darkout etc)

Although the genre is old in regards with certain games, it's been getting quite alot of love lately and I know I'm missing a few, so maybe having a community effort to make a list could help.


After playing some Horror/Surreal games from the RPG Maker community (like Ib, Yume Nikki and Mad Father), I decided to look for some other RPG Maker games to play again (didn't play games from this engine for about 2 or 3 years).

Anyway, I started Assembling The Void and from what I've played, it's really fun. The main concept behind this game is puzzles and there are some good mechanics combined with that. The Battle System is strongly influenced by Secret of Mana and similar games, and it really works surprisingly well. Great respect also for making almost every single tile or sprite by himself.

Go get it here, the creator of this game just released a demo version that lasts about 2 hours.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
We're indie.... So please play our game... for free:

Quote to reveal[/email]

Took that one:

I don't know why I've been avoiding this thread until now, it's great.

Because it was created by that dumbass poster. I can totally understand that. I didnt want to get in here either as well.


The Dev of Memory of a Broken Dimension has released a demo build he constructed last November.

Windows version

Mac version

He warns its not very representative of how the game is now, but I can't wait to get a look at how it's progressed. Downloading now.

This is out of this world!!!

Finished the demo few minutes ago and my hands are still trembling.
Too bad I have to wake up early in the morning.
Monaco is finally coming out (April 24th)? Hallelujah.

I would have to pretty much abandon retail games altogether (haven't bought one this whole year though, so could be easy) if I want to give all these games a try! Right now have exams coming so I've slowed down, but Toma is super dedicated and he does an amazing job with these threads. I just want to congratulate him.

Future indie games I'm super stoked for:

Knock Knock
Gone Home
The Witness
Everybody's Gone to Rapture (not sure if 2013)
Broken Age
Broken Sword: Serpent's Curse
Ithaka of the Clouds
Daily VESPER.5 reminder. If this is my task for this thread, well then so be it.

Also, you should all snag a free copy of Ishi if you can, I got it for my iPod a while back and it is very addictive.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Daily VESPER.5 reminder. If this is my task for this thread, well then so be it.

Also, you should all snag a free copy of Ishi if you can, I got it for my iPod a while back and it is very addictive.

I'd completely forget about it. I guess this is my personal experience with the game. How I need to be dragged along to get to my spiritual salvation.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Toma needs a new title.. friend of indie or something :D

"Indie Connoisseur" please ;p I dont think the mods will go out of their way tagging people like that, though. Cant remember anyone recently getting tags like these. The last one I do remember was someone who made a thread for adventure games or something? But whatever.

On a different note:
I should play some games in the OP and give some impressions when I get to it.

I'll just start go through it alphabetically.

Short writeup for A Nation of Wind:
I really like the concept and genre blending here (Arena Shooter, RTS, Tower Defense, Sim). You basically steer your ship around a level in which you need to take care of the enemies appearing with your board cannons. And while you do that, you put down buildings and try to achieve certain goals. The game has an overworld map which consists of several "levels" that each contain islands, and you need to build strong enough defenses on these islands to withstand constant enemy onslaughts, even when you are not in that level yourself. To achieve that you need to build up an economy which pays for all the ship upgrades and buildings you need to buy. The game isnt actually terribly complicated, but lets just say that its a bit tricky to get into it if you dont even understand how you need to approach the game. If the game looks interesting to you, I recommend checking out these youtube videos below:


Took me a while to find some decent ones. Most videos are just quick first impressions where people just skip the tutorial and are surprised that they have no clue how to play the game. Though to be fair, although its well made, its not exactly perfect for introducing the player to how the gameplay mechanics actually need to be used to achieve the goals. The controls are a bit floaty too, unfortunately it takes a while to get accustomed to the UI and the controls.

Fun game though, once you actually get into it. Its cool to see your small villages develop.


Hey Toma, I think the OP should really add in some prominent or interesting Indie kickstarter/indiegogo campaigns as well. I know it's a bit of a list to compile, but some of these games do needs a bit more exposure. Planet Explorers kickstarter for one. They even mentioned needing some more exposure on NeoGAF in their latest kickstarter update.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hey Toma, I think the OP should really add in some prominent or interesting Indie kickstarter/indiegogo campaigns as well. I know it's a bit of a list to compile, but some of these games do needs a bit more exposure. Planet Explorers kickstarter for one. They even mentioned needing some more exposure on NeoGAF in their latest kickstarter update.

I did that for the march thread, but got the impression people didnt care much, especially since the thread is long as hell anyway. If I compile something for the OP and it takes me quite a bit of time to do, but then nobody looks at it... I dont really see the merit. Besides, wasnt there a thread for gaming Kickstarters? Not trying to dismiss your idea or anything, just talking about the feasability and usefulness. Another idea would be a thread dedicated to that Kickstarter. Take the basic information from the march thread and add a few more links for the gameplay/screenshots.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Pfft Toma, rather do a sensible thread like the one I suggested :p

Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot to reply to you. I think that would make for a good thread as well,but I think we know most of the heavy hitters from that genre already. I wont stop anyone making such a thread, but I'll focus on the Indie threads in 2013, and if no one else did these kind of threads, maybe put out a thread like the one you mentioned with some more obscure titles from these threads after 2013.


Pfft Toma, rather do a sensible thread like the one I suggested :p

Or you could look through the Indie thread and become a part of the community looking for those types of games :p Also, if you're looking for survival/sandbox games, take a look at Planet Explorers! Sandbox/survival with player-generated content like vehicles and weapons. ;)

I did that for the march thread, but got the impression people didnt care much, especially since the thread is long as hell anyway. If I compile something for the OP and it takes me quite a bit of time to do, but then nobody looks at it... I dont really see the merit. Besides, wasnt there a thread for gaming Kickstarters? Not trying to dismiss your idea or anything, just talking about the feasability and usefulness. Another idea would be a thread dedicated to that Kickstarter. Take the basic information from the march thread and add a few more links for the gameplay/screenshots.

Yeah, creating a thread would probably be a good idea, I shall look into that. The gaming kickstarts thread can be very in-active. Maybe the kickstarters would be better left as small announcements or plugs in this thread, instead of in the OP. Exposure during the course of the thread is probably better for a lot of the games anyway, and might be easier for people to catch.

I gotta say I didn't really think about the list not being noticed in the OP as I read through it myself last thread, and the small updates section lead me to take a look at StarSector.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Thread won't be complete until Toma catalogues every game ever made and every game in development.

With the rate we are going atm, I wouldnt be surprised that these threads will be the most conclusive Indie Game compilation of 2013 on the whole wide internet. I can see some doing a top 100 list, but we'll have a very comprehensive ~500 game list if these threads keep growing at the same rate.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Yeah, creating a thread would probably be a good idea, I shall look into that. The gaming kickstarts thread can be very in-active. Maybe the kickstarters would be better left as small announcements or plugs in this thread, instead of in the OP. Exposure during the course of the thread is probably better for a lot of the games anyway, and might be easier for people to catch.

I gotta say I didn't really think about the list not being noticed in the OP as I read through it myself last thread, and the small updates section lead me to take a look at StarSector.

Feel free to be vocal about the game/Kickstarter in this thread once in a while. Make sure to add a picture to the posts, its more eye-catching.

I am glad that someone looked at it, but yeah I am just going by feedback I got during the thread. If NO one ever mentions something I am writing up then yeah, I kinda get the impression no one is looking at it. If the thread had the same views in march, but no one posted in it, I probably wouldnt have created the april one either. I dont want this whole thread series to turn into one-way traffic.


Feel free to be vocal about the game/Kickstarter in this thread once in a while. Make sure to add a picture to the posts, its more eye-catching.

I am glad that someone looked at it, but yeah I am just going by feedback I got during the thread. If NO one ever mentions something I am writing up then yeah, I kinda get the impression no one is looking at it. If the thread had the same views in march, but no one posted in it, I probably wouldnt have created the april one either. I dont want this whole thread series to turn into one-way traffic.

That's quite fair, wouldn't want you to go to all the trouble for no-one to discuss things. I for one am quite glad for the thread, I've discovered quite a large number of games to play through here.

Well I'll just do a quick plug for it anyway, because I would like to see the game come to full fruition. It has some interesting concepts and a fair amount of them are already implemented.
Planet Explorers - Currently Free Alpha (PC)
Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1757963851/planet-explorers
Voxel-based sandbox survival game, in a sci-fi setting, with giants shooting lasers? What more could you want. Build a base, build vehicles, and weapons, and design them yourselves in the creation toolbox.

Seriously, check out some of the user-generated content that the devs are showcasing in the kickstarter. If this could get a decent following, it would make for a very interesting experience with modding and user-created vehicles and weapons.
Alpha 0.52 download - LINK


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
That's quite fair, wouldn't want you to go to all the trouble for no-one to discuss things. I for one am quite glad for the thread, I've discovered quite a large number of games to play through here.

Well I'll just do a quick plug for it anyway, because I would like to see the game come to full fruition. It has some interesting concepts and a fair amount of them are already implemented.
Planet Explorers - Currently Free Alpha (PC)
Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1757963851/planet-explorers
Voxel-based sandbox survival game, in a sci-fi setting, with giants shooting lasers? What more could you want. Build a base, build vehicles, and weapons, and design them yourselves in the creation toolbox.

Seriously, check out some of the user-generated content that the devs are showcasing in the kickstarter. If this could get a decent following, it would make for a very interesting experience with modding and user-created vehicles and weapons.

You should probably out the dl link for the alpha directly in the post. :) Makes it easier for people to just "click" and dl. Put it at the end with some bolded words before it.


You should probably out the dl link for the alpha directly in the post. :) Makes it easier for people to just "click" and dl. Put it at the end with some bolded words before it.

Edited to have a link to a download mirror for the second-latest alpha build, for some reason the latest one wasn't working for me on IndieDB. The latest is 0.53, but 0.52 should give people a decent look at the game in general.


Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot to reply to you. I think that would make for a good thread as well,but I think we know most of the heavy hitters from that genre already. I wont stop anyone making such a thread, but I'll focus on the Indie threads in 2013, and if no one else did these kind of threads, maybe put out a thread like the one you mentioned with some more obscure titles from these threads after 2013.

Yeah guess there might only be heavy hitters at this stage .. or we'd have heard of them heh

Or you could look through the Indie thread and become a part of the community looking for those types of games :p Also, if you're looking for survival/sandbox games, take a look at Planet Explorers! Sandbox/survival with player-generated content like vehicles and weapons. ;)

Lol guess that would be the best option building the list aswell. I actually been playing Planet explorers since the first release, although the game needs a huge boost in polish atm.
"Indie Connoisseur" please ;p I dont think the mods will go out of their way tagging people like that, though. Cant remember anyone recently getting tags like these. The last one I do remember was someone who made a thread for adventure games or something? But whatever.
Well, Dark Schala got a tag for writing walls of text a lot about RPGs, so there's that, I guess? Keep writing walls of text about indies, I'm sure you too can be an Eloquent Princess. We'll even hire a surgeon for the sex change operation :D


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
If I go through the whole list, writing up my impressions, I should probably collect them all in one post somewhere. Started with A Nation of Wind a few posts above and the next would be Atum I guess.

*mumbles incomprehensibly*


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
According to Twitter, Gorogoa's release date is set for 2014.

Yeah, the Gorogoa version we played was just the alpha basically. And that already managed to come in 4th in our internal ranking. Considering the dev said he learned much in the meantime and will improve on the content in the alpha + finish the story, I cant wait to see how the full game will turn out.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Alright! Some updates incoming. Then I'll take care of last weekends screenshot saturday.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
An random Cart Life post I just found:



See, video games are highly educational. Cart life just taught me that I’m not qualified enough to have children yet. I literally need to get my facts straight for the sake of future generations. Why can’t life have multiple choice answers? Why does it have to be “explain in your own words”?



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
2x0ng (out, free):



This is a weird beast. Its basically a mashup between breakout, roguelikes and adventure games. It has procedurally generated levels, and your task is to destroy the colored barriers to enter the next level, while every level pits some more dangers at you. The graphics and initial impressions make it look rather simple, but dont be surprised to find the actual gameplay rather tense due to the permadeath nature and that you can sometimes meet enemies that you dont know what they are actually doing/how they hurt you. This looks really cool, will need to give it a proper try later.


If you downloaded Memory of a Broken Dimension and still wondering what the hell happened, there's a short preview on Indie Statik that might clarify few things, but I strongly suggest to explore this abstract world by yourself, without any previous knowledge.



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
A little game called Dungeonerations that was enjoyable enough for me to just push through it:

Basically a Binding of Isaac style game. The interesting mechanic here is that you can either keep items for yourself or give them to your son in case you die. When you eventually die, your son can then carry on the fight against the dungeon lords with the items you gave him. This version is very much only in alpha state, considering there are no sounds at all, and not that many upgrades/content to speak of. But I still enjoyed starting up the orchestrated Zelda soundtrack:

and then defeating the final boss! That was kinda neat. With some more powerups, enemy/player hurt sprites and sounds this game could be quite interesting. In its currents state its unfortunately missing a bit too much.

Spoiler if you want to know when best to return to your child:
If you got the green key -> Child
If you got the red key and the weapon powerup which is in the green area -> Child
Leave the red and green key with your child (in case you die at the boss)
After that, try to stay high on health and take down the archfiend!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Wah, I was almost dismissing this game due to my first, highly uneducated impression. Good thing I checked it nonetheless:

Burn & Turn:


The game seems to be getting all kinds of exposure, considering its basically on every platform ever and even Edge reviewed it. Crazy fun Arcade action game about saving princesses and grabbing loot. Give this game a try!
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