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The Player 1 Podcast Topic

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you

With a little more organized bullying I bet we can get it up to three podcasts
Note that I won't be on the PAX podcasts, so each episode only counts as about 3/5 of a show.


We're hoping to rope in some actual talent during the PAX shows. If nothing else, the guest hosts will be taller...


Note that I won't be on the PAX podcasts, so each episode only counts as about 3/5 of a show.

This is really going to screw with my ongoing "only the Phil parts" supercut, which is already, like, 1/5 of you in character rather than yourself. Record the outro, at least, to keep Just The Philler alive.


Subete no aware
He and mik can debate the finer points of EA/Maxis's online strategy while Phil moderates.
I'm sure mik could find a more engaging debate by yelling at a wall. lol

Devastated :(

famousmortimer... firehawk12... I'm pleading with you guys out since you're in this thread. Save me from P1P's incompetence with some podcasts pls

I actually recorded one this weekend. I assume it'll get posted in a few days!


It was great to meet 1/2 of the Player One crew today. I wish I'd already known about the Retronauts Kickstarter so I could have nagged you to do one as well :)

Enjoy the rest of PAX!


Subete no aware
"Who are these old guys that you're sitting with?"

I did find it kind of funny that Patrick would in one breath say that DmC is a great game and then feel that DS3 is a betrayal of the "Dead Space" brand. It's just interesting to see what happens when someone changes what you care about anyway.


mik is unbeatable
The random guy who walked up and started gushing to Patrick- that was hard to listen to.
It was. I want to look up the podcast/website he said he was from and ask if he knew that he ignorantly and rudely ignored two people he probably should have had as much knowledge of as Klepek if he's an aspiring "games journo."

Whatever. Kids these days.


It was. I want to look up the podcast/website he said he was from and ask if he knew that he ignorantly and rudely ignored two people he probably should have had as much knowledge of as Klepek if he's an aspiring "games journo."

Whatever. Kids these days.

It's been almost 10 years since I've been out of games journalism. So I wouldn't blame the guy if he didn't know us. I probably wouldn't recognize most of the game journalists that left to do something else unless I'd worked with them directly.

And the recording device was on the floor and it probably wasn't completely obvious we weren't just chatting. Totally fine w/me.

BTW we did another episode today and it is up now. Since I'm leaving Boston in the early morning that is it from PAX!


mik is unbeatable

It's been almost 10 years since I've been out of games journalism. So I wouldn't blame the guy if he didn't know us. I probably wouldn't recognize most of the game journalists that left to do something else unless I'd worked with them directly.

And the recording device was on the floor and it probably wasn't completely obvious we weren't just chatting. Totally fine w/me.

I know you'd be totally fine with it. It's my job to be indignant on your behalf. DO NOT TAKE THIS FROM ME, CJ!


Subete no aware
Clearly mik has cutouts of the guys from Giantbomb and pretends to do a Bombcast every week, silently wishing he was Patrick Klepeck.
Episode 334a: PAX East 01

This week! We'll be doing two episodes (at least) this weekend. In this first episode, we welcome guest Patrick Klepek of Giant Bomb to talk about Sim City, the changing face of games journalism and the role of community, AAA games/publishers, the next generation and more!

Direct Download

Episode 334b: PAX East 02

This week! CJ and Greg find a quiet corner of PAX East and record a little bit of show, the second of our PAX East episodes (make sure you download and listen to the other one too). In this one, we talk about iRacing, Pikachu 3DS XLs, LEGO City Undercover, Fire Emblem Awakening, street passing, DuckTales, and more!

Direct Download

Thank you CJ, Greg and Patrick for the episodes. I hope you all have safe trips home.

Quick question, though: I assume that there won't be a regular episode recorded this week? I don't wish to sound like I'm being ungrateful, I just want to know whether to not expect another dose until next week.

You do realize that I'm having to resort to listening to Points of Articulation in order to get my Phil fix, don't you? DON'T YOU?!?!?
What the hell was that book that guy was shilling? Something about having sex with crows? I've never been to PAX, but I didn't know it was the sort of place where it's acceptable to walk up to another human being and say, "You gentlemen look like you enjoy sci-fi. Here's my self-published novel about fucking birds."
With this Pikachu 3DS, how many 3DS systems do you have CJ?

Listening to the 2nd one now.

Damn it Greg, you should have taken Shane's games and raffle them to the community.
The Patrick interview was the first time I've heard someone talk about 3rd parties picking sides next gen with a big increase in 3rd party exclusives. It seemed like everyone figured we would get even less 3rd party exclusives next gen

Oh message boards will be so much fun if EA and Activision start picking sides, besides picking the "not nintendo side" :p


Third parties selling exclusive rights seems to be something that a lot of people are predicting lately. There are even non-idiotic people whispering about Madden exclusivity. I don't think the NFL would ever go for it but MLB did so who knows.


Third parties selling exclusive rights seems to be something that a lot of people are predicting lately. There are even non-idiotic people whispering about Madden exclusivity. I don't think the NFL would ever go for it but MLB did so who knows.

The MLB didn't though, there's still 2K.


I didn't mind that the Stick Skills guy didn't say anything to us. He was extremely nervous to begin with, and I'm sure he was just concentrating on not making a fool of himself in front of someone he so obviously looks up to.

CJ and I got recognized a couple times on the floor, which was way more than I expected and was a really big ego boost.

But I do like that mik's indignant for us.

There should be a regular episode recorded this week. Might be a bit late based on CJ's travel schedule, though.


mik is unbeatable
There should be a regular episode recorded this week. Might be a bit late based on CJ's travel schedule, though.

That and some of us like to celebrate that one time Jesus rolled a rock out of the way and partied like an undead rock star.
I didn't mind that the Stick Skills guy didn't say anything to us. He was extremely nervous to begin with, and I'm sure he was just concentrating on not making a fool of himself in front of someone he so obviously looks up to.

Heh, weirdly enough, I write for that site. I haven't had a chance to listen to the PAX podcasts so I've no idea who it was though, quite a few from our site were there.

Clearly I have to better educate the other writers on the site.


After reading about the guy who had a nerdgasm over Patrick, I thought it was going to be much worse than it was. Maybe it helped that I was bracing for "terrible" :)

As for Patrick, after seeing him on the Internet forever (i.e.: I remember watching Aggressive Bush Jumping videos... and his ridiculous skills in DDR), it's really impressive to see how he's grown over the years. Clearly he's developed into one of the big names in terms of hard-work reporting on the industry... but it also seems like every time I listen to him he seems to be more thoughtful and less hyperactive :)

Also, I'm wondering how people feel about PAX lineups. Seems like a really cool event, but I'm wondering what sort of divide there is between waiting in line and actually playing games.


New episode is up! April Fools!

#335 - Those Magnificent Racists and Their Flying Machines

This week! More AAA games than you can shake two sticks at. We talk about Bioshock Infinite (minor spoiler talk covering the first ~hour of the game), Tomb Raider, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, LEGO City Undercover, HarmoKnight, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and so much more. All crammed into a little over an hour of video game talk you cannot afford to miss. Join us, won't you?

Blog - http://www.playeronepodcast.com/335
Audio - http://traffic.libsyn.com/playerone/04_01_13-Episode335.mp3
Video - Coming...tomorrow? Something like that.


New episode is up! April Fools!

#335 - Those Magnificent Racists and Their Flying Machines

This week! More AAA games than you can shake two sticks at. We talk about Bioshock Infinite (minor spoiler talk covering the first ~hour of the game), Tomb Raider, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, LEGO City Undercover, HarmoKnight, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and so much more. All crammed into a little over an hour of video game talk you cannot afford to miss. Join us, won't you?

Blog - http://www.playeronepodcast.com/335
Audio - http://traffic.libsyn.com/playerone/04_01_13-Episode335.mp3
Video - Coming...tomorrow? Something like that.
Sweetness! Thanks for doing the videos. That's usually the way I roll these days. Adds another element to the show. Thanks CJ!
Thanks to CJ one of my friends spent countless hours trying to get sonic on SSMB.

He actually achieved the task of getting 20 points in cruel melee, was it?

It didn't help that English is not our primary language and couldn't make that it was an april fools joke at the time.

Thank you, Obama (CJ)


I love stories like that because we worked quite hard on making the images believable enough and the scenario believable enough to really screw with people. :) And sorry your friend spent so long trying that and achieving it only to be let down. I'm sure the look on his face was priceless.

Holy shit

Near Keany Square,[4] at 529 Commercial Street, a huge molasses tank 50 ft (15 m) tall, 90 ft (27 m) in diameter and containing as much as 2,300,000 US gal (8,700 m3) collapsed. Witnesses stated that as it collapsed, there was a loud rumbling sound, like a machine gun as the rivets shot out of the tank, and that the ground shook as if a train were passing by.[5]

The collapse unleashed an immense wave of molasses between 8 and 15 ft (2.5 and 4.5 m) high, moving at 35 mph (56 km/h), and exerting a pressure of 2 ton/ft² (200 kPa).[6] The molasses wave was of sufficient force to damage the girders of the adjacent Boston Elevated Railway's Atlantic Avenue structure and tip a railroad car momentarily off the tracks. Nearby, buildings were swept off their foundations and crushed. Several blocks were flooded to a depth of 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm). As described by author Stephen Puleo:

Molasses, waist deep, covered the street and swirled and bubbled about the wreckage. Here and there struggled a form — whether it was animal or human being was impossible to tell. Only an upheaval, a thrashing about in the sticky mass, showed where any life was... Horses died like so many flies on sticky fly-paper. The more they struggled, the deeper in the mess they were ensnared. Human beings — men and women — suffered likewise.[7]

The Boston Globe reported that people "were picked up by a rush of air and hurled many feet." Others had debris hurled at them from the rush of sweet-smelling air. A truck was picked up and hurled into Boston Harbor. Approximately 150 were injured; 21 people and several horses were killed — some were crushed and drowned by the molasses. The wounded included people, horses, and dogs; coughing fits became one of the most common ailments after the initial blast.

Anthony di Stasio, walking homeward with his sisters from the Michelangelo School, was picked up by the wave and carried, tumbling on its crest, almost as though he were surfing. Then he grounded and the molasses rolled him like a pebble as the wave diminished. He heard his mother call his name and couldn't answer, his throat was so clogged with the smothering goo. He passed out, then opened his eyes to find three of his four sisters staring at him.[1]
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