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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Girls Bravo 20

Maharu comes back and terrorizes the school festival. Note that Maharu is not Kosame, and the school festival is not Kirie. So this episode fails.
Eh, really? I know the character sprites did, but I don't remember the event CGs blinking. Well, I might just be misremembering though.

oh you're talking about event cgs ! Then you're right sao is the first i know that use those ..

Well now your post made sense to me since it's been a while since we have fully animated sprites for Vn dialogs now ..

Indeed SAo innovates.


Gintama' Four Devas of Kabuikcho Arc

The way you guys were hyping this up, I was expecting to be disappointed. That's typically the way it goes. Fortunately, I was not. Wow, what an amazing arc. So wonderfully executed. It's as close to perfection as Gintama has gotten. Funny comedy, stunning animation, great emotion, it had it all. Just so much fun. The way all the characters from the little Kabuki side stories all came together for this was great.

If I had a couple, super minor, complaints the first would be it honestly felt a bit too short. There were aspects they could have shown us a bit more of and just let it breath. The massive battles would have worked better if they were a hair longer. Another thing is the Four Devas were really poorly setup. Their existence felt cobbled together and really MacGuffin-y. They could have really used like an episode or two in a previous arc to set up and establish their presence. My most major complaint is I sort of hated Pirako. Her personality was annoying and terrible. Honestly, I'm surprised her emotional journey and story ended up working for me as I really didn't like her. Shows the real strength of the writing here to accomplish that.

Overall, so awesome. I haven't felt this super jazzed about Gintama since Benizakura. I've always loved it, but nothing has reached that level for me until Four Devas.

Finally, Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot) is amazing and possibly my favorite piece of Gintama music. Goes so well with the arc.

Good good, now just you just wait for the Courtesian of Nation Arc which is HOLY FUCKING SHIT. It even have another Spyair song.


Mobile Fighter God Gundam 46

Gundam tentacle raping Rain. Mr. Wong's amazing Deal With It.gif moment! The Boss' Master Asia's horse! Blood freaking everywhere in a show that once hesitated to use the word "kill"! So much damn Rain on Domon shipping I'm freaking astounded! Domon in a "what was it all for?" moment!

Tamako Market 3


This was definitely the best episode so far, as it introduced and satisfyingly developed a thoroughly endearing character. The episode, as a whole, was impressively balanced and well-paced, moving between Shiori’s intriguing development and a plethora of seemingly mundane and often tangential interactions rather skillfully, culminating with Tamako and Shiori’s conversation, which essentially wove these slightly disparate elements into one interconnected whole. The methodical pacing has been quite refreshing, particularly in this episode, but if the relative absence of a narrative persists, this particular element could eventually transition into a slightly tedious flaw.

Dera remains thoroughly enjoyable, as he illustrates an interesting differentiation from the predictably inoffensive personalities of the other characters, particularly noticeable in regards to the character interactions, which tend to possess a certain element of surprise whenever he’s directly involved. His failed attempts to
affectionately ingratiate himself with Shiori
, in particular, were hilariously unique to KyoAni’s stylistic tendencies. The most amusing of which was their final moment together, wherein
she detachedly dismisses his vaguely romantic advances
. Kanna continues to provide some of the most effective comedy, since, along with Dera, she easily possesses the most enjoyable personality. Aside from Dera, Kanna, and Shiori, to an extent, the characters remain fairly devoid of compelling characterization, but, thankfully, their interactions don’t suffer as a result. However, I’m hoping this fairly noticeable flaw will be gradually altered as the story progresses.

My favorite sequence was the simplistically poignant scene in which
Shiori shyly attempts to construct an appropriate response to Tamako’s kindness by chaotically rehearsing for her reflection in the mirror
. This momentary rumination beautifully conveyed a plethora of previously unrealized emotions within her development, all of which were excellently accentuated by the wistful musical selection. As such, there’s a certain complexity illuminated within her characterization that is quite intriguing.

Although she’s intermittently enjoyable, Tamako continues to be one of the weaker characters, since, though her characterization is thoroughly defined, her portrayal remains surprisingly thin, as she seems to possess this somewhat naïve indifference towards those around her. As such, she noticeably lacks a particularly compelling personality, relying on a tenuous grasp of the developments that occur in her periphery. This dynamic is rather necessary in order to infuse a sense of intrigue within a potentially heightened focus on her. Thankfully though, she rarely exists as a singular entity worth examining, which has allowed each episode to be quite consistent. As such, this slightly unfortunate monotony within her development, though not entirely detrimental, has been immensely more effective when isolated as a marginally ancillary thread within the story.

The material throughout this episode was delicately handled, striking an impressive balance between it’s comedic elements and the numerous moments of character development. This greatly elevated the execution of the episode as a whole, since, rather than a seemingly meaningless diversion, Shiori’s interwoven development felt essential to the narrative’s progression. It was an excellently simplistic approach towards introducing a character. There’s an inherent intimacy of a friendly nature between the majority of the characters, which beautifully illuminates a subtle connection that is quite satisfying in it’s ability to accentuate an appropriately informal atmosphere. This, in turn, improves the interactions between the primary cast of characters, which has solidified itself as the most impressive aspect of the show.

The restrained direction really complemented the atmosphere present throughout the episode, particularly in relation to Shiori’s character development, since several integral moments were very subtly framed in order to emphasize the
relative isolation that Shiori felt
, thus benefiting the emotion that was filtered into the episode. One of the most impressive directorial touches was the implementation of rather insightful bits of narration from
, as they superbly encompassed the depth in this particular episode. Musically, this episode was surprisingly poignant, as a melancholic tranquility permeated Shiori’s growth throughout.

Visually, this episode was quite beautiful, especially it‘s background art. This, of course, was most evident during the few sequences that lingered on the sakura petals, which were particularly stunning. They slightly elevated the emotion within Shiori’s understated character development, as she
partially shed her emotional fragility as the episode progressed
. The animation was excellent, particularly in it’s illumination of the finer nuances within Shiori’s expressions, which heavily assisted in the portrayal of her rather significant character development throughout this episode. The subtle flickers of movement and emotional flourishes greatly contributed to the effectiveness of numerous moments, such as, most notably, the
conversation between Tamako and Shiori in the coffee shop

Tamako Market continues to be the best show of the season, as the execution has been consistently impressive throughout the first three episodes, excelling especially with it’s dynamic and immensely engaging character interactions. The narrative, at times, is a bit too fragmentary, but, for the most part, the abundance of shifts within the comprehensive perspective throughout the majority of episodes has occasionally improved the story, since, rather than unraveling through a focus solely on Tamako, the variety of partially dichotomous characters and the setting itself are essentially explored through numerous personalities and reactive tendencies that are refreshingly divergent. As a result, the narrative does, in fact, feel rather aimless, lacking in a consistent focus, and yet, despite this slight imperfection, it rarely tends to detract from the story’s quality.


Hey, PoeticProse22 is back!

Yeah, I think you'll really like Little Witch Academia. Highly recommended.


Well, it's "amazing". lol

Ah, "amazing" amazing, okay. haha.

For the most part, we all seem to watch different shows (and Kurt doesn't watch any shows) so it works out in that regard. Love Live and Kotoura-san were the weird crossovers that we could talk about because we just had that in common (except, of course, there really isn't much to talk about with those shows).

Yeah it came across as kind of 50/50 so far. There seemed to be different shows like Saki and some others that you were all watching, or at least two of you to hold a conversation. Then there's times where you're explaining a show to the others or Crazy Canuck is the one explaining things. It did come across like Kurt wasn't watching as much though as he was usually asking questions about shows or making little jokes. He usually seemed to talk more when the conversation drifted to video games or things like when you guys talked about how anime is licensed and sold.

Seeing the Chris Hecker GDC Rant video reminded me of the absurdity of the Sucker Punch guy and his stupid intro for an Infamous game that no one cares about. CAMERAS ARE WATCHING US NOW HERE ARE SOME SUPERHEROES THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I JUST SAID. Videogames really are worse than anime. :p

Haha. I looked this up and I'm not sure if it's the exact video you're talking about but yeah, I hate it when game developers will ramble on about nothing. In the video the one guy's going on and on about the Humvee door and then there's footage from modern warfare with your character opening the door and he's like "You can't just open the door, you have to use it as a frame for all this awesome action." What the heck does that have to do with the door materials and how it protects the soldiers like how you were just going on about though?

I hated that about E3 and I'm glad it's changed where they don't spend the first twenty minutes or so about how awesome their sales were and how much better they are than their competitors and whatever.

Here's that video I was talking about. It's about twelve minutes long and I think you'll really get a chuckle out of it. Things like "so far all I know about Destiny is it's a game where you slide around sunsets and reload weapons" haha. "Regular people don't use the word 'content'. Hey man I got some great content last night. Did you play any good content recently?"

Also, what happened to you Square Enix? That was honestly just embarrassing. I was agreeing with you guys that he almost came across as just a fall man or someone who pulled the short stick or something.

It's funny, because everyone has either light brown, brown, or black hair in jdramas, it's all about hairstyles to differentiate between the characters. So in a way, it's still like anime. :p

Yeah, that's true enough I guess. You also seem to get kind of the character types too where somebody might be the genki one or somebody is more tsundere or something.


Inferior to A's AND pretty much changed the whole formula of the show for the worse.

fuck StrikerS for trying to ruin Nanoha.



So excited.
eldritch ahoge returns.


No Scrubs
Mobile Fighter God Gundam 46

Gundam tentacle raping Rain. Mr. Wong's amazing Deal With It.gif moment! The Boss' Master Asia's horse! Blood freaking everywhere in a show that once hesitated to use the word "kill"! So much damn Rain on Domon shipping I'm freaking astounded! Domon in a "what was it all for?" moment!


Wait for the ending, holy crap man.


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Kinda wanna watch Nyaruko after hearing the OP, but I haven't heard good things about it...
Kinda wanna watch Nyaruko after hearing the OP, but I haven't heard good things about it...

it's a stupid show , it doesn't take itself seriously ..

it's all for the sake of earth entertainment.

It's enjoyable if you like silly comedy and random references everywhere


Kinda wanna watch Nyaruko after hearing the OP, but I haven't heard good things about it...

My thoughts on it:

Episode 1: Whoa this is pretty awesome!
Episode 2: Whoa this is considerably less awesome!
Episode 3: Okay that was a bit better I guess
Episode 4: Eh...
Episode 5: Yeah this kinda sucks I'm out


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
it's a stupid show , it doesn't take itself seriously ..

it's all for the sake of earth entertainment.

It's enjoyable if you like silly comedy and random references everywhere

This would normally convince me, but

not after 8 episode or so...

My thoughts on it:

Episode 1: Whoa this is pretty awesome!
Episode 2: Whoa this is considerably less awesome!
Episode 3: Okay that was a bit better I guess
Episode 4: Eh...
Episode 5: Yeah this kinda sucks I'm out

these make me wary =x

Might give a chance once I clear out some of my backlog.

Andrew J.

That has got to be the very best, most meaningful death I've ever seen in a Gundam show. Oh my GOSH did they do that perfectly. Build up this man, Master Asia, into something I thought for certain we were to hate, make him out to be a total monster, and then, in the end, tear it all down, piece by piece. Show us that he was a man who looked at the damage mankind's false wars had done to the world and, tasked with maintaining order in it, despaired. Show us that he was good, and he loved Domon until the end, and make them send him off together, with one final lesson. Build Master Asia as the perfect monster, and then tear him down until he is the most human of villains this series has ever known. Juxtaposed with the terrible fiend that Dr. Mikamura and Mj. Ulube turned out to be, Master Asia has been a truly noble villain.

Look! The East is burning red!


Mobile Best Damn Gundam Show Ever Episode Fourty FREAKING AWESOME Seven

So in this episode, we had Rain show up in a form highly reminiscent of Yurika's from Martian Successor Nadesico Prince of Darkness, except she came out of a green tentacle mecha vagina. No, that cannot have been unintentional. Anyway, Ulube lays out for us all how he got his mask, his plan, etcetera as he disbands the Gundam fight, turns ALL OF NEO JAPAN'S COLONY INTO A DARK GUNDAM (Yo dawg, I heard you like Gundams, so I put a Gundam on your Gundam on your Gundam so you can Gundam while you Gundam on your Gundam on your Gundam!) And also that Ulube was once utterly trashed by Master Asia, and that is what drove him so completely insane.

Though this episode had hilarious moments like the Statue of Liberty Cannon on the Manhattan Military Island and GORBY II the Space Ship, the absolute best moment of the entire episode is Ulube, caressing Dark Rain tenderly as he mocked Domon.
Master Asia derided the Gundam Fight as something which made light of war, and in that mock-war Ulube came to desire true warfare at the hands of Master Asia. He then took Master Asia's star pupil, and using the father of said pupil's erstwhile girlfriend, triggered the death of the pupil's mother, the imprisonment of the father, and honed Domon and Rain into a dagger he could point right at Master Asia. Then, with Master Asia dead, and Hong Kong's Wong out of the way, he took Rain and used her to revive the Dark Gundam.

So, ultimately, Schwarz Bruder, Wong, Master Asia, and Dr. Mikamura's schemes have ALL played perfectly into the hand of this psychopath, and he explains this all in perfect detail while feeling up Domon's girlfriend before his helpless eyes.


And then
Dr. Mikamura redeems himself by performing his own Heroic Sacrifice to free Dr. Kasshu and blast open a hole in Neo-Japan for Burning Gundam to get inside.


Look! The East is burning red!

I cried man. I don't think a Gundam show has ever actually made me cry before. I got choked up when
Mu and Murrue reunited in Destiny
, but man, that moment. THAT DAMN MOMENT.
First Nyaruko episode was definitely the height of the whole show and goes really down and sometimes back up but not to ep 1 levels again. I mostly watched it for Kana Asumi.


No Scrubs
Mobile Best Damn Gundam Show Ever Episode Fourty FREAKING AWESOME Seven

So in this episode, we had Rain show up in a form highly reminiscent of Yurika's from Martian Successor Nadesico Prince of Darkness, except she came out of a green tentacle mecha vagina. No, that cannot have been unintentional. Anyway, Ulube lays out for us all how he got his mask, his plan, etcetera as he disbands the Gundam fight, turns ALL OF NEO JAPAN'S COLONY INTO A DARK GUNDAM (Yo dawg, I heard you like Gundams, so I put a Gundam on your Gundam on your Gundam so you can Gundam while you Gundam on your Gundam on your Gundam!) And also that Ulube was once utterly trashed by Master Asia, and that is what drove him so completely insane.

Though this episode had hilarious moments like the Statue of Liberty Cannon on the Manhattan Military Island and GORBY II the Space Ship, the absolute best moment of the entire episode is Ulube, caressing Dark Rain tenderly as he mocked Domon.
Master Asia derided the Gundam Fight as something which made light of war, and in that mock-war Ulube came to desire true warfare at the hands of Master Asia. He then took Master Asia's star pupil, and using the father of said pupil's erstwhile girlfriend, triggered the death of the pupil's mother, the imprisonment of the father, and honed Domon and Rain into a dagger he could point right at Master Asia. Then, with Master Asia dead, and Hong Kong's Wong out of the way, he took Rain and used her to revive the Dark Gundam.

So, ultimately, Schwarz Bruder, Wong, Master Asia, and Dr. Mikamura's schemes have ALL played perfectly into the hand of this psychopath, and he explains this all in perfect detail while feeling up Domon's girlfriend before his helpless eyes.


And then
Dr. Mikamura redeems himself by performing his own Heroic Sacrifice to free Dr. Kasshu and blast open a hole in Neo-Japan for Burning Gundam to get inside.


I cried man. I don't think a Gundam show has ever actually made me cry before. I got choked up when
Mu and Murrue reunited in Destiny
, but man, that moment. THAT DAMN MOMENT.

Oh man I have got to do a rewatch. This is what Gundam should be, not that 00 trolling shit.

These hands of ours are burning red!
Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love 2000% - 1 (utapri)

I had watched the episode at work but with volume low so finally got a chance to watch it and blast it and it was just oh so amazing. Rewatched the beginning song multiple times, Maji Love 2000% is as good as Maji Love 1000% and the concert so full of energy. I wish I was there to see it live. Cant wait for the studio version. Then Quartet Night with Poison Kiss? How is it so awesome? Especially the part when
is saying "to the distance my heartbeat is" and he puts his heart and does the heartbeat, and the part with Ai Mikaze and Syo (great interactions throughout the whole thing). Really good song and listened/watched a few times.

Truly its fun and exciting the whole way through and the new interactions and personalities keep it feeling fresh. The pairings of the seniors to STARISH couldnt have been mere coincidence as their paired off with each of the popular pairings...Ittoki and Tokiya (my avy)...Syo and Natsuki...Though I guess Syo and Ai.

I wonder what Cecil has need of them to do and how its destiny changing and if also they will have to somehow have some huge song and performance against Quartet Night, Ranmaru will be hard to please.


Fun fact: I've never cried at any work of fiction. I've been emotionally worked. I've had my stomach turn and in knots. Hell, I've even been choked up at times. But I never unleashed the waterworks. I'm a jaded fuckbag.


Oh man I have got to do a rewatch. This is what Gundam should be, not that 00 trolling shit.

These hands of ours are burning red!

As much as I love, love, love G, UC just defines Gundam for me. Reading "The Origin" gave me goosebumps. So good. It's 0079, but now fleshed out so it actually makes sense. It's going to be amazing to see this get animated.


Fun fact: I've never cried at any work of fiction. I've been emotionally worked. I've had my stomach turn and in knots. Hell, I've even been choked up at times. But I never unleashed the waterworks. I'm a jaded fuckbag.

I'm crying often for fiction work, sometime its just need insert song to make me cry.


I'm crying often for fiction work, sometime its just need insert song to make me cry.

I'd like it to happen at some point. I'd like to have something destroy my emotional wall of crap. It's been cracked before. But so far, nothing. *sigh*

I have Children of Men and Grave of the Fireflies at home waiting for me to watch them. Maybe one of those can do the trick.
Fun fact: I've never cried at any work of fiction. I've been emotionally worked. I've had my stomach turn and in knots. Hell, I've even been choked up at times. But I never unleashed the waterworks. I'm a jaded fuckbag.

I cried to the last episode of Azumanga Daioh, among some other things. We're all sensitive in different ways I guess.


Red Data Girl 1

A dullard Mary Sue is given the beginnings of a reverse harem and some DRAMA.

There is no clear hook to the story or characters and absolutely nothing sticks out in any capacity. My gut feeling tells me to avoid this show at all cost from now on.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 6 (Part B)

Oh god where did this sudden barrage of feels come from? I was not expecting this. ;_;

I'm pretty sure they just made Sae x Hiro official, too.
Detective Conan 174:
Now this is what Conan should be like. The anime team did a great job adapting this case in to a two hour special, and it fits. There's a unique feel to the case that really does make it feel like a movie rather than just a long episode, and you have all of these different plot strands running throughout that converge together towards the end. I have to really praise the anime version above the manga, because the soundtrack for this episode was pretty much perfect. It was beautifully scored, and it went a long ways towards making everything fit perfectly.

When I originally read this case, I was upset that
Heiji gets taken out of things relatively early on and doesn't really contribute at all to the second half of the story
but upon watching it in the anime version, I realize how much better that makes things.
Heiji's absence looms large and is what is able to make everything click into place. Although it is still annoying not to get to see him and Conan work together more in this story.
Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 6 (Part B)

Oh god where did this sudden barrage of feels come from? I was not expecting this. ;_;

I'm pretty sure they just made Sae x Hiro official, too.

This is obvious to anyone even without yuri goggles!

And yeah, this episode got me a little misty-eyed. Something I never thought I'd feel from Hidamari Sketch.


Fun fact: I've never cried at any work of fiction. I've been emotionally worked. I've had my stomach turn and in knots. Hell, I've even been choked up at times. But I never unleashed the waterworks. I'm a jaded fuckbag.

For YEARS the only way to get it to happen to me was to kill off the hero's dog. Otherwise nothing. It's still fairly rare, but I've become an old softie after some adventures of my own.

That's cause you're too busy hhnnnngggghhh-ing at everything.

Mobile Fighter G Gundam 48

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