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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Okay, you know what, I'm not a dick so fuck this.

Mad Pierrot, I'm sorry. I should not have undermined your opinion even though I disagreed by taking a cheap shot. It's rude and uncalled for, and disrespectful. I wouldn't like someone doing that to me, so I shouldn't do it to others. It's just a cartoon, and I don't care enough about it to want you to leave the thread. It's my bad okay?

Do you want to make it something more? The attitude seems unnecessary.

I agree with your philosophy on Death Billiards though.

There's nothing I can do if someone is upset by a casual comment I make with regards to his analysis. Someone else can just as easily tell me that they feel I'm wrong, or I'm full of shit, and offer up why they feel that way. If he does not what to engage in a discussion about it because he was upset by my suggestion that typical anime viewers don't like to think much about their shows they watch, that's already my loss. I like debating stuff like this, and I have lost the ability to.

At no point did I threaten him or ask him to leave because I didn't like his opinions. In fact, I really do like his contributions to the thread, I just disagree entirely with how he interpreted the show. Considering some of the shit we fling at each other in this thread, if everyone reacted this way to every comment I think none of us would be talking to each other!


I've run into my first gilded turd of the night (gilded due to positive reviews stacking up):

Red Data Girl 01:

"Let's shout our feelings at each other for half an hour with absolutely no filter"

If my room had a bridge in it, I'd jump off of it.

Anime Take on Me done right.

...and now i'm gonna have this stuck in my head for days.

It'll be out of your head in...



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 26


Fucking amazing. That's all I can say.


That's... not how I saw the story at all. It seems you took a lot of things too literally and failed to see what the story was really trying to say. The story is much simpler than you make it out to be and if there's something convoluted about it, it's all in your head. It's easy to say something is not thought-provoking if the viewer doesn't really put much thought into it. I guess that's we can expect from a typical anime viewer though. :(

The entire short is just a dramatization of different outlooks in life.

The young man is the sort of person who believes in "luck" and taking stupid risks for short gains, only to feel injustice against himself when things don't go his way by his own recklessness. This is how he has lived his entire life and how he ultimately met his end.

The old man is a person who has lived life to the fullest and made his own luck. He has self confidence and knows how to make things go his way instead of relying on fate or feeling slighted because the world doesn't revolve for him. As his life comes to an end, he accepts it and just wants to feel alive again before moving on.

The "game" is not a competition, but a test of personality to show people who they really are. In the end the young man lost control of everything like he always had in life, and even though he might have "won" the game, he lost at being a human being. The fact that he then whines about it and blames everyone except himself shows what a fucking loser he is. When the old man intercedes on his behalf, that is the final turning point to show that the old man has consistently remained in total control and calls the shots to the end, not because someone gave him power, but because he always put himself in a better position by his own actions.

In the end it doesn't matter who goes to heaven or who goes to hell because the young man is a loser all the way to the end, and the old man moves on knowing that he is his own man all the way to the end. He smiles, and is confident, while the young man is just a total wreck. Who "won" in life is clear for all to see.

I definitely agree with this message of the episode, which the final conversation at the end with the bartender and hostess drove home fairly clearly, and I think that element of personal responsibility came through perfectly clear with young man's speech at the end in that he was incapable of taking responsibility for himself and the consequences for his actions. We never really see him repent for his life, only that he understood he was a bad person. Till the end he raged at how everybody seemingly had a better or atleast uneven starting point without realizing how good his own was until he screwed himself over. That said, there are elements of the episode that have issues such as the actual pool game. They spend too much time establishing the game itself when ultimately it doesn't really matter. Instead of focusing on the game, with the stupid balls, the episode should have focused more on their actual lives. I also feel the little speech the old man had with the bartender was somewhat unnecessary and the focus on the end in regards to what he actually said was pointless as well. It's unnecessary because the point had already been made in regards to who had the control in the situation.
iron man movie

Fun enough. Wish it actually did have a movie budget. The cg and 2d mixing didn't work really well. Final fight was noticeably better looking. Not really a fan of the villain. Gotta love how they apparently evacuated all of shanghai in like 5 min :p

The lack of any movement in 'helmet cam' is kinda jarring though.

A lot of the dumb fanservice could have been woven in better... punisher was cool but kinda pointless.
Death Billiards

I'd have enjoyed it more if it didn't come off as some sort of odd criticism of younger generations. The stoic older man who survived wars is there to show how weak this whiny younger man is. The older man's absurd physical ability even made it a bit silly.
Or maybe my alcohol addled brain is just interpreting this strangely.


Majestic Prince 1


Y'know, this crow's pretty tasty if you just cook it a little bit.

Damn this was pretty entertaining thanks to how cheesy everything is. I can see myself getting tired of the fairly predictable nature of the comedy but they dialled it back towards the end so I doubt that's gonna be much of an issue in the future. The reaction faces are also entertaining in their own way and the characters are pretty varied in their design (sans the Hirai facestamp).

The CG was really fucking good. They did a great job with keeping things dynamic and interesting with all the neat camera angles and movement. Though some of the SFX, most notable the explosions felt kinda flat at times.

Good shit, will watch more.


Death Billiards

I'd have enjoyed it more if it didn't come off as some sort of odd criticism of younger generations. The stoic older man who survived wars is there to show how weak this whiny younger man is. The older man's absurd physical ability even made it a bit silly.
Or maybe my alcohol addled brain is just interpreting this strangely.

No, you're right, the old man had
way more strength than an old man should have.

They definitely should have spent more time on
their lives. Neither is shown doing anything that I'd consider them worthy of eternal punishment for, which makes it hard to care where they ended up going. There wasn't enough time for them to reflect properly.


Death Billiards

I'd have enjoyed it more if it didn't come off as some sort of odd criticism of younger generations. The stoic older man who survived wars is there to show how weak this whiny younger man is. The older man's absurd physical ability even made it a bit silly.
Or maybe my alcohol addled brain is just interpreting this strangely.

Yeah I think that's an interesting angle, especially considering how this is a Young Animators Training Project, and the director himself is a young animator who is making his directorial debut. I wonder if it would be reading too much into it to think there is some sort of insecurity among younger staff in the anime industry when they look up the much older and more successful director/animators.

Food for thought I guess.

Majestic Prince 1


Y'know, this crow's pretty tasty if you just cook it a little bit.

Damn this was pretty entertaining thanks to how cheesy everything is. I can see myself getting tired of the fairly predictable nature of the comedy but they dialled it back towards the end so I doubt that's gonna be much of an issue in the future. The reaction faces are also entertaining in their own way and the characters are pretty varied in their design (sans the Hirai facestamp).

The CG was really fucking good. They did a great job with keeping things dynamic and interesting with all the neat camera angles and movement. Though some of the SFX, most notable the explosions felt kinda flat at times.

Good shit, will watch more.

I am sooooo glad you watched this after Aku no Hana, lol. Maybe that helped bring you on board more! Lololol. >_<

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Jojo's Bizarre Adventure] (2012) 26

I don't even care that episode twenty never happened again. God fucking damn. This fucking show.

Final thoughts: David Production did what they could with what they had. Shit was ugly. Super ugly. Goddamn it was the ugliest thing ever. Five out of five ripples though. Hype as FUCK


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Death Billiards

I'd have enjoyed it more if it didn't come off as some sort of odd criticism of younger generations. The stoic older man who survived wars is there to show how weak this whiny younger man is. The older man's absurd physical ability even made it a bit silly.
Or maybe my alcohol addled brain is just interpreting this strangely.
Nothing in the text supports this.

The old guy wasn't painted as some angel. You guys should pay attention.


Yeah, the old guys painted as a bit of a shit in the flashback.

I am sooooo glad you watched this after Aku no Hana, lol. Maybe that helped bring you on board more! Lololol. >_<
... but I actually kinda like the character designs in Aku no Hana and just how "ugly" they are.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Death Billiards]
I don't think he was saying that the old man is more moral, only that he was more capable. Strong, capable, confident vs weak-willed, whiny, lazy. Etc.
To further argue this point, I thought it was interesting that
Young Man's flashback was done in reverse order, while that of the Old Man was in chronological order up to his death. It seemed to emphasize just how the Old Man was content with how his life had turned out and died with no regrets, whereas the Young Man looked further back as if trying to take solace on the nostalgia of his early days.
I don't think he was saying that the old man is more moral, only that he was more capable. Strong, capable, confident vs weak-willed, whiny, lazy. Etc.

Exactly this,
we don't really know enough about the old man's past to judge his moral standing. It was the contrasting attitudes and mentalities that I was referring to. And even physically, the 30 year old in his prime has to struggle to beat an old man who was a vegetable.


Regarding Death Billiards: duckroll, I'm curious, given your point of view,
what did you think of the bartender's reaction to the young man's rant at the end, what with the hug and all? Since you seem to feel that the man was a "loser to the end", did you see it as pity, or sympathy, or something else? Or was it purely a reaction just to the "you don't know what it's like to be alive" line?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't think he was saying that the old man is more moral, only that he was more capable. Strong, capable, confident vs weak-willed, whiny, lazy. Etc.
I don't think this was a commentary about different generations. The old man has lived a long life that has led him to a calm and cooled demeanor.
Overly so we find out.
If we want to find negative faults we could view him as being selfish. I mean he wants to go home to eat pickles. I bet they are some pretty good pickles but still. He conforms to others around him and is overly passive at times.

The younger guy is more riled up because he has so much more at stake. He still feels as though there is so much of his life left to live, and the opportunity for experiences he had planned could be ripped away. I see his willingness to do what it takes to succeed to be an admirable quality that allows him to operate outside of the perceived rule set.


That's what they said about anime, and look where we are now.

I wouldn't say that anime was necessarily saved judging by any of the episode 1's I've watched tonight.

A lot of them are insulting my intelligence.

Edit: Little Witch Academia was entertaining. Thanks to whoever suggested it. It's a one shot though.


Setec Astronomer
Okay. It's too bad you can't be mature about it, since this thread insults my intelligence every day anyway. You don't hear me bitching like a whiner.

Don't knock your head on the way out. You might also want to take shit less seriously if this really bothers you. Seems like a personal problem to me!
MP isn't the one with maturity problems here.

Duckroll's AnimeGAF, I swear.
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