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Three new U.S. Wii U commercials


needs 2 extra inches



Not picking on your comment in particular, but there have been a few in this line of thought regarding the underlined.

Is this supposed to be some sort of major issue families are facing or something? :S

I mean, I just can't see a father thinking, "My relationship with my kids sure has stagnated, I better buy them this new game console."

Also, lol, with regard to the bolded.

haha, you'd be surprised.

ps. good looking people sell more shit, get shorter prison sentences, and have higher average incomes...the way of the world.


Junior Member
GameCube disk limitations and EA being EA.

Anyway, Nintendo's line up for Wii U at E3 2013 is packed with core first party games.

Which still doesn't reclaim the hardcore market Nintendo had pre-Wii. They are going against everything they said at E3 2011.
Well, I'm not a fan, but I also wasn't that into the "Wii would like to play" commercials. What's more important is if these appeal to their target audience, which I imagine they do well.

I wonder how Nintendo feels about the Wii U name now? I didn't like it, but I thought it'd be good enough if the marketing was there. (I don't think it has been so far...)

Anyway, if it were up to me, I'd love to see some sort of high-concept or thematic series of commercials that emphasized the GamePad. Like, start off with a straight simple shot of a "normal" controller that has a screen quickly grow and expand from the center like it's "busting out". Screen glows with a symbolic "U" with some voiceover giving a tagline like "What's inside U?" (or whatever). Zoom into touch screen until it fills the frame, show commercial for the advertised title, emphasizing its unique GamePad functionality and tying into overall marketing theme (for example, "What's inside U?" could suggest "adventurer" for Zelda, or "soldier" for Call of Duty, kind of like the "Who are you?" campaign). End of commercial, zoom back out until controller is visible, then have some sort of outro animation or whatever, maybe another big "U" or a simple fade out.


"I might give up my other consoles for this."

^ A realistic Wii U fan according to Nintendo

Yeah, that's something that bugs me. Nintendo is a bit too focused on people that don't own any other consoles (which I would assume is a small number). That's why all the Batman "it's not the same game!" stuff didn't help with the Wii U's launch lineup. Most people that would buy a Wii U already own a console whether they're casual or not, so they need original software to drive the system. I don't really see much else helping right now.
No. We will hear something about Iwata March-April 2014. This FY release is for Iwata to enact his "grand strategy" to get Nintendo back into the realm of profitability.

If Nintendo is falling far enough short of the necessary trajectory to reach the 1BY goal for FY2014, there's no reason why he would wait until they report their full FY2014 results.

I don't see how it's impossible that he'll resign this week if the Q4 FY2013 numbers are bad enough, though I wouldn't bet on it.


Serious show of hands though, is this not better than the initial round of dubstep commercials?

Honestly, those desensitized me so much I thought this batch wasn't half bad.
Why didn't they show the console? I think they thought it would have been smart to leech off the Wii name. Now they're trying very hard to get away from it. Too late buddies.

They should be working on rebranding ASAP.


Which still doesn't reclaim the hardcore market Nintendo had pre-Wii. They are going against everything they said at E3 2011.

Reggie at E3 2011: "This console is for U"

"U" Means U as a gamer, which means cores and casuals.

They are doing exactly what they said they would do at E3 2011, this is just the first commercials to be casual focused for Wii U.

If Nintendo is falling far enough short of the necessary trajectory to reach the 1BY goal for FY2014, there's no reason why he would wait until they report their full FY2013 results.

I don't see how it's impossible that he'll resign this week if the Q4 FY2013 numbers are bad enough, though I wouldn't bet on it.

Why does it seem like people want Iwata to leave?


Serious show of hands though, is this not better than the initial round of dubstep commercials?

Honestly, those desensitized me so much I thought this batch wasn't half bad.

These were better, I agree. Not that good intheir own right, but better than the others
Oh so family drives to mental institute to check out a Wii U.... WOW SOLD SALE + 1

Learn why families are upgrading to Wii U... YEA WE CAN SEE THAT IN MONTHLY SALES... ROFL.....
Which still doesn't reclaim the hardcore market Nintendo had pre-Wii. They are going against everything they said at E3 2011.

They had a hardcore market pre-Wii? Everyone I knew thought the GameCube was the "kiddy" console. If you wanted "mature" games like Halo or GTA, you didn't own a GameCube.

Contrary to popular belief, Nintendo didn't leave the hardcore behind; if anything, it was the other way around. They made the same great games they always had, titles like Super Mario Galaxy and Donkey Kong Country Returns. "Casual" titles like Wii Fit sat nicely beside games like Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Mario Paint, GameBoy Camera, etc.

That said, I do think they need to work on their image in the industry. Regardless of whether or not it's based in reality, third parties and gamers don't think of Nintendo as supporting "core" games, and Nintendo should try to address it however they can.


Serious show of hands though, is this not better than the initial round of dubstep commercials?

Honestly, those desensitized me so much I thought this batch wasn't half bad.

They're better in that they're not as apt to cause seizures in those who watch. They're more laid back, and at least the message about upgrading is there.

They're also irrelevant to those who don't have children and don't give enough information about what Wii U is.

Baby steps. Still terrible, not as awful.
If Nintendo is falling far enough short of the necessary trajectory to reach the 1BY goal for FY2014, there's no reason why he would wait until they report their full FY2013 results.

I don't see how it's impossible that he'll resign this week if the Q4 FY2013 numbers are bad enough, though I wouldn't bet on it.

It's all highly contingent with the current state of the console industry and the forward trajectory Nintendo has. If Nintendo can muster enough momentum but are still falling short by the end of Q3, Iwata's going to do all he can to cross that 1BY finish line.

But if the Wii U continues to stagnate / flatline all throughout 2013, anything is in the realm of possibility. Nothing is going to happen before holiday 2013 ends regarding Iwata, though. That much is certain.


I don't think these are any better than the Wii commercials. It's just that the Wii had a much more visually appealing hook: all types of people standing up and doing these motions with a weird controller.

Ultimately, this is people sitting on a couch, looking at another controller. The concept is just a harder sell than the wii ever was.


Yes so sad they are marketing the Wii U as for everyone and not exclusively for the people who know the Zelda timeline, EV and IV level up Pokemon and complain about tiny textures in video games.

What is sad, is that the casual market isn't the same as it was before. The 5-12 demographic who had a Wii (easy sell controller,huge buzz, selling out, family friendly pricing to an extent), now want to play a ps3 or a 360 (and want to upgrade to a ps4/720). While the new 5-12 demographic has more options now, like tablets. Parents are more inclined to purchase a tablet for their kids because it can be used by the entire family, it's relatively inexpensive (nexus 7 $200), gaming options are inexpensive, and it's a multimedia tool.


I don't know why they're so hellbent on re-capturing the Wii audience who have come and gone. The U is a more expensive console with a less practical gimmick and with no amazing pack-in like Wii Sports. Your grandma can't figure out how to play this thing nearly as easily as the Wii and that's why their focus should not be on that crowd.
Cringe worthy – but at the same time they aren’t exactly targeting us.

They’re trying to pull in all the casuals again...LOL good luck with that.
These are so painful.

I was writing up a response and then I realized that the Wii U is almost unmarketable in it's current. They're trying to do two things: they're trying to sell the family experience of a new Wii, and they're trying to convince people that the gamepad adds enough value on it's own.

But, they can't convince families that they need a new upgraded Wii (which is how they're going to perceive it) and the only way they can convince anyone of the added value of the gamepad is with software (which they don't have).

They can only realistically sell it two ways, on the value of the Nintendo name (or whatever is left of it), and on the promise of software down the road, neither of which is a good enough proposition to sell consoles.


I don't know why they're so hellbent on re-capturing the Wii audience who have come and gone. The U is a more expensive console with a less practical gimmick and with no amazing pack-in like Wii Sports. Your grandma can't figure out how to play this thing nearly as easily as the Wii and that's why their focus should not be on that crowd.

They got nowhere else to turn. Casuals are probably the only group who will consider buying it.

I dunno, that's my guess. I have no real clue what Nintendo is going to do for the next 6 years.


When I STILL have customers asking about that "Wii add-on" or "that the new handheld" in April, Nintendo still doesn't get it.

Bingo. I see this often when visiting game stores. Still. Nintendo hasn't yet educated consumers as to what Wii U is. An upgrade? How? To what? Why?
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