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Iwata on third parties, hundreds of inquiries since GDC about Nintendo Web Framework



Unconfirmed Member
I wish Nintendo luck in trying to find third parties to support the platform. I actually do hope that a lot of smaller developers come over to the eShop, there's some good stuff there already like Toki Tori 2. That being said, I haven't cared about major third party support on a Nintendo platform in a long time. I know I'm going to own more than one machine, and the other machine will probably have more third party titles, leaving my Nintendo console primarily for Nintendo games. Shrug.


I like how he wants to make an "example of success" out of supporting companies. He basically wants The Wonderfull 101, Bayoneta 2 and SMTxFE to sell gangbusters, and aims to accomplish it.
Oh dear. These really are the Dreamcast days again on GAF.

I'm feeling bad for Iwata now. Despite his at times inane choices, he's got a rough row to hoe now


Finally, Iwata is aware of the fact that many people hold the belief that Wii U is underpowered, and feels they need to work on remedying such misunderstandings.

So you're finally going to tell developers how to develop for your console? Because it seems the lack of doing that over the years has back fired on you.


Well this is sad, instead creating incentives, collaborations, and an ecosystem for 3rd party titles, he kinda threats 3rd parties.


So you're finally going to tell developers how to develop for your console? Because it seems the lack of doing that over the years has back fired on you.

Nintendo's giving away Unity licenses with every devkit and they're adding HTML5. Also, Intel has a BREW converter to convert anything designed on a mobile platform to Wii U on the fly. That may sound stupid initially, but its a great way of getting smaller indie games onto the system.

Meanwhile they're also working on greatly expanding their publishing space. Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 are examples of this along with the Square Enix game who's name fails me at this time.

They're casting as wide of a net as they possibly can in order to hopefully have something stick. Its not exactly perfect and may not work, but right now its all they can do for 3rd parties.


So there is not yet any full translation of the Q&A? Are there any alternatives to what the OP posted as their reading, other than looking at Google Translate (which is a mess)?


So you're finally going to tell developers how to develop for your console? Because it seems the lack of doing that over the years has back fired on you.
Nintendo supposedly has pretty good developer support, and SDSG hired quite a few people in recent months. NTD also developed quite a few tools (debuggers, profilers and such), though I have no idea if those are just for internal use or for all registered developers. Probably the latter.

Rolf NB

Have you seen X?
That shit looks amazing for an open world RPG, I personally don't think that could run on PS360, but the fuck do I know?
This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5YnH2SCNxU

White Knight Chronicles has similar areas, with lots of hills and dense vegetation. Though I suppose the monsters don't get quite as large.

If not that, I'd say the Just Cause games easily exceed this game technically, but the visual style is not exactly comparable.


He's right on the money. the only "incentives" legacy 3rd parties will accept is if Nintendo funds development of their games, and that's just not feasible for every damn game on the planet. If the legacy guys want to ignore you, find someone who won't.

It's exactly as I said before, he's going to work with newer developers, probably some PC guys as well and help build/support a new generation of 3rd Party developer/publisher while the legacy guys continue firing people and going out of business because they wish to focus on the same market that apparently can't support them, as evidenced by some of them going out of business, others having to be bought up and eventually closed down and by them having to lay off hundreds of people at a time just to make even and save their company.

But hey, let's keep laughing and wishing these developers and publishers continue to ignore more than a 3rd of the video game market. It's definitely worked out for them before. The grave yard is mighty big, with plenty of space for a few more corpses.


Irrelevant. If a hardware has clearly more power it´s going to be visible from day 1.
And i have seen enough of Pikmin 3 to determine that it´s at best mediocre current gen graphics.
Pikmin 3 started out as a Wii game, and I very much doubt Nintendo would waste redoing a lot of assets.

Having said that I actually think Pikmin 3 looks pretty decent graphically.

Azure J

Came in expecting a cool little chat about one of Nintendo's best moves yet, got a whole lot of people turning the vitriol up to palpable.


In this thread we've had:

-Nintendo keeps making the same things over and over again, despite someone posting a list of everything they made in the past 5 years of old and new franchises.

-Wii U graphics are obviously 360 quality because that's what launch games look like. NFS MW is slightly better and Trine 2 doesn't count because its made by 20 people (wat.)

-Its somehow a shameful thing for Nintendo to open up other development platforms for the Wii U.

Look, everyone knows Wii U is in trouble and needs games now. But lets not delve into pure absurdity and denial that it is capable of more as shown by games like Trine 2 and NFS. Lets also not bullshit ourselves into thinking that HTML5 and free Unity is a bad thing. A lot of PSN games are programmed in LUA, does that make them somehow inferior? Absolutely not.

Its one thing to debate the pros and cons of said decisions by Iwata, but let's not fall into the same cycle of idiotic hyperbole and pure ignorance of arguments.

Fucking console warz man. People lose their minds.

Great post. No one sane and paying attention to Nintendo in the current environment should be saying that they aren't in trouble because of the spot that they created for themselves. At the same time, the levels of pedantry going on to justify beliefs set in stone before we even had a true symptom to diagnose regarding the company's moves are just as bad, if not WORSE, than the defense force spinning things to make them sound acceptable.


Irrelevant. If a hardware has clearly more power it´s going to be visible from day 1.
And i have seen enough of Pikmin 3 to determine that it´s at best mediocre current gen graphics.

Then you're blind or have fan glasses on. Because Pikmin 3 has some pretty impressive scenes, and some medicore scenes. And you instantly lose the argument because we have all seen NFS:U and know what has been said about Dues Ex: HR. I am surprised you still continue to push this narrative considering that... But then again I shouldn't be.


Nintendo supposedly has pretty good developer support, and SDSG hired quite a few people in recent months. NTD also developed quite a few tools (debuggers, profilers and such), though I have no idea if those are just for internal use or for all registered developers. Probably the latter.

Glad to hear they changed their police on that. I always found it incredibly dumb that they kept detailed hardware info from developers.


I think by now we don't need to discuss anymore that the Wii U power capabilities are far from next generation consoles and closer to what we have on current generation consoles. After all, the graphics of games released and of games announced aren't really much more impressive than what we already have on other consoles, including X (imo the scale of Just Cause 2 is comparable to what we have seen in the small snippets of X). Does that make Wii U games look bad? Not necessarily. Does it make the machine appear underpowered compared to PS4 or Xbox720? Most would say 'yes'.


Then you're blind or have fan glasses on. Because Pikmin 3 has some pretty impressive scenes, and some medicore scenes. And you instantly lose the argument because we have all seen NFS:U and know what has been said about Dues Ex: HR. I am surprised you still continue to push this narrative considering that... But then again I shouldn't be.

Also you have to take in to consideration that the Pikmin trailer is soon a year old. The final game is sure to look significantly better.


Irrelevant. If a hardware has clearly more power it´s going to be visible from day 1.
And i have seen enough of Pikmin 3 to determine that it´s at best mediocre current gen graphics.

Why are people arguing with him? It's obvious he doesn't know what he's talking about, so there is no point.
web platform

I'm still curious about what's funny about the web platform. You can create some really nice games with HTML5 + JavaScript especially if the API has functions that hook into the native rendering functions of the machine.


Given Nintendo's business model and unwillingness to compromise the goals it sets for next-gen hardware design to better cater to the desires of what third parties (essentially better hardpower) want is like part of the wedge that has alienated Nintendo from them after the GameCube. I think the other reason boils down to the Nintendo audience still not just not being as supportive of buying third party games. Low sales give third parties all the reason to not take Nintendo platforms as seriously as on PlayStation and Xbox. With the Wii and Wii U, Nintendo has knowingly jeopardized the state of its third party support.

While Nintendo cannot repair that foundation easily (and quite frankly it won't anytime soon), I do appreciate the fact that it is trying to use its resources to get more exclusives out of third parties and forming new relationships with others through collaborative efforts. At least in this manner, Nintendo can make Wii U look like a more compelling platform to own. For some, Wii U may be desired to have as s secondary platform to own because of its unique controller and bigger exclusive game library that consists of more than just Nintendo franchises. Nintendo would be wasting its time if it just sat on its hands with the hope that more third parties would port games to it. These second-party projects also give Nintendo the opportunity to have more third parties come up with interesting ways to use the GamePad because as an HD machine, the GamePad is handicapped by the nature of third party multiplatform support due to it not being able to radically change the core gameplay experience. We know that's why most developers have just resorted to sticking with the most basic features of the GamePad (Off-TV play and putting inventory and/or map on the touchscreen). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but ports like the upcoming Deus Ex have been rare exception since most third parties aren't going to put in that kind of effort to take advantage of the GamePad by remaking parts of their games. Old games like that are still a tough sell anyway since most people played the original title and may not feel it is worth buying at a higher price to experience an improved version of it.
I think the Wii U's graphics are perfectly fine but the price point is a little too high.

MS/Sony will likely come in close to $500 and sure they will have even better graphics.

Nintendo needs to clean up their missteps and make Wii U an overall good value with lots of good games.


Some of what he said is kind of funny, but a lot of it isn't. What he says is rarely the problem, it usually sounds good and is self aware and honest. Then nothing changes.

Nintendo's been losing 3rd party support from the SNES onward. They are either unable or unwilling to change this.
Some of what he said is kind of funny, but a lot of it isn't. What he says is rarely the problem, it usually sounds good and is self aware and honest. Then nothing changes.

Nintendo's been losing 3rd party support from the SNES onward. They are either unable or unwilling to change this.

The biggest problem they seem to have is that it is already too late to fix many of the problems they have. There is no platform I can think of that went from awful 3rd party support to decent/great. It's already too late to fix Wii U in that sense. Then unless something massive happens, Nintendo will go into the next system thinking they will have support only to realize they won't. It's like fucking groundhog day with NIntendo and they just won't get out of it.


Yes, lots of developers always show "interest" in Nintendo's platforms. They are "intriguing" and offer "possibilities" that are "worth considering."

And then nothing happens.

How is underpowered a misunderstanding? Isnt power something quantifiable?

No. How does one define what is the "correct" amount of power?


Given Nintendo's business model and unwillingness to compromise the goals it sets for next-gen hardware design to better cater to the desires of what third parties (essentially better hardpower) want is like part of the wedge that has alienated Nintendo from them after the GameCube. I think the other reason boils down to the Nintendo audience still not just not being as supportive of buying third party games. Low sales give third parties all the reason to not take Nintendo platforms as seriously as on PlayStation and Xbox. With the Wii and Wii U, Nintendo has knowingly jeopardized the state of its third party support.
The problem is Nintendo doesn't have a flagship title to target the FPS/third person shooter market. Think of the many platforms games availables on Wii/Wiiware, or party games, they exist because Nintendo created these kind of games for the system before.


Underpowered isn't a misunderstanding. It's underpowered, fact.

Power is a fact. Underpowered depends on what you're comparing it to.

Underpowered compared to 720/PS4? Fact.
Underpowered compared to "what it needs to be"? Opinion.

Maybe Iwata is going to try to convince developers that they don't need all the bells and whistles that they want to use. If so, may be a hard sale, then.

Yes, lots of developers always show "interest" in Nintendo's platforms. They are "intriguing" and offer "possibilities" that are "worth considering."

And then nothing happens.

Yep. "We want to make something unique for the system" turns out to be nothing of note, typically.

So there is not yet any full translation of the Q&A? Are there any alternatives to what the OP posted as their reading, other than looking at Google Translate (which is a mess)?

English translation typically comes out on Monday.
when the real next gen starts Nintendo will get butthurt tbh
with these cross-gen titles, they can still get some proper games, but after that inferior ports at best
I'm getting tired of people equating underpowered with being cheap or old tech.

Nintendo spent just as much on Wii U as Sony and MS have on their next gen hardware, Nintendo just decided to focus on very very very very very stupid things for a home console.

Instead of going for high image quality, Nintendo went for small form factor, backward compatibilty, and low latency for the gamepad. they jeopardized the power of Wii U in order to satisfy Iwata idiotic limitation on size. They scarificed the cpu power as well by enforcing Wii backward compatibilty, as if a small form factor wasn't bad enough. On top of that, Nintendo sunk huge amount of R&D for the low latency gamepad. These are very very expensive things to achieve.

So instead of a having a console that could easily compete with other next gen systems, we get a needlessly expensive system that has slightly more power than current gen and a bunch of useless features no one asked for or is seriously interested in.

Nintendo has brilliant system engineers. Wii U is quite an architecural achievement, it's just a pointless and confusing achievement. Iwata is wasting the engineers time and capabilities at his company. This alone is why Iwata needs to be fired.


Never a sane Nintendo thread.

It's like Democrats and Republicans now. Whatever it is, they will never see eye to eye. The more they clash, the harder it is to agree on anything.

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to think about the topic anymore.


Never a sane Nintendo thread.

It's like Democrats and Republicans now. Whatever it is, they will never see eye to eye. The more they clash, the harder it is to agree on anything.

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to think about the topic anymore.

These threads come down to excuses versus reality. A lot of us are actually big Nintendo fans but "they hired a lot of people over the past few years," and "Iwata is really trying," don't resonate because they don't amount to much real world change. They are having terrible droughts and have pitiful 3rd party support. There are of course reasons and explanations for why, but it is still the reality.


If Nintendo want the Wii U to be indie central that's OK with me.

Just sort out your digital right stance Nintendo because it's fucking bullshit.
Finally, Iwata is aware of the fact that many people hold the belief that Wii U is underpowered, and feels they need to work on remedying such misunderstandings. Not only that, but he knows that there are some third parties that are actively supporting Wii U, while others aren't even giving it a second glance. He wants to fix this by creating a situation in which third parties not currently actively supporting Wii U will regret that decision once third parties that did support it start to produce hits on the system. Of course, this isn't going to happen overnight, and it's hard for them at the moment to persuade third parties to get on board given Wii U's current state. However, Nintendo is working on producing such results following Wii U's "re-vitalization" on and after this summer.

Ok, Iwata.

If you actually manage to achieve this, I'll change my mind about you.


I'm getting tired of people equating underpowered with being cheap or old tech.

Nintendo spent just as much on Wii U as Sony and MS have on their next gen hardware, Nintendo just decided to focus on very very very very very stupid things for a home console.

Instead of going for high image quality, Nintendo went for small form factor, backward compatibilty, and low latency for the gamepad. they jeopardized the power of Wii U in order to satisfy Iwata idiotic limitation on size. They scarificed the cpu power as well by enforcing Wii backward compatibilty, as if a small form factor wasn't bad enough. On top of that, Nintendo sunk huge amount of R&D for the low latency gamepad. These are very very expensive things to achieve.

So instead of a having a console that could easily compete with other next gen systems, we get a needlessly expensive system that has slightly more power than current gen and a bunch of useless features no one asked for or is seriously interested in.

Nintendo has brilliant system engineers. Wii U is quite an architecural achievement, it's just a pointless and confusing achievement. Iwata is wasting the engineers time and capabilities at his company. This alone is why Iwata needs to be fired.

They invented a console with near lagless portability. The patent alone would probably cover any expenses they would have if there was an issue.

If they spent their time pushing specs, the price would be the same as PS4/Nextbox and there would be nothing to differentiate from the others. Also they'd still never sell because no one would pay $500 for a Nintendo console. It just wouldn't happen.

Thinking Iwata should be fired because he didn't just follow suit with making a midranged PC like Sony and Microsoft is a bit absurd. Now if he continues to fail to put games on the console, then there's a legitimate reason.
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