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MCV: Retail sources talk used Xbox One games, £35 for used game in UK [U2: Eurogamer]

Probably a pop up that's says disc is registered and to call Xbox support. Then they probably charge a small transfer fee. That or they let people deqctivate games easily on X1 but will probably hit the new owner up for a fee when they activate.

35 pounds isnt a small fee


You know you can download games to every current system right? And this games will still be sold on blurray disks right? You are making no sense. This imposition is not to fast track digital adoption for the reasons you are championing. Is to hold rights and transactions of their intellectual property away from consumers. To make more money.

Would you prefer if there were no used games at all then, similar to other digital platforms?

Yeah, because it makes sense that I can't lend a digital copy of something to my friend. It makes zero sense that I can't lend a physical game to my friend like I've been doing for the last 15 years.

You can buy physical copies of Steam games, and you can't lend those either.


Wow. This whole thing is a big drama about nothing. You can still trade shit in.

A lot of people look kinda silly. Nice to see the goalposts being moved to "oh I can't sell to WHOEVER I want" now.

Goal posts are being moved? You do realize that the freedoms gamers have enjoyed since the dawn of the hobby entail more than just trading games to Gamestop?

I fail to see how Microsoft having a complete say in what you do with the game you bought, is a "big drama about nothing"?
also you can betcha bottom dollar MS won't give these azure systems away to retailers. Entirely possible small joints just won't be able to afford it. I bet they are expensive.

increased cost = increased cost onto consumer

i highly doubt its just a simple website thing they can log into, to easy to hack

The cost for having this system is for a big part microsoft.
The retailers have to sign a contract implement the communication between the stores system and microsofts system..


Sums up my feelings on some of the quite-depressing posts i've seen in this thread.

Americans may shrug this off but this has really obliterated this consoles chances anywhere out of it.

Dude. I'm from America too, but this is just total BS.

Support developer is one thing. Lose my right as a consumer, or restrict my consumer right is another.

Anyone who defend this is totally batshit insane. If PS4 follows suit I'm out from console gaming.

Seriously, Nintendo's account per machine doesn't sounds half bad right now. Fuck you MS. Fuck Xbox fanboys defending this.


I think it's possibly more "Willing to sacrifice their rights in the name of propping up an environment simply too expensive to be functional without doing so"

I'm not a fan of this either, but I don't think it's quite fair to paint those in support of it as simply 'idiots'. They are seeing a percieved benefit from it; not one I personally value highly enough for what they're trading, but it's their choice to make.

What on earth is the benefit for the consumer in this scenario?
You're not thinking the games will become cheaper do you?
The cost for having this system is for a big part microsoft.
The retailers have to sign a contract implement the communication between the stores system and microsofts system..

so EDI, well that shit aint cheap and yep gamestop probably already has it but you can kiss any indies goodbye


I can see this being the kind of thing that the EU is going to take a long, hard look at. They already champion the consumer and have a beef with Microsoft. I wonder what happens if this gets slapped down over here.


Would you prefer if there were no used games at all then, similar to other digital platforms?
You are naive if you think this will bring the sales steam has due to its digital nature. This will be the worst of both worlds. High prices, limited rights. Watch.
I can see this being the kind of thing that the EU is going to take a long, hard look at. They already champion the consumer and have a beef with Microsoft. I wonder what happens if this gets slapped down over here.

VERY good point. The EU just fined Microsoft $731 million
IMO this is actually more insulting than blocking used games outright. It's pretending they still have used game sales, but oh, you can only do it at Gamestop's crap buyback rates.

Call it a meltdown, but for this reason alone I honestly do wish complete failure for MS this gen. Too bad their CoD/Halo/Madden marketing juggernaut will carry them through.

Though eventually I think even that crowd will say WTF? But at that point MS has their money, at least for the console.


Lol, it's funny how gamers get hate for the 'entitled' argument. Now MS and publishers think they're 'entitled' to the money from a secondhand game sale. They've already received their chunk from the initial sale.

I am sure publishers look at it like this: Every single used games that is sold is taking away from the sale of a new game which we actually get money for.


looks like a retailer win, publisher win, developer win, MS win, customer win? what is the problem? you can always sell your used game to Gamestop


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
My only question is if you can transfer your "rights" to anybody without paying anything or if they'll use an amazon kindle like system for borrowing. I don't really think we have all the answers just yet.
But discs are the bane of your existence I thought? Figure it out.

Exactly. Buy disc, use code, disregard disc. It's great.

Ok, but can you try for a second to accept what other people are saying, about owning their games, about sharing them with their friends? I'm not patronizing you. This is an honest question.

Sure. But it doesn't really affect me does it so blanket anti consumer statements offends me.


But that does sound like I can't sell games privately. That is still shitty.

Also lending a game to a friend is still impossible.

Don't need to lend it if he can play it online through your console. Which Sony showed during their conference. If he/she doesn't have the game and wants to try it, the borrowing method got kind of cooler, as you don't have to risk your friends machine scratching it, getting stuck in the tray. They can watch you play then take over and start playing, but that's if they have a decent internet connection.


This has probably been covered already, but this basically results in consumers getting fucked right? Either the person selling the game back to retail gets less money in return for his game, or used games are going to cost more. I don't see retailers being the ones to take the hit here on money going to publisher and microsoft. It also fucks those who avoid shit trade in prices. If I'm going to sell my games it's going to be to actual gamers. I don't see why I should have to use a greedy middle man. Places like neogaf's buy/sell/trade is the only way to go imo. I really don't see why anyone would be happy with even more greedy assholes clawing money off of them. This truly is the games industry in a nutshell right now, corporations nickel & dimming you at every turn.
They are allowing private sales, just through their own network via licence transfers.

Essentially gifting but more convoluted.
They haven't said anything about private sales afaik. You can take your disc to your friends place and if they want to play on their account they can buy a "digital permission" for the "bits" too. But I don't recall anything about transfer of ownership being mentioned.


Is this legal in Europe?? To enforce to sell something where a company says you can?

I think the online pass was a better solution. I mean put a "general cheap" pass (not only online) that you need to buy to use the game (again the publisher will get money on it) but you will be free to sell it to the customer do you want.

Dead Man

Exactly. Buy disc, use code, disregard disc. It's great.

Sure. But it doesn't really affect me does it so blanket anti consumer statements offends me.

LOL, I hope you and you alone get to experience your ideal future of gaming, the rest of us will be elsewhere.

Edit: You are struggling with your reading comprehension here, I think. Somebody calling something anti consumer doesn't mean it will directly impact every consumer.


I am sure publishers look at it like this: Every single used games that is sold is taking away from the sale of a new game which we actually get money for.
They probably do think that, it doesn't mean they're right. Limiting sales of used games means people are less likely to afford new games.
Is this legal in Europe?? To enforce to sell something where a company says you can?

I think the online pass was a better solution. I mean put a "general cheap" pass (not only online) that you need to buy to use the game (again the publisher will get money on it) but you will be free to sell it to the customer do you want.

Not sure but 99.9% likely illegal in Australia



No dice. Still will not support or buy.

If I cannot let someone borrow a game or sell/buy them on Amazon Marketplace/Craigslist/etc... I don't really own it. Let alone being forced to trade it in to Gamestop or some other store which will give you $25 for a brand new $60 game.


looks like a retailer win, publisher win, developer win, MS win, customer win? what is the problem? you can always sell your used game to Gamestop
Did you know there are countries in this world besides America? Yes? Good.
Now, do you know that Gamestop, or an equivalent does not exist in the majority of the countries? Not only that, Xbox Live doesn't even exist in every country.


What!? Have you seen the price on amazon and steam sales? Price collapses there faster than anywhere.

Amazon and Steam have price collapses, because they have competition betweet themshelf, with retailshops like best buy and with other services like GoG.

On Consoles, you cant go to another onlineshop and buy a game there, you are tied to the PlayStation Store and the Xbox Live Marketplace.


Allow me to deauth my games manually so that I can sell them or do whatever I want with them and we kind of have a thing. This would still have the following problems:

  • No way to know if the second-hand disc you're buying has been properly deauthorised unless you buy from a participating game store.
  • We still have to deal with always-online DRM.
  • Participating game stores still have to deal with the decreased profit margin because of the MS tax, which will probably be slapped onto the user.

So yeah, nope.
looks like a retailer win, publisher win, developer win, MS win, customer win? what is the problem? you can always sell your used game to Gamestop

you can't lend it nor borrow one from a friend.

also what if you live somewhere that got no Gamestop or big retails ?
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