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MCV: Retail sources talk used Xbox One games, £35 for used game in UK [U2: Eurogamer]


Clearly when the next gen comes out that'll push new games back up to £49.99.

For the first year or so then they will go back down to the usual 35-40. There was all the mass outrage at the high prices 360/ps3 games would be but it didn't last long did it.


I don't think MS is going to win me back any time soon with all this bullshit their pulling. I'm really amazed that there are so many corporate apologists on gaf but then again I shouldn't really be amazed. PS4 is looking more and more like a must have at this point, assuming Sony doesn't go around and pull some of the same shit.


Santa May Claus
So my games have no value on the secondary market until I give it to Gamestop?

Also, wouldn't you need to register your Gamertag with this Azure program in order for it to know from where to remove the game assets?


The irony....

Do me a favor and Google Don Mattrick's house. Why the Fuck should anyone want or care about companies doing "good"?

I mean good by the consumer. Asking for another company to follow Microsoft in fucking the industry isn't good for us. I want healthy competition to drive the industry not bullshit practices that restricts a person from enjoying gaming. Witness was dropping bullshit and I called his opinion dumb so don't get snappy with me.
If Gamestop can set the price of the used software to whatever they want, and just keep 10% and gives the rest to the publisher, here is what they'll do.

They'll have a regular price for used games, and then a membership (say $100 per year membership) where the price is reduced by 50%. Because they'll get to keep all the membership money.


35 quid! What on earth are they thinking? Oh that's right all they are thinking about is their bottom line. Not even sony or nintendo at the height of their arrogance pulled shit like this.
So, to summarize, if I buy an XBone game Day 1 and finish it within 3-4 days, paying $60, I can no longer sell it for $50 to some other guy via Craigslist, but instead will be selling to to GameStop for what I'm guessing is less than $30-40?

And, then the developer/publisher and Microsoft get most of that money, while GameStop, who is actually doing the work involved in the transaction, gets 10%?

So in summary: I've been fucked, GameStop has been fucked, MS and the developer/publisher have made more money... until you consider that instead of me having, say, $50 to spend on another game, I'm only going to have $30-40 to spend.

Let's not forget that Gamefly and the like are now fucked too, unless MS works some sort of rental-version policy out with them... which I doubt they'd do.

This is dumb.

Fuck this console.
Yes, except for the bolded, which will probably be closer to the $5-10 range.


I don't think MS is going to win me back any time soon with all this bullshit their pulling. I'm really amazed that there are so many corporate apologists on gaf but then again I shouldn't really be amazed. PS4 is looking more and more like a must have at this point, assuming Sony doesn't go around and pull some of the same shit.

I can imagine the pressure publishers will put on sony to do the same, even threatening to pull games from the ps4


The best option for gamestop and used game sellers is simply not to stock the xbox one.

This is what I'd like to see.

Back in 1995 when Sega pissed off a lot of retailers, by surprise launching Saturn in a few select retail locations, some of them refused to carry the Saturn at all. They promoted Playstation and later N64. No doubt it hurt Sega more than them.

I'd love to see Gamestop, or any other retailer that deals in used games refuse to stock the Xbone or it's games. Promote the competition.

Last 60 minutes has not been nice


If MSFT gets a cut on a new game sale, why not a reduced cut on a used sale (if done at a retailer)? Not sure I follow your logic?
Because Honda doesn't get a cut when I sell my car, neither does the record company or the book author when I sell my CD's or books.
It's not like digital, ownership of physical media is the license not some database table in the could.


If Gamestop can set the price of the used software to whatever they want, and just keep 10% and gives the rest to the publisher, here is what they'll do.

They'll have a regular price for used games, and then a membership (say $100 per year membership) where the price is reduced by 50%. Because they'll get to keep all the membership money.

Then Microsoft can withdraw the license and stop them from selling used X1 games. I highly suspect that anything like that would be against their T&Cs.
Thanks for everyone that give me a "translation" of the quantity in dollars.

Who would ever buy a used game at that price considering how fast games go on sale at retail now anyway? Injustice was like $35 a week and a half after release.

I think that's what they want. For you to just buy the games news, this will ensure that Publishers get their cut.


£35 for used fuck, what has Sony said so far if they follow suit I may have to get into PC gaming. I know steam you can't resell games and it's the same thing but I heard the prices are great, is this true for UK steam?

you can resell steam games in europe dude

yeah, if PS4 just says they arent doing any of this bull its PS4/PC for me


Gamestop has the absolute worst trade-in value. Any local store does better. Ebay does better. Selling privately would now be impossible. It basically kills used games for me, because I don't use Gamestop.

I tried to sell a game there a month ago for the first time in years. They wanted to give me $1.50. I went down the street to the local store and they offered me $25.


Conspiracy theory: Maybe the reason why Gamestop didn't find out about the used game policy is because of the low cut they would have gotten? MS didn't want Gamestop to try and bargain for a higher cut, so they came up with the plan beforehand?

Eh... one conspiracy is as good an any other. I just don't understand how game stores would just gladly accept such a deal.

Sorry. I didn't realize Gamestop was only getting a 10 percent cut. I figured guys were talking about the consumer end. Still, it pays to believe in collusion. Because clearly deals were cut and some made out much better than others with this deal.

I now change my position back to retailers shouldn't stock these consoles unless they make real margins on the hardware. No more charity for the platform holders.


First off, I don't disagree with anything you said. I do believe this is anti-consumer. At the same time, however, I realize that the current business model does need some changes. It's not working. Look Sony came out last gen with Free online, free multiplayer, etc..... Microsoft had their paywall. Microsoft became profitable very quickly and Sony never recovered. Sony made some headway when PS+ came out and I was a member that first week. Sony, in my opinion made a great business decision and it is paying off. I still believe that Sony will make some changes to their policy.

Look, whether right or wrong, it was going in this direction since online passes were announced. Sony and Microsoft were in the mix. This is the next evolutionary step. I don't like it, but it's the reality. I will be the XBOne to play it's exclusives (especially Forza) and I will buy a PS4(for anything Naughty Dog). I'm not an apologist, just a guy who rolls with the punches and makes a good thing out of a bad one.

Don't get your message wrong. Sony lost money because of all the money they invested in hardware, not software and Networking. They spent all their money building bluray facilities and cell CPU manufacturing plants. Microsoft is a software giant, it's what they do, so of course their online will be worth it to most consumers. It was proven in the beginning that it was more reliable, because of their server count and strength. Sony was awful at networking remember the big ass NETwork add on for PS2. Huge failure, and didn't do anything for the consumer base to change their minds about xbox live.

PSN has gotten better and to a place where it's as good as xbox live was maybe 5 years ago. The thing is things were working last generation, but because of the technology wall, lots of money was spent to figure out how to do it.

Unfortunately it's the giant publisher's and leaders in the Entertainment business that have no clue how to make a game cost efficient. The only way was to change the hardware that they were using. Hopefully now games will be made more efficiently but that still doesn't exclude taking away customer rights to resell or trade games as they see fit.

I think either this will stick or it won't, it's all software based to it's easily ramified if we stand up and give them all the finger. But the whole watermark thing, that I don't have a lot of experience with so If that can be overwritten in the OS when it's read , then hurray for us.

But right now we don't really know, for all we know Microsoft and Sony could be doing 2 different things.

That's just my 2 cent's y'all!!


She still needs to pick up the remote to use her DVR. Also if she cares about lag on her TV and uses game mode switching inputs is much easier. You can calibrate each input I sure in the hell would not want to watch TV in game mode or play games in movie mode on a LCD TV. Switching inputs on a remote takes all of 3 seconds. It is not that hard to text her babe wanna game? If she is like all women these days her phone is always at her side lol.

Aren't most people who are currently watching DVDs, Blu-Rays, Netflix, Hulu, whatever on their PS3's and 360's most likely watching them in game mode, or at the very least, not bothering to modes? I for one never bother to change the setting.
Because Honda doesn't get a cut when I sell my car, neither does the record company or the book author when I sell my CD's or books.
It's not like digital, ownership of physical media is the license not some database table in the could.

im in no way defending this but it could be argued the next buyer continues to buy parts from honda


but overall yep, you = right
You ever used an e-book, buddy? How about iTunes? I was gonna say Steam, but hey, that's gaming.

There is nothing wrong with the original creator getting a return on their time and money rather than someone who had zero time, effort or money put into the creation of it. They are well within their rights and justified in their morality to push for something like this.

A creator is well within their rights to charge whatever they think something is worth, and a consumer is well within their rights not to pay more than they think something is worth. If the two don't meet, the creator has just made a product there is no demand for at the price they are charging.

Dancing along in blissful ignorance that something you produce which has no real-world non-arbitrary value is worth some base minimum price simply because you worked hard on it is not a realistic way to attempt sustainable business.

If these policies do indeed affect sales, I can't imagine it's going to take a lot of head scratching on the part of publishers to realize what the issue is.

The problem is, they are still going to keep coming to the same conclusion - that consumers are criminals for not paying what the publisher thinks a product is worth. Until they realize they are killing themselves with unrealistic budgets and that consumers aren't killing them by not throwing money at them, they are in trouble and deserve to be.


I can imagine the pressure publishers will put on sony to do the same, even threatening to pull games from the ps4

While wishful thinking if love to see a blacklist of all the publishers that support this and would threaten taking support. I like to hope that its not everyone.


So, to summarize, if I buy an XBone game Day 1 and finish it within 3-4 days, paying $60, I can no longer sell it for $50 to some other guy via Craigslist, but instead will be selling to to GameStop for what I'm guessing is less than $30-40?

And, then the developer/publisher and Microsoft get most of that money, while GameStop, who is actually doing the work involved in the transaction, gets 10%?

So in summary: I've been fucked, GameStop has been fucked, MS and the developer/publisher have made more money... until you consider that instead of me having, say, $50 to spend on another game, I'm only going to have $30-40 to spend.

Let's not forget that Gamefly and the like are now fucked too, unless MS works some sort of rental-version policy out with them... which I doubt they'd do.

This is dumb.

Fuck this console.

Try $5 resell value, not $40.
£35 - fuuuuuuck that shit. New games are usually that price within a week in the UK. I can't imagine it will drop much either, perhaps half price after about a year..

This used games business is sound marginally better than it did two days ago - but still overwhelmingly grotesque. As a private seller who does not trade games into MS sanctioned establishments, the whole thing can go to hell.

Also, I do not care about lining companies pockets. No one should - this is their job and as far as I can see, most get paid very well. I am not a charity, I care about getting the goods at the cheapest, fairest, most deserved price. A very very small subset of games are just about worth £30, let along the £50 RRP that next-gen will ask. For the majority of games, if I cannot get it for £10 or rent (not an option now on Xbone), I simply will not bother.

I hate to compare games to films, but the price the videogame industry charges for a comparable experience to a movie is not sustainable for me. I understand why they have to charge more (smaller userbase, rising dev costs), but Steam has already proved that lower prices = enough of a sales increase to offset any losses. So there are alternatives to the £50 RRP but these companies are being cunty enough to ignore them.


So is this not illegal? Is it not some kind of sketchy monopolisation thing that Microsoft can potentially dictatie who can and can't resell their products?

Also is this not litterally price fixing, an act that is illegal in the UK?
It's not price fixing; they are only dictating the price of the license.


you can resell steam games in europe dude
I don't think you can yet, can you? I know there's been a ruling to say that has to happen but I don't think Valve have responded to it yet. Community Market appears to be the way they'll handle it though.
I don't think I've paid more than £35 for a new game (I tend to wait a few weeks after release).

I can understand the thinking behind this, but I think most people will look elsewhere or simply buy less games.

If Sony don't do something similar (unlikely), they will have a very tempting reason to switch.


Gamestop has the absolute worst trade-in value. Any local store does better. Ebay does better. Selling privately would now be impossible. It basically kills used games for me, because I don't use Gamestop.

I tried to sell a game there a month ago for the first time in years. They wanted to give me $1.50. I went down the street to the local store and they offered me $25.

Do the US only have Gamestop for used games?, there are numerous different game stores in the UK so i can shop around if needed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just want Sony to announce whether they are jumping on this crazy train so I can know whether to just say to hell with next gen or not.
I usually hand down my games to family friends when I am satisfactorily done with them so now this will not be possible?


WiiU/PC/Retron 5 is looking like a real possibility for my "next-gen."


What will MSFT do if no one stock their system?
Or worse their games?
Heck retailers could stock but refuse to buy back, and then what?
im in no way defending this but it could be argued the next buyer continues to buy parts from honda


but overall yep, you = right

How about this?

"As of 2012, you'd be surprised to here that, "Used games only account for $1.59 billion in revenue, which means that a year's-worth of the used game market barely makes up for a fraction of what Activision or Electronic Arts make in a single quarter. The used game market has also dropped by 17.1% in 2012 compared to what it was in 2011. Despite publishers complaining about used games cannibalizing new game sales, the used game market is actually shrinking."


"DLC accounted for $2.22 billion in 2012, up 33.9% over the previous year. Subscriptions stayed steady at $1.05 billion, up 12.9%."


Used game purchasers most likely purchase digital content.


Stop comparing digital media to physical media. It's not the same concept. This is like a book company telling me that I can't lend my friend my print copy of 1984. In which
case I would tell them to fuck off, as I'm pretty sure everyone else buying books would. If this were an option in any other form of media those companies would be taking the option.

Yeah, I'd probably burn my copy of Fahrenheit 451 in protest if book publishers did something like that.

Wait a minute.


You ever used an e-book, buddy? How about iTunes? I was gonna say Steam, but hey, that's gaming.

There is nothing wrong with the original creator getting a return on their time and money rather than someone who had zero time, effort or money put into the creation of it. They are well within their rights and justified in their morality to push for something like this.
Yeah, but there is still the option to get books in another way (ebooks aren't the only way), steam is significantly better than what we're hearing about xbone, and (unless i'm mistaken, don't own any apple products) apps are cheap enough that returning/lending doesn't really cross your mind. Following this model/policy is the ONLY way to play/enjoy xbone games.
analysts predicting if GME hits 32.00 that the stock will tumble significantly today

market watching the shares very closely. GME boss HAS to be on the phone to MS asking them to publicly clarify this shit

they aren't going to though
Why should Microsoft and the publisher get a cut off of the used game? I can sell anything I own right now be it a TV, book, movie, refrigerator, a piece of artwork, whatever, and the original maker won't get a cut of it. Why is this different for the X1 (besides the obvious)?
The only way they can keep their margins the same they were is to offer something like £10 for a game you bought for £40, and for them to then sell it for £35. This would however effectively discourage people from selling their games and ultimately killing the market.

Both consumers and retailers get Xboned. So why would MS even enable pre-owned games in the first place? This is going to hit the press eventually.


I just want Sony to announce whether they are jumping on this crazy train so I can know whether to just say to hell with next gen or not.
I usually hand down my games to family friends when I am satisfactorily done with them so now this will not be possible?

I'm guessing you could hand them down to a single person and let them assume your profile.


So, to summarize, if I buy an XBone game Day 1 and finish it within 3-4 days, paying $60, I can no longer sell it for $50 to some other guy via Craigslist, but instead will be selling to to GameStop for what I'm guessing is less than $30-40?

And, then the developer/publisher and Microsoft get most of that money, while GameStop, who is actually doing the work involved in the transaction, gets 10%?

So in summary: I've been fucked, GameStop has been fucked, MS and the developer/publisher have made more money... until you consider that instead of me having, say, $50 to spend on another game, I'm only going to have $30-40 to spend.

Let's not forget that Gamefly and the like are now fucked too, unless MS works some sort of rental-version policy out with them... which I doubt they'd do.

This is dumb.

Fuck this console.

HAHAHA. The work? "Can I have this game?" "$60 please" "Thanks"

I would rather more money go back to the developers and publishers so they can make more games.
why are people so stupid?

why on earth, us as consumers - allow companies like MS to take away our right to buy/sell/lend/borrow the things we purchase?

if we allow this to happen for MS - we are going to see it elsewhere, it will standardize itself for the sake of making profit, EVERYWHERE.

don't be stupid.


I can imagine the pressure publishers will put on sony to do the same, even threatening to pull games from the ps4

Eh. I doubt they would try that. If Sony does follow the same suite then to hell with them and to hell with MS. I'm just worried considering they haven't really spoken too much about it.


So, to summarize, if I buy an XBone game Day 1 and finish it within 3-4 days, paying $60, I can no longer sell it for $50 to some other guy via Craigslist, but instead will be selling to to GameStop for what I'm guessing is less than $30-40?

And, then the developer/publisher and Microsoft get most of that money, while GameStop, who is actually doing the work involved in the transaction, gets 10%?

So in summary: I've been fucked, GameStop has been fucked, MS and the developer/publisher have made more money... until you consider that instead of me having, say, $50 to spend on another game, I'm only going to have $30-40 to spend.

Let's not forget that Gamefly and the like are now fucked too, unless MS works some sort of rental-version policy out with them... which I doubt they'd do.

This is dumb.

Fuck this console.

I don't even buy/sell used games, and I still agree with you.

It's just wrong, in principle, IMO. Once you buy something in cash, you should own it, wholly and entirely. Otherwise, our entire economic system would be a sham.

Imagine buying a car, and not being allowed to re-sell it, other than back to the dealership, and both they and the manufacturer get a slice of the returns. It's ludicrous.


While wishful thinking if love to see a blacklist of all the publishers that support this and would threaten taking support. I like to hope that its not everyone.

I wish game journalists could do a story on this instead of telling me for the umptenth time how sexist something is in gaming. I'd much rather the dirt be scrapped and brought to light. The pubs should be in the light as much as Microsoft right now, because as many have said this had to come from some of the big boys wanting bigger cuts of the pie.
So is this not illegal? Is it not some kind of sketchy monopolisation thing that Microsoft can potentially dictatie who can and can't resell their products?

Also is this not litterally price fixing, an act that is illegal in the UK?

Yes and Yes.

Hope they get fucking raped by EU law.
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