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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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bad truck for bad series


Futari wa Precure Max Heart - 06

I literally had to pause and stare at this for a minute. Good lord. :lol

It gets worse. Heehee!

date a live 5

ok. fine. she's only a bit cute. cute. cute. cute.



fun enough show if I divert power from my brain to my :cajun nerve.

There is more awesome to come.
Your nutbladder aint finished yet!

Alright how about now:


Yup. He definitely is the best harem lead ever.

Why so serious?

None of this would happen if everybody just had a good hnnngh.

Maybe they mean passive aggressive, behind all those smiles are a seething hatred waiting to backstab each other! I'd watch that at least.

Wait I don't get it. Are you the popcorn eater who's suddenly frustrated with the anime news drama? Is Arti the professor getting angry at wonzo sakamoto? Am I overanalyzing a nichijou gif?

Yes you are.
Cute is Squee therefore hnng. Adorable is life...



DokiDoki Precure 18

Before we begin, let us marvel how far literature and meaning has changed throughout history, also because it's utterly relevent.

Now then....

For starters when all the crystals gather

Hooooooooly shit, talk about shameless merchandising! THEY LITERALLY PUT IN THE ADVERTISEMENT JUST FOR MAKOPI TO BE A DICK! AHAHAHAHA
AHHAHAHAAHHAA This is fucking hilarious in one of the most shameless ways possible. Is it really burning your budget Toei? You can't get fictional money from em!

On a more serious note, we get more backstory with Princess Ann and
the Klondike Bar and their lives before everything went to shit
. I know it is attempting to be dramatic, and in some senses, trying to outdo Heartcatch when it comes to drama (considering that one one its best fortes), but it's so damn hard to really take it seriously, partly because this is Precure so chances are
significent damage will be meaningless when all is said and done
, not to mention it's just... augh.

Pokerfaced. Pokerfaced. Pokerfaced.

Well.... putting that aside, the Cures continue to be useless in Front of Cure Sabin-- I mean Cure Heart, because apparently, she's still the front runner of our harem. The way she gets used makes me think that somehow, she's still related to Trump Kingdom beyond just being a Cure. It makes sense! Look at how other characters similar to her end up being! It's like I'm just here for potential yuri moments and whatnot.

Alice's intention of wanting to be Mana's friend was still the peak of the first half of DokiDoki Precure, and might end up being the peak of the show period.

NEXT WEEK, Ripping off Smile, and Regina wearing sports attire.... which I would like to see more of

Dammit title
EDIT: My upsettedness has made me forget that The Princess also plays Karuta.


When I watched it, it was like the show was taking advantage of me, and stabbing me in the heart.

To this day I have a good friend who still claims it to be the greatest show of all time and I tell him of the pain I endured.

That doesn't surprise me...since this show and especially its 2nd season tends to split the audience right down the middle, particularly during the final arc.

It's not like everyone has the same response. But as someone whose opinion of the series stands somewhere in between, I'm always amused by seeing such extreme reactions.

Code is this show over yet? R2 24

Princess CORNELIA is alive?
Death is like a legit slap on the wrist in this show. Can't wait to learn that
Shirley and Princess Euphemia are also alive

I'd say it's more like if you're not given an extended and explicit death sequence, which
Shirley and Euphemia
actually got, but merely an implied death or a severe wound, the total chances of survival tend to go up astronomically in this show. Which vary from the marginally plausible to the totally impossible, but in either case...sometimes the details of the presentation were fishy or misleading to begin with. Mind you, I guess it's easier for me to say that now, in retrospect, than during my own viewing experience back in the day.

NUNALLY breaks a Geass. Not Euphemia. Not Suzaku. Not that guy who was resisting it during the slaughter of the Order. NUNALLY.

I didn't think that was BS though. She was lucky to be affected by a different Geass ability than the one used on either of them.
There was nothing physically wrong with her eyes, but her memories were rewritten to make Nunnally believe she was blinded by the trauma. So the type of command wasn't exactly an absolute order like Lelouch's, but a more indirect psychological effect.

You know, part of me is happy, because this has been the showdown I've waited for for 49 episodes now, but part of me is just incapable of processing the rip tide of stupid that lead us to this point. Also, no way, NO WAY in 25 minutes can they explain all of this away and STILL have time to kill Nina.

If you care more about realistic causality than anything else, this late into the crazy journey, I guess you'll have a headache. If not, you might come to re-evaluate a few things even if the experience leaves a bitter taste for other reasons. Therefore...I guess we shall see what part of you wins out in the end!

bad truck for bad series[/QUOTE]

How can you hate the Volkswagen Type 2?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Utena 25

You know it's nice to finally see sexy cars but the craziest thing about this episode really was
the fact that there was an elevator the whole freaking time?! I'm sure this sequence will be reused so I just have to wonder what happens to the magic uniform rose bush afterwards? Just a brand new one sprouting every time? I'm sure there will be something sexier with cars than fabulous shirtless driving later on, that or you guys just love being coy about everything. Also finally confirmation on what the first ED has been implying about Utena's prince and himemiya having a connection and just in time to get a new scandalous elevator ED!
Power upgrade.


Detective Conan 202:
So, as shitty as the first episode of this story was, the conclusion is even worse. Things happen for no real reason. The entire deduction process happens off screen because everything Agasa tells Conan is cut away from, so we have no way to ever figure anything out (but don't worry, because the culprit is blatantly obvious despite there being like 15 suspects). There's an entire subplot introduced in this episode that winds up having nothing to do with anything except resolving a wild goose chase also introduced in this episode.

But that's just the warm up act for our conclusion which involves (somehow)
Conan jumping onto a moving bus with its breaks cut that is going downhill on a mountain. There's then enough time for the person who gave him a ride to drive all the way back into town and tell Kogorou and the police about what is going on, while there's simultaneously enough time for the killer to give a full confession, after Conan gives a long winded explanation of things and even goes into further backstory, all before the characters remember 'oh shit, we're on a bus going down a mountain with no breaks but still aren't dead somehow', and then they magically avoid death through the powers of plot.
Seriously, someone at TMS was assigned to come up with an anime original case for Detective Conan and pitched this story. At some point, someone must have approved. An entire two episodes worth of scripts were written. These episodes were then storyboarded, animated and voiced. Either no one in the process ever stopped to say 'hold on, this story is fucking dog shit', or they did and no one listened to them. Either way, someone should have stopped this train wreck from being produced. What we have here is a lazily plotted story which feels nothing like what Detective Conan generally feels like in terms of the setting and tone (and what was even the point of the war between the two factions in the town? Oh that's right, fucking nothing), rips off copiously from The Moonlight Sonata Murder without getting a single thing that story did right (and seriously, even the villain's motivation and name twist were straight from that episode), and basically is filled with a bunch of dumb characters who are indistinguishible from one another, trapped in an idiotic plot that makes no sense, and going on with terrible side plots that have nothing to do with anything, all as they wait around for our climatic scene which breaks the laws of physics and features just about every dramatic cheat available.

I was pretty vocal about how much I hated Episode 165 for being a steaming pile of shit, but at least that episode was reasonably honest about it being some dumb kiddy crap where nothing of substance happened. I can kind of forgive it that, in retrospect. This two parter is unforgivable. A new low in Detective Conan Anime Original cases has been reached. I'm just glad that I only have another 28 episodes to go until Akai shows up.
I'm sorry, haha. I distinctly remember trailing off while watching these. I wasn't following what was happening and just going with the flow. You've got quite a few questionable AO's ahead of you, but the start of season 9 is amazing with a boat load of plot, the awesome Megure's Sealed Secret episodes, and a 2 hour Kaito Kid special. Keep on trucking! Haha.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Garden of Words
This is my first experience with Shinkai, and to be honest it doesn't really leave much of an impression. The great asset here is the sharp visuals, and they are put to work as much of the storytelling and emotional legwork wind up being pinned on both the subtle and overt visual touches. I enjoy the small ones, where characters find themselves in the corners of frames to emphasize emotional distance, repeated themes or shots of both objects and the positioning of characters, or objects in the foreground blocking off space between characters. Those are all really enjoyable that suit the quaint and subdued atmosphere.

There is subtle foreshadowing that comes completely visually (
like the last encounter during the rainy season becoming a sunshower with beams of light cutting through the rain
), but we also get important information at times that only comes visually. That stuff winds up making me feel like the audience is being treated with respect to pick up on enough to avoid extraneous information. Maybe this is why the over the top visual cues felt like they really hit me over the head, or offered unnecessary visual spectacle out of a seeming fear that the characters would be incapable of hitting a climax on their own.

I was pretty invested in the movie up front as something simple, but I found the inwardly looping nature and the "gotchya" moments near the middle and end to really draw me out of the story. While the rainy season offered a beautiful and borderline platonic tryst the reveal that she happened to be a figure in his life simply made things unnecessarily convoluted. This path leads our first bout of conflict to occur with an individual who is ultimately meaningless to the larger narrative, and the interaction winds up holding little weight because there is no appropriate build up and no possibility for interesting resolution. It feels like more of a waste in consideration of the other characters who do not seem to be fully realized. The stuff with main character's family seems to be dropped in the later half, the relationships either poorly realized or never even explored.

The movie fell apart for me completely at its end point, where the lady ran after the main character to create some tonally bizarre and contrived confrontation in another instance of escalation that only serves as melodramatic spectacle. The relationship between the two was never really built up enough to warrant such intensity, and with both characters going their separate ways but sharing their bond there was little need for the final interaction to be so heated.

There are a myriad of other problems like the obfuscation of information, particularly in regards to main female character that winds up constricting her from ever feeling very independent, but this is kind of all I really feel like elaborating on for now.

foot tracing is a poor substitute for intimacy.


Attack on Titan - 09

Dat Chekhov's gun.

Also, all the shit in this episode was spoiled for me a while ago so it had zero impact for me.


Attack on Cliffhanger 9

Wow, I didn't expect this
the idea that the father did something with Eren caught me by surprise.

Slow episode, I'm starting to see the issues some people were pointing but they don't undermine that much my enjoyment of the series so far.
So I went to a Tofu Festival today in Japantown and of course went to my favorite Japanese bookstore to pick some stuff. Also, my friend who went to Fanime last week also gave me some stuff she got there:

The Gintama figure talks so now I'm obligated to get a Gin one.

Nice stuff, is that a disgaea 3 book? Any emizel?

[Space Brothers] 60

This show is not big on production values, but the panic scene near the beginning was nice to look at. I also fist-pumped when

I'm surprised DTL isn't watching this considering it's about BROTHERS standing against ADVERSITY through the power of NAKAMA and stuff.

I look at the doujins actual bl, I mean Im waiting for the dub.


Really? I don't remember it.

I remember the key, and the go to the basement, but nothing of an injection
the show did try and pull the whole "it was all a dream lulz" at the time though they are now trying to explain why, so you aren't at fault for forgetting.


Proof that Attack on Titan is a totally forgettable show.

I just have shitty memory I guess!

Is this a thing now? I am starting to see more and more criticism for Attack on Titan, but I'm really enjoying it. I am not really experienced about anime so I guess my opinion is not that valuable for anyone that is not me.


Photo Kano 9


Such a… boring episode for such an upbeat and energetic girl. :/

How can you not feel wahjah if you see that in the street? Particularly the side where the one girl is being groped by the other girl. lol

now i want a wahjah mobile :(

There was a truck doing the same thing when the first season of Nyaruko came out. It was blasting the OP as it rolled through the streets of Akihabara.

So when you imagine this truck, you should imagine it filling the streets with the sounds of "SAN! PINCH!"
jesus christ
Posting this cause I haven't actually legit posted an impression in ages and I just finished this recently so whatever.

Mondaiji-tachi 1-10


So imagine Kirito, except instead of being a whiny waifu magnet with a bland personality that nobody likes and is perfect in every way, he is incredibly awesome as well as perfect in every way. You basically get this guy

That aside, it's rare for me to watch a show and like every main character almost instantly, but that's what happened here. I mentioned Izayoi specifically above, but I actually like him, Asuka, and You more or less equally. Story was kinda all over the place and the pacing was pretty rushed (why was this only 10 episodes again?) but I liked the action and animation and it was actually pretty funny too a lot of the time. Most of all though, the three leads carried this show and then some. I totally see myself cursing all that exists two years from now when there's still no S2 in sight.[/QUOTE]

Dreading the fact that we might not see the rest animated.

Also the 3 leads are awesome but shiroyasha is clearly there too.


ROBOTICS;NOTES animated adaptation is what it is, but I think that doesn't skews the enjoyment a piece of music like this can give:

Robotics;Notes OST - Robotics;Notes - YouTube

Today I fainted while taking a piss. What did you guys do today?
Tell me you were sit down when that happened...

I really like the warp effect they use here. I mean, why not an explosion of water?
I'm sure the explanation involves dark matter/neo-aether dense fluid wave riding and sub-space water-like breakthrough in a 'Alcubierre drive' method or by means of the Tannhäuser Gate's enabled degeneracy radius jump to achieve warp travel... or some other pseudo-answer full of drivel.

Best explanation? "Space is an ocean"!

That's why people saying it's a "sad" ending, I think, are completely missing the point.
The whole point was that Akizuki thought his dreams were worthless and Yukino could not overcome her fear. But because of their connection, they're able to overcome their problems and move forward in life. It's only a sad ending if you view it as a conventional romance where the two leads have to get together.
Thankfully, the thing is I've seen the term "bittersweet" thrown around more times.
They can move on thanks to each other's sharing, but they long for another opportunity to meet again. A by-the-book definition, as I see it.

How can you hate the Volkswagen Type 2?
Maybe he is more of a fan of the Citroën Type H!

Also, isn't that in the pictures the T1?


I don't even remember what ep I am on Attack on Titan but I do remember being really fucking upset that a good portion of the episodes from episode 2 onwards turn into a slideshow.
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