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The Last of Us - Review Thread [Emargo up, scores in OP.]

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The Cryptarch's Bane
So what's Kollar main point? Too afraid of spoilers to read any of these reviews. Seems like he thinks it's too violent...?
Sort of.

It's more that... it's violent at all, and that it necessarily had to be to exist, in terms of industry climate. It's pretty clear from his language that he would have vastly preferred the experience if stealth was an option for literally every encounter in the game (which is certainly a valid criticism). He also argues that gameplay contrivances force their way into an otherwise immersive experience in a similar manner to the Gamespot review.

If I could go out on a limb, he sounds a little jaded- almost as though the entry point for his experience of playing this game was that it should change what action games are, rather than being an excellent, standard-setting action game.

I'd be as hypnotically hyped for the hypothetical "AAA game with no combat" as anyone else around here would, but for developers actually trying to make money it's a real balancing act. If nothing else, my consensus take-away from all the reviews I've read is that the game is more than the sum of its parts.


First time I disliked a Eurogamer take. The reviewer got wrapped up in his own prose.

The Edge review was much better. Gameplay actually got more than a three sentence budget. It made the game sound interesting.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?


ADD New Gen Gamer
That is the vibe I am getting from the other reviews. The problem is nothing in the + column overcomes the "linear" part for me. I want a definite opinion on the "waves" issue once gaf gets this. Waves + linear = I'm out personally

Linearity is not a valid criticism of games though. It is an entirely valid gameplay type.


Junior Member
ehhh nope. I can think of plenty that are better off the top of my head, considering their past games.
Maybe this one will change that though.

LOL 0/10 why even post that? every mainstream game that Naughty Dog have ever made has been a classic.
I wouldn't say I was burned by Bioshock Infinite but I found it nowhere near as good as what reviews pegged it at. I'm looking at these scores kind of skeptical tbh.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I think people are getting a bit too onsessed with "perfect" scores. In oter forms of media great works get "low" metacritic ratings (in the 60s, 70s and 80s) and no one bats an eye or throws a hissy fit over it.
Unfortunately, things are different in gaming and scores in the 60s, 70,s and sometimes even 80s can cost people their jobs. It's serious business, unfortunately. :(

I'm looking at these scores kind of skeptical tbh.
In what sense? Look at the previous works from Naughty Dog this gen. This is the game created by the group of people that created Uncharted 2. At the very least, you can expect it to be quit good if not excellent.

You don't need review scores to tell you that much.


Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

It's fixed and OP claims it was unintentional.
I'm sure ND is too busy not giving a shit about The Polygon review to not give a shit about the Polygon review.

I want to see the ND office right now. I'd bet good money they've got a huge piece of cardboard on the office floor and and fucking break dancing right now.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I don't go to polygon or care about them whatsoever, but to say he sucks at his job based on reviewing two games under the metacritic average is funny.

Its not funny and we went over this multiple times. Its actually pretty sad. Most reviewing systems are broken and reviewers dont know shit about what they are talking about. Sometimes its just more obvious than other times and Polygon has a lot of work cut out for them to get any sort of credibility back.
Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

You can't be serious....


Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

Jump the shark a bit?



Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

Yes he does.
It sucks all Sony games have to have online passes. I was gonna preorder and buy it day 1, but now I'll be forced to buy used. I refuse to give any publisher/developer my money for business practices I don't agree with.


Glancing over these reviews it seems this is yet another game whose production values are the basis for scores instead of the actual gameplay. Will probably end up as another Bioshock Infinite situation where every aspect of the production is so well executed the video gameiness of it will stand out like a sore thumb.

I obviously can't speak about TLoU, but what was it about Bioshock's gameiness that stood out like a sore thumb?


I am going to have to defend the OP over the "he forgot the polygon link lol" bullshit. That conspiracy theory is as pathetic and retarded as the Polygon and Gamespot conspiracy theories and the posts supporting the OPs mistake..
I just love Naughty God so much right now – currently the best developer around at the moment. Can I get an amen!?


The Dogs be our savior
Forgive our misbehaviour
Can I get an amen?
May Crash help us through the bad times
Jak lead us through the harsh times
The fall before the rise
Look up into the skies
Nate looking down on me
He teaches us integrity
Can I get an Amen?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If Gamespot gave it a 7.5 people would complain, but in regards to Polygon it just smells. Its their fault for trying to be a credible reviewing outlet while being FUNDED by Microsoft. That smell is something they'll need to live with until the end of time.

Not to mention the SimCity reviewing fiasco.

Gamespot gave it an 8.0 and still got complaints. Hell, the reviewer is a poster here. I get the whole Polygon debacle, but the fact is people will have meltdowns over a 7.5 regardless of who it is issued by, most of the time without even reading the reasoning.

Its not funny and we went over this multiple times. Its actually pretty sad. Most reviewing systems are broken and reviewers dont know shit about what they are talking about. Sometimes its just more obvious than other times and Polygon has a lot of work cut out for them to get any sort of credibility back.

I agree completely, lol. But the scores will remain broken if no one is trying to lower them.


I need a PS3. I will get a PS4 for this if their streaming services with Gaikai work well enough to stream the game. Damn Sony are strong atm.


I'm sure ND is too bust not giving a shit about The Polygon review to not give a shit about the Polygon review.

I want to see the ND office right now. I'd bet good money they've got a huge piece of cardboard on the office floor and and fucking break dancing right now.

Currently at the ND offices...



Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

Do YOU realize he was still updating it and at the time he hadn't even put IGN score among others which gave the 10/10's to the game as well? Stop being so damn paranoid and dramatic



Great reviews but I am still sceptical after Uncharted 3. It was still a great game but inferior to 2 in so many obvious ways.

And lol Polygon. I guess TLOU is no masterpiece like Mass Effect 3 or Sim City. Time to rap it up Naughty Dog.

Polygon shouldn't even be considered a credible reviewing source after SimCity. Why metacritic accepts their scores still is honestly beyond me.


As much as I appear to be hyped for other games, this game is my most hyped. Like, ever. Naughty Gods do me well, Uncharted 2 is the best game on the PS3 and one of the GoaTs.


I didn't like Uncharted 2 as much as other people did. I understand the love it get but the game still has its flaws.
Yep. As much as it excelled presentation-wise, it was so-so gameplay-wise.

However, TLoU seems like a much more interesting game in both aspects.


Glancing over these reviews it seems this is yet another game whose production values are the basis for scores instead of the actual gameplay. Will probably end up as another Bioshock Infinite situation where every aspect of the production is so well executed the video gameiness of it will stand out like a sore thumb.

I don't know for sure and I'm obviously speaking from a position of ignorance but this is what I think is going on. No one wants to be the reviewer giving a $100 million game with a 5 year development cycle less than an 8. But again, I don't know what the circumstances are so I can't say for sure.

Anyways, The Last of Us looked interesting to me since the day it was announced so I'm definitely picking it up. A 10/10 score is as effective as a 1/10 when it comes to swaying my opinion.


I've only been reading GAF regularly since the start of the year, but this is honestly the first time I've seen a few posters here post anything non-Nintendo related... or non-Vita related in Father Brain's case.

Everyone excited for Last of Us it seems :)


Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

The OP links to polygon for me???


Glancing over these reviews it seems this is yet another game whose production values are the basis for scores instead of the actual gameplay. Will probably end up as another Bioshock Infinite situation where every aspect of the production is so well executed the video gameiness of it will stand out like a sore thumb.

I hope not. Infinite was a terribly boring game to me. The monotonous wave killing was too much for me. Uncharted worked because the balance of the platforming/ puzzle sections made it enjoyable. That and the fact that the story/ was so damn enjoyable.
Please remove the Polygon review from the OP. You are already not linking to it, so do the right thing and remove it completely. Any establishment with such a clear agenda doesn't deserve to have their opinion acknowledged. Naughty Dog deserve to sit at the top of metacritic for making the game of the generation. It saddens me to my core that unprofessional click bait could destroy everything they have worked so hard to achieve and ruin what should be a day of celebration.


Holy crap just noticed that the OP doesn't link to Polygon.

I've seen some pretty shifty, fanboy-driven, laugh inducing moments on NeoGAF before, but this has to take the cake. It's review of a video game people. Do you realize how close-minded and ridiculous that makes you seem?

What are you going to do when members of GAF start posting less then favorable opinions about The Last of Us? You going to put them on your ignore list?

Are you serious?
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