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Adam Boyes was in a meeting with Tretton when #PS4NoDRM started trending


So... it worked?

This is one of the reasons I support Sony above the other console manufacturers. 2 of the guys who appeared on stage at the Sony E3 presser respond to us on Twitter. Can the same be said of MS and Nintendo?
So this puts the score at TB > dogshit > EAgies

He's an anti consumer as long as I get mine arrogant twat but at least he can admit when he is wrong once there is no way out of it.


That's fucking awesome. Good job everyone and great initiative Mortimer! Sometimes the people can make a difference and that's so good to hear. :)

And good on TB for admitting he was wrong, although if he didn't now it would only put him in a worse light and he knows that. He was already in a bad light after saying those things and this is an easy way to get some goodwill back.

The only reason that companies ask people to resign is that people as gullible as you exist.
My sister resigned "voluntarily" one time. I assure you that it wasn't her idea.

Actually the reason is so that it won't be too hard for that person to find a job in the future. It looks better if they resigned from their last job rather than if they were fired, when applying for a new job. But you're most definitely right in saying that it wasn't voluntarily. If he hadn't resigned "voluntarily", aka after being told to, he would've been fired instead.


Cliffy B, another one who was against the campaign, is still adamant that Sony won't do anything different to MS.

Can't win 'em all i suppose.


Whether its true or not, that the "movement" made any impact on these decisions, Sony should absolutely portray it as such.

It is free advertisement for them to say "gosh you guys did it! thank you for helping us!", it comes across as humble and makes the enthusiast gamer who mostly participated very happy.

Sony would not have had this free advertisement and as much good will, had they on 20th February just said the same things, their E3 would not have had the same amount of punch to it.

Maybe it was deliberate, maybe they knew Microsoft was going to do this, after all we knew, what, late 2012? Was that when VGLeaks and Edge posted all this? They just saw a opening and used it to their advantage.

And i am not trying to downplay any of your efforts, to the folks that participated, you did a great deed, and it is really possible that you made enough noise to help tip the tide.

Everyone wins in this scenario, Sony gets more in touch with consumers than they have been for decades and consumers get to feel like their opinion actually matters.


Whether its true or not, that the "movement" made any impact on these decisions, Sony should absolutely portray it as such.

It is free advertisement for them to say "gosh you guys did it! thank you for helping us!", it comes across as humble and makes the enthusiast gamer who mostly participated very happy.

Sony would not have had this free advertisement and as much good will, had they on 20th February just said the same things, their E3 would not have had the same amount of punch to it.

Maybe it was deliberate, maybe they knew Microsoft was going to do this, after all we knew, what, late 2012? Was that when VGLeaks and Edge posted all this? They just saw a opening and used it to their advantage.

That wasn't the case. famousmortimer's sources told him that Sony had not made a decision on policies like this yet at the time the movement began. Of course, Sony will never say that they were uncertain, they'll push the story that they were 'always' on the side of the consumer for better PR. Them being humble and admitting they were considering DRM would put them at ill will with the public, a majority of which don't know anything about the #NoDRM movement.


At least he was man enough to admit he was wrong. I'll give him that.

You know he was. You have to give him props. He could have stuck his head in the sand still but he took it like a man. TB gets respect back after that. I just hope he will think twice in the future now before being so quick to say what you're doing won't do shit. That's all I hope.


I've done kazifications. I've done cernifications. This is my first famousmortimication.

GAF helped save the gaming world. You're welcome, gaming world.
Genius level long con tag fishing.

Fucking hats off mate.

Don't blow my cover! Sony actually hired me as viral marketer and wanted to pay me money but I was like 'nah, let's just make it big enough that I can get a tag.'

Also - as humble as I want to be, and I do - I don't like sticking my head out like this - I don't really need a gold plated ps4. But my wife would be extremely happy if I didn't spend $400 this fall (though I would just end up spending that on games :p) and I would be honored to get a unit (and use said unit - with love) that has Boyes' autograph on it. I know that sounds weird - but my grandfather gave me a baseball that he caught in foul territory at a red sox game in the 60s. Most people would put stuff like that on a shelf - me, i used it to play catch everyday as a kid. I totally want to own people in DriveClub in a custom Adam Boyes Edition™ PS4.

I'm just throwing that out there, Adam, if you're listening ;)

Thank you everyone who helped. We will never know what we affected but we do know that we were heard - and that's all we could ever hope for. The fact that we were heard during a meeting with Tretton is just the completely insane 500 cubic foot cherry on top.

Edit: and the mortification is terrifying and awesome. I've been exercising lately but I think that picture might be a pipe dream - haha.
I got two requests... one funny and one touching.

The first was someone begging me to get Shenmue 3 made. Because I can do that...?

The second was from a disabled gamer who wants to shed more light on offering fully customizable controls for people like himself who can't use certain buttons. I was so blown away that he thought that I could help with that. I'm gonna see what i can do. A twitter campaign doesn't seem likely but I feel like disabled gamers could use an advocate and I have some media contacts now. I work with autistic adults, which is vaguely related to this (some have motorskill difficulty) so it really hit home.

That's pretty awesome. Keep us updated on this if possible =)


Whether its true or not, that the "movement" made any impact on these decisions, Sony should absolutely portray it as such.

It is free advertisement for them to say "gosh you guys did it! thank you for helping us!", it comes across as humble and makes the enthusiast gamer who mostly participated very happy.

Sony would not have had this free advertisement and as much good will, had they on 20th February just said the same things, their E3 would not have had the same amount of punch to it.

Maybe it was deliberate, maybe they knew Microsoft was going to do this, after all we knew, what, late 2012? Was that when VGLeaks and Edge posted all this? They just saw a opening and used it to their advantage.

And i am not trying to downplay any of your efforts, to the folks that participated, you did a great deed, and it is really possible that you made enough noise to help tip the tide.

Everyone wins in this scenario, Sony gets more in touch with consumers than they have been for decades and consumers get to feel like their opinion actually matters.

People make it sound like there was no cost to Sony for playing along, but that isn't true. They have now committed very publicly to supporting the ownership-model of games, where I'm sure they would have preferred to keep their options open if it is indeed true that certain publishers were very against it.

They made a YouTube video that has been seen by 11 million people explaining that you can simply hand a PS4 game to someone else to share it. The video doesn't say "this is how it works for first-party titles--third-party games may differ," and that distinction will be completely lost on mass market consumers who don't understand how the industry works. If third-party publishers try to implement DRM tactics, Sony will take the heat. We've already seen how any hint of that is going to cause negative blowback to Sony, and their reps have been scrambling to correct any quote that suggests they aren't 100% committed to this. At this point, they are probably way more invested in the anti-DRM movement than they ever intended to be, and really have no choice but to ride that wave.

Even if it was what they intended all along, they no longer have the freedom to decide these issues on a case-by-case basic. The campaign gave them a reason to cross the river DRM and burned the bridge behind them.

So I don't think this was "free" publicity. Accepting it meant cutting off strategies that could have led to better relations with third-parties, and forces them to get more involved in how their third-parties implement things like online passes than they probably wanted to be.

And the campaign made sure that all of this unfolded in the most public possible way, as a deafening warning shot to the pro-DRM factions.

Even if this changed none of Sony's internal plans, I believe it will have a significant effect on their future plans and the future plans of many other players in the industry.


GAF truly just altered Gaming History.

and nothing about the sentence above is actually hyperbole. Amazing.

Famousmortimer, you will forever recieve props but the true heroes are everyone who made their voices heard. People do make a difference when they come together.

The same thing that happened here should be done for every world issue. Only then we'll see the results of change.

Pretty damn awesome to stand back and take it in...

Props to CBOAT as well, you're a crazy sunnuvahbuttocks yo


So interesting little tid bit from the latest interview with Sony reps.

Confirming that RIGHT after Microsoft announced the Xbox One Sony made the decision to eliminate a similar DRM policy.

“We had this idea for weeks, but waited until E3 to share the information…. We decided on this policy around when the Xbox One was announced in May.”

Good marketing strategy or duplicitous behavior? If the DRM reaction didn't blow up in Microsoft's face.....would have Sony announced the decision?

Food for thought
I didn't join the campaign because I'm a grumpy cynical bastard but props to those of you who did. The entire gaming community owes you a drink.
I'm amazed at how good Sony is with PR. They really know how to take advantage of the situation. They probably made this story on the spot but it really gets gamers happy to know they contributed to something good.


That wasn't the case. famousmortimer's sources told him that Sony had not made a decision on policies like this yet at the time the movement began.

They did say in February after the reveal the PS4 won't require an Internet connection. Yoshida said Sony reckons there are areas with no Internet access and they don't want to leave these guys hanging (paraphrasing here, think I read it on Develop or Edge).

While there was this Sony patent on used games and I'm sure there are other possibilites to include DRM in any way, shape or form, it's so much easier and cheaper (for the company) to just enforce it with an Internet connection.

I don't wanna discount what famousmortimer did though. If nothing else, it may have just cemented Sonys view on used games.
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