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What's up with all the negativity around The Last of Us now?


Talk about a backslash?

Besides the autosave glitch, people are complaining about dumb AI, bad graphics, clunky gameplay, repetition and so on.

Where's the catch here? I thought the game was praised universally for a reason.

Still patiently waiting to unbox my copy later tonight.


I love the character weight, it's unlike anything else though, it will certainly garner a lot of hate from people.
It's a critically lauded first-party game. Of course some people are going to hate it.

Also, thanks to Uncharted 3 being a worse game than Uncharted 2 design-wise, some of the sheen has fallen off of Naughty Dog on the gameplay side of things, and there's also a popular backlash against linear adventure games at the moment.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
All of that universal praise was from reviewers..the only people on the planet whose opinions on video games you shouldn't trust. Now the customers will speak. Also, it's literally release day..how could there possibly be a giant majority opinion formed yet..


When a game gets rated so high, people expectation rise high too. Every single thing that doesn't meet their expectations, which are very high, causes them to be disappointed a bit.
I haven't played it yet... but every huge game gets backlash. It comes with the territory. Ignore it and draw your own conclusions.

I loved Bioshock Infinite when a lot of people seemed to love bioshock infinite. I still love bioshock infinite now that everyone is shitting on it in retrospect. Sucks for them - the game was a joy for me.
What is hilarious is that if you went into the review thread on the day of embargo, there was a lot of backlash towards more critical opinions.

Still, the vast majority of impressions are praising this game to high heaven - you can't please everyone. I'm having a great time so far - and that's just with multiplayer.


People like to over hype major releases instead of approaching it realistically. The auto save issue will be fixed but for now yeah it's a pain to keep pausing my game. Its meeting my expectations so far but I also didn't expect the citizen Kane of video games.


Talk about a backslash?

Besides the autosave glitch, people are complaining about dumb AI, bad graphics, clunky gameplay, repetition and so on.

Where's the catch here? I thought the game was praised universally for a reason.

Still patiently waiting to unbox my copy later tonight.

Hasn't every universally praised game received huge backlash?

Take Skyward Sword, Diablo 3, etc etc.


Anytime something is as critically praised as the Last of Us there will be people who go out solely to find faults with it.


Talk about a backslash?

Besides the autosave glitch, people are complaining about dumb AI, bad graphics, clunky gameplay, repetition and so on.

I am not usually the tinfoil hat wearing type, but I will cop to believing the game review industry is hopelessly corrupt. Seriously, how many times has this happened now?

1. Game comes out to universal reviewer acclaim.
2. Game turns out to have massive issues, whether from bugs or gameplay issues.
3. Backlash ensues.

This has happened going back to the 1980s. It's not hard to do the math.
People always react like this to games that have high critical praise. They feel the need to tear them down. I used to be like that but it is much more enjoyable to just take things for what they are.


I am not usually the tinfoil hat wearing type, but I will cop to believing the game review industry is hopelessly corrupt. Seriously, how many times has this happened now?

1. Game comes out to universal reviewer acclaim.
2. Game turns out to have massive issues, whether from bugs or gameplay issues.
3. Backlash ensues.

This has happened going back to the 1980s. It's not hard to do the math.

If there is, then our outlet has seriously missed the memo.


I am having a wonderful time fellow GAFfer. My biggest surprise so far is the Multiplayer which I knew nothing about and it came as such a nice surprise.

Just enjoy the game. We already know that some GAFfers like to talk more about a game than to play it itself. ;)
Same was with Bioshock Infinite. A high praised game by press doesnt mean its good.

I said that in another earlier thread too

Ha I thought Bioshock Infinite had a fast honeymoon.

This one only lasted a day! :p

Going to start playing tomorrow so maybe, hopefully there will be a fix. Otherwise I'll try and save manually.


I think I'm gonna try out the MP first because of this. 2 buddies are getting the game too so it should be good fun this weekend.

WTF are you talking about op.

There's technical issues. Nothing about the actual game itself.

I read a couple of comments on the AI and being unable to move dead bodies. AI and NPC awareness seem the biggest complaints as far as I can tell for now.


Unbounded said:
Hasn't every universally praised game received huge backlash?

Take Skyward Sword, Diablo 3, etc etc.

Still anxiously awaiting SMG3 to be the combo breaker for the 3rd game curse

in 2016


I dunno how much moneyhatting they did, but it had to be A LOT. The game is not as great as the reviews claim. Not at all.
I'd like to go back to the thread where I said that maybe Gamespot's 8/10 and Polygons 7.5/10 might be valid scores... And I got ripped by the next 5 replies, some guy saying "my agenda was obvious."

After Uncharted 3, I don't expect that much from Naughty Dog.
Talk about a backslash?

Besides the autosave glitch, people are complaining about dumb AI, bad graphics, clunky gameplay, repetition and so on.

Where's the catch here? I thought the game was praised universally for a reason.

Still patiently waiting to unbox my copy later tonight.

Almost all games that are universally praised eventually get criticised because it does not meet people's expectations. Doesn't mean the criticisms aren't valid though.
Especially so if they are exclusive to one platform.
I hate this piece of shit game. I forgot to go pick it up from Gamestop (got distracted reading GAF). it never ends with this fucking piece of garbage.. next I'm gonna have to PLAY it?


I think our community being as focused on gaming as it is, we are more willing to go in depth with a game and analyze it for it's flaws than other players. I don't think this exactly means that a game like The Last of Us (picking it up later today) or Bioshock Infinite (still adore that game) is bad, or not even a great game, it's just that when reviewers promise us something that will blow our minds, and it doesn't, then people of course will be upset.


If there is, then our outlet has seriously missed the memo.

Well, it's either corruption or incompetence. I left that part out, because I have a harder time calling somebody incompetent than calling them corrupt. In a way, it's like I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Hah.

I am especially disappointed in Edge, who gave this game 10/10. I've always kind of looked up to them as the Consumer Reports of gaming.

To be clear, I am disgusted with the game breaking autosave bug over the quality of the game itself (which I haven't yet played). Anybody who played the game at all should have caught that. I don't know if these reviewers are sitting and watching movies of the game being played and basing reviews off that or what. There is simply no explanation.


I don't think theres a significant backlash at all from the sites I visit. If people want to pretend there is though...


I bet if U3 came out first, people would pan U2. The first Uncharted was great, but had a LOT of issues, which were corrected with U2. U3 didn't have as much to improve upon, so it was viewed as being dissapointing.
Most people got the game yesterday or today.

I am not usually the tinfoil hat wearing type, but I will cop to believing the game review industry is hopelessly corrupt. Seriously, how many times has this happened now?

1. Game comes out to universal reviewer acclaim.
2. Game turns out to have massive issues, whether from bugs or gameplay issues.
3. Backlash ensues.

This has happened going back to the 1980s. It's not hard to do the math.

Sums up just fine. I'm expecting a user score around the 80s once the dust has settled.
Imo i love the game. I think the graphics and game play are great!!!!!! And it is my GOTY so far.

In terms of the mp, i love it and spent around 5 hours yesterday playing it non stop. The snow level is a beautiful site to behold!!!!!


Gold Member
Wait until you see what happens to the Star Wars movie in 2 years.

Picking it up after work though, I'm going to enjoy it, i just know it! *i hope :(*


Well judging from the ridiculous review this game got people are expecting a pretty much perfect game. When it turns out it has issues there's gonna be backlash.

I've given up on video game reviewers. Completely useless and always fail to mention the things that actually matter.


Overhype (which doesn't mean a game is bad, but that people set their standards unrealistically high).

Also, people love being "that guy" to nitpick a critically acclaimed game/movie/restaurant/food/celebrity/anything that can possibly be acclaimed. What you end up with is a lot of "those guys" posting on forums (because really, "those guys" thrive on letting people know how hip they are for disagreeing with the mainstream).

Also, those who have negative experiences (with ANYTHING) tend to be much more vocal than those who have positive or as expected experiences. No one is going to hop on a message board and say "Guys! My toaster works as expected." But if some people have a broken toaster, oh my God, forumgeddon.

Other possible explanations:

- Not being the game they wanted ND to make, so they get mad and disappointed
- Not controlling how they wanted it to control, even if the controls are fine, so they get mad and disappointed.
- Taking one instance of a bad experience (an AI stupidly running into the open, for example) and extrapolating that out as "the AI is bad."
- People expecting the game to be Call of Duty Zombies mode.

And of course, there are some people who are being 100% honest and genuine about not liking the game.
I'm not sure what you're talking about OP. plenty of people are loving the game. And no game in the history of gaming has had universal acclaim.


Dreams in Digital
It's because gamers have become greedy. The same happens with PS+. It's a fantastic game so far for me. The only thing that's pissed me off is the fact I've just lost half an hours worth of play, but it could have been worse.


Like many people in the initial thread said, an autosave issue in the release candidate should have been caught in QA. If the bug were in the review copy, it should have been mentioned.

ND even delayed the game to polish it up. No excuses for this kind of stuff.
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