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SCEE CEO Jim Ryan Interview about PS4


140 games the first year?

Indie games out the ass

And I can't wait!

casmith07 said:
This...is actually a pretty good question. Not used to those in these interviews. Anyway, nice read
It's a good question, but it's been asked and answered ad nauseum. It's almost as if the gaming press is just aching for Sony to introduce Xbox-style DRM so they can do the classic "build em up, tear em down" tactic of journalism. It's starting to become exceedingly tiresome.

Ah, must have missed the other interviews with that question.

Anyway, I believe game journalists should be tearing every PR individual an asshole wherever possible, since a PR guys job is to be as deceptive and persuasive as possible to give consumers the best impression of whatever they're offering, and a journalists job in this situation is basically to expose the cracks in the story.


It's pretty ridiculous how so many people hate on Killzone. It almost seems like people just hate on because it's a popular opinion on the forums where it makes you feel like you're with the crowd.

Killzone, as a series, has deficiencies in terms of its story and characters, but Killzone 2 gameplay and graphics were incredible. It doesn't get enough appreciation.


They only need to tread carefully if they're holding something back. The fact that they aren't backing down suggests that they aren't.

They are holding back though. LOTS of shit. You know that though ;)

Honestly, with the stuff announced for both XB1 and PS4, if they come out within the first year of its life, they might actually be some of the first platforms ever to be able to avoid the "first year drought."

thumb said:
Killzone, as a series, has deficiencies in terms of its story and characters, but Killzone 2 was incredible. It doesn't get enough appreciation.

Painfully linear level design, mediocre and routine gunplay and arsenal, horrendous input lag, MOST AMAZING VISUALS EVER for a FPS on consoles at the time. Not sure about the multiplayer though.

I'd say on the balance people appreciated it just right ;P
It's not that I think they should kill it because I don't like it. I think Killzone is just a waste of resources within SCEE. The opportunity cost to keep pumping Killzone games that don't sell very well is quite high because SCEE could be working on new IP that has a better chance of being successful.

Guerrilla games IS working in a new IP. Sounds like you are complaining about a total non-issue.
They are holding back though. LOTS of shit. You know that though ;)

I'm just talking about their consumer rights stance. If they're holding back some nasty stuff, then they're playing with fire that they aren't going to be able to put out. The fact that they're very confident in their stance and are very vocal about it certainly makes it seem like they aren't trying to pull a fast one on consumers.
Plays like and sells like it though...

It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as COD, BF or Halo. Not even Gears or Uncharted. No Killzone is well below those franchises in terms of sales. Sony should just kill it when SF bombs despite being a launch title.

I doubt SF will bomb.

A mediocre franchise is something like Haze or Wii____ (from a gameplay perspective, its sales are obviously not mediocre). A franchise that scores in the 80s and 90s on MC this generation should not be called mediocre just because it's not your cup of tea.

Play is obviously subjective, one can like the gameplay of Killzone better than any of the franchises you mentioned and he or she wouldn't be wrong.

Sales is more objective, but just because it doesn't sell as well as the juggernauts you mentioned, it doesn't mean it should be killed off. Forza doesn't sell a fraction of what GT sells, should MS kill the franchise as well? Team ICO games sell horribly compared to the dev time they go through, should they be killed off?

I disagree with your assessment of Killzone and until the series really start declining, then I'm okay with more iterations on it. SF is obviously a big test and they are bringing new things to the series. Open world, ability to climb, etc. There are still more questions regarding multiplayer/co op, ability to go prone, and so forth. The game also obviously looks real good, arguably best looking game of the show.


Junior Member
So, time to prepare for an arrogant fiasco of PS5? Or will PS5 be to PS4 what PS2 was to PSX and we're still good for the next gen and the one after that, with PS6 being another flop?


Ah, must have missed the other interviews with that question.

Anyway, I believe game journalists should be tearing every PR individual an asshole wherever possible, since a PR guys job is to be as deceptive and persuasive as possible to give consumers the best impression of whatever they're offering, and a journalists job in this situation is basically to expose the cracks in the story.

I don't disagree. But when multiple people have said the same thing over and over . . . at what point do you take a wait and see approach?

I also freely admit I have a special disdain for the media in general, however.


I'm just talking about their consumer rights stance. If they're holding back some nasty stuff, then they're playing with fire that they aren't going to be able to put out. The fact that they're very confident in their stance and are very vocal about it certainly makes it seem like they aren't trying to pull a fast one on consumers.

Honestly what else could be hiding? I can't think of anything significant left that they've yet to answer about this sort of thing..

casmith07 said:
I don't disagree. But when multiple people have said the same thing over and over . . . at what point do you take a wait and see approach?

I also freely admit I have a special disdain for the media in general, however.

Then you have my sword, 'cause everybody knows I am a huge game media critic. I criticize the media in general these days, but the game media is some form of advanced awful.


extra source of jiggaflops
Painfully linear level design, mediocre and routine gunplay and arsenal, horrendous input lag, MOST AMAZING VISUALS EVER for a FPS on consoles at the time. Not sure about the multiplayer though.
All I hate to counter is that I didn't play the singleplayer (except for the demo) and: THE KILLZONE CHIRP IS LIKE CRACK


Painfully linear level design, mediocre and routine gunplay and arsenal, horrendous input lag, MOST AMAZING VISUALS EVER for a FPS on consoles at the time. Not sure about the multiplayer though. I'd say on the balance people appreciated it just right ;P

It does have a linear campaign, like most modern shooters. I would say bolt gun, arc rifle, and drones were not "routine" at the time. Input lag appeared solved or ameliorated through patches. I was one of those people who appreciated the weight of the controls post-patch. Killzone 2 strove to make firefights a bit more slow and deliberate and matched them with an oppressive and scary atmosphere. It was a heady mix for me.
They are holding back though. LOTS of shit. You know that though ;)

Honestly, with the stuff announced for both XB1 and PS4, if they come out within the first year of its life, they might actually be some of the first platforms ever to be able to avoid the "first year drought."

Painfully linear level design, mediocre and routine gunplay and arsenal, horrendous input lag, MOST AMAZING VISUALS EVER for a FPS on consoles at the time. Not sure about the multiplayer though.

I'd say on the balance people appreciated it just right ;P

Mediocre gunplay? Killzone? Have you even played the game?


Then you have my sword, 'cause everybody knows I am a huge game media critic. I criticize the media in general these days, but the game media is some form of advanced awful.

I liken it to the atrocious post-game/post-practice press conferences in the NFL (I'm a football nut, but I hate football video games).

The same guy or different guys will ask the coach or player the same. fucking. question. and only change one or two words to try and see if they can get a "gotcha" soundbyte for their article. It's brutally obvious and is a bush league tactic that would make real journalists of the early 20th century roll over in their graves.


I have been thinking about that before I entered this thread. Sony needs to tread carefully up through launch.

And post launch as well. The minute they start to draw back services and content from PS+ they will catch a lot of outrage because of the paywall so they'd be wise avoid that. Offering enough value so that people want PS+ is what needs to be done, and that includes stable multiplayer servers that are smooth as butter.


Glad to see that I'm not the only one. I want to play games where the developers take risks and introduce some new experiences. Indies have been up to this task.

Yup. Sony's indie embrace has been far and away the most promising sign for me on PS4. I really thought they could have done a better job of it this past gen, and now they seem to have all the pieces in place. Can't wait to explore some of the titles on that environment.

All I hate to counter is that I didn't play the singleplayer (except for the demo) and: THE KILLZONE CHIRP IS LIKE CRACK

Haha everybody says that. I loved the little ching sound people make when you kill them on Uncharted, so addicting, so I can understand the sentiment.

Mediocre gunplay? Killzone? Have you even played the game?

No of course not because not having your opinion means somebody did not play it.

Sorry, I believe strongly Killzone has mediocre gunplay. If you disagree, then I am going to say "go play some FPS on PC. Like, almost any of them." That's how far apart we must be :p

casmith07 said:
I liken it to the atrocious post-game/post-practice press conferences in the NFL (I'm a football nut, but I hate football video games).

The same guy or different guys will ask the coach or player the same. fucking. question. and only change one or two words to try and see if they can get a "gotcha" soundbyte for their article. It's brutally obvious and is a bush league tactic that would make real journalists of the early 20th century roll over in their graves.

TO be fair to these game media people, they generally write these questions before they get their interview, and a lot of the questions are bound to be the same, and it's probably impossible to go over every question asked by someone else in the media and trying to have a fully unique set, ya know?
I liken it to the atrocious post-game/post-practice press conferences in the NFL (I'm a football nut, but I hate football video games).

The same guy or different guys will ask the coach or player the same. fucking. question. and only change one or two words to try and see if they can get a "gotcha" soundbyte for their article. It's brutally obvious and is a bush league tactic that would make real journalists of the early 20th century roll over in their graves.

You make a very good point. I hate seeing that as well. I would love to just blame entities like ESPN, but it is so widespread that it is just painful to watch and read.

Game "journalism" is much more of a fanboy war hosted on sites and blogs. I see a lot of tech sites suffering from the same thing.

With that, remember when the news didn't report on celebrities' dating lives?


I like Killzone and have played a lot of KZ2 and KZ3 MP, but it's not a blockbuster franchise like COD, BF, Uncharted or even Gears/Halo.


Junior Member
Excellent interview, Jim Ryan seemed humble enough. Didn't sound like he tried to be "right" all the time. I guess that's what happens when your company is in the process of a comeback. I bet the PS4 will sell 5 million before Derrick Rose's return.

I raise you to six million lol.


I'm just talking about their consumer rights stance.If they're holding back some nasty stuff, then they're playing with fire that they aren't going to be able to put out. The fact that they're very confident in their stance and are very vocal about it certainly makes it seem like they aren't trying to pull a fast one on consumers.
Anything in particular you're worried about?

The DRM situation on PS4 pretty much being like the PS3 was set earlier than the Playstation Meeting, in terms of there being no game region lock or any block on used games. And as far as I know, the online paywall is the only anti-consumer move. I'm genuinely curious. What other fear would you have that you think they could be holding back?


There are several things I don't like about KZ messaging. I hope they changed but they haven't. Brutal melee is one of the dumbest bullet point in messaging about the previous game and now they are excited to announce Aerial melee as another.
Great interview. Jim Ryan comes of as an incredibly nice guy. Fantastic head for SCEE.

Killzone 2 was the most fun I had with a multiplayer shooter last gen.

You've been playing the wrong games then.The half hour input lag makes it unbearable enough, and that's ignoring the other things it fails in.


extra source of jiggaflops
Killzone 2 was the most fun I had with a multiplayer shooter last gen.
It's okay, you're safe here. It was the FPS of the year on GAF.

It will never reach the heights of the truly great FPS games like Quake 3, but when you look at that everything is a fucking modern warfare shooter nowadays, it at least has Warzone and great guns and very good hit reactions.
I think it is a safe bet that some of those 140 games will get delayed once some companies see what they are up against at christmas. It happens every year.


So, time to prepare for an arrogant fiasco of PS5? Or will PS5 be to PS4 what PS2 was to PSX and we're still good for the next gen and the one after that, with PS6 being another flop?

PS6 it seems multiples of 3 is when shit hits the fan.
Honestly what else could be hiding? I can't think of anything significant left that they've yet to answer about this sort of thing..

I also don't see how they could be hiding anything. They've answered all the questions asked of them and have been detailed in their responses. They've been clear that their stance is the same as it was when you bought your PSone.

Anything in particular you're worried about?

Nope. I was just responding to Digital-Hero's comment about how they need to tread carefully. If they're being truthful then they should be as loud as they can be on this issue.


I don't get how something like Killzone is called a failure when it sold 2.5-3 mil for 2 and 3. It's not COD but it doesn't have to be.


TO be fair to these game media people, they generally write these questions before they get their interview, and a lot of the questions are bound to be the same, and it's probably impossible to go over every question asked by someone else in the media and trying to have a fully unique set, ya know?

No quarter!!

You make a very good point. I hate seeing that as well. I would love to just blame entities like ESPN, but it is so widespread that it is just painful to watch and read.

Game "journalism" is much more of a fanboy war hosted on sites and blogs. I see a lot of tech sites suffering from the same thing.

With that, remember when the news didn't report on celebrities' dating lives?

Yep, yep, and yep. We're in the new age now. More clicks the better, even if it's not true.
20 first party games within the first year... 12 of which are new I.P (which seems like quite a lot of new I.P... might not see a new Uncharted by Naughty Dog then)

It seems every new console gen for Sony they go back to the drawing board with New I.Ps and then later bring back older ones
The interviewer is not wrong about Killzone at least. A mediocre franchise if ever there was one...

Killzone 2 2.9 mil WW 91 metascore
Killzone 3 2.4 mil WW 84 metascore

What are you basing your statement off of besides your opinion? Are you comparing it to Halo, COD and battlefield? Besides those games what FPS is doing those numbers?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sorry, I don't believe. TLG can't be real if anyone at SCE at all thought it was on hiatus. The cat bird is never coming home.

His tasteful answer on being "at least competitive" pretty much shows why major Nelson is al snow and needs to be collared.


The 140 games statement wasn't completely right. They said 140 games in development - 100 for the first year.

There are more than 140 games in development for PS4 between first and third-party developers, Sony announced. Of these more than 140 games, SCE Worldwide Studios has 30 games in development for PS4, with 12 being new IPs. Out of the 30 games, Sony will release 20 PS4 titles within the console’s first year of availably.

In total, more than 100 games will be available during the PS4’s first year.

Plays like and sells like it though...

It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as COD, BF or Halo. Not even Gears or Uncharted. No Killzone is well below those franchises in terms of sales. Sony should just kill it when SF bombs despite being a launch title.


Killzone is easily on par with the likes of CoD and BF. That's not a particularly high bar. Single player killzone is definitely better than either franchise here, and KZ2 mp (imho) is way better, but not as accessible.

I'd certainly put it up against Gears as well -- both games are linear roller coasters and not much else. Killzone shadow fall is looking to be quite a bit more open and may introduce some of the larger scale gameplay Halo is known for.

Real as they come mate, Killzone just isn't very good. It's form over function, looks pretty plays poorly.

That's like, your opinion man. If you didn't like the controls, KZ3 pretty much fixed them and made it like any other shooter. How does it play poorly?

It's not that I think they should kill it because I don't like it. I think Killzone is just a waste of resources within SCEE. The opportunity cost to keep pumping Killzone games that don't sell very well is quite high because SCEE could be working on new IP that has a better chance of being successful.

They sell well enough. They're usually 300+K in the US (InFamous and Killzone series) first month, and sell well over a million world wide.

And it's not like Guerrilla Games isn't working on something new. They needed a standout graphical launch title with strong base and foundation, shooters generally do well to cater to this sort of thing, so it's a logical choice to have as a launch title.

With PS4 getting more traction with 360's fanbase (improved controller, headset out of the box, better player matching and social features), Killzone also has the opportunity to do better if the multiplayer resonates with this audience, so I wouldn't be counting out its potential.

I seriously don't get the Killzone hate while simultaneously praising other shooters in the genre.
So, yes there is a certain common knowledge that there is unhappiness within the publishing community over the fact that they do not participate in the second-hand business. However, if you offer any publisher a choice between an installed base of X – where X is a very large number – with the status quo on the second-hand disc-based model or 50 per cent of X and some sort of putative cut of the second-hand business I can predict with 100 per cent certainty what they would take.
That is a damn interesting quote.
I guess Sony are planning on making a huge install base that the 3rd parties can't say no to.
Killzone 2 multiplayer was the most fun I had with a shooter last gen. I only played about 30 minutes of the single player which seemed very standard.
Other games need to just ripoff the rolling game modes which stops people camping in one spot and makes people go everywhere on a map.
It's not that I think they should kill it because I don't like it. I think Killzone is just a waste of resources within SCEE. The opportunity cost to keep pumping Killzone games that don't sell very well is quite high because SCEE could be working on new IP that has a better chance of being successful.

It´s not a waste of resources if it´s always profitable. You were pissed that Sony closed Liverpool, well Wipeout sells a fraction of Killzone, so yeah.


Damn, now that E3 is over its going to be awhile before we get anymore new information. Kind of sucks because Gamescom is not until August, and TGS is in September(?). I want to know what the rest of the 20 are. I want some new SSM, ND, wanna see some cool stuff from Japan....

Need to freeze myself.


Too bad they couldn't make Infamous into a launch game, as launch games have the chance to become quite big due to limited selection and good games bubbling to the top.

It would be absurd if the third one launches in end of May, beginning of June yet again.

They're aiming for February. So we're right in that launch window.
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