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Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT2| You Can Stack Fruit

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Been sprinting around barefoot since launch and haven't seen any wear yet. So either it doesn't or it is so painfully slow it doesn't show up for a Loooong time.

Shoes are the worst and I'm glad I'm not alone. Also the footstep sound effects are nice when you're rolling around barefooted.

We should organize a thread where we all pull our money together, and pass around the 100,000,000 just so we all individually unlock the ATM. I'm serious.

I'm totally in support of this, but 100,000,000 is a lot of bells. We'd need to place some restrictions to avoid the largest theft in Animal Crossing history.


Sure, just give me your friend code. Btw, if you JUST restarted, I would take SalsaShark's advice and restart a bit in the past. Like a week or two. That should help you get back to where you were quickly.

And yeah, tonight works. I'm stuck in the hospital with leukemia again, so I've got nothing to do. :p

Totally going to do that. Should make things a bit easier. What's the easiest way to grind the first set of mayor points so I can get that over with. After that, shouldn't be too hard to get the rest. Just need to keep rebuilding my town until I get Ribbot, my best citizen back.
I'm going to laugh my ass off so hard if someone gets away with stealing 100 million Bells.

It would suck hard, but you can't deny that's hilarious.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm totally in support of this, but 100,000,000 is a lot of bells. We'd need to place some restrictions to avoid the largest theft in Animal Crossing history.

Well there goes my master plan.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Totally going to do that. Should make things a bit easier. What's the easiest way to grind the first set of mayor points so I can get that over with. After that, shouldn't be too hard to get the rest. Just need to keep rebuilding my town until I get Ribbot, my best citizen back.

Water all the plants, change your flag and tune, talk to everyone in town, pull any weeds. Then skip to the next day and do it again. That SHOULD do it.


In the process of rebuilding my town and making sure I've got my favorite citizens. Expect A LOT of fruit begging from me, tomorrow. Haha


Weird how the game doesn't mark friends on a map when visiting/being visited

I think it's awesome, some of the backwards thinking are great and makes this a much social game. Especially Club Tortimer, being cooped up in a "room" with strangers and with nothing much to do together unless someone else agrees on it is a terrific way to make you have to talk to other people.

It's oddly charming.


Totally going to do that. Should make things a bit easier. What's the easiest way to grind the first set of mayor points so I can get that over with. After that, shouldn't be too hard to get the rest. Just need to keep rebuilding my town until I get Ribbot, my best citizen back.
Each letter sent is one point that can keep adding.


I think it's awesome, some of the backwards thinking are great and makes this a much social game. Especially Club Tortimer, being cooped up in a "room" with strangers and with nothing much to do together unless someone else agrees on it is a terrific way to make you have to talk to other people.

It's oddly charming.

it's good and bad. i guess it fits the zen mood though - 'where are you?' 'i'll be waiting by the town hall' etc


I microwave steaks.
Nooooope. None of the 7/11 items are. That's what makes them so rare. If they were purchasable, I would have offered here probably.

What the hell, that sucks.

Edit: I like the 100 mil idea, theoretically each person would need to bring 25 mil @___@, I've barely scratched a mil right now.


Reluctant Member
June, 18th. Tuesday.

The fifth day in my battle to bring this town to its knees.


I woke up to these odd creatures spread throughout our town. They seem similar to the creature who regulates the "donation" drives, only these don't seem to have their mental faculties intact. I suspect being buried underground has caused them to lose their sanity.


Now his house has completely blocked off my road. I will not let this stand.


Everyone celebrates the new well I put in. No on suspects what it will hide.


Hiding behind the infiltrator's house. I wonder what he is planning? Is his complete obliviousness an act?


Natalie from Skyworld and Jason (in the dress and pigtails) from Euclid came over and we had a brief war. Nobody won. We all went home to fight another day.


This town is disgusting. I need to enact a bath ordinance.


Practicing kung fu? With Peanut? What lies. Suspicious.


She seems confused as to the purpose of my letters.


Well. This is awkward.


Sharp as a bag of bricks. I don't even know what to think of this one anymore.


Training of my beetle army is going as planned.


Oh, why thank you Kapp--


Fuck ooooooooooooff.

Also on my Tumblr if anyone who wants to follow it missed it yesterday.

It's going to a busy, unproductive day.
This was my town exactly today. It's pretty exciting! :)

Although I couldn't seem to connect to anything in the Dream Suite when I just let Luna suggest me something. She kept saying I had an unstable internet connection and couldn't sleep. Searched for a town and visited it just fine. :/
Have you attempted throwing the 3DS' IP on the DMZ? Whenever I had router problems with my xbox 360, that's what I would do and then all of the sudden I can connect to everyone.

I finally managed to manually assign an IP. I'll see if this changes anything tomorrow...


Now that I've learned you can leave your gate open in sleep mode, I think I'll be doing so more often.

Here is my friend code if anyone would like to add me, I'll be playing this pretty often:


Please PM me your friend code, if you do, thanks.

Also, someone bring me a peach or two :(


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Heh I got my birthday surprise today, and I can now access The Island yey


Giving up on Ribbot, as I've not got him after like 15 times, but I got a pair of Lions that seem real cool. Ok. let's get this town started


Now that I've learned you can leave your gate open in sleep mode, I think I'll be doing so more often.

Here is my friend code if anyone would like to add me, I'll be playing this pretty often:


Please PM me your friend code, if you do, thanks.

Also, someone bring me a peach or two :(
Old school GAFer sighted? Added. FC: 0430-8422-7386

Got plenty of peaches and I'll be online for a bit longer if you're around.

Will also PM


Ok, so new town set up. First order of business, get my fruit and item collection back up to snuff. This time, I'm a cherry town. Any other fruit would be greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated. Also need fossils, rare museum bugs, a mario 1-1 wallpaper, and that Racoon Clock from Best Buy.

Again, thanks anyone that can help me recover from this tragedy. You can't know just how much I appreciate this. I'll try to repay you all in time.


Ok, so new town set up. First order of business, get my fruit and item collection back up to snuff. This time, I'm a cherry town. Any other fruit would be greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated. Also need fossils, rare museum bugs, a mario 1-1 wallpaper, and that Racoon Clock from Best Buy.

Again, thanks anyone that can help me recover from this tragedy. You can't know just how much I appreciate this. I'll try to repay you all in time.

You're not alone...

I am really digging this Mermaid carpet. I may end up getting the entire set.

Again, thanks anyone that can help me recover from this tragedy. You can't know just how much I appreciate this. I'll try to repay you all in time.

I have an extra shovel, net, rod, axe, pears, and oranges. You can also catalog my Raccoon Clock as well.
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