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alright GAF lets do it: Quake vs UT


UT '99

I spent a lot of time with it while I was in high school by virtue of the fact that it was included in a bundle of games when I got with a Dell Inspiron back in 2000.


UT04 is to date, the best competitive 1on1 shooter in existence. Quake was incredible, but UT is the successor in every aspect. God, I want a new UT... (but please not like the shitty 08 version :X)


UT99 thanks to the sheer variation and the awesome music. Q3 had gothic or industrial maps. UT99 had you battling on top of enourmous skyscrapers on the edge of space, kicking ass in jungle caverns, jumping in and out of a spaceship in wormhole mode, running for your life on conveyor belts, and so on. Also, the mod scene was insanely good (they were for both).

I loved the rocket arena mod for UT99.
Quake III for me. I was a railgun-only match addict and used to just wreck people. I haven't really gotten into a shooter since, and don't think I could ever be that focused again.

...I bought UT back then, and there was really nothing wrong with it, but I just wasn't feeling it and couldn't get in it's groove. Felt like I was on the moon.


Neo Member
As much fun Quake 3 Arena was, Quake 1 LAN, and UT99 non-stop fun in 'Facing Worlds'...the right answer is Quake II (Action Quake cemented its godlike status).

Would rock this game on my US Robotics 56K modem, playing on Mplayer. Remember either of those two (let alone in combination)?
Pre-dedicated graphics card: UT. Loved that game, had a crappy 56k connection and oceanic latency, so didn't play online much. But damn if those godlike bots weren't brutal.

I picked up the Quake 3 collectors tin on launch, but couldn't play it for about 8 months while I saved my paper-run money for my first graphics card (Riva TNT2 ftw!). When I did get to play it, it and deus ex were my graphical showpieces for how awesome my computer was (like Crysis is these days). I liked the gameplay and the emergent weapon and power-up control strategies, but it never really gripped me like UT did. To this day I still love jumping into UT 3 and mindlessly killing bots for a couple of hours to relieve the stresses of the day. Hvae done the same with Q3 live from time to time, but just isn't the same, doesn't hit on the same nostalgia that UT invokes.

Sorry will have to give it to UT. Its a bit skewed as I played UT first and the most. But they were both amazing products and a proof that competition between products breed innovation.
Unreal Tournament 2004 in Bombing Run is some of the most fun I have ever had in a LAN environment. I think that by the time I got into PC gaming and had a capable machine, Quake was pretty well done for, while UT was still a thing people played.


Quake 3 for me. I got pretty damn good at the game and there is just something beautiful about it modern shooters are missing. Don't get me wrong I love going on big killstreaks in Planetside 2 (game I'm currently playing) but there was nothing like flying through the air nailing dudes with precision weapons at a faster speed then most vehicles go in modern shooters.

It was the best deathmatch game ever because it was designed to be the best deathmatch game ever if that makes any sense. There is no fluff. No uneccesary mechanics that dilute the experience.

Pretty close to perfect. It's funny to because I say that and Q3 prolly isn't in my top 10 games ever. But for what it is I'm not sure it gets any better.


So what the hell happened to the unique and awesome design on both Q3 and UT99? Q4 is butt-ugly and uninspired and the last UT game looked like a Gears clone. I haaate that both games lost their 90's attitude. I want color and/or weird designs :)


Both are awesome but i'll take UT over Quake any day.

UT has better and more varied maps, better weapons, more gamemodes, better music, better characters (AUTOTAUNT BITCH), better announcer, fucking better everything.
Quake just doesn't compare ;)

DM-Morpheus all day every day



Quake 3.

Unreal Tournament has a ton of features and a more compelling single-player. In addition, its larger variety of stuff and powerful enforcer make the game great for when you want to play a competitive game that's not going to completely alienate the less skilled players. I thought it was the better game for a long time.

However, Quake 3 is just so flawless that it's on a level all by itself. All of the weapons are perfectly tuned and have a distinct purpose with the maps to match. The real selling point, however, is the absolutely perfect physics and movement dynamics. Overall, the design is so laser focused that no other game can compete, not even UT99, itself one of the best games in the genre. After some games of Q3A its competitors feel downright sluggish.

Franchise-wise, it's no contest: Quake.

Quake 3 > Quake > UT99 > UT2K4 >> Quake 2 > UT2K3 > UT3 = Quake 4


Quake 1.

Quake with all those mods. Theewave CTF, Painkeep, Killer Quake, Quake Rally. Then throw in QuakeWorld.


Unreal Tournament

Why? It had far better weapons, with more purpose for them and allowed for more skilled play. A great UT player can do amazing things with the Shock Rifle and Flak Cannon

CTF is also far superior in UT, as are most game types, great memorable maps, fantastic weapons.


Quake! Still my most played FPS series by far. Quake Live is how I spend most of my gaming hours still today.
I love Quake, but the hundreds of hours I spent making UT maps (and playing them, for clarity's sake) is proof I liked Unreal Tournament more.


Why? It had far better weapons, with more purpose for them and allowed for more skilled play. A great UT player can do amazing things with the Shock Rifle and Flak Cannon
I would argue that Quake's more restrictive and specific weapons were a significant factor in Quake's competitive scene far outgrowing and outliving UT's.


Quake 3.

Unreal Tournament has a ton of features and a more compelling single-player. In addition, its larger variety of stuff and powerful enforcer make the game great for when you want to play a competitive game that's not going to completely alienate the less skilled players. I thought it was the better game for a long time.

However, Quake 3 is just so flawless that it's on a level all by itself. All of the weapons are perfectly tuned and have a distinct purpose with the maps to match. The real selling point, however, is the absolutely perfect physics and movement dynamics. Overall, the design is so laser focused that no other game can compete, not even UT99, itself one of the best games in the genre. After some games of Q3A its competitors feel downright sluggish.

Franchise-wise, it's no contest: Quake.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

As a kid, I loved the 'ease' of UT and its wealth of features, but, as I got older, I came to appreciate the nuances and perfection of Quake 3's mechanics. It truly is one of the greatest games ever made.
You know what was really nice about the Quakeworld/UT era? Cheating hadn't been invented yet. No cheaters. At all. Until the first aimbots came and gaming was ruined forever.

Oh, and Quakeworld DM/TDM/CTF/TF and AQ2 free-for-all for me. UT was a fun diversion every now and then, though.
"I would argue that Quake's more restrictive and specific weapons were a significant factor in Quake's competitive scene far outgrowing and outliving UT's."

UT's community splintering across 2 games and not having a convention with a major annual tournament sponsored by the developers for a decade and a half are the reasons why Quake's competitive scene outgrew and outlived UT's.


FYI, there were a shitload of aimbotters in UT. This was as early as spring 2000 when I encountered them.

Tho I played UT for about 2 years, Quake is the better game. Vanilla Quake 3 wasn't that great, UT had much more to offer. But Quake 3 when expanded was a far better and balanced game. The best feature of UT was Rocket Arena and it was from Quake.

In hindsight some UT things were retarded, such as a Sniper rifle carrying like 50 bullets and with no feedback at all. In fact nothing in UT had feedback.


These were both before my time but I've played quake live and it has a certain purity and cleanness to it that's really refreshing. The pace if the game is crazy.


Quake, mainly for the art style. It's universe is more interesting and brutal.



I plead the fifth.

I wish somebody had made a Quake game with a few of UT's level design sensibilities and game types.

I think that's what Team Arena was an attempt at, but I'm not sure it worked all that well (I never played much Team Arena, tbf).


Should not be allowed to breed

Games became too much bloated visually.

UT99 clean look is spot on. Provides the most purest gameplay. All went to shit since then.
was always a UT man my self. The dodging element added so much more to the gameplay. I played UT99 so much it was insane. Would have great death matches where someone else of similar skill was in the game, Instant recognition of skill so straight to the center of the map for 1 v 1 bouts. would be bouncing around trying to get that killing blow only feet from each other. Any noobs interfere and you would both turn round and frag him before getting back to the fight.

Game was pure bliss and no shooter has come close since. I did like the freeze tag mod for quake 3 but I never found it as fun. No hopping and dodging off walls made it feel to simple.

Saying that it was still fun and I did play it. Still so much better than what shooters have become. UT3 black was interesting but just showed how the CoD style shooter has really taken over and the retro twitch shooter is dead (its online user base was tiny)..... sad times. Saying that its understandable because these kinds of games just don't work on a controller. You actually need the twitch speed of the mouse for these games. People can be coming at you from any angle, including above and below.


I played them both a lot, but if I had to make a choice it would be UT.

I would rather play Tribes.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I've always been more partial to Quake 3 myself. There are few things better than a duel in OSP/CPMA, and the Clan Arena mode of the former is good fun.


UT99 for me.
Back then I didn't know Quake III and by them time I found out about it my love for UT99 was already too strong to change my mind.
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