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14 minutes of open world Watch Dogs gameplay [hacking, combat, driving]


maybe I misunderstood but that "second player" part was implying some sort of online invasion from another player? That guy on the video looked more like a npc to me but it'd be nice if there actually is a feature like that.

That's the point. You also look like an NPC for him. ;)
Thanks Shinobi. What a huge difference than the youtube link. That is a huge difference. Add some next gen dynamic rain and it is the E3 demo I believe.



Dem next gen graphix.

Honestly, all you need to see is the first 2 mins of the initial "gameplay" reveal trailer, that alone will show you how far off the latest footage is from that.

I don't know, I'm not really seeing a big difference dude. The difference in lighting is apparent that it's due to the a slightly different time of day and a different area of Chicago:






Killzone isn't really comparable since it's a linear FPS. I'd give Watch Dogs the benefit of the doubt since it's an open-world game if not for the fact that I saw Infamous Second Son...

Watch Dogs is an open world game that is launching with the next-gen consoles. And cross-gen. Watch Dogs 2 will obliterate the old target video.


That seems a bit disappointing for next gen consoles, I wonder what the PS360 version will end up looking like? If it looks similar to this video I will be content, I don't want to buy a new console but I do want to play this game.
Killzone isn't really comparable since it's a linear FPS. I'd give Watch Dogs the benefit of the doubt since it's an open-world game if not for the fact that I saw Infamous Second Son...

It's also being developed for 6 platforms and resources have to account for that as opposed to Sucker Punch being able to put 100% of their effort into the PS4.
It is disappointing though. The reveal doesn't look better than other things on display at the moment. I think Infamous looks better overall actually, and KZ is clearly more impressive, so not really sure why they are even able to hit that target.

Because this is a cross-gen game and it's cross-platform.

Look back at the last generation launch of consoles with games like Tomb Raider: Legend and Gun, they're not as impressive as the games that were made specifically for the platforms at the same time.

That and the fact that they're making this game to work on both the XB1 and the PS4 is probably harder than making a single game for one of the systems. They're learning how to put their game onto 2 new consoles instead of just one.


Watch Dogs is an open world game that is launching with the next-gen consoles. And cross-gen. Watch Dogs 2 will obliterate the old target video.

I would hope so, but when I saw Infamous in person I was absolutely blown away. The clarity of everything is seriously impressive. Really sharp looking, beautiful lighting, with smooth framerate and minimal popin.

I guess I just wish Watch Dogs wasn't cross platform as it seems like it has seriously hurt the overall quality of the product.


Because this is a cross-gen game and it's cross-platform.

Look back at the last generation launch of consoles with games like Tomb Raider: Legend and Gun, they're not as impressive as the games that were made specifically for the platforms at the same time.

That and the fact that they're making this game to work on both the XB1 and the PS4 is probably harder than making a single game for one of the systems. They're learning how to put their game onto 2 new consoles instead of just one.

You gotta think the logistics of launching on 5 different platforms is ridiculous.
But they're not missions. What we've seen is the player walking around and seeing what muggings he can stop, whose bank account he can hack, what server to infiltrate...all stuff that's dynamic. So yeah I guess maybe the stuff you can do is repetitive but we haven't seen any missions yet (I don't think - correct me if I'm wrong), side or story.

actually we did saw a mission.
During the E3 reveal , the stuff when he was helping his hacking friend escape was a mission even if it was cut midway
The press A to initiate awesomeness mechanic you mean?

I don't want to sound disappointed but it's really depressing to see another initially ambitious Ubisoft game devolve into a mixture of Assassin's Creed and Far Cry 3, which are both dumbed down messes.

I agree that the mechanics are certainly there in full force. Im still digging the play on morality ala Deus Ex and the world/setting in general. Also I think the protagonist is legitimately cool looking

More interested in this than GTVAV


First off, the YouTube compression is terrible - screencaps look much worse than what you see in motion

Second, I feel like the game is downgraded since its reveal. I remember a bunch of nice subtle use of smoke effects and cans and paper flying around - the lighting seems to have taken a hit as well. It still does look good, but not mindblowingly good like back then. They did the exact same thing with Far Cry 3 where the E3 version looked borderline next-gen and then the final game was nothing like that. Wished I had that comparison picture somewhere..

I still think it's a totally fine looking game. There are other, more impressive launch games though


Reveal trailer last year had all that nextgen(TM) bokeh dof all over the crash and combat scenes, hard to say from youtube compression here if that's still in or not.
Wasn't this the video we saw at E3? Or is someone playing the exact same way?

Everything about this game feels scripted and over-designed.

The random encounters are completely designed from the start. Wonder what happens when you kill the escaping guy before he gets to his car to drive his pre-defined route. Is that even possible?

I love how the player just stumbles across a random hackable event where he gets someones ATM account... Right next to the atm machine. Again: designed.

Nothing wrong with designed stuff, but they take a lot of work to create aka: there will be a limit amount of them.

I'm not excited about this game at all. Feels very meh. Hopefully I'm wrong.

This is the feeling I get from this game. We've seen stuff like this time and time again where things look complicated and layered at first, but soon fall apart once you figure out what triggers everything. Waiting for reviews and impressions from gaffers.
-Pretty much all of this has been in one demo or another, disappointing
-The draw distance is absolutely terrible for an open world game, cars and objects popping in very close to the player
-Multiplayer integration is actually done well
-Everyone seems to go down way too fast, why stealth and plan your way through it when guards and enemy players go down in 1-2 pistol body shots?
-Driving seems well done
-The game just seems to breed a repetitive nature like most of Ubi's open world games

Overall I'm still going to be getting this day 1, but I feel like it'll definitely have some major issues.


Looks just as good as the first minute of the reveal trailer (when it was day time), since we can't compare a rainy nighttime scenario to this sunny scenario.

The E3 2013 demo looks the same as the reveal trailer to me.

Go back and re-watch that reveal demo. Besides things like the lighting being leagues better the wind affects almost everything in it. In this you see like 1 leaf occasionally fly by on the screen and the end of the protagonist's coat barely moving.
Hey can someone quickly tell me what platform that footage was running on?
It's really important and really urgent.



Go back and re-watch that reveal demo. Besides things like the lighting being leagues better the wind affects almost everything in it. In this you see like 1 leaf occasionally fly by on the screen and the end of the protagonist's coat barely moving.

Maybe it isn't as windy in this demo? Also it looks like a different time of day.

I don't think the reveal looked worlds better, since even then people were wondering if it was even next-gen.
I don't know, I'm not really seeing a big difference dude. The difference in lighting is apparent that it's due to the a slightly different time of day and a different area of Chicago:





Thanks for the effort in arranging these captures but the difference is really much easier to see in video. Landscape textures, shaders and other effects like leaves/bags being carried by the wind.

I'm as far as can be from a graphics whore, and am thankful for that. I just don't like being taken for a ride like this.
Go back and re-watch that reveal demo. Besides things like the lighting being leagues better the wind affects almost everything in it. In this you see like 1 leaf occasionally fly by on the screen and the end of the protagonist's coat barely moving.
That's the thing, I did just watch it. Aiden's coat still moves dynamically in this recent demo, the same as before. The first reveal took place during the evening while the sun was setting while here it looks like it's pretty much midday sun. The wind is also dynamic, it just wasn't as windy in this demo.

We'll see. I think it'll look good dude.


For those who don't remember here are some bullshots from the PS4 Watchdogs reveal back in Feb.



Nothing like a Ubi bait and switch


You can't base it off of Youtube, come on. This will look drastically different on your TV in native res. I hope everyone here yelling about the "blurriness" and "resolution" realize that.

The reveal trailer looks great on YouTube.

the map in this game looks awful..couldn't they make a better map -_-

Yeah, it sucks. Needs a border or something. And it's way too big.


Maybe it isn't as windy in this demo? Also it looks like a different time of day.

I don't think the reveal looked worlds better, since even then people were wondering if it was even next-gen.

If it was anyone besides Ubisoft who's known to bullshot videos I would grant them that excuse.
Anybody got a higher quality version of the E3 reveal?


Based on this I would say...

- Missing environmental effects (wind, smoke, etc. Might still be in). Coat physics toned down as well? Might be contextual.
- Lighting downgrade
- Worse shadows?
- LOD problems and pop-in are new
- That insane Bokeh slow-mo rain drop illumination... Could be in the game though.
- DOF seems to have much lower precision now.
- Video quality is bad, so not sure if there is an AA/Res difference

Overall the changes in itself don't seem to be big, but taken all of this together... Is like changing the settings in a PC game from Ultra to medium?


Watch Dogs is a cross gen open world game, InFamous is a true next-gen open world game. That said, Watch Dogs obviously destroys what current gen is capable of in the next-gen versions, but the true next-gen open world experience will have to wait for infamous first.
day one buy for me. So really this is how gaf is...everything is picked a part to the 100th degree and nothing is how it is...everything is bullshots, hyperbole..???

I'd think you'd just wait for the next gen titles to launch and judge the game based on that


Watch Dogs is a cross gen open world game, InFamous is a true next-gen open world game. That said, Watch Dogs obviously destroys what current gen is capable of in the next-gen versions, but the true next-gen open world experience will have to wait for infamous first.


I haven't been super impressed by the next gen quality of Watch Dogs, but I'm sure it will look great compared to every other open world game I've played.



I haven't been super impressed by the next gen quality of Watch Dogs, but I'm sure it will look great compared to every other open world game I've played.

I am withholding judgment on the weather effects everyone is complaining are missing - ubisoft and their team constantly made a note to say one of the key differences between next-gen versions and current-gen versions is the amount of physics calculations being done because of the weather; they repeatedly talked about everything being effected by the wind and rain.

I need to see how that looks in action because if they're bullshitting about that, that's fucked up.
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