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Kotaku: NFS Rivals "indistinguishable" between PS4/PC, XB1 version not present


EA and Sony had some kind of partnership, no? I remember EA Sports games didn't have LIVE support until '04.

That was because Microsoft wouldn't let EA do their own servers.Microsoft wanted all the online stuff handled by them. EA said no, Microsoft didn't agree. So EA went online exclusive for like a year on PS2.


misterXmedia says its because the Xbone version is so superior that it would let the cat out of the bag about the hidden power inside the Xbone that nobody is allowed to talk about...

i really wish that wasnt true, but its really what they are saying over there...

Oh great, I love reading Mr Xmedia, such a great laugh, seeing what he is making up next....Not as fun as some hot topics on GAF, but fun in its own way


Maybe like they weren't able to get any XB1 controllers, and that's why they were limited to the PS4 version and using DS4 for the PC build. And that we'll have to wait a little longer to see how the cloud turned the XB1 version into the one that sticks slightly above... right... maybe... please.


And the ironic thing is, is that the PS4 versions of multiplats are starting to show a much bigger gap Vs. Xbox One versions of multiplats (because the hardware between PS4 & Xbox One is very huge) more so than the multiplats on 360 Vs. PS3 (because the hardware between 360 & PS3 are so similar).

"Starting to show"?

There has already been comparisons of multiplatform games on both upcoming consoles?



Haha, okay. See confirmation bias is at play.

Simply saying that there could be various reasons instead of simply one version looking "much worse".m

yes, simplest! rather than the 2 reasons you were reaching for. The simplest, because it coincides with everything else we've heard about the ease of development for the PS4 and the power difference between the two systems.

wasn't The Crew developer talking about how easy it was to port the PC version to PS4 and how well it performed?


Even if asset wise they're completely the same, you can run the pc version at resolutions the consoles won't touch for a good decade, it will be better, regardless of how much EA wants to fuck it up.


EA and Sony had some kind of partnership, no? I remember EA Sports games didn't have LIVE support until '04.

That wasn't due to a partnership. That was simply because MS wanted everything Xbox Live based but EA wanted the games to play within their servers.

It was one of the few cases in which the PS2's lack of a unified online system actually helped the console in terms of online gaming vs. the Xbox.


Or because the PS4 had more positive reception from gamers during its pre-launch period and will more than likely sell more than the Xbox One.
Microsoft made an unprecedented partnership with ea, yet they are showing mostly the ps4 versions. You do know why, Hehe you just do not want to admit it.


Junior Member
So... What if DS4 becomes the standard controller for PC games? That'd be kind of weird, a Sony product commonly being used on an MS operating system.
You should clarify that you mean XB1 and PS4 because based on the OP it suggests the PS4 and PC look the same
Yes I mean PS4 and Xbox One. I know we havent seen but what does that mean? Is there video of the PS4/PC one that just looks incredible? Only thing I saw was the E3 gameplay and it looked good but not something the X1 shouldnt be able to do.
It should be telling that the console version showcased is going to be superior since EA actually has a marketing deal with MS for the X1 and yet still decide to show the game on the competitor's platform anyway.

This is significant. There was a reason the X360 version was showcased the majority of the time last generation. It's because X360's multiplats were superior to PS3's most of the time.
It will be because they didn't want to make the Xbox One fans feel bad.

That are because MS forced parity via money.
I mean I just want to know, how can so many people be sure that it looks significantly better? I mean it may 1 up in some ways but if its not significant then geez, just a lot of hair blowing around

edit: and lol, I just got it was a joke :p


It should be telling that the console version showcased is going to be superior since EA actually has a marketing deal with MS for the X1 and yet still decide to show the game on the competitor's platform anyway.

This is significant. There was a reason the X360 version was showcased the majority of the time last generation. It's because X360's multiplats were superior to PS3's most of the time.

Even games with Direct deals showed up first on PS4 like BF4, we're still waiting to see console Ghosts and titanfall.
That are because MS forced parity via money.

I know putting it like that sound conspiratorial and tin hat foil-ish but it does happen. It may not be a briefcase of $100 bills but I believe it really does happen. Listen to one of last few episodes of Giantbomb where Jeff talks about where it certainly has happened before.
There is also the example of the Activision community manager where he said the goal is to have games look similar across platforms.

I personally hope that this wont be the case, and that developers will develop each platform to their maximum potential.


Easy for PS4 to match the PC version when both are locked at 30fps. There would be more differences if the game was a 60fps game.

Still, not going PC gaming though, I like consoles.
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