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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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The Flash

That's fine. If you love MS games much more than Sony games, it makes sense to get an Xbox One, despite its flaws. Thing is, most people are coming from the perspective that the majority of releases on these systems are third party games. And so in terms of an investment, to most it makes more sense to get the PS4, as the majority of the games can run better. So why not get the system that has the capability to play the majority of your games at superior performance/resolution?

But again, if you really love MS first party titles, so much so, that it's worth playing the majority of your games in a given year at a lower resolution/performance and at a $100 + more, that is perfectly valid.

That's the point I'm trying to make. I want to get an Xbox One because that's what I want. That's it. If I got a PS4 instead, I wouldn't see it as saving myself $100. I'd see it as not getting what I want.


I think primarily what it means is that multi platforms from day one will look worse on the Xbox One.

Even if you don't care about Call of Duty, this is massive news because there is certainly going to be a ripple effect throughout all third party games.
Exactly. This is more than about pixels, this proves the PS4 is the stronger in specs. Which has long been suspected of course.

yes, but then there will be halo 6, forza 6, etc.

bare in mind i'm probably a different type of gamer then you. i'm married and have two young children. i have a career. i buy 2-4 games per year, but only have 2 in heavy rotation - halo and forza. while i could definitely replace forza for GT, sony has, imo, nothing that compares to halo.

so if it seems like i'm jumping through hoops to justify x1, i may be... i'm actually stll struggling with this decision at the moment. a few years down the line i could see ps4 being clearly better even with my gaming preferences (destiny and titanfall?), but i'm so ready for next gen now and one of my very top tier games will be available at launch on x1 with features i've been dreaming about (spa and bathurst).
I only play about the same amount of new titles per year myself despite being a single student.

The sting will be in the 3rd party and 1st party Sony games being considerably better than XBone's considering the 50% performance difference. However if your preferences are for MS exclusives then your decision is made.


You know what this is like?

Say Ralph's has a box of Honey Nut Cheerios for $4.99 and Vons has a box of Cheerios for $3.99

You shop at Ralph's because it's where you have a loyalty card, and you know the layout of the store.

But now it turns out the $4.99 box is not only more expensive, but a smaller box. Sure, it's about the same the size, but for less money you can get more Cheerios in a box.


Because Ralph's also has Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Vons doesn't? Some people have a hard time understanding that people like the games they like. Let me blow your mind...I'm buying both. Whoa! Crazy right? :p




font should have been comic sans


y'all should be ashamed
Holy shit.

So I just went to a couple meetings and then had dinner with my wife and my parents as we made plans for our move this winter. It was a nice talk. I wondered what was going on with gaf... Bish had admonished me, as I deserved, for teasing.

And then there's this thread. I haven't read the whole thing. I don't have it in me. Can I get a rough guestimate as to whats going on here? I see that people are assuming that my tease is related to this (which I'm still not even going to say if that's true or not, yet, because goddamnit if we're going to hold gaming journalists to higher standards I'm going to hold myself to them also). Anyway.... seems kinda meltdownish.

So I'm moving in February. You guys excited?
Some other insiders have confirmed 720p.


Yeah, I don't understand it either. He's just drawing attention to the problem and people are going to assume that it's 720p because he won't give a straight answer.

MS has to spin everything as a positive. Its their culture. So while it may be 720p, they are aware it will be a negative issue. Its going to be some amazing Spin.


Consumers won't give a shit. Graphics never won a console generation and it's stupid to assume it will now.
Smartest thing I've heard all thread.

Not necessarily. Many consumers won't care. However, even casuals are aware of the Xbone's poor unveiling and some of the issues it has done 180s on. This will only feed into that existing narrative. That's why it might gain a little traction.
Ok let me try to get something like a non-gif conversation going here.

What WOULD be the implications of Call of Duty: Ghosts being 720p on Xbox One, but 1080p on PS4?

Things to discuss ->

● Would there be any long term effect in sales? I personally don't think so - the cards are already set for which system will do better in the first half dozen months. It's what happens when the truly big guns start coming that will matter, not a cross gen game like this.

● Would most potential consumers even care or notice? I don't believe if they walked up into a store and saw the Xbox One version and PS4 version side by side (if the resolution stuff is true) that they would notice. However, systems and games in this industry sell on word-of-mouth more than any other factor. So they may not personally notice it, but they WOULD notice all their gamer friends saying the XBO version is markedly inferior to the PS4 version. Ergo, a boulder starts rolling down a hill...

● What does this say about Xbox One's hardware? Is it not capable of running games that look better than this @ 1080p? Of course not! As we see from Forza 5, it runs at 1080p and 60fps. But, what it may mean is that the added complexity of the system architecture - owing primarily to the ESRam memory set up - is causing hurdles in development, forcing games which are on tight deadlines to have to make concessions on the Xbox One. It has been said that PS4's dev environment was much further ahead in tools, that it is much quicker "to triangle" on the environment than its competitor. This is exactly the type of situation that would play out if true... it's not that Call of Duty is doing things too hard for the Xbox One, it's that the added complexity of the system (and thus the added dev time) is forcing launch window games to have to make more cuts in order to get within that deadline.

● I'll get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 then! But you shouldn't because that shit looks fucking grotesque too.


How can Microsoft justify charging $100 more for an OBVIOUSLY inferior console?

Why would anyone pay $100 more for an inferior gaming experience?

The $500 tag line is looking REALLY BAD right now. And how many launch games are using Kinect for anything more than some simple feature that couldn't be emulated with just the headset or the controller itself?

I can go on for hours. Fact is, Microsoft went CHEAP on the GPU so they could try to sell the KINECT. They really want to be Wii 2.0, but that FAD has already passed.
Albert commented on it. More then I expected.

If its false the easy way to fix it is to release some direct feed XB1 footage. Just some multiplayer footage. Doesnt have to be fancy. Heck even a decent quality screenshot would do....

The Hermit

Ok let me try to get something like a non-gif conversation going here.

What WOULD be the implications of Call of Duty: Ghosts being 720p on Xbox One, but 1080p on PS4?

Things to discuss ->

● Would there be any long term effect in sales? I personally don't think so - the cards are already set for which system will do better in the first half dozen months. It's what happens when the truly big guns start coming that will matter, not a cross gen game like this.

● Would most potential consumers even care or notice? I don't believe if they walked up into a store and saw the Xbox One version and PS4 version side by side (if the resolution stuff is true) that they would notice. However, systems and games in this industry sell on word-of-mouth more than any other factor. So they may not personally notice it, but they WOULD notice all their gamer friends saying the XBO version is markedly inferior to the PS4 version. Ergo, a boulder starts rolling down a hill...

● What does this say about Xbox One's hardware? Is it not capable of running games that look better than this @ 1080p? Of course not! As we see from Forza 5, it runs at 1080p and 60fps. But, what it may mean is that the added complexity of the system architecture - owing primarily to the ESRam memory set up - is causing hurdles in development, forcing games which are on tight deadlines to have to make concessions on the Xbox One. It has been said that PS4's dev environment was much further ahead in tools, that it is much quicker "to triangle" on the environment than its competitor. This is exactly the type of situation that would play out if true... it's not that Call of Duty is doing things too hard for the Xbox One, it's that the added complexity of the system (and thus the added dev time) is forcing launch window games to have to make more cuts in order to get within that deadline.

● I'll get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 then! But you shouldn't because that shit looks fucking grotesque too.


Yeah, besides the jokes and funny gifs, this is the real meat of the implications. Buttocks was warning all of us of how fucked up things were at MS, and apparently there wasn't enough time to iron things out properly.

The XBOX1 can have amazing graphics, like Killer Instinc (the only launch game that I care of both consoles) yet if this is true, then multiplatform games will suffer much more than we think.

I can't wait for Assassins Creed 4 and Watch Dogs threads...
yes, but then there will be halo 6, forza 6, etc.

bare in mind i'm probably a different type of gamer then you. i'm married and have two young children. i have a career. i buy 2-4 games per year, but only have 2 in heavy rotation - halo and forza. while i could definitely replace forza for GT, sony has, imo, nothing that compares to halo.

so if it seems like i'm jumping through hoops to justify x1, i may be... i'm actually stll struggling with this decision at the moment. a few years down the line i could see ps4 being clearly better even with my gaming preferences (destiny and titanfall?), but i'm so ready for next gen now and one of my very top tier games will be available at launch on x1 with features i've been dreaming about (spa and bathurst).

You don't have to defend your preferences at all here Ivy. I completely understand where your coming from. Halo is my favorite fps as well but I think I am going to wait to pick up a X1 till 5 comes out.


now if this rumour is false he's going to feel really silly lol

that's why although we should discuss the potential implications, it's pointless to work oneself up into a frenzy yet...

I love that your actually implying that one should work oneself up into a frenzy once it has been confirmed.(if????)
Why do so many people hope that this is true? I am getting a PS4 but this could be a real bummer for people getting the Xbox. Actually, as someone who likes to play all games in general, I will probably end up getting the Xbox One eventually also.

I don't hope it's true but I do believe the xbone is the weaker system and the money they are asking for kinect could have been used to build a more powerful system.


Consumers won't give a shit. Graphics never won a console generation and it's stupid to assume it will now.

Graphics don't win by themselves but they don't hurt. The winner is due to timing, price and early success to get the snowball rolling. Graphics contribute in this gen, a different launch to all other gens as you have two similar machines coming head to head.
Holy shit.

So I just went to a couple meetings and then had dinner with my wife and my parents as we made plans for our move this winter. It was a nice talk. I wondered what was going on with gaf... Bish had admonished me, as I deserved, for teasing.

And then there's this thread. I haven't read the whole thing. I don't have it in me. Can I get a rough guestimate as to whats going on here? I see that people are assuming that my tease is related to this (which I'm still not even going to say if that's true or not, yet, because goddamnit if we're going to hold gaming journalists to higher standards I'm going to hold myself to them also). Anyway.... seems kinda meltdownish.

So I'm moving in February. You guys excited?

-bruceleeroy said he's waiting on a second source or something as well
-thuway declared 720p! 720p! 720p! 720p! "MS done goofed" (this is where things heated up)
-bish shut himself in his bomb shelter and left us to burn
-GopherD can hear the bombs dropping from across the planet while he on vacation
-Penello gave a non-answer about the issue


Gold Member
Ok let me try to get something like a non-gif conversation going here.

What WOULD be the implications of Call of Duty: Ghosts being 720p on Xbox One, but 1080p on PS4?

Things to discuss ->

● Would there be any long term effect in sales? I personally don't think so - the cards are already set for which system will do better in the first half dozen months. It's what happens when the truly big guns start coming that will matter, not a cross gen game like this.

● Would most potential consumers even care or notice? I don't believe if they walked up into a store and saw the Xbox One version and PS4 version side by side (if the resolution stuff is true) that they would notice. However, systems and games in this industry sell on word-of-mouth more than any other factor. So they may not personally notice it, but they WOULD notice all their gamer friends saying the XBO version is markedly inferior to the PS4 version. Ergo, a boulder starts rolling down a hill...

● What does this say about Xbox One's hardware? Is it not capable of running games that look better than this @ 1080p? Of course not! As we see from Forza 5, it runs at 1080p and 60fps. But, what it may mean is that the added complexity of the system architecture - owing primarily to the ESRam memory set up - is causing hurdles in development, forcing games which are on tight deadlines to have to make concessions on the Xbox One. It has been said that PS4's dev environment was much further ahead in tools, that it is much quicker "to triangle" on the environment than its competitor. This is exactly the type of situation that would play out if true... it's not that Call of Duty is doing things too hard for the Xbox One, it's that the added complexity of the system (and thus the added dev time) is forcing launch window games to have to make more cuts in order to get within that deadline.

● I'll get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 then! But you shouldn't because that shit looks fucking grotesque too.


1. Maybe not, but it's absolutely something that can affect sales when it comes to "the most powerful" and schoolyard discussions/arguments.

2. Side by side, I think you'll absolutely be able to tell the difference. At home? I honestly don't know. Is the whole TV size a true thing where unless it's over something like 50 inches you'll be able to tell the difference between 720 and 1080? I'm skeptical.

3. I don't think it says anything about the XBox hardware other than these are the first gen games and if the rumor is true, that development was able to get more out of the PS4 than they were the XBox One quicker. If previous COD's are any indication, then I think the next round will have those particular games on par with each other. I think when gen 2 games come out, we'll see what these consoles are really able to do. Personally, I think the PS4 is the more powerful machine and we will see more instances of multiplatform games showing the discrepancy in terms of frame rate or resolution.


That's the point I'm trying to make. I want to get an Xbox One because that's what I want. That's it. If I got a PS4 instead, I wouldn't see it as saving myself $100. I'd see it as not getting what I want.

That is...an opinion, I guess.

I sort of know what you mean, as I used to stick with Nintendo so tight I refused to buy a PS2 and instead went GameCube. It was a big mistake. You live and learn.


Possibly. This might have been what they projected they would reach. Or possibly they hit that for PS4 but as it came down to the wire they realized they couldn't do it for Xbox One.

This was around E3, back when word was spreading around that the porting to PS4 unoptimized took 3 weeks with the game running at 90fps while the XB1 port took 4 months with it running at 15fps.

This was never confirmed of course but kinda gives ya the idea how much harder it can be develop for XB1 than PS4 for a third party.
● Would there be any long term effect in sales? Almost none. Marketing push, plus already high COD/Xbox fan base will essentially drown this for 95% of COD players.
What has MS done to leverage the 360 users into Xbox One users? How is that working out for them. People bought COD on the cheaper system their friends already had. The average COD buyer is not a console company fanboy, even if they are a 360 fanboy. That doesn't magically translate into sales for the next console from that company. CF every transition where the lead platform lost loads of users when compared to it's follow up. Only a very small minority of people are fanboys of the companies that make consoles. Look at early PS3 sales. Look at Wii U sales.

{quote]● Would most potential consumers even care or notice? Hardcore COD fans might, but TBH most COD players will simply buy the console their friends are buying regardless of which is better.[/quote]
And that is likely to be the PS4 version.

● What does this say about Xbox One's hardware? Is it not capable of running games that look better than this @ 1080p? 3OS and eSRAM sounds simple doesn't it?
I'm sure exclusive with longer development times will destroy this game in both IQ and graphics quality, but that doesn't bode any better for multiplats.

● I'll get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 then! Eh.
I won't, but this doesn't bode well for any multiplatform title. We have rumors suggesting frostbite engine games are running better on PS4. We have this. We have no confirmation of 1080p for AC4 on Xbox One, when we have confirmation on PS4. That doesn't bode well for Watchdogs, or other Ubi titles.

And on and on.


Holy shit.

So I just went to a couple meetings and then had dinner with my wife and my parents as we made plans for our move this winter. It was a nice talk. I wondered what was going on with gaf... Bish had admonished me, as I deserved, for teasing.

And then there's this thread. I haven't read the whole thing. I don't have it in me. Can I get a rough guestimate as to whats going on here? I see that people are assuming that my tease is related to this (which I'm still not even going to say if that's true or not, yet, because goddamnit if we're going to hold gaming journalists to higher standards I'm going to hold myself to them also). Anyway.... seems kinda meltdownish.

So I'm moving in February. You guys excited?

And yet you're doing it again with this post.


yes, but then there will be halo 6, forza 6, etc.

bare in mind i'm probably a different type of gamer then you. i'm married and have two young children. i have a career. i buy 2-4 games per year, but only have 2 in heavy rotation - halo and forza. while i could definitely replace forza for GT, sony has, imo, nothing that compares to halo.

so if it seems like i'm jumping through hoops to justify x1, i may be... i'm actually stll struggling with this decision at the moment. a few years down the line i could see ps4 being clearly better even with my gaming preferences (destiny and titanfall?), but i'm so ready for next gen now and one of my very top tier games will be available at launch on x1 with features i've been dreaming about (spa and bathurst).

This is fine and a perfectly reasonable explanation. If you are excited for the exclusives, then yeah, pay the premium.

Most people (especially on hardcore gaming forums) play a ton of third party games, so it's reasonable to expect them to pick the system that is not only cheaper but performs better. Personally I'm not really salivating for any exclusive besides a game made by Naughty Dog.


Graphics don't win by themselves but they don't hurt. The winner is due to timing, price and early success to get the snowball rolling. Graphics contribute in this gen, a different launch to all other gens as you have two similar machines coming head to head.

It still doesn't matter to the consumer. They probably don't even know if they're similar architecturally.
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