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Video: Xbox One dash app/game snapping

You remembering it isn't a pre-requisite of it being true though. And Cboat didn't do it. He's the one that came in after the fact and made a point of saying twice that it could probably be fixed by launch.
Is it true is what I'm wondering though.

I don't remember who did it, but someone definitely implied or suggested outright that problems with either Xbox Live or the OS could take months to fix. I'm too tired to bother go searching it out.
Famous said that for functions involving XBL, that was in his article but snap wasn't a topic.

Perhaps maybe try and get info on just the games in future if that's the sort of disgraceful comments you are getting from people. Death threats? I hate fanboys with a passion


My reply "Xboners wouldn't appreciate MGS" was a sarcastic retort to the guy shitting on Metal Gear. Unless he was joking in which I now look stupid. (and probably do either way).


Snap looks good and smooth and I don't think anyone here on GAF doubts MS will be able to get it working correctly in time. I know MS'll do just fine at that stuff.

I still don't see any practical reason to take up a part of your TV for some other stuff. What is the snap's killer App? I feel it's just like the elusive Kinect killer app and doesn't exist. People have phones and tablets these days to achieve the same thing as snap.


My reply "Xboners wouldn't appreciate MGS" was an sarcastic reply to the guy shitting on Metal Gear. Unless he was joking in which I now look stupid. (and probably do anyway).

How is it shitting on MGS to say it has long cut scenes? Am I shitting on CoD when I say it involves lots of shooting? The point is your response is never a good one, and is indicative of someone that posts at places like Gamefaqs.

He's talking about the XBL issues, not snap.

XBL issues were a part of his wider argument that the OS is in disarray and could take months to fix. Unless that rumor comes directly from the team working on the problems, they're meaningless.


How is it shitting on MGS to say it has long cut scenes? Am I shitting on CoD when I say it involves lots of shooting? The point is your response is never a good one, and is indicative of someone that posts at places like Gamefaqs.
I agree with you. I usually don't post in such a manner. Just a heat of the moment thing. My apologies.

Perhaps maybe try and get info on just the games in future if that's the sort of disgraceful comments you are getting from people. Death threats? I hate fanboys with a passion

Dude is too much of a man to just quit leaking console info because some cowards are threatening him on the Internet. He isn't going to change what he does, that is why they are threatening him. He is juST GOING TO GET STRONGER>
He mentioned snap once in a very long conversation just saying it crashed on him uploading a video. I didn't take that to be damning, at all, of anything. All OS's crash. Especially pre-release. But even ones that have been patched 100s of times.

As for XBL... I keep hearing it's fucked. Should you trust that? I have no idea. I'm passing on what I'm hearing. I hope it's not fucked... if that matters.

As far as I understand devs have no input on the OS but they do get the new builds at the same time... MS puts them out to everyone. The build he was talking about was QFE 5. I believe they are now on 6. He says XBL is still fucked on 6 as of today but everything else is "a marked improvement." Others I talked to have said the same thing. QFE 5 broke the API among other things.

Maybe MS has the answer sitting in its pocket but is testing other shit out first. There's no way for him, I, or anyone other than those MS engineers to know that. So he's guessing based on what he has seen so far which is an OS and online service that hasn't improved much since June and, at time, has gotten worse.

Thanks for the reply.

Tbh, it would be much nicer to hear about these things in proper detail the first time regarding QFE's and what not (from the sources).

Its just a bit weird to me. Unless these devs work at MS I find it hard to see how they could have a timeline on when things not working now could be fixed because I can't see MS giving info about unreleased builds around like that.

I think I'll stop worrying and just assume it will work. If it doesn't at least I'll be somewhat prepared for it.
Snap looks good and smooth and I don't think anyone here on GAF doubts MS will be able to get it working correctly in time. I know MS'll do just fine at that stuff.

I still don't see any practical reason to take up a part of your TV for some other stuff. What is the snap's killer App? I feel it's just like the elusive Kinect killer app and doesn't exist. People have phones and tablets these days to achieve the same thing as snap.

I have the same concern. Snap looks good but why would I ever need it? Am I going to be multitasking where I need to see both at once? This is more for a KB/M environment. Text entry is just too frustrating on a console and I need to have kinect for ALL text entry proved to me.
I don't remember who did it, but someone definitely implied or suggested outright that problems with either Xbox Live or the OS could take months to fix. I'm too tired to bother go searching it out.

I think if you look more specificially at the issues that Mort described, it sounds like it was more issues with intricacies. Such as playing multiplayer in a party, people get dropped out. Or opening a specific app, then opening something else afterwards. It doesn't sound like it is THAT BAD when you look at some of the specific issues.

And CBOAT said they could/should be all ironed out before launch. I wouldn't put too much into the OS stuff. As for Xbox Live, we will see what issues it may have at launch, as well as the PSN.


Gold Member
Not worth the 10% GPU reserve

Honestly, just make it pause game in RAM when using other shit, resume game when snapped back into full screen game.
But since my most recent news is negative about the xbox I'm like public enemy number one. People are going fucking insane on me. Nonstop... im a f*ggot, im fat, my wife is a tranny, fucking death threats... because I heard from a few devs that XBL is fucked. Jesus christ!

Yep, and those people who would stoop to doing shit like that are assholes who aren't worth taking seriously anyway. Really, I mean that. If they have to go that far because they don't like what you have to say, it pretty much already tells you all you need to know about them.

I personally haven't liked some things I've seen from you that I viewed as intentional fear mongering, but I was able to say so without calling you names or bizarrely attacking your wife, which is something so nuts that I can't even begin to comprehend why anybody would think any of that makes any sense. Anybody that threatens your life, or targets your wife with such disgusting attacks, report their asses to twitter, and if you need assistance, post the twitter names of the most offensive individuals and I'm certain myself and others wouldn't mind helping you report every last one of them, because that shit is crazy. Videogames really shouldn't be this serious.

I think if you look more specificially at the issues that Mort described, it sounds like it was more issues with intricacies. Such as playing multiplayer in a party, people get dropped out. Or opening a specific app, then opening something else afterwards. It doesn't sound like it is THAT BAD when you look at some of the specific issues.

And CBOAT said they could/should be all ironed out before launch. I wouldn't put too much into the OS stuff. As for Xbox Live, we will see what issues it may have at launch, as well as the PSN.

Personally, that's how I'm seeing it, too. Just things that sound scarier than they truly are without the added context to go with it that these are likely very common as they're hammering away at getting things squared away before launch.


I think we're just better off waiting for these consoles to release. We'll get the flood of impressions here between the PS4/XBO. Gonna be a damn good day with tears and joy. :D
Snap looks good and smooth and I don't think anyone here on GAF doubts MS will be able to get it working correctly in time. I know MS'll do just fine at that stuff.

I still don't see any practical reason to take up a part of your TV for some other stuff. What is the snap's killer App? I feel it's just like the elusive Kinect killer app and doesn't exist. People have phones and tablets these days to achieve the same thing as snap.

1. The fitness thing is a non-gaming killer app. I can have Insanity running in a small window and a game or TV show on in a bigger window. Once you know the routines, you barely have to watch Shaun T.

2. Snapping YouTube walkthroughs for trouble areas or achievement hunting would be cool.

3. Playing games during commercials while watching live TV (usually sports) or watching a sporting event while grinding some levels in an RPG. I switch often during fall weekends so it would be nice for it to be instant.

Those are 3 real use cases that can't be as easily replicated with a second screen, especially 1 and 3.
1. The fitness thing is a non-gaming killer app. I can have Insanity running in a small window and a game or TV show on in a bigger window. Once you know the routines, you barely have to watch Shaun T.

2. Snapping YouTube walkthroughs for trouble areas or achievement hunting would be cool.

3. Playing games during commercials while watching live TV (usually sports) or watching a sporting event while grinding some levels in an RPG. I switch often during fall weekends so it would be nice for it to be instant.

Those are 3 real use cases that can't be as easily replicated with a second screen, especially 1 and 3.

Read GAF while waiting in a multiplayer lobby ;-)


I could see snap being really cool when your in training mode in KI or are search for an online match. Pop up some YouTube video or podcast on the side of the screen. Even a video of a combo that your trying to learn.


Why are people suddenly blaming snap for 720p suddenly. Could've sworn everyone blamed ddr3 and esram before now.

10 percent of the console's power is apparently dedicated to it. I have no idea about the math, but 10 percent sounds like a lot to me. Enough to drive 900p or 1080p, I have no idea.


It's weird that people would think this video proves the OS is just fine. They're not snapping shit in this video, and they're not even connected to Live.

If I showed you 90 seconds of a game, would that tell you it's a bug free game?

Haha, so they should upload a 60 minute video on Youtube just for one feature?

The PS4 can't snap. However it'll probably be able to quickly switch between apps/games.

no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.


I could see snap being really cool when your in training mode in KI or are search for an online match. Pop up some YouTube video or podcast on the side of the screen. Even a video of a combo that your trying to learn.

Oh wow, that is seriously a really good idea. Seems like something that is actually useful


Snap looks good, but I keep thinking what the hell is that doing on a video games console? It just seems like the last thing I would ever want going on whilst playing a video game. Maybe I'm in the minority, maybe I'm not, but I'm really not a huge fan of multi-tasking and it is by far the LAST thing I'd ever want to be doing whilst relaxing playing a video game. It literally goes against the point for me.

Strange thing to have, yet alone push so hard on a console imo.
He mentioned snap once in a very long conversation just saying it crashed on him uploading a video. I didn't take that to be damning, at all, of anything. All OS's crash. Especially pre-release. But even ones that have been patched 100s of times.

As for XBL... I keep hearing it's fucked. Should you trust that? I have no idea. I'm passing on what I'm hearing. I hope it's not fucked... if that matters.

As far as I understand devs have no input on the OS but they do get the new builds at the same time... MS puts them out to everyone. The build he was talking about was QFE 5. I believe they are now on 6. He says XBL is still fucked on 6 as of today but everything else is "a marked improvement." Others I talked to have said the same thing. QFE 5 broke the API among other things.

Maybe MS has the answer sitting in its pocket but is testing other shit out first. There's no way for him, I, or anyone other than those MS engineers to know that. So he's guessing based on what he has seen so far which is an OS and online service that hasn't improved much since June and, at time, has gotten worse.

I love hearing the rumors, gossip, and truthfacts, but I don't think that you and some other insiders who were fanboys first and insiders second realize how YOU are being manipulated to spread a message. It's not "true reporting," it's passing along what people willingly chose to tell you.

If you don't want to get so much shit, you'd be better off to either go the professional route (don't be so emotional, treat these as proper stories with facts and details, have more balance in what you report) OR to just keep your mouth shut like so many other posters here who work in the industry and know a lot more than they can say.

I think you like the attention, whether it's positive or negative. I would. It's addicting as hell, isn't it? :)
I could see snap being really cool when your in training mode in KI or are search for an online match. Pop up some YouTube video or podcast on the side of the screen. Even a video of a combo that your trying to learn.

I want them to confirm the Sky app on 360 is coming to Xbox One. If I can have some football or something on the app if I want to watch a match that would be cool. Also if I was watching a match, it would be easy for me to switch to play the game, leave the app snapped to the screen so I can listen to half-time analysis then go back when it starts again.

Or cricket, would make some test matches much easier to watch if I could play Xbox on the same screen as well!

The possibilities are quite cool they just need to get them in there.


1. The fitness thing is a non-gaming killer app. I can have Insanity running in a small window and a game or TV show on in a bigger window. Once you know the routines, you barely have to watch Shaun T.
Exactly how many people play a game during fitness exercises? It's not like playing with a controller when on an exercise bike, which is totally doable. In any case, this is an extreme niche.
2. Snapping YouTube walkthroughs for trouble areas or achievement hunting would be cool.
Done in a much easier fashion with your phone or tablet, text entry on a console is a pain in the ass, and no, voice recognition won't make it easier and more reliable.

3. Playing games during commercials while watching live TV (usually sports) or watching a sporting event while grinding some levels in an RPG. I switch often during fall weekends so it would be nice for it to be instant.
Not only switching inputs isn't that hard, but what you said can be accomplished in a much more comfortable way with remote play and Vita. You won't even have to snap anything.
no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.
Are you sure you need that architecture?

Could it not be compared with something like Android where you have all manner of apps running in the background behind one another and you can insta-hop between them?

That said as I asked earlier in the thread, have we seen any footage of the PS4 doing anything like that as of yet?

I want them to confirm the Sky app on 360 is coming to Xbox One. If I can have some football or something on the app if I want to watch a match that would be cool. Also if I was watching a match, it would be easy for me to switch to play the game, leave the app snapped to the screen so I can listen to half-time analysis then go back when it starts again.

Or cricket, would make some test matches much easier to watch if I could play Xbox on the same screen as well!

The possibilities are quite cool they just need to get them in there.

I don't want them to confirm the Sky app.

I want them to confirm a new Sky+ app that has more channels and more functionality.


Gold Member
But apparently people like playing with 50% less screen.

People like to multi task and have other things open when playing (sometimes I do that too) but people have laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc for that.

Seems like a waste and takes up screen space.


no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.

Vita can switch between games and applications quickly, it just doesn't run them simultaneously. You should be able to suspend a game and go into Netflix. PS4 doesn't have the ability to display at the same time though.


no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.

Really? For some reason I thought you could do anything but play another game. That's kinda depressing if true.


Snap looks good, but I keep thinking what the hell is that doing on a video games console? It just seems like the last thing I would ever want going on whilst playing a video game. Maybe I'm in the minority, maybe I'm not, but I'm really not a huge fan of multi-tasking and it is by far the LAST thing I'd ever want to be doing whilst relaxing playing a video game. It literally goes against the point for me.

Strange thing to have, yet alone push so hard on a console imo.
They're trying in every way to push their mobile "ecosystem". They started with w8, now it's Xbone's turn.

no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.
Go check Vita then come back.


no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.
iOS and Android are able to quickly between apps just fine and they don't have a multiple OS architecture.
If MS manage to tweak their API to allow devs to choose to utilise that extra GPU time then that would satisfy me. So for some games they would continue running in dash, and others would have to freeze in memory until you resumed.

They would also have to restrict the kind of apps that can be snapped though, or risk bringing the performance right down when something like youtube is loaded. Of course you could just let the fps dip as a penalty.


I want them to confirm the Sky app on 360 is coming to Xbox One. If I can have some football or something on the app if I want to watch a match that would be cool. Also if I was watching a match, it would be easy for me to switch to play the game, leave the app snapped to the screen so I can listen to half-time analysis then go back when it starts again.

Or cricket, would make some test matches much easier to watch if I could play Xbox on I the same screen as well!

The possibilities are quite cool they just need to get them in there.

Same the Sky app is a lifesaver for me. I use it a lot to watch Sky Sports. I often play FIFA during halftime, so I can see snap being useful.

I think snaps functionality depends on the kind of game your playing. For a multiplayer fps it's useless.

But for more technical games I can see it being quite useful. Like described above in fighting games. In Forza have a video up of a perfect lap running at the same time you are attempting the lap to learn the course. A boss/area guide for Dark Souls. A guide to a bullet-hell shump... Etc


Gold Member
no it won't. In order to quickly switch between apps/games you need the multiple OS architecture. The same thing people are complaining about taking 10% of resources is what allows this. You can't have it both ways.

my understanding is you can suspend a game and do some stuff in the xmb or whatever its now called but that's about it. I don't think you could run Netflix for example and a game at the same time on PS4.

You can't display them at the same time, but you can suspend the game in the background and use apps along with it.
Rumors can be anything, and to me all the rumors are taken with a grain of salt. Anybody can say they're having troubles with xbox live but what state those troubles in could be months old or recent and a console right before launch is always in flux and everything is always changing especially back end. They got a month before launch. Programmers can get a lot done in a month and let's not forget that you can patch the thing via the internet now. Have you ever seen a Computer Science class a month before finals? We get shit done lol.


Done in a much easier fashion with your phone or tablet, text entry on a console is a pain in the ass, and no, voice recognition won't make it easier and more reliable.

So taking out a phone or tablet, opening an app, typing, and then pressing play is faster than starting things up with simple/basic voice commands? Did you see the machinima app?

And having the video on the same screen seems to be more ideal for gaming tips than looking up and down at a tablet or phone -- at least IMO; Makes things easier to follow.

Not only switching inputs isn't that hard, but what you said can be accomplished in a much more comfortable way with remote play and Vita. You won't even have to snap anything.

Depends on what the person wants to do and/or what he/she is playing.

The annoying thing about these threads is that people talk as if what's best for them is best for everyone else in every situation.
Why are people suddenly blaming snap for 720p suddenly. Could've sworn everyone blamed ddr3 and esram before now.

Snap is definitely not responsible. I don't even believe ESRAM in itself is the cause either. I mean, sure, it has to be a part of it, but when developers get better accustomed to the system, things will likely improve, but 1080p likely won't necessarily always be ideal, and that's not due to ESRAM. I think that's due to the raw power of the GPU itself, and the fact that developers will want a certain level of graphics from their games. Nothing at all stops devs for going for lesser overall graphics quality to make their games 1080p, but some, if not most, won't be willing to do that. And I hope they won't be willing to do that. It's easier to do that on the PS4, because it has such a powerful GPU with a memory system that's easier to work with.

Devs will just target a lower resolution on the Xbox One, and then from there, make their game look as amazing as possible.
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