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So Target shipped someone an Xbox One already? [Update: console-banned until launch]


Gold Member
Damn that really sucks they banned his system. I don't agree with MSoft on this one.

Whats funny is yesterday, before the whole Xbone leak, I was asking around what would happen if someone gets their console early and try to sign on. Well I guess this answers my question.
What a piece of shit move by MS. Banning the guy for what? What did he do that is illegal? This is one of the reasons why MS is seen as an anti consumer company.


Sure, you can't undo an "Please, my 360 isn't modded" calls, but you can easily call them up, explain the situation, and they will unban you. I have experience with it and there have been many other cases.


TOS states they won't and don't have to explain crap to you or anyone regarding a ban.


Neo Member
So many questions. Dude should just make a video or something explaining everything, showing the receipt, what he can and can't do with a banned XBONE, etc.


Anyone else think it's suspicious that the only things this guy won't show are the receipt for the console purchase and the ban message?


MS's policy of you being guilty until proven innocent is just rage inducing.

They are going to find out soon enough that these antics won't work out well this generation when your competitor is $100 cheaper and more powerful.


This doesn't happen. Gaffers have presented proof of purchase before and not had bans lifted. If you get fucked, you're fucked.

I assume you are talking about the Halo 4 incident. You should examine that case properly. The guy was given ample opportunity by Frankie to prove that he got it legally. Something he never did.


Rules are rules.

Where are these "rules"? Are they clearly stated on the packaging? Is there a warning in the TOS about using a console prior to its street date-- which, by the way, isn't clearly marked on the box?

"He knows better" isn't an excuse. He got his item shipped to him early, with no warnings or stipulations appended. He paid for the item in advance.

This isn't "rules are rules". This is like Vader altering the deal on Cloud City.


So coming in late to the thread, did MS ban the guy for logging into XBL before street date or for uploading footage of the xbox one?

Either way seems like a dick move by MS, Does the XBOX come with any warning saying that if you do XYZ before 22/11/13 you risk losing the online capabilities of said product?
Wow, unbelievable.

You would think that Microsoft would like some positive press. UNLESS they weren't very confident in their own console in the first place.

I was reading this whole thread the whole day, pretty excited to get some real information from a real person (and not the press who we all suspect are not trustworthy anymore) on the Xbox One. I got sidetracked and missed a lot of the action but I saw the start and the middle of it, and honestly this guy wasn't doing anything wrong. So he got the product early. He's happy, he's excited about it. He doesn't seem to have an 'agenda' or is astroturfing for one side or another.

This guy looked to me like your everyday gamer, just lucky and happy to get a new console EARLY. And it's not like anything he will show isn't going to go out in a few weeks. He isn't selling the games early or is pirating them or is reverse engineering them, he's basically just really enthusiastic about the platform and wants to talk about it with other gamers.


This is CRAZY.

This is exactly what everyone was afraid of when MS was talking about their always-connected future at E3. We customers are pretty much giving full control of our digital gaming lives to Microsoft when we buy an Xbox One.

You know, I was willing to forgive that 720p vs 1080p crap, because games are really more than about the resolution anyway. Hell, I even forgave all that stuff they said back at E3 because they 180'ed on everything. I thought Microsoft was on the way back to bringing the fight to Sony.

I try to be impartial but a lot of the games I like right now are Microsoft games.

But this literal demonstration of POWER that Microsoft just showed with this lowly customer is just a sign of things to come.

It doesn't help that where I live, MS Xbox is an unsupported game system. I can't imagine how they're going to put all sorts of restrictions on what I can and can't do.

Seeing how they destroyed this guy's enthusiasm in one fell swoop shows us that these guys don't care about the players, they just want the bottom line and they want to keep control of every aspect of it, to ensure their bottom line.

I don't think I want to support Microsoft Xbox anymore.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is bullshit. I hope Amazon doesn't send me my Xbox one day early...


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Given that MS can't have banned many Xbox One's. This is likely to be the first. I'm surprised that there is no official statement from MS on this case. They are going to have to apologise to that dude and maybe offer him some freebies.


I didn't know this:

Can I still be banned if I purchased a modified console second-hand?

Yes. The warranty on a second hand console is void, and the purchaser assumes the risk for any previous modifications. If you purchase a console that has been previously suspended you will not be able to connect to Xbox

Given that MS can't have banned many Xbox One's. This is likely to be the first. I'm surprised that there is no official statement from MS on this case. They are going to have to apologise to that dude and maybe offer him some freebies.
Are we sure that that know his situation?


I don't think I want to support Microsoft Xbox anymore.

You should have made that decision when they set a precedent for this a long time ago for banning people with early copies of games. I really do hope they unban him but this was such a predictable outcome.


You should have made that decision when they set a precedent for this a long time ago for banning people with early copies of games.
I know he was doing service to the gaming community but his dumbass should've stayed offline. He clearly knew that his console might get banned.
If you feared he would get banned, you recognized that rules are rules.

The console isn't released yet. Of course he got banned.

It is illegal to use because it is not verified for him to use yet. It was a great night of previews though.


You should have made that decision when they set a precedent for this a long time ago for banning people with early copies of games. I really do hope they unban him but this was such a predictable outcome.

Yeah this isn't a new thing for them. Playing a game early has resulted in a ban for years now. I have no trust in them since that time. Street dates are not my problem. They're a restriction placed on retailers.

The fact that people are totally defending this banning is insane though.
You should have made that decision when they set a precedent for this a long time ago for banning people with early copies of games. I really do hope they unban him but this was such a predictable outcome.

It's rough, man. 360 had some great first party games. Sometimes you can make compromises and you can think that yeah, companies can make mistakes. But this is ridiculous now, they're literally crossing the line here.

Seeing them talk about their upcoming policies was one thing, but to see them actually DO IT is a completely different thing entirely.


One more thing. If any gaming sites or 'journalists' don't cover this story like the fucking apocalypse, you can bet 100% they're shilling for Microsoft.

They can't, they should NOT keep quiet about this story. It's literally screwing over a regular gamer over using the product they just purchased.

It pretty much tells you what Microsoft thinks about all us gamers.
If this is just until the 22nd then okay. I think it's Ms right to keep unauthorized people from their online service until it's released to customers...

If it's a perm ban then it's fucked up.
Stop with the rules, this is one person here, jeez, bunch of asses at MS, plain and simple, have no problem banning modders but the man purchased their console and Im sure purchased from their store with hard earned money.


It's rough, man. 360 had some great first party games. Sometimes you can make compromises and you can think that yeah, companies can make mistakes. But this is ridiculous now, they're literally crossing the line here.

Seeing them talk about their upcoming policies was one thing, but to see them actually DO IT is a completely different thing entirely.


One more thing. If any gaming sites or 'journalists' don't cover this story like the fucking apocalypse, you can bet 100% they're shilling for Microsoft.

They can't, they should NOT keep quiet about this story. It's literally screwing over a regular gamer over using the product they just purchased.

It pretty much tells you what Microsoft thinks about all us gamers.

I think we should wait for the confirmation that this is a permaban.
I really dont see the big deal if they just banned him untile the 22.


If this is just until the 22nd then okay. I think it's Ms right to keep unauthorized people from their online service until it's released to customers...

If it's a perm ban then it's fucked up.

I would feel better about it if it was a suspension until the release day at midnight as long as it doesn't effect his actual Xbox Live account.

I would feel better, but still wouldn't really be okay with it.
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