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Beyond: Two Souls Deserved Better Sales


The changes to Jodie's character were about self-realization, so it's not surprising that people used to seeing character development as "I beat a bigger monster" didn't grasp it.

I also find it hilarious that people constantly say that there were no real choices when everyone that played it seems to have had a different experiences - many people seeing completely different scenes or having completely different outcomes. Just because the choices are subtle and paths are not obvious, but hidden (as they should be) it doesn't mean they're not there. I mean the sexual assault scene it a perfect example - never happened in my game.
I did buy it, but found Heavy Rain to be a much better game overall.

If you're going to remove almost all mechanics AND consequence (a big thing coming from Heavy Rain) you're left with little more than a cut-scene that the player drives forward by hitting the button.

It felt more like a Bluray "Walk the set" feature for a movie than a standalone experience.

Wasn't satisfied with my purchase at all.


What are some good examples of this?

Some that I can remember from the top of my head (spoilers obviously):

- In the Homeless chapter, you can go multiple ways about
earning money. You can play a song on a guitar, you can hack an ATM, you can "accept" a job from a guy (which ends horribly of course)
During the fire in the house there are two ways the scene can end. Either Jodie escapes the burning house but gets het head smashed in by some guys in a gang, or Jodie doesn't escape and needs to be rescued. She enters a coma.
You can fail to escape the military facility and not go to the bar, thus preventing Jodie from almost being raped. This has consequences for the Dinner chapter.
During the Escape, there are many ways to get away from the CIA agents. If you get caught on the motorbike for example, you'll lose your chance to play a ~10 minute scene in which you can wreck havoc with a helicopter and a truck

There must be more, as I've only played the game once and watched my boyfriend's playthrough and from that alone I noticed the above differences. After I played the game for the first time, I thought there weren't many choices but it was only after I saw my boyfriend play the game that I learned that there actually are a lot of choices.

However it is true that the choices don't have a lot of consequences in the endings. But once again, Beyond isn't about crafting your own story, it's a retelling of Jodie's life and you can only change the details (and decide how she continues her life in the ending, of course).


How did you follow David Cage's writing with reading comprehension this bad

Critique David Cage's writing. I'd be interested in what you find lackluster about it. I'm not interested in these vague, sweeping "he sucks at writing" statements. Tell me why he sucks at writing.

Note that I'm not defending him; I'm just interested in what NeoGAF knows about writing fiction.


Well I loved this game. I think it had flaws, to be sure. David Cage just isn't a great writer. But I just love playing his games for some reason. It's a sickness.


How did you follow David Cage's writing with reading comprehension this bad

Maybe that's why he liked it?

I watched someone play through the whole thing on Twitch. The story had promise until the Navajo section, then takes a very sharp nosedive and just gets worse and worse. That's all I needed to know.


First two thirds of the game was excellent, the last third felt rushed, erratic and messy.

Also, The bad writing comments are poor. Give us some examples. It had its ropey moments and questionable plot developments, but the writing overall was actually pretty decent and convincing. Especially Jodies character.
Critique David Cage's writing. I'd be interested in what you find lackluster about it. I'm not interested in these vague, sweeping "he sucks at writing" statements. Tell me why he sucks at writing.

Note that I'm not defending him; I'm just interested in what NeoGAF knows about writing fiction.

Wait, you're criticizing me for sweeping generalizations?

I didn't play this game, I just finished saying that. I also said I didn't bitch about it because of it.

I'm sure if I cared, I could write a dissertation about everything that just didn't work in Heavy Rain, but that'd require replaying the thing at this point, which I don't care to resubmit to.

For the record, NeoGAF has plenty of published authors in its midst, but they require no defense from one such as myself.


Critique David Cage's writing. I'd be interested in what you find lackluster about it. I'm not interested in these vague, sweeping "he sucks at writing" statements. Tell me why he sucks at writing.

Note that I'm not defending him; I'm just interested in what NeoGAF knows about writing fiction.

I know that nothing David Cage has written has been memorable in the slightest, aside from that one opening line in Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

"New York city, center of the universe..." oh and of course

His writing is flat, too heavily filled with unnecessary expletives (how many times is Jodie called a slut? or a bitch? there's even one scene at the end where Cole just says Fuck about 8 or 9 times). The dialogue just feels so perfunctory rather than engaging or human.
I don't know about anyone else, but when I say "The choices seem to not really matter," I don't mean that they added one scene or you can miss violent sexual assault cutscenes. I haven't finished Beyond so I can't say if they have wildly divergent paths, but it does not seem so far like they do.

I levied the same complaint against The Walking Dead. Characters whom you had to make a choice whether to save or not ended up being basically written out of the story in convenient ways and that still felt like more consequence than Beyond's stuff. I think Cage's commitment to the idea that any path should lead to a contrived exit scenario ended up harming a lot of the tension.
Really? What was explained in the Navajo scene? In the 'date' section, when Ryan comes over for dinner and sex? The homeless chapter? (I think there was some potential to show Jodie at her lowest point, but it very quickly gets forgotten in favour of busywork and ridiculousness). The fugitive sections, or the chase through the forest? The countless chapters of CIA training, and subsequently her tour in Africa or wherever it was? And similarly, their trip to the frozen tundra to shut down the other Condenser - was it Korean, or Chinese? This just all felt like padding to me, and mostly an excuse to have bad action sequences in it. None of it developed Jodie's character in any meaningful way.
Navajo: Essential scene in the game. Develops her character in a way that she is able to grow and accept who she is. She realizes she can use her gift to help people as well. She gains self-worth after running away for a year and realizes she has to face her past (Nathan, mother) and can't run away anymore. Without Navajo the next scene couldn't happen.

The Dinner: Explores the relationship between Jodie and Aiden, offers comedic relief after the downer scene beforehand and sets up the relationship between Jodie and Ryan (if wanted)

Homeless: Shows her at her lowest point. Again gives her the ability to help people and gain self-worth. She realizes there are people out there who are not evil and accept her for who she is (without strings attached), which she hasn't experienced before being used by Nathan and Ryan and hated by everyone else.

Hunted: Action break and shows that she no longer smiles and do as someone pleases, but is willing to fight back.

The Mission: Essential scene. Triggers her running away after feeling guilt.

CIA: Training montage, tutorial.

Chinese Condenser: Develops some story elements like the containment field. But it's the only scene I would agree is filler.

But this sure as hell isn't for everyone. And the sales I felt were justified, exactly how they are currently. Heavy Rain's narrative probably soured a lot of PS3 players on Cage's ability to create a good story. Beyond, even with prominent actors, is not going to change that.
Well it could at least break even. It doesn't have to be a smash hit. If it doesn't break even we don't see more of it, which would be a shame. So I think it still deserved better sales.


Bish loves my games!
The Birthday scene is one of the worst I've seen in a videogame for a long long time.

Hmmm. In my game Jodie
made a good first impression, got hammered, danced and made out with some English boy-band wannabe, got mocked for her inappropriate present, got teased and locked in a closet by bunch of asshole tweens looking to bond over bullying the weird kid, then took the high road and walked out of the house.

Not sure how that figures as "the worst scene" in a video game in a long time but to each their own I guess.


I loved Heavy Rain and was very much looking forward to Beyond. Unfortunately, it was released at a bad time. Next gen hype (and cost) had already taken over me, and I was still picking up a few recently released current gen games.

That said, I definitely plan on getting it now that the initial "next-gen only" mentality has worn off.

EDIT: Wow, some people really need to tag spoilers in this thread.


I about died when they left the one fucking Asian guy in their CIA squad behind when they were infiltrating the Chinese Underwater Doom Base. Hmm yes the white bread all american Mr. McHandsome is far more suitable to accompany Jodie because


I know that nothing David Cage has written has been memorable in the slightest, aside from that one opening line in Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

"New York city, center of the universe..." oh and of course

His writing is flat, too heavily filled with unnecessary expletives (how many times is Jodie called a slut? or a bitch? there's even one scene at the end where Cole just says Fuck about 8 or 9 times). The dialogue just feels so perfunctory rather than engaging or human.

And what is your opinion on Lovecraft?
I played Indigo Prophecy until it started getting stupid. Now I refuse to touch anything with David Cage's name on the box. Fool me once and all that.

From what I've seen of Beyond, if it were a movie: it would a good fit as a Syfy Channel original.
I'm still waiting on the Sega CD port.


Sega CD FMV games were way more interactive than what I got to play of this game, though.


Well it could at least break even. It doesn't have to be a smash hit. If it doesn't break even we don't see more of it, which would be a shame. So I think it still deserved better sales.

dragonbane, I love your posts but you gotta spoiler tag that ish, for all those who still want to dive in!

You're right- I do hope they break even, and do better than that, just so we can still see the studio develop their creative projects!


And what is your opinion on Lovecraft?

I haven't read any of his works, I think. Why?

One line of dialogue I really dislike is where Jodie says something like
"I don't just fucking kill people because a four star general tells me to!"

Yet this happens directly after she does just that. Yes, she's upset because she thought she was doing it for the right reason, but that doesn't negate the fact that when the military told her to jump she just shrugged and asked how high.


Hmmm. In my game Jodie
made a good first impression, got hammered, danced and made out with some English boy-band wannabe, got mocked for her inappropriate present, got teased and locked in a closet by bunch of asshole tweens looking to bond over bullying the weird kid, then took the high road and walked out of the house.

Not sure how that figures as "the worst scene" in a video game in a long time but to each their own I guess.

SPOILERS if you haven't played the game.

I think what made that scene bad (this is coming from someone that liked the game), is how unbelievably cruel the kids acted at the flip of a switch. I mean, I get why kids act cruel. And I could even buy into the idea that they wanted to set her up and then make her fall. But the scene doesn't play out that way. Initially, they seem okay with her being there. When Jodie gets high, or drinks, they aren't doing it to exploit her, or make her look like a fool. It's only when she brings a terrible present that suddenly they flip their shit.

So basically, the scene is basically saying they were cool with her there (or at least weren't bothered by her), until she gave a bad present. That the birthday girl basically tolerated her, because she wanted something cool. The minute she didn't get something she wanted, suddenly the entire act is dropped, and all her friends jump on her. But that's absolutely ridiculous. Why would all these people put on an act, just so one girl can get a present?

The entire thing comes off as being a "dramatic experience" just to be dramatic. It's not organic, and feels unnatural. I actually think most of the game is well written, and don't agree with people in this thread. BUT, this scene did stick out like a sore thumb. And I guess I could see the argument that Cage wants to set up scenes that are emotional and drama driven, but that are just dramatic for the sake of being dramatic, with no build up to it. People are evil and scummy just to be evil and scummy (that bar scene comes to mind).

Then again, it doesn't help that the game is set up in a way that, you are living out memories. So it's going to feel more like bullet points of these dramatic moments, vs. getting to those dramatic moments (it's problematic for sure).
However it is true that the choices don't have a lot of consequences in the endings. But once again, Beyond isn't about crafting your own story, it's a retelling of Jodie's life and you can only change the details (and decide how she continues her life in the ending, of course).

Can't be true. How can the game have 20+ endings if your choices don't add up?

Chinese Condenser: Develops some story elements like the containment field. But it's the only scene I would agree is filler.

I think it is important.
It seems as if Aiden is free and the option to go back to Jodie was a choice (on his part).
The reasoning behind it makes more sense when you reach the ending.... err, or the ending I received.

So basically, the scene is basically saying they were cool with her there (or at least weren't bothered by her), until she gave a bad present. That the birthday girl basically tolerated her, because she wanted something cool. The minute she didn't get something she wanted, suddenly the entire act is dropped, and all her friends jump on her. But that's absolutely ridiculous. Why would all these people put on an act, just so one girl can get a present?

Growing up I have seen that happen. I have seen it happen in scenarios with my younger siblings. It isn't that they flipped out because of a present. They flipped out on her as a group because the birthday girl took issue with jodie and the rest feel in line as a group. Jodie is the odd one out. She is the one that doesn't know the others while it is apparent the rest of them know each other.


As a huge Heavy Rain fan, I was a little disappointed with Beyond. I know GAF shits on Heavy Rain but I for one really enjoyed its characters and had no problems with QTEs, and it had some of the most tense moments in gaming I've ever experienced on the first time through without knowing what would happen if you did something. The music was also stellar. I don't take stories as seriously as most do here and don't wear a critic hat while I play games so I actually enjoyed the serial killer story, and I honestly don't get how a lot of people hate it since it sold somewhat well if I recall correctly and got good reviews.

Beyond was still enjoyable but way too oversimplified in terms of gameplay. Since a lot of people complained about QTEs, they almost completely removed them and changed it to a simple movement of the right analog stick. It's definitely not for those people who want to be in control of everything 100% of the time, but for more patient people who don't take everything seriously, it's a damn good game. Also undeniably the best looking console game pre-next gen IMO.

And I laugh whenever people bring up the whole "decisions don't matter" thing, and bring up games like Walking Dead as an example of it being done right. Overall the decisions in the Walking Dead
didn't do jack shit to affect the ending
whereas in this game there is actually quite a few opportunities for a number of different endings. Characters I sided with since the beginning in The Walking Dead(Kenny) still treated me like an asshole through the end and I realized that all that "Kenny will remember that" stuff was BS. But no, amazing storytelling! Best writing ever!

And for those interested:http://playersdelight.blogspot.com/2013/10/beyond-two-souls-most-unique-feature-is.html
This is a stellar explanation on how the decision process actually works in Beyond.


Can't be true. How can the game have 20+ endings if your choices don't add up?

I think it is important.
It seems as if Aiden is free and the option to go back to Jodie was a choice (on his part).
The reasoning behind it makes more sense when you reach the ending.... err, or the ending I received.

Growing up I have seen that happen. I have seen it happen in scenarios with my younger siblings. It isn't that they flipped out because of a present. They flipped out on her as a group because the birthday girl took issue with jodie and the rest feel in line as a group. Jodie is the odd one out. She is the one that doesn't know the others while it is apparent the rest of them know each other.

The scene came off comical to me. I don't know, maybe I just don't understand real life.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Did you cry because of its complete plot incoherence and disastrous writing?

I didn't buy it because I downloaded the demo with a marginal hope that Cage would prove me wrong. When the demo finished, I still hadn't really "played" anything. I would have been fine with this if the plot as presented made an impression on me. It didn't.

EDIT: I should add, that as some sort of bizarre comedy, it has a certain appeal, which TBF showed. But overall, it could be said that the game designer is a failure of the game designer. Cyclical Cage.

Hey I don't really know you at all, but your post seems to be an example of a lot of venomous condescending hate all up in this thread, particularly directed at Cage.

Why is that?

Would sales have been better if they didn't try to sell it as a full priced game?

I paid 10 bucks for my Dark Knight Blu-Ray and I'm pretty sure I got more time out of that than a single time playing Beyond. If it was $30 I think it would have sold better.

It's easily a value of content at $60. I think it played very well for me over a month and a half, a few chapters at a time.

I get the feeling reviews were affected by the process of playing this title in concentrated time period, and maybe a lot of the negative impressions on the story many are reporting, as well.

In that regard, maybe it would have done well with an episodic release, Walking Dead or Siren style. I would have still bought the steel-book collection afterward, too.

I can't believe you neglected to see a little movie titled Thor.

You are probably being sarcastic.
I love Kat but every time her character spoke in that movie it was


Also you did a huge mistake OP. Threads related to Quantic Dream and their games usually end in a disaster if you don't specifically state that drive-by trolling by people who didn't play the game is heavily discouraged. But I guess you kinda wanted those reactions by asking "Why didn't you buy it?".

If all the "against" posts come off like condescending jerks, then maybe we'll get some word-of-mouth among the "cool" people this title is probably better suited for anyway...

I want a PS4 remake

They should probably seriously consider a port. ASAP.
This thread makes me want to hunt a bargain-bin copy of heavy rain. I feel stingy about it cause indigo prophecy failed so hard to live to its opening scene's promise.


Taken as a movie it's completely awful. There's no sense of pace, the story is spliced in random out of order scenes each one utterly disconnected from the rest. Several moronic, nonsensical moments.

David Cage is an awful writer with little to no taste and his work does not deserve to be rewarded. I haven't played Heavy Rain but if it's actually worse...good lord.

Was going to post that.

God is this non-linear story telling awfull. If it actually made sense or linked the various events with one another, ok. But as is, I have the impression they made the game with chronological order in mind, and at the last moment decided to break it appart, "because that's art, lolz".
No, it didn't. There are games that did. This is not one of them. Just because it has Juno's face and voice on it doesn't indicate how well it's going to sell.
I haven't read any of his works, I think. Why?

One line of dialogue I really dislike is where Jodie says something like
"I don't just fucking kill people because a four star general tells me to!"

Yet this happens directly after she does just that. Yes, she's upset because she thought she was doing it for the right reason, but that doesn't negate the fact that when the military told her to jump she just shrugged and asked how high.
I assume she was mostly doing it for Ryan, because she trusted him (romance or not). She was more disappointed by him than anything else. She thought she finally encountered someone who doesn't lie to her, but then exactly this happens.
The dialogue during that scene was a bit iffy though, but this scene was the exception as I mostly enjoyed it.

If you decide to pass over at the end, you see that the baby you saved during the homeless section has a similar connection to the infraworld as you do. Instead of Jodie, you see the other girl standing alone at the edge of the calamity.

Why they decided to have them both standing there during that one scene in the credits I'm not sure.
Because it's a pre-rendered video.
If you choose life you can go back to Stan and his group and meet up with Zoey. Then you get the ending with both.

dragonbane, I love your posts but you gotta spoiler tag that ish, for all those who still want to dive in!

You're right- I do hope they break even, and do better than that, just so we can still see the studio develop their creative projects!
Oooops. Done. Thank you for pointing it out. Yeah I actually agree that the game shouldn't sell as well as Heavy Rain. It keeps Cage going and he will improve because of it. But it really should break even at least, because if Quantic gets shut down he will never fully realize his vision. And I think he is pretty close to it, so it would be a shame to stop him on the finish line.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Find it hard to buy a game when the creator is snorting lines of his own shit on a daily basis.

What the actual fuck? Did he personally piss directly into your corn flakes this morning? Man we say shit about game creators that would get us banned if we said it about each other.

...juniors these days...


Yeah no thanks I "played" the demo.

I thought the premise was great, oh cool I can take over guys and do fun shit. Not really you just take over guys and trigger more QTEs.
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