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Does/did anyone play Runescape?


Unconfirmed Member
I must have quit as they were rolling HD out. I remember them talking about area overhauls and I think they had one one or two when I stopped playing. And I remember the "new" chat options like clan/party chat, but I never used them since they were added around the same time I stopped.

Also, castle wars. That was a fun as hell version of capture the flag.

Used to play a lot - is generally a really good/fun fame. Played with some friends but one made it a competition so I kind of stopped for a while.

Stopped playing when it became too much about membership and fees.

I think it was always about membership/fees. The free to play stuff was hardly ever updated, and when it was it usually related to something for paying players. The whole free part was basically intended to get you hooked and want to do more. That's the same reason most of the free content topped out around like level 30.


basically it went like this





rs hd


RS2 and onward lost the charm RS1 had. This is one of those rare cases where i don't like the "sequel"/revamp more than the original. Sure, maybe RS2 had some positive changes over RS1 but it looked so ugly and its interface felt worse than RS1.
EDIT i did play RS2 for sometime (months, i think) but overall less per week than i did play RS1.
I played this game as a member on and off for years as a kid, some of the best/most boring games I've ever played.

I've had a lot of great moments in this game but nothing beat the sense of wonder I felt when first entering the world. It was my first mmo and I was hooked from the starting area. I remember getting past the tutorial and just wandering around for about an hour before arriving in a far away desert land that I thought was halfway across the world(in reality it was actually only like a minute from the starting area but what the hell did I know). All of my friends got into it at the same time and we would talk for hours about mining, crafting, lvling, etc at school and it was just a great experience in that regard too, everyone was having such a great time being new to the game. I have a good laugh thinking back to when my friend started getting mythril stuff and I was so jealous, thinking I would never get any of that armor.

The first day I started also happened to be the first day they did non-tradeable holiday drops, the bunny ears for Easter. I still have a pair of those sitting on my account, I imagine not many people still have those in the game. I also ended up buying a Halloween mask for a few hundred k, does anyone know how much those are worth now? I think its sitting in my long rotting account, which I can't get back onto because I was a dumb kid and can't remember any security questions I made or anything, and I don't really care to get back on anyways.

I kept playing into the runescape 2 days while a lot of my friends left, but there was always some of my friends playing throughout the years, I ended up grinding way way too much and getting 99 attack, 90 strength, and 80 defense, and many other skills really really high, and had all of the cool shit back in the day, like the abby whip, poison dragon dagger, obsidian shield, dragon plate legs, and all that kinda stuff. I also had some kind of god armor, it looked like rune but it was gold plated, anyone remember the name of this? I think I was like lvl 104 or something, I can't really remember. It was a lot of fun walking around bad ass like that but honestly the grind could be torture sometimes, it took hours and hours to make any little amount of progress in the high 90s, I don't know how it is today but it used to be pretty time consuming to get high lvls. I used to duel a lot in the desert arena, can't really remember the name, and made a good amount of gold doing that as well.

I also loved the questing in runescape, I completed almost every single quest, there's probably a lot more now but every time a new quest was released I was one of the first going to do it, and my favorites were the ones that introduced new lands to the game, epic quests that took days and days to complete. In the end I eventually got tired of it but it was a ton of fun, especially in the beginning with my friends, wouldn't give up that experience for anything.


I must have quit as they were rolling HD out. I remember them talking about area overhauls and I think they had one one or two when I stopped playing. And I remember the "new" chat options like clan/party chat, but I never used them since they were added around the same time I stopped.

Also, castle wars. That was a fun as hell version of capture the flag.

I think it was always about membership/fees. The free to play stuff was hardly ever updated, and when it was it usually related to something for paying players. The whole free part was basically intended to get you hooked and want to do more. That's the same reason most of the free content topped out around like level 30.

my mum would never let me get membership but when i finally did (must have been late 05) i NEVER went back, membership was a much much better game, god the feeling i got when i first wielded my dragon longsword lol


I haven't played in years, but I used to think that crap was the best thing ever!... Then I played any other MMO XD
Back when most games were PTP runescape was a good option because it had a solid economy and it was cheap even as a member. But now a lot of MMOs are pushing free to play so I think runescape is not really a viable option anymore.


You know, thinking about it, the quests in Runescape were some of the best that MMO's have to offer. Much better than WoW's constant grind of 'go here, kill 10 of these.' And it actually felt like players could have distinct roles in the world, rather than in WoW where everybody is the legendary hero of the land.



You know, thinking about it, the quests in Runescape were some of the best that MMO's have to offer. Much better than WoW's constant grind of 'go here, kill 10 of these.' And it actually felt like players could have distinct roles in the world, rather than in WoW where everybody is the legendary hero of the land.


remember the romeo and juliet quest, i helped them be together forever!


You know, thinking about it, the quests in Runescape were some of the best that MMO's have to offer. Much better than WoW's constant grind of 'go here, kill 10 of these.' And it actually felt like players could have distinct roles in the world, rather than in WoW where everybody is the legendary hero of the land.


Yep :p


I actually never played it. Well I did, but only for 5 mins. It didn't appeal to me, I played Battleon instead, but that was a loooong time ago.

Dat Ninja class


I use to play during rs1 and just collected feathers, scammed a couple of ppl (feather swap trick was fun) , and then get scammed myself lol.

When I tried again in rs hd, I got bored and tried out the bots and made it chop trees. I stopped playing but I'm banned now apparently since people care about bots chopping trees? Lol game sucked for me anyway.
I did play it...at my local library lol.

Although, I didn't put that much time into it. I was unaware that there was an isometric RS though. I heard about the HD version a while back, toyed with going back, and said "Nah."

It was pretty neat, for the time I spent.


I played it some in school when I was done with work in computer classes. I mostly just mined and would follow random people around and annoy them. Or go to one of the town centers naked and start shouting crazy nonsense.
I played for several years. I remember spending hours on the Legends quest when it first came out, back when you couldn't eat during combat and my inventory was full of lobsters and potions.

Good times.
This is the second weirdly complimentary about RuneScape thread I've seen in the last few days...

What's hilarious is that quest ended up having a sequel, which was the 100th quest to be added.

the 100th quest was fan service, it was specifically designed from the get go to be a sequel to the very first quest


Yeah, a few days after I discovered it and told some friends the library was full of kids playing it every evening. First time I felt like a trendsetter. lol

Soon after version 2 was released and as premium content became the focus I stopped playing.

It always annoyed me how random guys would throw valuable equipment and items at my friend for being a girl.


Basically played for about 4-5 months to fill the void until I could get a PC decent enough to run Ragnarok Online. As someone who likes rolling mage, I hated how spells (indirectly) costed money through runes. Just give me spell/magic points like every other RPG please.


Neo Member
Played tons back in 2002. Everyone I knew did. Can't really recall any quests. Only fishing, woodcutting, mining and wilderness. Great stuff. My first MMO also.

RS has been on my mind for some reason recently too..might just be my normal summer MMO itch though.


Played it once when I had a shitty PC, that was about it.

I keep on hearing they are completely redoing the combat or something like that.


Neo Member
Did anyone ever do the Ancient Magicks quest? My god I hated that quest. Friend coerced me into doing it on his pure 1 Def. Shoot me now.


You know, thinking about it, the quests in Runescape were some of the best that MMO's have to offer. Much better than WoW's constant grind of 'go here, kill 10 of these.' And it actually felt like players could have distinct roles in the world, rather than in WoW where everybody is the legendary hero of the land.


WoW does this? I thought those lazy quests were mostly limited to iOS games and free MMOs.
I work in a public library and I still see kids playing this from time to time, though it's mostly older teenagers who played it at the height of its popularity. Nowadays kids play Roblox, which is sort of a Minecraft rip-off.


Haha, I used to play the shit out of this game. Some late nights when I was younger beating the shit out of rock crabs and frantically trying to keep pace with the commerce. A lot of fun and pretty hard to put down. That being said, I'm glad I did.


I am not Max
I remember killing the dragon in the hardest quest and then being able to wear the Rune platemail

That was really exciting for my 12 year-old self


I remember killing the dragon in the hardest quest and then being able to wear the Rune platemail

That was really exciting for my 12 year-old self

That was with free accounts right? I remember there being a lot harder quests that did not involve killing a dragon. Recipe for Disaster?
That was with free accounts right? I remember there being a lot harder quests that did not involve killing a dragon. Recipe for Disaster?

That was back before membership existed.

I played from 2001~2006, then 2010 to the RSHD update. I didn't even mean to quit again, but my (somewhat dated now) PC that can run Crysis max at 45-50 fps is getting below 15 fps on Runescape. I just sort of drifted away because it was painful to play.


The quest system wasn't bad at all. I remember doing this monkey island quest and it had lots of puzzles and shit. I don't think I ever beat it.


Despite the endless grinding required, I played the game for a long time. Played Runescape 1, then 2. Logged in to see the graphics update (Pretty impressive for java).

Looking back, its a kinda shitty game. But I enjoyed it while it lasted. Even if they never did finish the elves plotline.


Runescape was the first MMO I ever played and by far my favorite. The questing is infinitely better than other generic MMOs out there. I still play today, just not as much - even though my character is level 125. It really lost it's charm after all the HD graphics and (some ) unneeded updates, but it will hold a place in my favorite games list probably as long as it's around.

I mean I played it all day every day when I was a kid. When I went to bed, I would dream about getting partyhats and tons of GP. My brother and I were obsessed.

It's always kinda funny to see the people were embarrassed that they played the game, I'm not and it was certainly a enjoyable part of my childhood.
Never played it. But I worked at Jagex as a moderator/player support for it last year. it was certainly awesome to see that side of an MMORPG. I see some of you are talking about people who are/were addicted to it. Believe me when I say you haven't seen anything.


Never played it. But I worked at Jagex as a moderator/player support for it last year. it was certainly awesome to see that side of an MMORPG. I see some of you are talking about people who are/were addicted to it. Believe me when I say you haven't seen anything.

Haha, that's really cool. I've always wondered what it would be like as a mod/GM in an MMO, would make for some interesting stories.


Looking at the dates it seems that when I played Runescape it was still in beta, because I used to not have school on Saturdays in middle school and in those mornings I was able to sneak a few hours of internet time without my parents knowing it and I played this game quite a bit.
Considering that I'm pretty sure that I finished middle school in summer 2001, the entirety of my playtime must have happened between January 2001 (release of the beta) and June of that year; I don't think I really touched it after that.


Junior Member
I did a little bit around six years ago in the fifth grade. I couldn't really get into it, I was more of a Habbo Hotel kind of guy.
Haha, that's really cool. I've always wondered what it would be like as a mod/GM in an MMO, would make for some interesting stories.

Oh god yes. I wish I could recount some of them, but it's probably best I don't. I don't believe I'm bound by an NDA anymore, but I don't want to risk ruffling any feathers. I'll just say that you wouldn't believe what some players say to each other.


Neo Member
I played the hell out of runescape in middle school, great, cheap timesink.

The entire game was grindy as hell, so it really was "make your own fun". I used it basically as a chat room with some of my friends that allowed you to level up. Kinda like what Call of Duty is now :lol


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
I used to play it because my friends would make me, I was their extra storage bag, I would get paid in weaponry, and somehow found myself in the 40s, in terms of levels.

So one day my friend follows this guy who murders him in the lava area, he said I was next, so I was like 'bitch please' and avenged my friend, got all his stuff back.

After that day, my friend stop playing, like he lost his confidence or something.


Played for a couple years in elementary school. Loved it. Some of those quests were awesome. I logged in a couple of months ago to see what was up with the new update. When I didn't spawn in lumbridge after making a new character I was a little disoriented.


I played it about a .. decade ago?

I remember mining stuff and for some reason lighting lots of fires and fighting cows was good. Never got to a high level since we only had pay-per-minute internet back then.
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