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007 SPECTRE |OT| It's me, Austin. It was me all along, Austin.

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Just saw it. I liked it but not as much as Casino Royale and Skyfall.

Casino Royale>Skyfall>Spectre>Quantum of Solace

And no, I don't hate Quantum of Solace, in fact I liked all these movies.


I'm interested to see how opinions change on Spectre as it has time to settle. I wonder if time will be kind to it or not.
I'm going with not. Ultimately is simply doesn't have a coherent theme or narrative structure is it'll end up picked apart. Classic films may have unorthodox structures but they all have in common a cohesive sense of purpose that never fades.

Spectre is paint buy numbers and is clearly flawed. And it always will be.
Why don't you guys like the continuity? I think it's a cool thing to experiment with in a franchise of over 20 movies. If they didn't then critics would complain about it being the same old movies over and over again.

It was a positive aspect of Spectre for me.
Is this really worse than Age of Ultron or Jurassic World as RT indicates? Almost can't even fathom such a movie.

Can't speak for Ultron, but it's leagues above that soulless generic product placement disguised as a blockbuster that Jurassic World is.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Is this really worse than Age of Ultron or Jurassic World as RT indicates? Almost can't even fathom such a movie.
Can't speak to AoU, but no, even as a huge disappointment, Spectre is better than Jurassic World, which had nothing memorable whatsoever. Spectre at least has the opening sequence, which is pretty cool. Also, a lead character with actual screen presence (Pratt and Howard were both dead wood in JW).
Jurassic World was much better put together than this film.

Can't speak to AoU, but no, even as a huge disappointment, Spectre is better than Jurassic World, which had nothing memorable whatsoever. Spectre at least has the opening sequence, which is pretty cool.

Besides lacking memorable scenes minus the return of the t-rex (which come on, really?) it was filmed in such a cliche way. Buff Chris Pratt looking up at the screens watching the soldiers die, he might as well have said "my God." also the use of cgi was so excessive. They had a dinosaur locked in a muzzle in a training pit and they STILL used cgi. Those were my major problems with it. Also I just couldn't care.

On a technical level alone, you can't compare with Hoyt's cinematography.


There are so many things wrong with this film that it's hard to know where to begin. The editing was damn near non-existent for the entire film, the motivations for the villains is half-assed at best, there's only one action scene that has any sort of tension, the comedic jokes were dead on arrival, the love interests were bad even by Bond standards, the movie tries to cash in a continuity check but doesn't do anywhere near enough groundwork to make it believable instead of the afterthought that it actually is, and there is nowhere near enough character work for many of the emotional climaxes to feel earned.

It's a shitty film almost all the way through.

Edit:I forgot to mention how godawful the dialogue is too.

Besides lacking memorable scenes minus the return of the t-rex (which come on, really?) it was filmed in such a cliche way. Buff Chris Pratt looking up at the screens watching the soldiers die, he might as well have said "my God." also the use of cgi was so excessive. They had a dinosaur locked in a muzzle in a training pit and they STILL used cgi. Those were my major problems with it. Also I just couldn't care.

On a technical level alone, you can't compare with Hoyt's cinematography.

As opposed to other characters cracking these stupid one liner jokes at the most inappropriate times.


sparkle this bitch
Can't speak to AoU, but no, even as a huge disappointment, Spectre is better than Jurassic World, which had nothing memorable whatsoever. Spectre at least has the opening sequence, which is pretty cool. Also, a lead character with actual screen presence (Pratt and Howard were both dead wood in JW).

World had a lot more cohesion to it. World is a much better film and that's not saying a lot. Its just how bad this one. Craig and his lady were better actors, but World was at least edited well and it built up its villain(The IRex). This didn't even have that. Spectre jumped from one poorly shot scene to another. At least while watching world I was under the impression the IRex was a dominate force in comparison to this unknown enemy Bond gets making a joke out of.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Besides lacking memorable scenes minus the return of the t-rex (which come on, really?) it was filmed in such a cliche way. Buff Chris Pratt looking up at the screens watching the soldiers die, he might as well have said "my God." also the use of cgi was so excessive. They had a dinosaur locked in a muzzle in a training pit and they STILL used cgi. Those were my major problems with it. Also I just couldn't care.

On a technical level alone, you can't compare with Hoyt's cinematography.
Agreed, Jurassic World was pretty uninspired in terms of staging, blocking, cinematography, etc.

Hoyte Van Hoytema doesn't get to have as much showy fun as Roger Deakins did, beyond the opening, but he still did great work and is often contributing far more interest than the script.


Have seen it twice now and loved it.
Had a few small quibbles but who gives a fuck, they were small and it was a fantastic ride all around.
Will never understand people who nitpick and dissect movies apart.
Just saw it. First Craig bond that was actively bad. I honestly don't see what people saw in it, there were very, very few things in it I enjoyed.

The Hermit

Is this really worse than Age of Ultron or Jurassic World as RT indicates? Almost can't even fathom such a movie.

I just watched, with lowered expectations after this thread.

I knew something was wrong when the first action scene felt really boring. Then I almost fell asleep watching,

It's quite bad


Why don't you guys like the continuity? I think it's a cool thing to experiment with in a franchise of over 20 movies. If they didn't then critics would complain about it being the same old movies over and over again.

It was a positive aspect of Spectre for me.

I liked the fact that there was a sense of continuity but there wasn't an 'oomph' feeling or any weight to it IMO. When you find out Silva's origins in Skyfall, it felt heavier and more connected to the story. I almost wanted James Bond to discover the connection on his own rather than him (and the audience) be told through a series of speeches.

Part of me was hoping the revelation would have been
00 agent program was started by Blofield's father and the 00 agent program was training sleeper agents for Spectre.
I liked the fact that there was a sense of continuity but there wasn't an 'oomph' feeling or any weight to it IMO. When you find out Silva's origins in Skyfall, it felt heavier and more connected to the story. I almost wanted James Bond to discover the connection on his own rather than him (and the audience) be told through a series of speeches.

Part of me was hoping the revelation would have been
00 agent program was started by Blofield's father and the 00 agent program was training sleeper agents for Spectre.

I think there is some truth to the points you are bring up(especially with Silva). Not sure if I would love how you were wanting that relationship to play out, but it definitely would be interesting.
I refuse to believe a Daniel Craig bond movie can be worse than avengers and jurassic world. That just doesn't seem possible at all to me.

Well I tend to trust dan on a lot of this shit so I guess it's not, I'll see on Tuesday
I'm seeing it Monday night.

Older English couple came into my store today, and I asked them if they saw spectre. They said they liked it, and liked the Sam Smith.

Also, the wife didn't think Craig is a good bond or good looking. They love Brosnan and Moore.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I refuse to believe a Daniel Craig bond movie can be worse than avengers and jurassic world. That just doesn't seem possible at all to me.

Well I tend to trust dan on a lot of this shit so I guess it's not, I'll see on Tuesday
I would think you're safe enough if you're starting from that frame of mind. Whether you think it's ultimately a good movie or a good Bond movie, hard to say.

As frustrating as I found Spectre, there's really no question in my mind whether I'd rather rewatch this or Jurassic World. There was nothing interesting about JW at all.
Saw it today and yeah, the hate is really overblown. I mean not the best movie, but far better than what all the reviews and negative reactions would lead me to believe. Was there some change behind the scenes that soured people? I went into it pretty much blind and liked it quite a bit, didn't really see that much of a shift in quality between Skyfall and this.

Theater today was packed and everyone seemed to like it. Looks like the lowballed critical reception won't have much effect, but we'll have to wait for the box office numbers to come out.


What a complete bore of a film. It was so painfully by the numbers, from the dialog to the characters to the plot. And yet, at the same time it felt like a jumbled confusing mess. And the one redeeming factor, the visuals, were such a mixed bag...such a dissappointment.


It's a Bond film. Of course it's worth seeing once in a theater.

It's just not worth seeing twice in a theater.

Lol yeah this is sort of where I settled on it. There's no world in which I didn't go see it. There's some things you just gotta do, seeing Bond movies is one of them.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Just saw it

My thoughts in a nutshell

Not a bad movie per se - pretty solid actually - but a significant step down from Skyfall
They should get Tom Cruise as producer. Dude is a action blockbuster genius. He knows what the fuck he is doing.

Maybe have him as a villain too. Collateral style.
Damn was SPECTRE a good flick. 2 parts gritty, Daniel Craig styled Bond to 1 part classic, outrageous, over-the-top Bond, and yet somehow still manages to be tonally balanced and gorgeously photographed. The mixed reactions have me thinking that people don't really know what they want from their movies these days.

I appreciate the pacing of films like SKYFALL and SPECTRE over the constant, bloated barrage of action sequences in CASINO ROYALE.

I'd rank them as follows:

Have seen it twice now and loved it.
Had a few small quibbles but who gives a fuck, they were small and it was a fantastic ride all around.
Will never understand people who nitpick and dissect movies apart.

I'm with you man. My wife and I loved it and thought "WTF is all the hate about?"

It's a film that elevates everything that came before it by tying it all together with a sense of purpose. I really felt like they set out to top themselves (which is debatable); Mendes was really meticulous in planning every shot.

The film doesn't resonate emotionally the same way SKYFALL or CASINO ROYALE do, but then again this is Mendes going full-on Bond with the formula.

He's bringing it back to formula, guys. The most disappointing thing about it is the way in which Bond
brings down Bloefeld
, but that's a minor gripe.

And anyone calling a film with that train scene "utter shit" really has poor taste, in my opinion.
I liked it. They did waste Andrew Scott's character,
was definitely hoping for a bigger fight between Moriarty and Voldemort while Bond was looking for Seydoux
. Monica was criminally wasted as well. The movie's set pieces also didn't gel as well as the previous films and that car chase was absolutely disappointing compared to Quantum of Solace.

That being said, it was fun and enjoyable. I'd rank Craig's era thus far as: Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > Quantum of Solace. I feel like Spectre will be very rewatchable though. Hope Craig ends with a bang with his final film because if this is the last one, I will be disappointed.

Best wishes.
Is this really worse than Age of Ultron or Jurassic World as RT indicates? Almost can't even fathom such a movie.
I didn't like world or ultron at all really. Spectre was dumb story-wise, but was visually incredible. So at least it's something worth looking at?
This thread is proving it once again: I really cannot agree with GAF regarding movies.

That said: really excited to go see Spectre today. The third time that is.


No way in hell is Spectre worse than Age of Ultron or Jurassic World.

Visually it was really great, and the soundtrack was absolutely amazing.

Waltz's performance was fine but the writing was kinda weak, and honestly Fiennes as M was pretty underwhelming.


Why don't you guys like the continuity? I think it's a cool thing to experiment with in a franchise of over 20 movies. If they didn't then critics would complain about it being the same old movies over and over again.

It was a positive aspect of Spectre for me.

Continuity is nothing new for Bond - all the Connery films are linked.

Dr No was a SPECTRE agent. In FRWL, spectre set up Bond and plotted to kill him in retaliation for Dr No's death. Goldfinger was a side story, but in Thunderball Bond stops Spectre again and kills their number 2 (largo). You Only Live Twice is next, where Bond eventually meets Blofeld in his volcano lair, blows it up and then in OHMSS he meets Blofeld again, who kills his wife. And then diamonds are Forever wraps it all up, albeit badly.


They wasted Waltz in this lol.

Movie felt like it followed a Bond checklist and not only came short in the end, but was as forgettable as they come.


Just saw it.

It's okay. Nothing special IMO. I looooved Skyfall, so take that as you will. This one felt incredibly paint by number. Obviously these are formula movies, but when I know every single thing that's going to happen a minute before it happens, I'm not going to have a great time. Casino Royale and Skyfall surprised me numerous times and I was certainly on the edge of my seat more than anything that happened here. Even Quantum.

Definitely my least favorite of the Craig movies. Not horrible, but meh.


Saw it tonight. The story would have been more well put together if the Spectre stuff had been injected into the previous three movies in meaningful ways. Unfortunately the movie meanders around quite a bit to establish the big shadowy organization. There's some similarities in there with QoS, but luckily it manages to be a significantly better and more memorable film than that one. Overall it falls short of Casino Royale and Skyfall, but its better than most films in the franchise.

I imagine some of the review backlash has to do with them reinserting some of the classic Bond elements back into the franchise, which I'm sure certain people see as a negative. It was a bit hit and miss in that regard. I will say that this was probably Craig's most enjoyable portrayal of Bond.


Saw it tonight. The story would have been more well put together if the Spectre stuff had been injected into the previous three movies in meaningful ways. Unfortunately the movie meanders around quite a bit to establish the big shadowy organization. There's some similarities in there with QoS, but luckily it manages to be a significantly better and more memorable film than that one. Overall it falls short of Casino Royale and Skyfall, but its better than most films in the franchise.

I imagine some of the review backlash has to do with them reinserting some of the classic Bond elements back into the franchise, which I'm sure certain people see as a negative. It was a bit hit and miss in that regard. I will say that this was probably Craig's most enjoyable portrayal of Bond.

Impossible, as the legal issues with Kevin McClorys estate weren't sorted until after Skyfall was released. Hence why they used quantum beforehand, who were essentially spectre-lite.

But really its a moot point as if the legal issues didn't exist, many Bond films released in the franchise since the initial feud started would be significantly different in terms of plot. The past few films likely wouldn't exist in their current forms. We may even still have had Brosnan as Bond!
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