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1UP Show 7.14 (Aquaria, GT5:P, No More Heroes)


I'm probably the only one who's glad Kathleen is gone. SHe always looks uncomfortable in front of the camera. Always speaks with a cracked voice like she's not sure of what she should say. She lacks confidence or is uncomfortable.


Oooh a new song was played during the last part of the GT5:p discussion. Sounded like something Vangelis would've done :)
The fact that Top Gear coming to GTTV got a [crickets] reaction from those 'tards proves that the wrong guys were previewing this game. Probably should have had Garnett on the preview, he seems like somewhat of a gearhead, and he'd probably appreciate just how awesome that is going to be.


I think Ryan had a valid point about the nature of Prologue as a product, but he sure did a shitty job explaining it. And why are people still talking about the Japanese price points for things, knowing it's quite often different in other regions? You'd think they were reviewing a NA release and price with that segment. And for Ryan to dismiss GT5P as the exact same same in HD is baffling, but then they didn't really discuss the game itself much at all, they just sat there and listened to Ryan complain about the mere existence of Prologue and the imagined price of it.

I'm going to have to check out Aquaria, I loved the exploration stuff they showed and I think it would run on my modest PC. But the opening dialogue kinda alarmed me in regards to the plot - a character in a fantasy landscape awakens with no memories except her name and, for some reason, the name of her planet? Uhh....
I AM JOHN! said:
Full game is $30(!!).

I'm honestly baffled as to why people keep bitching about that price. If the game had a publisher and was released on a disc at retail for $30, many of the current complainers would be praising it as a great value. Instead, because it's an indie game that's only available as a downloadable, people are acting like anything over $20 is unreasonable.

Like I've said before, the game holds its own against the vast majority of $50 retail games in just about every respect. Why, then, does charging $30 qualify it as "overpriced" just because of the circumstances of its development and the means of its release?


I never really understood the release of the prologue games. You buy half the game for 2/3 the price six months ahead of the retail product.

Oh and Shane trolling Halo 3 with his quip was funny.

Glad I watched the Aquaria segment. I almost skipped past it. Looks cool, but a bit pricey for 30 bucks. I downloaded the demo and will try it out later, and if I like it may grab the full version if it drops to 20.


Mrbob said:
six months ahead of the retail product.
Optimism is good. ;( I'd be faintly surprised if GT5 ships within 10 months of the release of Prologue... and I wouldn't be shocked at a full year gap.


Pristine_Condition said:
The fact that Top Gear coming to GTTV got a [crickets] reaction from those 'tards proves that the wrong guys were previewing this game. Probably should have had Garnett on the preview, he seems like somewhat of a gearhead, and he'd probably appreciate just how awesome that is going to be.

Can't wait to beat the Stig's power laps.
Father_Brain said:
I'm honestly baffled as to why people keep bitching about that price. If the game had a publisher and was released on a disc at retail for $30, everyone would be praising it as a great value. Instead, because it's an indie game that's only downloadable, people are acting like anything over $20 is unreasonable.

Like I've said before, the game holds its own against the vast majority of $50 retail games in just about every respect. Why, then, does charging $30 qualify it as "overpriced" just because of the circumstances of its development and the means of its release?

Gamers' perception of price is warped beyond any normal consumer's comprehension. The fact that people are bitching about Ryan's ramblings of how GT5: Prologue is $40 and then bitch about a full game being $30 shows how convoluted and backwards their whole understanding is.
calder said:
Optimism is good. ;( I'd be faintly surprised if GT5 ships within 10 months of the release of Prologue... and I wouldn't be shocked at a full year gap.
DLC means they can skip a few cars as long as they're happy with the core feature set. I wouldn't bet on it missing Holidays '08.


Sucks that Kathleen is leaving, she was thee awesomeness.

Then again, hasn't Kathleen left 1Up before (for a short time at least) and where is she going now?! Regardless, I'm pretty sure will be seeing her again next season.

Also the freelancer (Torrey I believe), did a damn good job examining NMH. Should have him on more often.


caldazar said:
Do you shoot things, cast spells, and create powerups by mixing ingredients in Ecco? (Serious question, I haven't played it because I always presumed it was a pure puzzle/non-violent game, but so many people are saying it's just like Aquaria that maybe I should go back and give it a shot)

It's just the first thing that stuck in my mind. Swimming, doing loops, jumping out of water, 2d water caves to swim into.


Ryan is the fat guy right? I wouldn't be surprised if he's on MS's payroll. He tries so hard to hype any 360 game and bashes ps3 games.


leehom said:
Ryan is the fat guy right? I wouldn't be surprised if he's on MS's payroll. He tries so hard to hype any 360 game and bashes ps3 games.

Wow. okay, now I know the weekend has started.


Good job putting a bunch of unwashed idiots on a racing title. Listening to Ryan say, "I'm not a car guy" and then proceed to explain why he doesn't like GT5P is beyond me. Here's a hint, retards, try using something other than R3 tires with assists on. Even with assists off, those tires are ridiculous. It's like slighting a game for being too easy, eventhough all you've played it on is Easy. You're not car guys...it's bloody apparent in every word out of your mouths, so just do us a favor and stfu. Actually, I'll just not watch anymore. PEACE.

EDIT: LOL @ Ryan being called an xbot. He's not that, but he certainly doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to car games.


leehom said:
Ryan is the fat guy right? I wouldn't be surprised if he's on MS's payroll. He tries so hard to hype any 360 game and bashes ps3 games.

Dude... that's so wrong. Ryan has been a huge fan of PS3 games that other people forgot. He's been a big booster for Motorstorm, Everyday Shooter, VF5, I think FlOw, and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting right now.

and he's not that fat...


Pimpwerx said:
Good job putting a bunch of unwashed idiots on a racing title. Listening to Ryan say, "I'm not a car guy" and then proceed to explain why he doesn't like GT5P is beyond me. Here's a hint, retards, try using something other than R3 tires with assists on. Even with assists off, those tires are ridiculous. It's like slighting a game for being too easy, eventhough all you've played it on is Easy. You're not car guys...it's bloody apparent in every word out of your mouths, so just do us a favor and stfu. Actually, I'll just not watch anymore. PEACE.

Ryan isn't a 'car' guy, but Dave and Demian sure as hell are. Ryan even said owns all the previous games.


watership said:
I notice you didn't mention that they also compared it with Forza.
But he talked mostly about Burnout's online gameplay. Would you want to drive around a circuit for 30min hoping someone will join you? They are two totally different games, each with a different way you should handle online play.

Ryan said:
And we've been playing Burnout Paradise which kinda of does away with menus, lobbies, and offers this really modern, unique online experience for a racing game. It's like 3 or 4 levels past what you're expecting to get in even GT5 now.
Where in that quote does he compare the online functionality of Forza with GT5? They only mention Forza when talking about crash damage.

leehom said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he's on MS's payroll. He tries so hard to hype any 360 game and bashes ps3 games.
Ryan is a PS3 supporter, he is just the wrong person to have preview this title.


watership said:
Ryan isn't a 'car' guy, but Dave and Demian sure as hell are. Ryan even said owns all the previous games.
Not apparent at all in the video. I listened to the whole thing. They bitch about the online mode being delayed in a game that's really a glorified demo. But then they don't spend nearly as much time discussing why 16 player online is worth the wait. It's twice what the direct competition offers (FM2) and anyone who's played the demo know already that traffic adds an entirely new element to the game. Winning races isn't going to be a walk in the park with that level of competition. Oh...but it's delayed...waaaah! Maybe they'd have been happier had PD just delayed Prologue altogether. Or maybe it'd just be something else to bitch about. PEACE.
Holy shit, what a great PS3 ad.

I love how in the intro, Jeff Green stands completely still all the time when everyone else is running around like chickens without heads.


leehom said:
Ryan is the fat guy right? I wouldn't be surprised if he's on MS's payroll. He tries so hard to hype any 360 game and bashes ps3 games.

I think you'll be enjoying a nice Christmas vacation from the board. Enjoy it!


That's just how Ryan is :-/

When he was raving about VF5's online component he said stupid shit like "FIRST EVER 3D FIGHTER ONLINE!!1 AMAZING!" while completely ignoring Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection Online and listing every other fighting game. unless maybe he actually never heard of Tekken


Thank god I didn't have to sit through yet another Timeshift commercial (they've been all over 1up podcasts and shows for the past month). Plus the ps3 commercial is actually good and not boring.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
leehom said:
I'm probably the only one who's glad Kathleen is gone. SHe always looks uncomfortable in front of the camera. Always speaks with a cracked voice like she's not sure of what she should say. She lacks confidence or is uncomfortable.

Nope, I agree with you. I've always wondered why she puts herself so prominently in front of the camera if she's always so awkward. Maybe she doesn't feel as uncomfortable inside as it shows in the finished product, but I always fast forward every scene with her regardless.
ThePeter said:
That's just how Ryan is :-/

When he was raving about VF5's online component he said stupid shit like "FIRST EVER 3D FIGHTER ONLINE!!1 AMAZING!" while completely ignoring Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection Online and listing every other fighting game. unless maybe he actually never heard of Tekken

I never said it was first. I said it was the first one that functioned as well as I wanted it to. I have Tekken: DR at home... but I play VF5. (Though not in awhile... too much single player stuff to get through lately...)


Phoenix 2.0 said:
Holy shit, what a great PS3 ad.

I love how in the intro, Jeff Green stands completely still all the time when everyone else is running around like chickens without heads.

Haha, only just saw that. Jeff is the man.

And yeah, those PS3 ads are awesome.


InterMoniker said:
Yeah and I think No more Heroes looks stupid and boring. Especially waggling that wand the whole time you play. The gameplay just looks kind of shallow and slow compared to a Ninja Gaiden or DMC.

Anyone else think the guy with the fro came straight outa of the game itself? :lol Sure looked like it :p

lol this would work if you wagled the wand all the time. but you dont.


Wow, I can definitely tell it's christmas break with some of the.. "interesting" posts in this thread. Anyway, good show as always. Can't wait till SFIV next week! :D


You guys do know you are talking shit about people who actually read these boards right? People who probably work harder and are better schooled than most of you guys who feel the need to prove your idiocy on these boards. It's sad to see people get so worked up because someone says something less than glowing about a game that we haven't played yet. As for calling someone fat, just grow up.
Pristine_Condition said:
The fact that Top Gear coming to GTTV got a [crickets] reaction from those 'tards proves that the wrong guys were previewing this game.

haha. Actually, when I worked at a British car magazine my desk was right next to Vicki Butler-Henderson's at the job she left to join Top Gear. So yeah, I know what Top Gear is :)

I didn't really think that that anecdote was relevant to a chat about GT5P though.
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