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2013 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Let the JPEG Die Already



Wow @ those shots Stein. Would you mind telling me how you got the game to look like that? I plan on playing that game soon and would love it to look like that.


Wow @ those shots Stein. Would you mind telling me how you got the game to look like that? I plan on playing that game soon and would love it to look like that.

Hey Remij , i just used Downsampling, SweetFX for some image adjustments and the Cartoon shader which i think it suits the game and it "hides" some low resolution textures (since the game is a console port).It looks good and i really like the art :)


Bioshock Infinite. Thought I would try to take some shots of the enemies. The firemen looks really good but I wish the handyman's textures were better.




Is your gamma set to 0?

Does it look too dark to you? My in game settings were calibrated via the graphics options menu. I can see the middle square fine but can't see the left one. They look normal on my monitor but it seems a lot of people think my screens are too dark at times. For example does this skyrim shot look too dark to you? It was taken at dusk as the sun was setting: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8187/8424493512_81ee8d70c7_o.jpg


Does it look too dark to you? My in game settings were calibrated via the graphics options menu. I can see the middle square fine but can't see the left one. They look normal on my monitor but it seems a lot of people think my screens are too dark at times. For example does this skyrim shot look too dark to you? It was taken at dusk as the sun was setting: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8187/8424493512_81ee8d70c7_o.jpg

looks like demon's souls.


That skyrim screenshot may as well be a black rectangle on my screen. And my monitor is pretty bright.

Hmm i don't understand why it looks ok on mine. I just checked like 5 monitor calibration tool images and they all seem to indicate my brightness is calibrated correctly. The brightness is at a 45 out of 100 on my monitor : / I'm in a dark room as well. The weird thing too is that your Bioshock screenshots only look slightly brighter than mine on my monitor.

Edit: Ok I looked at my Bioshock screenshots on my galaxy nexus cell phone screen and the gamma does look insanely high : /


Coul you post your Sweet Fx settings?

I would also like to see these settings.

Here are the settings.Make sure to use ingame AA/SGSAA or else lower Cartoon shader value. Jim i think that you can do some magic with this game :)

Darkdeus you use icc profiles? I had a similar problem and it was due to the profiles ,i delete everything and it was fine after
Holy FUCK.

I finished Infinite on PS3, but I'm trading it in and just waiting to get a gaming PC before I even think about touching it again. It's just shameful how much better it looks.



It's one of my favorites that I've taken. Been loving some of your shots. :)

I know there's a hudless trick, but I know a simple way of getting Booker's hands/guns out of the shot if you learn how to time it right. Just switch weapons and take the screen shot in between the time it takes for Booker to switch weapons. If you do it correctly, his guns won't be in the shot:




Good Lord the shots in this thread are outstanding. Seeing them makes me so glad I am currently building a gaming PC for the first time. Hope the 7970 I got will allow me to do some of my own this well!


Good Lord the shots in this thread are outstanding. Seeing them makes me so glad I am currently building a gaming PC for the first time. Hope the 7970 I got will allow me to do some of my own this well!

I have the 7970, so you are well on your way! Just make sure to get a nice CPU as well. :)


I'm going with a 3570K as it seems to be the current top pick for gaming.

Oooh, nice! That's the one I want.

I'm stuck with a Phenom X4 955 Black Edition for now since switching to an Intel MOBO and getting it is a bit too rich for my blood after buying the 7970 a month or two ago.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Looks like EYE. Cool *looking* game. Gameplay is an utter mess though. Pity cause I love a whole lot of the ideas in that game.

Anyways enough of this Bioshock malarky, time for a game with some real tech muscle behind it.


Using cheat engine to force keybind buttons to "add 100 to x pos" same for y and z, and disabling downward acceleration.

There's a much simpler explanation. I'm a space ninja.

The game was updated today. I have to redo my entire table. You can not divide by my motivation to do that.
How well does Skyrim perform with those mods? I'm seeing some really nice pics from Skyrim and I'm curious to know what the performance is like as far as framerate is concerned.
How well does Skyrim perform with those mods? I'm seeing some really nice pics from Skyrim and I'm curious to know what the performance is like as far as framerate is concerned.

That's like the most generic question you could possibly ask :p

This really comes down to what ENB people are using, how many high res texture mods they have installed, what features within ENB they're utilizing, and what their hardware is.

For me, using K ENB .132 with SSAO off, DoF on, reflections off, a ton of texture mods and a fairly crazy set of INI files, I get about 40 FPS @ 3840x2160 with 2x GTX 680s in SLI. Similar performance with the TV ENB I was showing on the last page.
That's like the most generic question you could possibly ask :p

This really comes down to what ENB people are using, how many high res texture mods they have installed, what features within ENB they're utilizing, and what their hardware is.

For me, using K ENB .132 with SSAO off, DoF on, reflections off, a ton of texture mods and a fairly crazy set of INI files, I get about 40 FPS @ 3840x2160 with 2x GTX 680s in SLI. Similar performance with the TV ENB I was showing on the last page.

lol I'm not fimilar at all with the Skyrim mods. The only mod I have ever fooled with is Maldo lol I think 40fps is good for a resolution that high. Some of the Skyrim pics, for me at least, take the fucking cake even in comparsion to crysis 3. I can't wait to see people up the res for Metro Last Light, I'll stay at 1080p lol
Been messin with an ENB palette texture in this game (since that's the only thing that will work with an ENB setup). Get some interesting colors... but my screenshots came out a bit dark. Wasn't so dark in-game.



cheers. I assume it only works with unreal engine 3 games?

Works for any game you want to take the time to hack it into. I've done it for Crysis 2, Crysis 3, Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite...
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