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3 Dead in IRA Attacks on Northern Ireland

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Bolded a couple of points to clarify that I don't support the RIRA.

Sunday: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7930837.stm

Two soldiers have been shot dead during a gun attack at an army base in County Antrim, the Ministry of Defence says.

A spokesman said "four other personnel" were injured, one of them critically, in the attack at Massereene army base in Antrim, 16 miles north of Belfast.

The soldiers are the first to be murdered in Northern Ireland since Lance Bombardier Stephen Restorick was killed by an IRA sniper in 1997.

Today: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7933990.stm

A policeman has been murdered in County Armagh just 48 hours after two soldiers were shot by the Real IRA in Antrim.

The shooting happened on Monday night at Lismore Manor, Craigavon, at about 2145 GMT, police said.

Police were responding to a call for help from a distressed woman. Two police vehicles went to the scene.

As officers got out, they were shot at, one was hit and died later.

A lot of people are worrying that this might herald a return to the Troubles. With St Patrick's Day and then Easter Sunday coming up and militant republicans often using significant days in Irish culture to carry out attacks on the Brits, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Soldiers in western armies these days are fucking pussies. They join the armed forces of a violent, aggressive nation, do whatever the fuck they like around the world and the second anyone shoots back call terrorism. This isn't terrorism, Ireland is an occupied nation and anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care.

A police officer, that's different; 20 years ago the royal ulsters were brutal, fascist monsters but today the majority are just regular cops stopping petty crimes. If the officer shot was a loyalist paramilitary type, good riddance, if not, it's a tragedy. If the "Real" IRA didn't know, then they shouldn't have targeted a police officer.

But despite all this, unless the RIRA think they can raise the power to recapture Northern Ireland without civilian causalities, which is basically impossible, it's all pointless anyway. If some over zealous RIRA member doesn't lose his cool and start blowing up civilians first it'll be some maniac loyalist and then everybody loses again.

So my message is, don't "give Peace a chance" , the Peace being offered isn't a solution to anything, but don't goad the loyalist thugs out by supporting RIRA. Vote Sinn Féin.

Anyway now I have to figure out whether or not I can wear my Easter Lily around my proddy NI housemate. There was enough tension as it was...
Woah, as a Scottish born Catholic, the situation in Ireland has always confused me. There can never be any winners, so why hasn't a comprimise been reached that everyone can be happy with?

Some people just have to fight, I understand that, but I thought the killing had stopped.


Yixian said:
Soldiers in western armies these days are fucking pussies. They join the armed forces of a violent, aggressive nation, do whatever the fuck they like around the world and the second anyone shoots back call terrorism. This isn't terrorism, Ireland is an occupied nation and anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care.

A police officer, that's different; 20 years ago the royal ulsters were brutal, fascist monsters but today the majority are just regular cops stopping petty crimes. If the officer shot was a loyalist paramilitary type, good riddance, if not, it's a tragedy. If the "Real" IRA didn't know, then they shouldn't have targeted a police officer.

But despite all this, unless the RIRA think they can raise the power to recapture Northern Ireland without civilian causalities, which is basically impossible, it's all pointless anyway. If some over zealous RIRA member doesn't lose his cool and start blowing up civilians first it'll be some maniac loyalist and then everybody loses again.

So my message is, don't "give Peace a chance" , the Peace being offered isn't a solution to anything, but don't goad the loyalist thugs out by supporting RIRA. Vote Sinn Féin.

Anyway now I have to figure out whether or not I can wear my Easter Lily around my proddy NI housemate. There was enough tension as it was...

It's interesting to see how different countries media have run these stories. In France for example, a country that has actually supported the Irish Republican armies in battle against the Brits, the IRA have always been considered heros. In most French cities you can find streets named after famous members.

In Britain ofc these are "murders" and "civilians were harmed" which I suppose refers to the pizza delivery guy who grazed his hand while running from the scene...

Wow... you make it sound like a valiant struggle against evil British oppressors.. which of course it's not. Mind you, innocent civilians have never been harmed (by either side) in the conflict, right?



Dead Man Typing said:
Woah, as a Scottish born Catholic, the situation in Ireland has always confused me. There can never be any winners, so why hasn't a comprimise been reached that everyone can be happy with?

Some people just have to fight, I understand that, but I thought the killing had stopped.

The violence never stopped. Cities like Derry, which are claimed by the Brits but which have majority Irish, catholic, republican populations see gang violence between the two sides every day.

The problem is that you can't compromise on these issues. Can you imagine a little bit of India or Kenya being reserved for Britain still? Of course not. The Brits thought they could get away with it because Ireland being so close it would be so easy to have swept in the entire army and crushed the living shit out of them back when the partition occurred.

But only 2 counties in all of Northern Ireland have protestant majorities. Sinn Féin, the political party formed from the Provisional IRA, the same IRA that fought the Brits during the Troubles, are the second largest party in Northern Ireland with only a few % off winning the last election.

The situation was never over, everyone just pushed the pause button for 10 years. Ireland unfree will never be at peace, as they say. We republicans are not asking that all Protestants and Brits leave, they are welcome to fucking stay! But if you think you can steal Irish land and force the Irish population of the North to live under the rule of the United Kingdom then LOOOL GTFO!

Dougald said:
Wow... you make it sound like a valiant struggle against evil British oppressors.. which of course it's not. Mind you, innocent civilians have never been harmed (by either side) in the conflict, right?


Can you read? No innocents were killed this week is what I said mate. It was a valiant struggle until the Brits threatened "immediate and terrible war" and split the IRA. Thousands of irish independence fighters suddenly found themselves without a leadership. They went about more or less everything the wrong way but I have sympathy for how lost they were.
Yixian said:
Soldiers in western armies these days are fucking pussies. They join the armed forces of a violent, aggressive nation, do whatever the fuck they like around the world and the second anyone shoots back call terrorism. This isn't terrorism, Ireland is an occupied nation and anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care.

Well, you certainly sound like a well-rounded kind of chap.

Oh, and FYI both news pieces have already been posted here, albeit not in one thread of thinly veiled propaganda.

Yixian said:
In Britain ofc these are "murders"

So, killing a couple of unarmed sappers in cold blood as they collected a pizza delivery isn't murder? Faking a phone call to the police, then murdering the policeman who arrived on the scene isn't murder? How dare the dirty biased British press call these murders, when they clearly aren't!


Bootaaay said:
So, killing a couple of unarmed sappers in cold blood as they collected a pizza delivery isn't murder?

Is there still conscription in Britain? Nope. If you are deployed overseas better claim conscientious objection unless it's actually a just operation, which neither Iraq nor NI are.

Faking a phone call to the police, then murdering the policeman who arrived on the scene isn't murder?

Again, apply a couple of your brain cells to my post and comprehend that I distinguished this to the soldiers.
Bootaaay said:
Well, you certainly sound like a well-rounded kind of chap.

Oh, and FYI both news pieces have already been posted here, albeit not in one thread of thinly veiled propaganda.

So, killing a couple of unarmed sappers in cold blood as they collected a pizza delivery isn't murder? Faking a phone call to the police, then murdering the policeman who arrived on the scene isn't murder? How dare the dirty biased British press call these murders, when they clearly aren't!


Well said my friend, well said.

Go the Queen! I'd gladly fight for the Commonwealth and old Lizzie if push came to shove.


Roxas said:
Fucking hell, let them have Northern Ireland back. Who gives a fuck about them anyway? :lol

Would you want to take a country that contains lunatics like the above as a sizable percentage of it population? We are doing enough ourselves to destroy the south without having to add sociopaths such as himself to our already struggling mental health system and prisons.


Soldiers in western armies these days are fucking pussies. They join the armed forces of a violent, aggressive nation, do whatever the fuck they like around the world and the second anyone shoots back call terrorism. This isn't terrorism, Ireland is an occupied nation and anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care.

You know, I'm fairly supportive of most legitimate separatists movements. I even understand how many of them have to resort to violence because there is no chance of a democratic, negotiated settlement.

But Yixian... you're a fool if you think that applies to Northern Ireland.

Seriously, when was the last time nationalists won a majority of the votes there? What percentage of the population supports union with Eire? Northern Ireland is not Tibet. Northern Ireland is not Kurdistan. Northern Ireland is not Tamil. Northern Ireland is not Uigherstan. Northern Ireland is not Palestine.

Occupied Nation? Bullshit.


Huh, I thought the arrest of Campbell would've had some sort of detrimental effect on RIRA's operational ability (he was RIRA wasn't he??) but apparently not. :|
Yixian said:
In Britain ofc these are "murders"

Here in Ireland they were brutal monstrous murders too. It was murder.

You speak of voting Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams spoke on the radio yesterday.

Referring directly to the murders, he said: “It was a deliberate and calculated attack on the peace process. It was wrong, there can be no ambiguity about that.”

“There is a way to do it now which is peaceful, which is democratic, which has popular support and the way that these people use on Saturday night is not the way. Those days are over. Sinn Féin is resolute about opposing what occurred.”


Scary Euro Man
Zeouterlimits said:
Here in Ireland they were brutal monstrous murders too. It was murder.

QFT. And fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.

If there weren't a genuine political process going on in NI then maybe I'd have some sympathy, but as it is these are murderous terrorist scum who know they don't have popular support for their ideas.


GAF's Bob Woodward
This is gangland stuff now. The RIRA is likely similar to any other little gang (drugs, guns etc.), they just have the balls to take shots at military/police.

There is no broader political or popular support there, I don't think. It's just sad people who couldn't let go of it when everyone else did, who don't know anything else but thuggery.

Roxas said:
Fucking hell, let them have Northern Ireland back. Who gives a fuck about them anyway? :lol

No thanks. The last thing we need right now is another economic handicap. The UK, being a much bigger economy, is in a much better position to subsidise the North than we are.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
OP you are the problem with this country and a sad sad person. Just fucking face it, the majority of people here want to be part of the uk and that isn't going to change anytime soon. You only repeat the same old bullshit that has been hammered into you instead of actually thinking it through for yourself and seeing that northern ireland is much better off staying the way it is, if only we could get rid of murderous scum and stupid religious hatred from people who aren't even religious in the slightest.


If you think that violence in Northern Ireland is right, you've got something seriously wrong with you.

I grew up watching car-bombings and all sorts of violence, going to school wondering if it might be blown up by some IRA "patriot". Asking my parents why there were virtually no litter bins in London, and being told it was to stop bombs being put in them.

For the record, if NI DEMOCRATICALLY voted to leave the UK, I would have no problem with that.

Any return to violence, no matter who was killed, is a return to a fruitless, bloody conflict, which only serves to portray the Real IRA in a negative light. This was not some patriotic, noble attack against a foreign military force at war with a country. This was a cowardly shooting of innocent military and police personnell which, if it continues, will only serve to undo all the good that the peace process has accomplished.


Sir Fragula said:
What percentage of the population supports union with Eire?

Roders5 said:
OP you are the problem with this country and a sad sad person. Just fucking face it, the majority of people here want to be part of the uk and that isn't going to change anytime soon.

22.2% Sinn Féin to the DUPs 27.8%. Come on Limey, get it right.

Dougald said:
If you think that violence in Northern Ireland is right, you've got something seriously wrong with you.

I don't lol, I support voting Sinn Féin and just said that supporting RIRA won't help anyone.

Zeouterlimits said:
“There is a way to do it now which is peaceful, which is democratic, which has popular support and the way that these people use on Saturday night is not the way. Those days are over. Sinn Féin is resolute about opposing what occurred.”

And I agree :lol My point is, the peace process is flawed, neither side is happy with it, everyone on either side of the border is assuming that eventually there will be one of two outcomes.

Violence didn't work 20 years ago, it's not going to work now.


iapetus said:
1) Spot the difference between 'voting for Sinn Féin' and 'Supporting union with Ireland'.

Dude, come on :lol We're not talking about the SDLP here..

At the very least:




venison crêpe
Lets just hope these are isolated incidents, that there's no more deaths, the killers are brought to justice and the peace process which has taken so damn long to get going can carry on.


Wes said:
Lets just hope these are isolated incidents, that there's no more deaths, the killers are brought to justice and the peace process which has taken so damn long to get going can carry on.

The peace process is a good thing, but it lacks direction. Where is it going? It's been directionless for so long that this kind of thing is going to start happening.


Scary Euro Man
Yixian said:
In Britain ofc these are "murders" and "civilians were harmed" which I suppose refers to the pizza delivery guy who grazed his hand while running from the scene...

BBC News said:
Four other people, including two pizza delivery men - Anthony Watson, 19, from Antrim and a Polish man in his 30s - were injured in Saturday's attack.

One of the delivery men is in a serious condition in hospital. It is understood the others are in a stable condition.

Telegraph said:
In a statement, the paper said: "The caller said he made no apologies for targeting British soldiers while they continued to occupy Ireland and also said he made no apologies for targeting the pizza delivery men who, he said, were collaborating with the British by servicing them."

Belfast Telegraph said:
A soldier saved the life of the 19-year-old pizza delivery boy wounded in the Massereene Barracks shooting by leaping on top of him as Real IRA gunmen opened fire.

Domino’s driver Anthony Watson, who lives close to the barracks in Antrim town, has reportedly told friends an unarmed soldier shielded him from the hail of bullets, which claimed two lives.

Mr Watson said: “The soldiers shouted for us to ’get down’ before I even knew what was happening.

“Then one of the soldiers just threw himself on top of me as the bullets were still firing.”

One of the gunmen then walked over and shot the soldier and fired three bullets into Anthony. Police said he was in a comfortable condition at the Antrim Area Hospital last night.

However, his 32-year-old Polish colleague, who is believed to have sustained gunshot wounds to his chest and abdomen, was still in a serious condition at the same hospital.

The two other surviving victims, both soldiers, were said to be stable and comfortable at the Ulster Hospital in Belfast.

Yeah, fuck you.


Scary Euro Man
Yixian said:
Dude, come on :lol We're not talking about the SDLP here...

There's a similar distinction with the SNP. People vote for them despite not supporting Scottish independence, for a variety of reasons.


Scary Euro Man
Yixian said:
Hey, then that's another "gj you fucked up again assholes" to the RIRA isn't it. Comprendre?

Hey, I was never defending the actions of terrorist murderers.

I think you were the one who belittled the injury to the delivery men, not me. Bit of a difference between grazing your hand running away - as you claimed - and being shot three times while lying on the ground, or shot multiple times in the chest. By people who think they're morally justified in killing you for doing your job as a fucking pizza delivery man, because they don't like the people you're delivering to.

If I'd said something that fucking offensive I'd be retracting it right about now.


iapetus said:
Hey, I was never defending the actions of terrorist murderers.

I think you were the one who belittled the injury to the delivery men, not me. Bit of a difference between grazing your hand running away - as you claimed - and being shot three times while lying on the ground, or shot multiple times in the chest.

If I'd said something that fucking offensive I'd be retracting it right about now.

Incredibly the news wasn't 100% accurate in the minutes after the shooting happened. It's not offensive, more information comes to light >_>

I wasn't defending anyone, that's the problem here, you have a switch in your head that turns on the second you see the letters RIRA and completely ignored my point.

Let me break it down real simple for you: I hate the Real IRA, I support Sinn Féin. Two different methods, same goal. I hated many of the members of Sinn Féin before they were Sinn Féin.

My point is, Ireland is hypothetically just as morally allowed an armed struggle for independence as Kenya was, but that 1) they fucked it all up by targeting civilians during the Troubles and that 2) now, it's just not going to work. So there's no point.

The second you kill a civilian you're working backwards in the name of irish republicanism anyway, not that it didn't happen in plenty of other wars of independence but yes I agree that the RIRA are assholes just like Hamas is.

The only difference in opinion here is that you care that two British soldiers were killed. I don't. People need to stop pretending the situation isn't what it is. Give the peace process some fucking direction will you or we're all screwed.


Unconfirmed Member
The RIRA and the CIRA have very little support compared to the Provisional IRA. The 2 groups (RIRA and CIRA) split at different points. The RIRA split after the ceasefire because they didn't agree with it and the CIRA split in 1986.

The Provisional IRA is now all but gone.

Also does anybody remember the name of the politician over here that got done for being in the LVF or similar group. He was a fat guy with glasses and they found him because he read a statement in a video while wearing a balaclava but with the glasses still on. It was hilarious.


Unconfirmed Member
Yixian said:
Doesn't CIRA have about 50 members? >_< They're always the first to lose their heads..

150 max. according to Michael McDowell, but that was in 2005.


It's probably gone down rather than up in the years since, I reckon that RIRAs probably a tiny bit bigger though.

Don't remember the politician, but hey that reminds me... wasn't there some armed IRA/loyalist (can't even remember which one) that walked into Stormont last year without anyone noticing? Fucking mental...

Anyway, a real solution might be something like Hong Kong. One country, two governments. Let the DUP and Sinn Féin battle it out in parliament over who rules a partially integrated Northern Ireland, without ties to the UK.

If only Sinn Féin and the fucking SDLP would hold hands they'd be running the show anyway...


Whoa, the IRA is still around and killing people?

Is it just me or does it seem like post-9/11 most of the non-M.E. terrorist/militant (I'm lumping them together) groups are in serious decline?
IRA, LTTE... I'm not sure about the Basques. And are groups like the EZLN, MRTA, and Shining Path even around anymore?


Scary Euro Man
Yixian said:
Incredibly the news wasn't 100% accurate in the minutes after the shooting happened. It's not offensive, more information comes to light >_>

Incredibly, your post wasn't made at the time this information wasn't available. It was old news yesterday morning. Mocking and belittling the injuries of someone who was deliberately targetted by terrorists attempting to kill them for the heinous crime of working for Dominos is offensive. If you posted through ignorance rather than maliciousness, it should be even easier for you to retract and apologise, right?

Yixian said:
I wasn't defending anyone, that's the problem here, you have a switch in your head that turns on the second you see the letters RIRA and completely ignored my point.

Bullshit. The switch in my head turns on the second you start spouting shit like "If the officer shot was a loyalist paramilitary type, good riddance" and "anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care", because it's lines like that that mark you out as a supporter of terrorist violence, and part of the problem that perpetuates this sort of shit.

Yixian said:
The only difference in opinion here is that you care that two British soldiers were killed. I don't.

No, the difference in opinion here is that I care that innocent people - regardless of their jobs - are attacked and killed, by organisations with a vested interest in maintaining a state of terror. You only care based on whether they stand against the political state that you desire, despite admitting that it's a minority of people in NI who want it.


Unconfirmed Member
xbhaskarx said:
Whoa, the IRA is still around and killing people?

Is it just me or does it seem like post-9/11 most of the non-M.E. terrorist/militant (I'm lumping them together) groups are in serious decline?
IRA, LTTE... I'm not sure about the Basques. And are groups like the EZLN, MRTA, and Shining Path even around anymore?

RIRA is different from the IRA most people think about when they hear these reports.


thanks for the laugh
Yixian said:
A lot of people are worrying that this might herald a return to the Troubles. With St Patrick's Day and then Easter Sunday coming up and militant republicans often using significant days in Irish culture to carry out attacks on the Brits, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Soldiers in western armies these days are fucking pussies. They join the armed forces of a violent, aggressive nation, do whatever the fuck they like around the world and the second anyone shoots back call terrorism. This isn't terrorism, Ireland is an occupied nation and anyone that stands in the way of it's liberation can get a bullet in the head for all I care.

A police officer, that's different; 20 years ago the royal ulsters were brutal, fascist monsters but today the majority are just regular cops stopping petty crimes. If the officer shot was a loyalist paramilitary type, good riddance, if not, it's a tragedy. If the "Real" IRA didn't know, then they shouldn't have targeted a police officer.

But despite all this, unless the RIRA think they can raise the power to recapture Northern Ireland without civilian causalities, which is basically impossible, it's all pointless anyway. If some over zealous RIRA member doesn't lose his cool and start blowing up civilians first it'll be some maniac loyalist and then everybody loses again.

So my message is, don't "give Peace a chance" , the Peace being offered isn't a solution to anything, but don't goad the loyalist thugs out by supporting RIRA. Vote Sinn Féin.

Anyway now I have to figure out whether or not I can wear my Easter Lily around my proddy NI housemate. There was enough tension as it was...

It's interesting to see how different countries media have run these stories. In France for example, a country that has actually supported the Irish Republican armies in battle against the Brits, the IRA have always been considered heros. In most French cities you can find streets named after famous members.

In Britain ofc these are "murders" and "civilians were harmed" which I suppose refers to the pizza delivery guy who grazed his hand while running from the scene...

you delluded fucking tool.


iapetus said:
No, the difference in opinion here is that I care that innocent people - regardless of their jobs - are attacked and killed, by organisations with a vested interest in maintaining a state of terror. You only care based on whether they stand against the political state that you desire, despite admitting that it's a minority of people in NI who want it.

Number one, it's a very large minority, and number two, it's at least a 45-50% part of the population that would more than likely openly support it if they weren't afraid of retriggering the troubles. Think.

Lines like "they can get a bullet in the head for all I care" go for every loyalist thug out there. I'm not going to fire it, or support anyone that fires it, but I'm not gonna feel bad for em' if it happens. I will however point out for the hundredth time already that it's pointless and not going to help republicanism. Comprendreeee??!!?!?1

ghst said:



Yixian said:
EZLN control an autonomous region of southern Mexico, and have never killed a civilian.

1) Did someone here say they had killed civilians?
2) Would you think less of them if they had?


xbhaskarx said:
1) Did someone here say they had killed civilians?
2) Would you think less of them if they had?

1) Just pointing out...
2) Yep

And Shining Patch are kinda around, they are fucking monsters though... do they kill anyone but civilians?! o_O


Scary Euro Man
Yixian said:
Number one, it's a very large minority, and number two, it's at least a 45-50% part of the population that would more than likely openly support it if they weren't afraid of retriggering the troubles. Think.

Ah, I'm with you. "Everyone agrees with me really, they just pretend not to because they think that voting for the candidate they really want to win in a secret ballot would cause all-out war! What? No, there's nobody at all on the other side keeping quiet for similar reasons."

I like your thinking there. Classically delusional.

Not to mention the fact that 45-50% is still a minority.

Yixian said:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


iapetus said:
Ah, I'm with you. "Everyone agrees with me really, they just pretend not to because they think that voting for the candidate they really want to win in a secret ballot would cause all-out war! What? No, there's nobody at all on the other side keeping quiet for similar reasons."

Did I say there was no equivalent on the other side? o_O You're getting ahead of yourself, take your argument one step at a time or you just end up arguing with a hallucination in your head.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Yixian said:
Number one, it's a very large minority, and number two, it's at least a 45-50% part of the population that would more than likely openly support it if they weren't afraid of retriggering the troubles. Think.

Lines like "they can get a bullet in the head for all I care" go for every loyalist thug out there. I'm not going to fire it, or support anyone that fires it, but I'm not gonna feel bad for em' if it happens. I will however point out for the hundredth time already that it's pointless and not going to help republicanism. Comprendreeee??!!?!?1

Holy shit you are an idiot. I'd love to know what age you are and where you are from, obviously you've been fed bullshit and hatred your whole life, I laugh at your kind everyday. Hopefully you're incapable of having children so you can't breed this shit into someone else.


Roders5 said:
Holy shit you are an idiot. I'd love to know what age you are and where you are from, obviously you've been fed bullshit and hatred your whole life, I laugh at your kind everyday. Hopefully you're incapable of having children so you can't breed this shit into someone else.

Mate, seriously, every time I see you post I'm hoping you make a point that can actually be replied to but you didn't say anything just now other than "you're wrong cos I said so" and then some shit about my reproductive system. Please try and make an actual point.


Yixian said:
Incredibly the news wasn't 100% accurate in the minutes after the shooting happened. It's not offensive, more information comes to light >_>

I wasn't defending anyone, that's the problem here, you have a switch in your head that turns on the second you see the letters RIRA and completely ignored my point.
No, you were expressing support for the killing of soldiers who'd done jack shit but order a pizza.

My point is, Ireland is hypothetically just as morally allowed an armed struggle for independence as Kenya was
No it isn't. Not until there is some great conspiracy to prevent the population of Northern Ireland from democratically determining their own future. And you've got your own fucking assembly, you've got your political process and you've got a government in Westminster which doesn't give a shit whether you stay or go.

The only difference in opinion here is that you care that two British soldiers were killed. I don't. People need to stop pretending the situation isn't what it is. Give the peace process some fucking direction will you or we're all screwed.
You're fucking delusional. You don't want a peace process, you want unification with Eire. You don't care about having a majority behind you or following a democratic path do you?

We have a nationalist government in Scotland right now, talking about Independence without threat of military action from Westminster. Scotland. The United Kingdom is held together by popular consent - not military force.

As someone who actually opposes the Union, as an Englishman of Irish stock, and as someone with a brain... damn. You don't do your side any favours.


Ah you're a fucking simpleton if you think I support the RIRA, I don't know how many times I have to say it but I give up.

One thing though, get a fucking move on in Scotland, if you manage independance then maybe just enough votes will swing round to Sinn Féin to sort this mess out before it gets any worse.

But then RIP England if that happens, gl to you without all those Labour strongholds...
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