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3DS vs Vita vs Smartphones/Tablets battle of the portables garbage thread


I think the biggest issue with iOS games is still communicating they even exist. I randomly happened to ask in the iOS gaming thread if there were good music games, and one had just come out from the people who made that very popular space invaders on iOS. The game is amazing, and it was like two quid. I could be missing hundreds of great games and I'd have no idea.

I know practically every significant handheld/console/PC release.


Sony is probably going to release all their first party games on Android thanks to PlayStation suit.
They are smart enough to prepare for a smartphone future.
Same with Microsoft and their approach to Live on Windows Phone.


StuBurns said:
I think the biggest issue with iOS games is still communicating they even exist. I randomly happened to ask in the iOS gaming thread if there were good music games, and one had just come out from the people who made that very popular space invaders on iOS. The game is amazing, and it was like two quid. I could be missing hundreds of great games and I'd have no idea.

I know practically every significant handheld/console/PC release.
Totally agree. I saw that 'Cobra Commander' was on the store by a freak accident (was searching for someone else) which then made me think "man, imagine if Road Avenger got an iOS port!". I searched the store and it had. God only knows when it was released. There's probably a ton of games out there that I really want but haven't found yet. 7th Guest was another where I did a double-take when a friend mentioned owning it on iOS.

Man, I might have a 'thing' for crap FMV games.
Anyone else pissed the ipod touch isn't getting new hardware? I like iOS gaming but I'm not going to destroy my phone's battery to get it (seeing as I play games more then 3 minutes at a time) and be locked into an expensive phone.

No way I am entering a the bottom of the apple hardware line (again) only to get screwed over in like 1.5 to 2 years when I can't play the new games or I mistakenly download a firmware from apple that stops just short of ruining my touch. Thats the situation I'm in now and it sucks

Oh well, just annoyed so I'm dumping some garbage in the garbage thread :/


HamPster PamPster said:
Anyone else pissed the ipod touch isn't getting new hardware? I like iOS gaming but I'm not going to destroy my phone's battery to get it (seeing as I play games more then 3 minutes at a time) and be locked into an expensive phone.

No way I am entering a the bottom of the apple hardware line (again) only to get screwed over in like 1.5 to 2 years when I can't play the new games or I mistakenly download a firmware from apple that stops just short of ruining my touch. Thats the situation I'm in now and it sucks

Oh well, just annoyed so I'm dumping some garbage in the garbage thread :/
Does the new Touch not get the A5?


yeah its really fun. maybe nintendo will let rockstar put it on virtual console but just have green blood instead of red?


pretty awesome thanks. few problems with shooting but thats more to do with GTA 3s shooting system rather than the iphone.

man gta 3 anywhere i want. pretty crazy ive got gta 3 on my phone!


man gta 3 on my phone is so fun. i hope you guys on vita/3ds get it eventually!

No thanks, we will leave the 10 year old 'game console' title to your phone which has the worst controls of any game playing device out there.

A polished turd is still just a shiny piece of shit.


Unconfirmed Member
I downloaded DN3D yesterday for my phone and controls like crap. I wonder how it compares to the Game.Com version.
No thanks, we will leave the 10 year old 'game console' title to your phone which has the worst controls of any game playing device out there.

When I have a hard time enjoying Sonic CD, which is a D-Pad and one button, on a touch screen, pretty much anything more advanced than that is out of the window.


When I have a hard time enjoying Sonic CD, which is a D-Pad and one button, on a touch screen, pretty much anything more advanced than that is out of the window.
thats a shame, but fair enough. touch screen isnt for everybody, and i honestly suspect rockstar will probs port over gta 3 to vita and maybe 3ds eventually.
I saw someone trash talking the Game Gear in another thread. Had to bite my tongue. Game Gear hate, sigh... what will the internet think up next

I <3 Game Gear. I played it so much the light bulb burned out so I took it apart and put a small flashlight in there. Of course that hardly worked but kid me felt so creative when I did that

How modern handhelds STILL don't have a TV tuner is beyond me. Darn Vita should come with a digital tuner and recording software! I should be able to sit that thing in a cradle and have it record TV shows for me to watch later


Game Gear was my first gaming system ever. All I did was play Sonic Triple Trouble
while connected to the wall


I think both Vita and 3DS are screwed

-Price point
-Battery life
-Just play the games on PS3
-Smartphones killing them

-Gimmicky 3D
-Bullshit add on controller
-Same dead horse franchises
-Smartphones killing them

My biggest gripe with iOS/Android gaming is that many games are being designed specifically with micro transactions in mind and therefore making them very limited in scope.

That said, I may end up with either a 3DS or Vita at some point in 2012. I also own and iPhone and iPad2. I like buying shit :(

3DS sold 351,000 in Japan last week, 773,000 for the month and 795,000 for the month in the US. Yeah those Smartphones are really killing it..
Vita has to drop in price, only the hardcore gamer is going o care about the bang for buck with the technology

$250 is too much especially with $170 3DS
thats a shame, but fair enough. touch screen isnt for everybody, and i honestly suspect rockstar will probs port over gta 3 to vita and maybe 3ds eventually.

Yeah, it'd be neat to see a Vita Compilation of the three games, HD Classics style.

iPhone/iPad games fall into one of three categories for me.

1) Games that are designed specifically for a touchscreen. (Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, etc.) I have no real beef with these games outside of the fact that they're typically fairly shallow in terms of gameplay.

2) Games that are ported or designed with buttons in mind but use virtual buttons. (Grand Theft Auto, Sega's Genesis Ported titles, Gameloft's titles) These are often great games, but if I can't control them well what's the point of playing them?

3) Games that are terrible. Just downright "don't even belong on a mid-90s 1000 games in one CD" terrible.

Unfortunately category 3 is about 50% of the store, category 2 is 35% of the store and category 1 is 15% of the store.

In the end it means that half of the store isn't worth your time, 35% are great games hindered by terrible controls, and 15% are the great games that are shallow due to their control schemes.

And that's why I don't care for iPhone games.


so what games do you guy usally take out with you when you go out around town or to college or whatever?

this is what i've got on me:
infinity blade
grand theft auto 3
real racing 2
sonic cd
swords and swocery
league of evil
scribblenauts remixed
final fantasy 2
game d story
tiny tower
angry birds
tumble drop
zen pinball
zombie gunship
monkey island 2
ace attorney
broken sword
plants vs zombies
wheres my water
flight control
zynga poker

also: new footage of nintendo fans crying over 3ds battery comparisons with vita
I think it is very likely that if Sony make another portable, it will be a smartphone. However, smartphone gaming, as it exists at the moment, hasn't impressed me much. I now have a smartphone, but I dont intend to play any games on it.


thats a shame, but fair enough. touch screen isnt for everybody, and i honestly suspect rockstar will probs port over gta 3 to vita and maybe 3ds eventually.

If you're interested you can play Vice City Stories and Liberty City Stories on the Vita.


Sony is probably going to release all their first party games on Android thanks to PlayStation suit.
They are smart enough to prepare for a smartphone future.
Same with Microsoft and their approach to Live on Windows Phone.

This whole Smartphone future thing is nothing but a fantasy. Games costing only a few dollars will never support real quality game development. People will never want to buy full price games on a device with no buttons. Phone manufacturers will never release their phones with controls outside of a few niche cases such as the PlayStation phone. Its a catch 22 that can't be fixed, Smartphones are fine for cheap quick shallow gaming, but that's where it ends. Seriously, get this Smartphone is the future of gaming myth out of your head.


I think it is very likely that if Sony make another portable, it will be a smartphone. However, smartphone gaming, as it exists at the moment, hasn't impressed me much. I now have a smartphone, but I dont intend to play any games on it.
I'd be wiling to bet the Vita's next revision will indeed be a smartphone of some sort. If that happens I'd gladly give up my iPhone for it.


so what games do you guy usally take out with you when you go out around town or to college or whatever?

this is what i've got on me:
infinity blade
grand theft auto 3
real racing 2
sonic cd
swords and swocery
league of evil
scribblenauts remixed
final fantasy 2
game d story
tiny tower
angry birds
tumble drop
zen pinball
zombie gunship
monkey island 2
ace attorney
broken sword
plants vs zombies
wheres my water
flight control
zynga poker

also: new footage of nintendo fans crying over 3ds battery comparisons with vita

That's an impressive list of fundamentally broken games you have there.
I think it is very likely that if Sony make another portable, it will be a smartphone. However, smartphone gaming, as it exists at the moment, hasn't impressed me much. I now have a smartphone, but I dont intend to play any games on it.

And people think the Vita's battery life is bad now! Wait until that battery life is tied to your phone which you actually need. Honestly I'm not fully convinced people play games on their phones for more then 5 minutes. The battery life on my old touch was horrible.

On a side note, my wife got me a new touch to replace my old and broken one for christmas. Not sure if I want it considering the Vita is coming :/


wow you handheld guys have some aggression problems. here i am talking about how much i like portable gaming and how i hope you guys get gta 3 and you start dissing me and iphone i think you guys got some problems.
wow you handheld guys have some aggression problems. here i am talking about how much i like portable gaming and how i hope you guys get gta 3 and you start dissing me and iphone i think you guys got some problems.

I fuckin' love my iPhone.

It's just not a game playin' machine to me.
Wait, this is a thread about portable gaming, and iOS owners are actually outmaneuvering 3DS and PSP/PSV owners?

What is this Bizarro-gaf im logged onto? Nintendo fans losing to Apple fans? Really?


I fuckin' love my iPhone.

It's just not a game playin' machine to me.

Play Steambirds and Jetpack. If you don't consider it a gaming capable machine after that, I don't know what to tell you. It's different, but it still plays games - good ones even.


Smartphones only work for games designed for touchscreens. I tried playing this tank shooter game. such a cluster fuck. Virtual analog. so bad.
Then i tried a twinstick shooter type game. even worse. I've come to the conclusion that virtual buttons suck. The lack of tactical feedback makes them useless.
Not to mention the fact your finger's gonna be taking up screen space.

smartphones just don't have the input options to play more complex games. thus they occupy different niches.

Unless the xperia play v2 takes off, I'll be sticking to the Android+PSP (vita) combo.


It's easy to understand what is happening..
Even though the game experience is better on 3DS and PS Vita, the majority of people WILL settle for less.
Compare this with vinyl back in the day, even though the music experience is better, people settle for the inferiour Cassette with it's flimsy plastic case.

All my friends that used to play with their DS' are now playing on their iPhone, games are cheap, easy on the go and if they want to have a console experience, they play actually on their console.

Nevertheless i am going to get me a 3DS and rebel against the inevetable future.


Smartphones only work for games designed for touchscreens. I tried playing this tank shooter game. such a cluster fuck. Virtual analog. so bad.
Then i tried a twinstick shooter type game. even worse. I've come to the conclusion that virtual buttons suck. The lack of tactical feedback makes them useless.
Not to mention the fact your finger's gonna be taking up screen space.

smartphones just don't have the input options to play more complex games.

Define 'complex' please.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Does the new Touch not get the A5?

Yeah no new touch and the old touch was already gimped.

On a side note outside of my phone I don't really have anything portable to game on. I want to get something, but I just can't make up my mind what to get. There just aren't a ton of great entry points for me personally right now.

3ds seems solid, but I feel like I've waited this long I might as well see if they do a redesign. I like the Vita, but I don't own a PS3 and am not an Uncharted guy. I don't see that game that screams BUY ME yet, and so throwing down $280 + game isn't that appealing. I like the hardware better than the 3ds though.

iPad might be what I should end up with, but I'm not buying one until the next one comes out. Just to late in the iPad 2 life cycle to jump in. It's either wait for an iPad 3 and get that OR wait for an iPad 3 and try and get an iPad 2 on the cheap low.
pretty awesome thanks. few problems with shooting but thats more to do with GTA 3s shooting system rather than the iphone.

man gta 3 anywhere i want. pretty crazy ive got gta 3 on my phone!

Yeah man this increasing power on devices is awesome, I mean we'll have MGS2 and 3 on the Vita, on the go! WOW! And ZOE 1 and 2! Even Persona 4!



yeah tell me about it. sonic cd, monkey island 2, plants vs zombies and so on. crazy time to be a videogamer who has a good taste in games.


Having just joined the Android tablet race, it's surprisingly nice to see that gaming on this isn't as terrible as smartphone gaming. Controls are much more comfortable with a stand, and the screen is big enough to not have bad touch screen controls. Still doesn't beat some of the niceties of handheld hardware, but it is decent.


I downloaded Zen Pinball for my 3DS yesterday, played for about 15 minutes and then ran screaming back to the iPad version.

Pinball tables on dat tiny screen, ouch.

Then I played some Mage Gauntlet and some Modern Combat 3. Felt good man.
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