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3DS XL First Impressions/Previews

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Darn, the transfer process from my old 3DS to my new XL was a little incomplete.

It seems like the saves for my downloadable games got wiped (at least Pushmo, which is the only one I tried so far). Not a big problem since I haven't played many downloadable games so far; Pushmo and Mutant Mudds were the only two that I was in the middle of. FYI: Pushmo's tutorials are HORRENDOUS!

It looks like everything else transferred over, though. My game stats, all my eshop and ambassador games (had to redownload them manually but they are all there), and my folders.

Not sure if something went wrong or not. I followed the process step by step and nothing seemed to have gone wrong, it just finished early or something.


Good to see a general consensus that the XL is superior in almost every way over the original. I have held off from the 3DS thus far and was tempted on getting an original bundled with Mario Land on Black Friday..but it sounds like it will be much better for me to invest the extra money into the XL and just have the better system right from the start.


No chance of any special edition/different color version for black Friday? Maybe a Paper MArio Themed 3dxl?

If not upgrade my old one with paper mario too. I just don't want to buy the system and see a special edition come out.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Did the 3DS XL charging cradle ever become available in the US outside the jacked up price on Nintendo's parts store?
So far the XL feels much better in the hands. The buttons and d-pad are god-like compared to the original. Not only do they feel much better to press, but the matte finish of the plastic makes it feel less sticky. Having real buttons for start/home/select is also another great fix.

Having the stylus return to the side is great; having it on the back of the original was some kind of sick joke.
My 3DS OG had a very wobbly screen ever since day 1 and it never stopped being annoying, thankfully my XL has a much firmer hinge.

It is a bit heavier than the original, but nothing unmanageable.
As far as the size: I bought a case for my Gameboy Color over 13 years ago (!!!) and I have been able to fit every handheld I've ever owned into it. GBA, GBA SP, GBA Micro (duh), DS phat, DS Lite, PSP, and 3DS OG. The XL is by far the largest handheld I've yet owned AND IT STILL FITS!. It is a very snug fit, but it completely fits in there and is able to close

It is a weird choice that when closed there is still a gap to the insides, but I don't really care. It's as easy to flip open as the original.

Overall I am very happy with it after a few hours of use. It fixes every issue I had with the original (within reason). Better hinge lock, matte finish to the inside and outside, better buttons, and a better feel in the hand. The Blue color I got is actually very nice looking. A little brighter than I would have liked, but still very nice.

The box it came in was great too. WAY smaller than the original 3DS's (they were right next to each other on the shelf).

Just push through them, dammit! IT'S WORTH IT
Haha, already did. They only take like 5-10 minutes but it felt like an eternity.
I was pretty far into that game too. I guess it's a good thing I need to replay the old levels since I forgot many of the advanced techniques.
Could you by chance take pictures of your super glue job, or describe how you did it a little more in detail?

Sorry didn't see the reply till just now.

There's nothing really to see differently about mine, the glue went on the inside of the plastic case so visually it just looks normal. Here's a post back from launch I made about it though for more details:

It might seem OCD or something but like I said on the other page, I had to fix up my system cause of the lower section case separation was bothering me while actually using the thing.

The way I hold it I could feel it 'pinching' my skin every so often (not in a painful way just enough to know that its happening). I slid tiny dabs of super glue in the gap (both sides, yes my system was loose both sides :| ) and everything is perfect now. It was pretty easy to pry up enough juuuuust to get the glue there using a bit of card to dab it in and close again with NO issues at all. Thats how much my one would separate. Didn't even need to unscrew anything.

Speaking off, I tried tightening the screws first obviously hoping that would fix but it didn't.

I had to do a similar thing for my DSi back in the days, it had a similar problem and the glue thing worked fine then too.

It really shouldn't be so loose, I know the battery is in there but I'll worry about that issue when/if I ever need to (never have before), right now I'm happily playing with no issues at all so thats me sorted. :D

And here we are months later and still have a perfectly fine silver 3DS XL which I've played constantly and love <3 heh.

It really is just a tiny dab of super glue on the inside casing part, on a spot which I pried open slightly..... like, a bit where its gonna connect back plastic-to-plastic once closed. Kinda hard to explain in words. Then I'd squeeze on it slightly to 'strengthen' the hold, but really super glue is pretty powerful as is, shouldn't take long.

There is prolly risk involved, but if you're careful should be ok.


Doesn't really drain battery when completely shut off. Like some devices. I haven't touched it in a few weeks, turned it on still had a full charge. Nice. I still am bothered by the crappy grainy camera's, but thats not the point of the device I guess. Not really meant to take pictures with. The sound is awful, but remedied with in the ear ear buds, much louder. Still working my way through RE: Revelations. Next game is either Kid Icarus: Uprising, or OoT 3D. Since I've already played OoT a few times on older systems, probably will go for Icarus. Was going to get Paper Mario, but I think I might wait on a price drop after reading a few reviews.


So there really won't be a LE bundle for Black Friday?
Most major ads out and it seems a no show.
I wonder if it failed to do well enough for them last year? Or if Nintendo's just focused completely on the Wii U or whatever, they do seem to have trouble sometimes juggling platforms.
I'm starting to hate the eShop. Where the hell do I go to see all the games released? I feel like games just disappear unless you already know what to search for. I sort games by newest and Mario Golf ends up on the 2nd page with stuff that's been there since launch appearing on the first. God dammit.


Yeah, the eShop is going to be just as bad as the DSiWare store. I couldn't find the 3D Classics at all, then remembered that I had put them on a wishlist when I first got the system. This is why no one is buying them. :(


It actually does seem like the Wii's shop is better than the eShop. It needs an overhaul far, far more than the last PSN store did.


Neo Member
So is it roundly agreed upon that the 3DS XL is superior in terms of comfort? I'm considering taking up Best Buy on their $20 off a 3DS offer, but I'm not sure which to buy. I'm leaning towards the OG 3DS to save money and because it's smaller. I hate the circle pad, period, so I don't think the XL will make a difference in terms of size. I think I'll end up leaning towards games that are touch screen heavy or that make use of the D-Pad.

The main reason I'm interested is Paper Mario: Sticker Star.
So is it roundly agreed upon that the 3DS XL is superior in terms of comfort? I'm considering taking up Best Buy on their $20 off a 3DS offer, but I'm not sure which to buy. I'm leaning towards the OG 3DS to save money and because it's smaller. I hate the circle pad, period, so I don't think the XL will make a difference in terms of size. I think I'll end up leaning towards games that are touch screen heavy or that make use of the D-Pad.

The main reason I'm interested is Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

Comfort is one of the first things I noticed better with the XL but I had to get used to the slight increase in weight but after that period was over, it's noticeably more comfortable.

The XL is just better in every way for me besides the speakers being quieter.

If you really think you're going to play the system a lot, getting the original 3DS is foolish.

If it's just something you will play from time to time, getting the original would be more than fine.


Neo Member
It's more something to play from time to time. Right now my Vita has about 30 games loaded on it and I don't see myself playing much of the 3DS library. I owned a 3DS once before and never found much I liked. Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem are must-own games for me, but otherwise it's basically for Sticker Star and something to play the few DS games I still own.


The screens can't scratch each other anymore -- if you look at the side of the XL when it's shut, you can see light on the other side, proving they don't touch

They sure as hell can scratch. I have had the red xl since day one and it has scratched lines up both sides from the bottom screen touching.


Will QA for food.
They sure as hell can scratch. I have had the red xl since day one and it has scratched lines up both sides from the bottom screen touching.

Same. We had to stick the bumpers we used on the OG 3DS on our XL. It's amusing how I brought it up in another thread and people wanted to rip my head off for claiming it's still there for at least some units. I must be a Nintendo hater, yo.


Did the 3DS XL charging cradle ever become available in the US outside the jacked up price on Nintendo's parts store?
I've been looking, but haven't seen anything. Been using the stand that came with KI, but it is getting to be a bit of a pain, so I gave in to the dark side and ordered that $19 piece of plastic... It seems Nintendo's history with the Yakuza continues to rub off on them..

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I am going to pick one of these up this weekend. How's the transfer process from a regular 3DS (I'm an Ambassador).

Any case suggestions?

Any word on other colors specifically? Should I wait for Black Friday? I kind of want to use it over the next week.
So I am going to pick one of these up this weekend. How's the transfer process from a regular 3DS (I'm an Ambassador).

Any case suggestions?

Any word on other colors specifically? Should I wait for Black Friday? I kind of want to use it over the next week.

You pick System Transfer under system settings.

Takes quite a while though. Probably 20 mins.


I picked up a blue XL from Best Buy today. $20 is the best it's gonna get right now, plus I had a $20 reward certificate. Sucks that nobody is running specials on the XL for Black Friday though.


Santa May Claus
Same. We had to stick the bumpers we used on the OG 3DS on our XL. It's amusing how I brought it up in another thread and people wanted to rip my head off for claiming it's still there for at least some units. I must be a Nintendo hater, yo.

Oh no. They still scratch? I was really hoping they would have fixed that. It's no excuse at all at this point, considering they were aware of the problem when the did this redesign.


Same. We had to stick the bumpers we used on the OG 3DS on our XL. It's amusing how I brought it up in another thread and people wanted to rip my head off for claiming it's still there for at least some units. I must be a Nintendo hater, yo.

It's amusing because it's a defect if you are actually getting scratches on the screen (as opposed to smudges that are able to be cleaned off) and that you should send it into Nintendo for repair/replacement.

Not saying this isn't shitty but given how little people have complained about this (as in you and that one other guy from what I've seen) it is definitely not a common occurrence and should be treated as such.

Just to reiterate I've owned an OG and XL 3DS, carried each around in my jeans back pocket plenty of times and have even occasionally sorta sat on them, never had any issues with the screens on either. Not trying to downplay the issue or say anything stupid such as you're a N hater, just my opinion.
I bought an XL a couple weeks ago. Out of the box it locked up in the menus a couple times, but I didn't think anything of it because I knew I could do a system update. I did that, then transferred my Ambassador games and stuff to it, bought some eShop games, moved all the stuff to a nice roomy 32GB card. It started locking up more and more, even during actual gameplay. After owning the thing for a weekend, I sent it to Nintendo for repair. The other day they called me to say that they can't replicate my problem with it, and they asked me to send them the games I was playing on it to see if they might be the problem. I wish they could just go "well, that's weird", transfer my junk to a new one and ship it to me. Man, what a drag...

I loved that damn thing for the weekend I had it. I miss its delicate curves, its inviting dual screens, its lovely circle pad. Oh, to hold it once more...


Is right now a good time to buy one of these or should I wait out the year to see if NoA releases any new colors/bundles? Looks like there won't be any Black Friday deals and I really feel like upgrading from my current 3DS to larger screens. Also best buy is having $20 off this week on the XL so that's something. Still don't know what color I would get though, leaning towards Red.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I got the XL and did the transfer from my 3DS and I don't see any of my saves or Ambassador stuff... What's the deal? Does it not transfer?


I have to say, NoA is doing a great job making me not feel bad about getting the very mediocre Blue/black color at launch. It's actually really surprising to me that there isn't a single 3DS XL black friday deal whatsoever.

So I got the XL and did the transfer from my 3DS and I don't see any of my saves or Ambassador stuff... What's the deal? Does it not transfer?

Did you move the SD card from the original 3DS over to the XL?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I have to say, NoA is doing a great job making me not feel bad about getting the very mediocre Blue/black color at launch. It's actually really surprising to me that there isn't a single 3DS XL black friday deal whatsoever.

Did you move the SD card from the original 3DS over to the XL?

No... I just ran the transfer. Dammit. I lost everything didn't I?
I don't have a single scratch anywhere on my upper screen, while I did on my OG 3DS.

But then again, I don't carry around my XL much anymore in my pocket since it's too damn big, hahaha.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Move the SD card over, you should be fine.

I popped it into my laptop and the only thing left on the original 3DS SD is a few photos and a bunch of random numbered folders. I think it wiped the system, when I turn it on it's the initial set-up.

EDIT: Transferring 1GB from my old SD to my laptop, I'll move it onto my new SD soon. Hope it didn't wipe everything. Isn't the XL a 4GB card and the original 2?


I popped it into my laptop and the only thing left on the original 3DS SD is a few photos and a bunch of random numbered folders. I think it wiped the system, when I turn it on it's the initial set-up.

EDIT: Transferring 1GB from my old SD to my laptop, I'll move it onto my new SD soon. Hope it didn't wipe everything. Isn't the XL a 4GB card and the original 2?

The random numbered folders should be all of the data from the 3DS, I believe. Move it all the 4GB that came with the XL and you should be fine. :)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
The random numbered folders should be all of the data from the 3DS, I believe. Move it all the 4GB that came with the XL and you should be fine. :)


After I'm done what do I delete from the 2GB card so I can sell my 3DS back? If I delete all will it delete the Nintendo firmware or anything? I just don't want others to have my info.


Unconfirmed Member
Hate to cross post this but out of lack of a 3DS OT and the activity in this thread I'll ask again here - has it been confirmed that you can't do any sort of formatting without losing ambassador status? In this faq it says you can reformat as long as you don't delete your eshop account, but I don't know how trustworthy that is.

I managed to pick up an ambassador 3ds pretty cheap so I was planning to transfer the status to my XL. I was wondering if there was any way to format the last owner's history/mii data etc. without losing ambassador status.


After I'm done what do I delete from the 2GB card so I can sell my 3DS back? If I delete all will it delete the Nintendo firmware or anything? I just don't want others to have my info.

I'm not exactly sure how this would work, exactly. I think that's what I did (delete everything), and I also did a system wipeout (there's an option in the system settings, but I forget exactly what it's called) and after I did that, the 3DS was basically brand new.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm not exactly sure how this would work, exactly. I think that's what I did (delete everything), and I also did a system wipeout (there's an option in the system settings, but I forget exactly what it's called) and after I did that, the 3DS was basically brand new.

Well the transfer reformatted it, but since I was still able to get my saves from it after it said it formatted it I am worried it doesn't delete stuff.

I'm also worried if I delete the SD data completely I'll delete something needed to make the 3DS work lol


I think "retina" displays will be old hat by the time Nintendo releases its next portable >.<

Considering the current 3ds has a screen far worse than old android phone screens from a few years ago, I think we could still be stoked Nintendo went with something Retina level on a new system :p


Same. We had to stick the bumpers we used on the OG 3DS on our XL. It's amusing how I brought it up in another thread and people wanted to rip my head off for claiming it's still there for at least some units. I must be a Nintendo hater, yo.

I was nervous about the scratching issue so I stuck two grey bumpers on the blue 3DS XL I got at Best Buy yesterday.

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