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50 books. 50 movies. One year - 2016 edition


So actually, we appear to be way ahead on movies compared to last year (915) and a wee bit behind on books (414). Pick up the pace folks. Pretty good first month all around though, considering how many people seemed to drop out already.


Homeland Security Fail
Lists have been updated.

Thank you Orthodoxy1095 for the graphic. I'm going to add it to the third post in the OP.


Ive just updated my list on the 2nd page. I decided to count only books, cause I watch movies all the time and always forget to keep track of them.


Here's the montly update formatted a little better GK86. I still couldn't get it to show up in one giant column, but if you want tables here you are:



January Update:

Ben Morales - Books 5/50 | Movies 9/50


1. The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made - Greg Sestero - ★★★★★
2. Interview With The Vampire - Anne Rice - ★★★★★
3. Hello, Darkness - Sandra Brown - ★★★★☆
4. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis - ★★★★☆
5. Dark Nebula - W.J. May - ★★★☆☆


1. We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011) - Dir. Lynne Ramsay - ★★★★★
2. Dark Skies (2013) - Dir. Scott Stewart - ★★☆☆☆
3. Visions (2015) - Dir. Kevin Greutert - ★★★☆☆
4. Timeline (2003) - Dir. Richard Donner - ★★★★☆
5. Curve (2015) - Dir. Iain Softley - ★★★☆☆
6. American Psycho (2000) - Dir. Mary Harron - ★★★★★
7. Interview with the Vampire (1994) - Dir. Neil Jordan - ★★★★★
8. One Direction: This Is Us (2013) - Dir. Morgan Spurlock - ★★★★☆
9. Project Almanac (2015) - Dir. Dean Israelite - ★★★☆☆


He's not permed. Avatar thing is an urban legend.

Oh. I always figured it was to cover in case the perm'd user changed the source file to mess with GAF after being forced out. That might've been before GAF started requiring users to upload avatars, though. (I think you could source external files for avatars several years ago.)


CONFESSION TIME! I love hardboiled detective noir. I also love fantasy. Peanut butter meet chocolate. This was fantastic. I'm so happy I have a sequel to read next.



I mean, on gaming side, we don't discount games for being so short. If it's being presented as a stand along entity, then I plan on counting it as one. Besides, it's not like I'm going to be anywhere near short on books. Not remotely.

Can i just politely ask that you remove the image and synopsis for each book and just post a text list. We've been through this in previous years and when everyone is posting massive lists, it really clogs the thread up and makes discussion difficult.

If you want people to know what the book is about maybe just post an Amazon/Good Reads link.


January update:

Labrynth ★★★½
Demolition Man ★★★★½
Star Trek: Wrath of Khan ★★★½
Kingsman ★★★★
Trophy Kids ★★★★

Brilliant Blunders ★★★
Evo Moment 37 ★★½

Need to do some catching up in February. I didn't leave myself much time to read last month.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
(Today, 06:55 PM)

Aw man, we lost our OP now? Ugh. Hope it isn't perm or long...

I remember the panic when Tragicomedy got banned back in 2014. We can just hope and pray that GK86 behaves from here on out.
January update:

SuperEpicMan - 3/50 books | 9/50 movies


1. Shift - Hugh Howey: 02/01/16 ★★★½
2. The Affirmation - Christopher Priest: 10/01/16 ★★★½
3. Dust - Hugh Howey: 24/01/16 ★★★½


1. We're The Millers: 02/01/16 ★★½
2. Another Earth: 09/01/16 ★★½
3. Foxcatcher: 10/01/16 ★★★½
4. Room: 12/01/16 ★★★★
5. Spooks: The Greater Good: 22/01/16 ★★★
6. Steve Jobs: 23/01/16 ★★★★
7. The Imitation Game: 24/01/16 ★★★★
8. The Big Short: 26/01/16 ★★★★★
9. The Man From UNCLE: 29/01/16 ★★★
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl is an amazing book for anyone looking for suggestions. I'm a little over halfway done right now. The first part accounts his experiences in the concentration camps and the mental stages a prisoner experiences and the second part is about his theory of logotherapy. Really speaks to the resilient nature of human beings.
January update:

SuperEpicMan - 3/50 books | 9/50 movies


1. Shift - Hugh Howey: 02/01/16 ★★★½
2. The Affirmation - Christopher Priest: 10/01/16 ★★★½
3. Dust - Hugh Howey: 24/01/16 ★★★½


1. We're The Millers: 02/01/16 ★★½
2. Another Earth: 09/01/16 ★★½
3. Foxcatcher: 10/01/16 ★★★½
4. Room: 12/01/16 ★★★★
5. Spooks: The Greater Good: 22/01/16 ★★★
6. Steve Jobs: 23/01/16 ★★★★
7. The Imitation Game: 24/01/16 ★★★★
8. The Big Short: 26/01/16 ★★★★★
9. The Man From UNCLE: 29/01/16 ★★★

I really want to see Room, however I am waiting for the dvd release! Argh!
Can't find the will to watch any movies lately. The idea of sitting down for two hours isn't feeling good. Ugh.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl is an amazing book for anyone looking for suggestions. I'm a little over halfway done right now. The first part accounts his experiences in the concentration camps and the mental stages a prisoner experiences and the second part is about his theory of logotherapy. Really speaks to the resilient nature of human beings.
Read this book when I was starting out my psych undergraduate work. Great stuff.


Can't find the will to watch any movies lately. The idea of sitting down for two hours isn't feeling good. Ugh.

This is why this year I'm counting TV for the first time. Outside of a select few films, watching movies has felt like a chore for years now. TV on the other hand has just been so good. At this point, i feel TV is the superior art form.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Only if you wanna be counted in the end of the month tally.

It's good that you didn't tell him about the severe punishments associated with not doing the January update.
Only if you wanna be counted in the end of the month tally.


January Update:

Books - 4

1. Marvel Comics: The Untold Story (2012) - January 5th
2. Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale (2008) - January 11th
3. Game Change (2010) - January 20th
4. Double Down: Game Change 2012 (2013) - January 27th

Movies - 6

1. Dredd (2013) - January 2nd
2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - January 5th
3. 22 Jump Street (2014) - January 7th
4. Ender's Game (2013) - January 10th
5. Drag Me to Hell (2009) - January 17th
6. The Grudge (2004) - January 17th
veloxStrix - 4/50 books | 8/50 movies

First post, I guess. I'm going through The Dissolve's 50 Best Films of the Decade - all of which have been fantastic so far - and I just bought a decent amount of books - most of which are non-fiction - so I probably won't do any reviews. So far I've done...

Gravity (Dir: Alfonso Cuarón, 2013)
Inherent Vice (Dir: Paul Thomas Anderson, 2014)
Melancholia (Dir: Lars von Trier, 2011)
The Turin Horse (Dir: Béla Tarr, 2011)
Guardians Of The Galaxy (Dir: James Gunn, 2014)
Love Is Strange (Dir: Ira Sachs, 2014)
Upstream Color (Dir: Shane Carruth, 2013)
Only Lovers Left Alive (Dir: Jim Jarmusch, 2014)

The Empty Box and The Zeroth Maria (Eiji Mikage)
What is Cinema? Vol 1 (Andre Bazin)
What is Cinema? Vol 2 (Andre Bazin)
Don't Make Me Think (Steve Krug)
For the end of the month updates, is it everything we've read or watched to that date or just what you read or watched in that month alone?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
For the end of the month updates, is it everything we've read or watched to that date or just what you read or watched in that month alone?

That month alone.
Krauser Kat Books 3 (4.5) | Movies 20
My official full January Update. The year started off pretty great. Finally stopped trying to find a girlfriend and got one on accident. She has great taste in movies so that upped my movie game. It also gave me more time to read. I am doing less audio books this year but still going to hit my 50 or get really close. I also have time to paint again, that's awesome.

I read more in Jan than this list suggests. I was almost done with two additional books by the end of the month but they just squeaked past. Actual books read was probably 4.5. I am already up to 6.5


1. Raffles: Amateur Cracksman 01/03/2016
Holy Shit the prose in this books is mindbogglingly beautiful.
2. Mort(e) 01/18/2016
This book was interesting take on the story of animals becoming sentient. All of it happens for the wrong reasons though. Still worth the quick read
3. Sleepless Nights 01/24/2016
This book is gorgeous and thoughtful recollecting of loves lost and gained and people in life. One of my favorites now.

1. CBGB 1/1/2016
Fun little autobiographical movie with a comic books twist on the birth of the punk scene
2. Frank 1/2/2016
Sad and happy indie movie about an eccentric band with great performances all around.
3. Abominable Bride 1/3/2016
Hurray for more sherlock
4. Anomalisa 1/5/2016
Its gorgeous and touching and supremely normal.
5. Constantine 1/9/2016
i havent seen this since the theater debut... not great but Tilda is great.
6. The Big Short 1/10/2016
Sooo frustrating so great.
7. Alice 1/11/2016
So weird but i love stop motion. Still creepy AF
8. Amadeus 1/12/2016
Beautifully shot and composed. Truly a great movie
9. It Follows 1/16/2016
Great indie movies and suspense builder
10. Prisoners 1/17/2016
Deepy disturbing and fantastic performances all around. So creepy
11. Brazil 1/19/2016
Terry Gilliam, with his take on a dystopian heroes journey.
12. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover 1/21/2016
This movie is gorgeous and so well made. The hate you feel for the main characters. also perfect age Mirin in sheer lingerie is a sight to see.
13. Dirty Grandpa 1/22/2016
This movie is terrible. fuck this movie. I am so glad my sister paid for this piece of shit
14. End of Days 1/23/2016
I love old Arnie. This movies is pretty bad it might be good because of it, but its bad.
15. amelie 1/24/2016
She is soo cute. I have put off seeing this for sooo long. It was a blast to enjoy this on a lazy sunday
16.Being There 1/26/2016
Peter Sellers last movie. Pretty special piece. I have started quoting it to me girlfriend "I understand"
17.Sicario 1/29/2016
Holy fuck this movie is tense. It just goes from the first minute and doesnt really stop. Loved it, why its not on the best picture list is daming
18.El Topo 1/30/2016
WTF did i just watch
19.Dreams 1/31/2016
Akira Kurosawas last film? some really nice vignettes and gorgeous scenery.
20.Turbo Kid 1/31/2016
The soundtrack. Holy fuck. soo good. The movie was fun too.
This is why this year I'm counting TV for the first time. Outside of a select few films, watching movies has felt like a chore for years now. TV on the other hand has just been so good. At this point, i feel TV is the superior art form.

100% concur. The shift is very perceptible to me. Watching the character development over the season of The Man in the High Castle and the Expanse has been sublime. There are still good films out there, but there's a lot better TV options in my opinion.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
100% concur. The shift is very perceptible to me. Watching the character development over the season of The Man in the High Castle and the Expanse has been sublime. There are still good films out there, but there's a lot better TV options in my opinion.

I went back and forth about it. I like diversity but the challenge is 50 movies. I was going to do it but it's hardly a challenge since I've pretty much already completed it. I'll just list them in my uncounted section. But I understand anyone who does.
This is why this year I'm counting TV for the first time. Outside of a select few films, watching movies has felt like a chore for years now. TV on the other hand has just been so good. At this point, i feel TV is the superior art form.
Personally I feel that defies the purpose and spirit of the challenge. The fact that it's difficult to sit down and watch a movie or read a book is what makes this a valuable challenge and pursuit.


Personally I feel that defies the purpose and spirit of the challenge. The fact that it's difficult to sit down and watch a movie or read a book is what makes this a valuable challenge and pursuit.

I actually agree and that's why I haven't included tv in previous years. However, what I found last year was that I was watching movies that didn't interest me just to try to make the 50. I am genuinely struggling to find 50 movies I haven't seen before that I really care to watch.

When faced with watching a film I don't care for or a TV show that I am genuinely excited about, there is only one choice.

That being said, my kids are now a little older and there are more opportunities to go to the cinema, so I may end up changing my mind.
Januaray update

  1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  2. The Beginning: Making Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  3. The Revenant
  4. Room
  5. Sicario
  6. Spy
  7. Black Mass
  8. Steve Jobs
  9. Spectre
  1. Slaughterhouse-Five
  2. The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  3. The New Jim Crow
  4. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
  5. City of Blades
  6. The Alloy of Law


January Update

Yakkue - 06/50 books | 02/50 movies

  1. Below Suspicion - John Dickson Carr.
  2. Assassin's Apprentice - Robin Hobb.
  3. Elephants can remember - Agatha Christie.
  4. Royal Assassin - Robin Hobb.
  5. The Chinese Maze Murders - Robert Van Gulick.
  6. Der Mann, der kein Mörder war - Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt.

  1. Sherlock - The Abominable Bride
  2. Jurassic World
I actually agree and that's why I haven't included tv in previous years. However, what I found last year was that I was watching movies that didn't interest me just to try to make the 50. I am genuinely struggling to find 50 movies I haven't seen before that I really care to watch.

When faced with watching a film I don't care for or a TV show that I am genuinely excited about, there is only one choice.

That being said, my kids are now a little older and there are more opportunities to go to the cinema, so I may end up changing my mind.
Yeah, I understand that. Of course, how you fill out yours is your own business, but I guess for myself, I'd rather push myself and possibly end up failing than fill out my list with content that I feel doesn't fit.
Oops, I also didn't realize we had to do a monthly update.

January Update!

Books: 5
1-2) Caliban's War by James S. A. Corey (500+ pages)
3) Abaddon's Gate by James S. A. Corey
4) Bird Box by Josh Malerman
5) Ciabola Burn by James S. A. Corey

Movies: 4
1) Fed Up
2) Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
3) The Last Witch Hunter
4) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Yea didn't realize we have monthly updates! With that said I completed my first book in 24 hours something I didn't think I could do with The Cuckoo's Calling. It was exhausting but a fun challenge I won't be doing for a bit again.

January Update

Ph1l0z0ph3r - 1/50 Books | Films 3/50

1. The Mythology of Supernatural - Nathan Robert Brown

1. The Forest
2. The Boy
4. Unfriended
3. X-Files: Fight the Future

Currently reading The Silkworm.


I've listed TV seasons as their own entity for the past few years; this will be the first year I don't do so. Do take caution. Seasons aren't something you can really catch up fast with at the end of the year. Films and books you definitely can.
Also fifty seasons like fifty games is too much. So what's the alternative fifty episodes of TV? That's not really a challenge. That's like putting zombie mode on!
I've listed TV seasons as their own entity for the past few years; this will be the first year I don't do so. Do take caution. Seasons aren't something you can really catch up fast with at the end of the year. Films and books you definitely can.
Also fifty seasons like fifty games is too much. So what's the alternative fifty episodes of TV? That's not really a challenge. That's like putting zombie mode on!
Fifty seasons, depending on the length of the seasons is indeed a lot.

Contrary to what people think about our 52 games thread, it's actually not that hard. It's difficult if you're only playing JRPGs and AAA open-world collectathons, but you can pretty easily knock out 52 games going through some of the shorter games in your Steam backlog and maybe on your smartphone.
This is why this year I'm counting TV for the first time. Outside of a select few films, watching movies has felt like a chore for years now. TV on the other hand has just been so good. At this point, i feel TV is the superior art form.

I just felt it was useful to remind everyone that the whole idea of the challenge is to experience new films and books (not ones that you have read or watched before).

Therefore, the only rule that you really need to stick to is this one:

Whether you count long books as 1 or 2 is entirely up to you. No one is going to check to see if you are lying or not and there is no prize at the end, except for your own personal sense of achievement.

Read new books, watch new films, tell us about how awesome or crap they were. That is all you need to do.

Two final things:
  • please don't repost your entire list every time you read a book or watch a film. Just update your first post and tell us the new entries since your last update with a link to your full list
  • there is a specific format that you need to follow to make Pau's job tracking everyone's lists easier. FOLLOW IT!

hmm. changed his mind, I guess.
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