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52 Games - 1 Year Challenge

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Finished May at the 36 game mark, 5 of those completed in May itself, my lowest month to date. I attribute that to playing a ton of Xenosaga Episode III (Incredible game) in the first half of the month until completion, and then a ton of Minecraft in creative mode with the family as we design away. Still way ahead of the game, and looking forward to joining the 52-club in about late August. June should be a good month, going to systematically eliminate my numerous half-completed PS3 games that are just hanging about on the dashboard.

Games finished in May:
U Draw Studio Instant Artist
The Mystery of the Crystal Portal
Xenosaga Episode III
Mario vs Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection

Original Post updated
Two new games. I've stopped doing my mini-reviews for legibility as the OP will only get bigger with time - I'm not going to hunt for all the old posts, though :p

Infamous: Second Son - 15h-ish
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - 20:17 hours

Updated OP


Game 32: Tomb Raider - 35 Hours
(Started Sometime in 2013 / Finished 6/2/14)
This game was great, I can't believe I dropped this in 2013. Loved every bit of this, even the combat I'm oh so terrible at. This was the first TR game I really got into because the story matched the cinematic which matched the game play and finally felt like a AAA game to me instead of a joke.

Another update, nearly there. Was hoping to have it done by next week before I head off to Download but not looking likely.

Game 40: Sleeping Dogs - 15 Hours
So glad I finally got round to finishing, great game. Stunning as well, really shines at night with the rain. Can tell it was going to be a True Crime game, but a hell of a lot of fun.

Game 41: Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold Cold Heart - 3.1 Hours
Mixed feelings on this, had some good moments but the final boss fight was terrible. All Batmanned our, will wait for Knight to drop in a sale I think.

Game 42: Shadowrun: Returns - 8.6 Hours
I backed this on Kickstarter but just never got round to finish it. Fairly enjoyable though, going to try get stuck into the DLC before too long and maybe try our some UGC? Game breaking bugs that cause you to roll back multiple saves can get to though.

Game 43: The Wolf Among Us - Episode 4 - 1.3 Hours
Still fairly fresh, so not much to say due to spoilers. Just wish these episodes were a little bit longer.

Game 44: Watch Dogs - 16.2 Hours
Just the main story and a couple of bits of side content that I might go back to at somepoint. Really frustrating game, could be so good but some parts are just horrid. Doesn't help it runs like garbage without some work :(

Original Post



Original Post


Game 21: Deadlight (360) 5ish hours

Picked this up for free from Games with Gold, although truth be told the aesthetic attracted me ever since I first saw some of the art & screenshots. As a package it promised so much, but ended up leaving so much left wanting - in a post Blood Dragon world I can just about forgive the over the top 80s stuff that got lambasted at the time, but the abrupt ending and overall repetitiveness detracted from the story experience. Amusingly I did have fun with those old style games they included though - I spent so, so many hours of my youth on those, even post GameBoy!

Game 22: Daylight (PS4) 8ish hours

This one was painfully unscary; I actually gave it a lot more time than most would, running through the game several times on different difficulty levels, but apart from one great experience in the Hospital the procedural generation never managed to produce something that could convince me that it was a good idea in this genre. A few jump-shocks at the start, especially with the musical cues, and then the rest was just me and the magic run button.

Game 23: MLB 14: The Show (Vita, counting Platinum as completion) Around 25 hours

My first baseball game! And what an entry; great presentation, fully addictive gameplay and the beginner mode matched with dynamic difficulty for both pitching and batting made this a great learning experience. I supplemented that with a lot of random baseball reading outside of the game, getting my head around the acronyms and what I should be ideally doing at various counts, but overall the game was there to hold my hand. Probably for the best that there wasn't an online multiplayer for me to get whooped in, but certainly one I'll return to throughout the year I think.

Game 24: Soul Sacrifice Delta (Vita) 25 hours

Those 25 hours cover the expanded story, a ton of co-op and some Alice farming - there is a ton of additional content left over [will expand more here]

Game 25: Ranko Tsukigime’s Longest Day (PS3) 3.5 hours

That time covers both the four animes and running through the game itself. What a nutty, nutty game - the story and supporting animation was totally nuts, and you have to imagine at times that Suda51 was cackling away at the mindwarping stuff he was putting down on paper. The actual gameplay however didn't feel like it supported the project - none of the individual bits felt as polished as they could, and I'm not actually the biggest endless runner fan I'm afraid. Worth checking out if you can find cheap and you like you Japanese craziness though.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 26 - Conception 2. PS VIta.
I don't know how to tell how many hours, but a goddamn lot since I did everything you can prior to new game plus. Severely underrated IMO.


Game 20 : Pokemon Pearl - 39 hours - 06/01/14
Fun Pokemon game, that add a lot of cool widgets to the game. New Pokemons look fine and the combat is faster now. Elite 4 is pretty hard with Cynthia having the most annoying Pokemon possibles, but her Water dragon was her demise that allowed me to revive my whole team and kill her Spiritomb. Next, Pokemon Black!


Unconfirmed Member


30. Escape Goat (PC): 3:23, May 20th.
Escape Goat is basically a puzzle platformer game in which you play as a goat and rat. So right away the game's off to a good start with some creativity. It's also fairly easy and forgiving, really, until the last level of the main part of the game, which is just an exercise in frustration. I'm not really a fan of platforming you have to get in quick succession, and luckily there's only a few levels with that in the main portion of Escape Goat; when it's there, though, it is slightly irritating to me. Graphically, the game is really beautiful to me, it's a really well done take on an art style that's been done numerous times. The soundtrack is decent, but nothing really catchy other than the song I linked to, but that's just my opinion. I tried the All Intensive Purposes area and gave up rather quickly, because as I've said before and will say again, extremely difficult platfomers just aren't my cup of tea. It was a relatively enjoyable game, but nothing that I would go out of my way to recommend. 6/10

31. Always Sometimes Monsters (PC): 8:16, May 26th.
ASM is deeply flawed game that I somewhat enjoyed. I was planning on doing a third playthrough of the game before giving my final impressions on the game, but I don't feel like playing it again. I'll use a comparison that some people aren't going to agree with to demonstrate why. In the past, I've played, and seen playthroughs of, the post-Omikron David Cage/Quantic Dreams games multiple times, and I've got the same reason behind never wanting to play any of those ever again that I have with ASM. The reason is that they're filled with non-choices that don't really matter, which in turn sort of devalues the real choices that truly make a difference to the game's unfolding plot. Case in point for Heavy Rain: During the first scene between Shelby and Lauren, a client of Lauren's begins to abuse her. Shelby can either leave and let the client beat her, or go back into her apartment and do QTEs to battle the client. The only difference long term wise that this scene brings is that Lauren will have a black eye if you didn't go back, while if you did go back, her face will be fine. So it's basically nothing, and there are a lot of other examples in the Heavy Rain, and more prominently in Indigo Prophecy, of this occurring. ASM tends to do this a lot as well, and if you play the game more than once, you can tell the differences between choices that actually matters and non-choices that really have no impact on the overall story. That being said, I very much prefer the writing of ASM to any David Cage game I've ever played because it doesn't really go batshit insane by the ending, though it still sort of falls flat. The writing still isn't top tier quality, but at least it's not too terrible. It's not littered with spelling and grammar mistakes, nor is it terribly voice acted by French children poorly pretending to be Americans. It does have excessive swearing that really doesn't add anything to the game, though, which might be a turn off for some people. It's also filled with referential material, as in, there's a small cameo by Jim Sterling in the game, etc.. And before you ask, yes, there is a title name drop in the game. And yes, the characters that it is said to are also just as baffled as you by how dumb it sounds. But that's the entire point of the game. ASM focuses on philosophical thinking regarding the human condition, and at the very least it will make you think about life. It also has this great character select scene that I won't ruin for anyone interested in it, but trust me, it's pretty neat. After that, it goes downhill. You're given introductions to characters that you probably won't feel attached to at all, and the writing really doesn't flesh them out much. They're just sort of, for a lack of a better term, there. A lot of the choices only affect small things rather than the overall story,; you smashed a guy's car, so you won't get that free ride another guy promised because he was going to borrow guy a's car, so now you have to take a bus, which costs money, which you can get pretty easily. And that's another thing. The game can be gamed. You can save at any point, so you could get super rich off lottery tickets by save scumming with no consequences. Plus you don't have to do terrible things to get money otherwise, which is a big deal later in the game. The individual parts of the narrative are sort of interesting, but they really don't add up to the whole narrative, if that makes sense. Then there's the gameplay. If you don't like what are colloquially referred to as "walking simulators," you probably won't enjoy ASM. I like walking simulators though, so it wasn't too much of a problem for me, though it was pretty dull. One of the most memorable parts of the whole game is one of the most boring parts; at one point, you're given the choice to move boxes, a choice that I followed, moving 100 boxes. You move one at a time, back and forth slowly across the screen, and it's not even in a straight line. Only afterwords did I find out that you only had to carry like ten boxes and the rest didn't matter. Memorable for all the wrong reasons. The pacing is also sort of off. The first city you play in takes 5-7 of the thirty days, the second city takes a little less, and the third "city" lasts for as little as 2 or 3 days to 5+. And then you finally reach the last area in under 30 days, the game's time limit, and suddenly time progresses to the last day. So you can take as long as you like to reach your destination as long as you get there within 30 days. The background music is sort of good, but gets annoying after a bit, visually it's fine, nothing special. And by visually it's fine, I really mean, it's visually fine if you like RPG Maker games etc. If not, you might not tolerate the visuals as much. It's not an advanced game, nor does it try to be, and this point cannot be stressed enough. I get really passionate about this game, and I really don't know why. The experience of playing the game felt better than the game itself. It's sort of hard to recommend, but if anything I've said interests you in the game, check it out when it goes on sale. 6.5/10

32. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (3DS VC/NES): 10:52, May 28th.
I'll start by saying that I get why people like this game so much. It's really a preference in style. I just prefer LoZ's style to Zelda II's style. Combat is heavily emphasized, the side scrolling sections take up much more of the game than it did in later installments like Link's Awakening, and there's a bigger emphasis on spell usage. There's also the leveling system. I must have missed something with that, because it never really felt like it did a whole lot. It felt like there was a little bit of change toward the end, but the final dungeon made those stat changes feel unimportant. The spells being this game's equivalent to the other's items was an interesting change, but I preferred the original's items. It felt a little out of place being unable to use items like bombs and arrows. The towns were another part of the game that I've got mixed feelings about, though they do make the game feel like a populated world, something that the original LoZ lacked. The gameplay itself was frustrating at times, like the early section's Death Mountain and the path to the final dungeon, as well as the final dungeon itself. There were a few moments were I just gave up for a while and played a different game because it just wasn't that fun to me when it was frustrating. A lot of the enemies require memorizing their movement patterns, and it's easy to screw up even after a long time spent memorizing the pattern, for me at least. I understand that some people love the game for its extreme difficulty in comparison to other Zelda games, but the difficulty was mainly just frustrating to me; I still enjoyed the game, though, and it's definitely a game that people should at least try. 7/10

33. Harvester (PC): 4:30, June 1st.
Harvester is a really interesting product of its time. Filled with FMV cutscenes, it's part of a niche in gaming that featured a lot of absurd games, like Phantasmagoria and the Ripper, among many others. And like those games, it stands out for being bizarre. The puzzles are mostly terrible. The combat is horrendous, slow, it's difficult to aim, and it's my least favorite part of the game. In the middle between good and bad is the narrative. It's weird, filled with strange tasks to do, all leading up to a painfully obvious twist that the game hints at several times. Basically the first two third's of the game are where it shines and then it just becomes gore for little reason. Speaking of gore, there's gore everywhere, gore on a scale rarely seen during its time. It is there for a reason, but the final part of the game kind of takes that reasoning into overdrive. The gore is often used for over the top dark humor, but there's a lot of stuff that really crosses the line into unsettling and disturbing. Then there's the characters. Steve as a player character with amnesia kind of works and at the same time doesn't. The supporting cast is bizarre and really the highlight of the game, with the first two thirds being great because of the interactions between Steve and the odd characters, each one warped by the town of Harvest. All of the characters tend to come off as comedic at first but then get really dark over the course of the game, which really highlights the overall theme of Harvester. Unfortunately, the last third of the game kind of ruins most of them, sort of? That part gets a little hard to discuss without ruining the game though. It's a game that I definitely recommend experiencing somehow, even if you just watch videos of it. It's just that interesting of a game to me, even with its plethora of problems. 8/10

34. Millennium: A New Hope (PC): 13:14, June 3rd.
Should probably mention, thanks to JaseC for raffling this game. The first thing that is glaringly obvious is that the dialogue and overall writing of the game feels a little out of place. The reason for this is that is an Aldorlea Games production, a developer that only has one developer and is French, from what I've been told. So the translation is a little iffy. It also makes the characters really forgettable, for the most part. Gameplay wise, it's a pretty standard RPG Maker game. Actually, that's a good way to describe it in general. The same can be said for the music, the graphics, the settings, the scenario; they're all pretty standard for an RPG Maker game. The main difference between this game and others of its type is that it's part of a series, and you can transfer your save from this one to the next game. You've also got a fairy that you can summon. But that's really it. That's not to say it's bad though; it's just mediocre, but fun mediocre instead of agonizingly painful mediocre. 6/10

35. Noir Syndrome (PC): 2:31, June 5th.
This has been updated since I played it, so apparently some of the things I didn't like about it have been fixed. Well, maybe. It does show that the devs intend to keep improving it, which is good. I think one of the main problems I had with it, your hunger going down too fast, was fixed, for example. Anyway, Noir Syndrome is a procedurally generated murder mystery game, which sounds great in concept, but sort of dull in execution. Playthroughs are short and generally last 10-15 minutes max. The noir theme is well done when it comes to both the graphical touches, though it's definitely not the prettiest game that uses this art style, and the soundtrack, which has some really catchy moments to it. The basic story of every game has a cool premise in which you have to stop a serial killer inspired by Egyptian mythology from killing the mayor. The mob may or may not be after you depending on what difficulty level you choose, or if you rob them later in the game when given the opportunity. You can lockpick doors, find evidence, and talk to people to find suspects. It should be fun. It sounds like fun. But it wasn't really that fun for me. Tapping Z and walking around are the main things you'll do in this game. You go through the same areas every time, everything feels almost the same each time you play the game, but with a little variation. The other mode, the dinner party mode, that's a little more engaging since guests go mad and try to kill you, which becomes more frequent on higher difficulties. Costumes and some of the in game achievements, called "badges," feel too grindy for me to even feel like going after. I just didn't have a lot of fun with it, but it's a promising base for a game, and I'd like to see more attempts at something like this. 5.5/10

36. The Longest Journey (PC): 15:24, June 8th.
So, nostalgia based bias incoming. I had a lot of fun playing this when I was younger, and it sort of holds up today. Kind of. The dialogue, the narrative, and the characters hold up well, and are all pretty brilliant. The ost is great. Graphically, it really doesn't hold up that well, there's jaggies all over the place. The puzzles sort of hold up, but some are a little overly complex if you've never played it before and don't remember looking up guides for the game when you were younger. It also doesn't provide the most friendly user experience anymore, since it's riddled with bugs for modern systems. Really, though, the game's atmosphere is excellent and worth it for that alone. There's not a whole lot else to say about it other than what everyone else has said countless times before. 8/10

37. Mega Man III (3DS VC/NES): 3:02, June 12th.
Not gonna lie. I was really disappointed. I think a lot of that disappointment stems from the nearly ever-present lag in this version of the game. There were a few laggy sections in II, but III, at least the 3DS version of it, is filled with sections that slow down while you play them. It just sort of killed the fun for me. And it's a shame, because there's a lot of things I really like about III. The return of II's master robots is a great callback, even if their levels aren't as enjoyable as the others. Proto Man is a neat addition, the slide is a cool addition. Graphically it's beautiful. Although I like II's soundtrack better, III's is still good. Some of the different weapons aren't really that good, like the top power being broken. Some of the level design is bullshit, with running out of power for Rush Jet in one particular stage spelling your doom. That was pretty bullshit. I guess that's why the restore points are there, but it doesn't really feel right using them. This particular impression is rather short, I admit, but there's not a whole lot to talk about for me. The lag ruined my experience. 6/10

38. Heileen 1: Sail Away (PC): 1:25, June 14th.
So. Winter Wolves. Not a big fan of this particular dev's games, and this is one of them. If you pay $5.99 for this and don't buy it in a bundle, you are literally throwing money away. This is an instance where I'm not really sure how a game got on Steam in the first place. It's a visual novel, and just finishing one path takes an hour or less. The background music, when present, is very forgettable and loops. Artistically it's okay, nothing special. Now that that's out of the way, the main part of a VN, the part that the VN lives or dies by, is the writing. And wow, the writing is pretty bad. It's an early WW game and, considering that most WW writing is pretty bad anyway, it really shows. The narrative portion is sort of fine, but the dialogue is just not good. And it's certainly nowhere near $5.99 good. I could understand that price, or a higher price, if all three Heileen entries were put into one cohesive product, but they weren't. So you get a really short VN. There are only three achievements, one for each of the three paths you can complete. And you might think that it's not worth it if it's really that bad, but Playfire money says that it's worth it. On the bright side, you can skip text that's already been on screen and fast forward to new stuff, so it's not that hard to 100%. It's also got cards, so that helped get back some money. The writing, along with everything else I mentioned, is so bad that I don't recommend ever buying it though. It just feels so unpolished and devoid of content that it's hard to believe it's an actual release on Steam. 3/10

39. Volt (PC): 4:42, June 15th.
Right, so this is more of a platformer than it is a puzzle game. It's still got a lot of puzzle elements to it that you have to figure out, but most of the game is just a platformer. Your main abilities are very weakly hopping, it's not much of a jump, and tethering to different surfaces. It's sort of obvious that it's a mobile game just from the way the tethering works; to cut the tether, you have to slide your pointer across the screen, you know like Cut the Rope. Volt's also one of those "hardcore frustrating platformers" that I'm not a big fan of, so naturally I wouldn't enjoy it as much as someone else. And I really didn't enjoy it. The controls felt a little clunky, the tethering didn't feel as precise as I would have liked it to. The music is atmospheric at its best and boringly dull at its worst. It looks okay visually, though the blur-esque effect gets annoying after a while. I just didn't really enjoy it.As an addendum, I went back and unlocked some stuff. My opinion hasn't changed in the slightest. 4/10

40. Dragon Warrior/Quest (GBC): 11:38, June 20th.
A real classic, DQ I feels a bit outdated, yet completely playable. It's a straightforward basic RPG that really doesn't do anything to unique, but that's fine. The main thing is that it's not boring. There's some aimless wandering around, but most of the time you can find where you're going relatively easily.The battle mechanics are simple, but it keeps the game from becoming too slow. In fact, grinding in the game is actually not that bad. It's sort of fun because it's fast, easy, and painless to do. The plot is barely even there, but it allows for a more open experience. The music and graphics are basic too, but not basic in a bad way. Other than that, there's not much to say about the game. I enjoyed my time with it. 6.5/10

41. Another World (PC): 2:34, June 30th.
Yet another classic game, this one really innovative as well. Honestly, it feels like the blend between cutscene and game at times is better than in some modern games. It's also a great way to explore how game design has slowly evolved over time, since it's still as frustrating as ever at other times. Graphically, its really uniquely charming when you realize that it's an upgrade of a game from 1991. The story telling is really great too, the entire story relayed with barely any dialogue or text. Then there's the downsides. Yeah, the lack of text is cool for the story, but you're kinda just thrown out there. You've got no idea what to do. And that can be a fun thing when exploring is entertaining, but it's not really that fun in AW. And you do have to explore in AW, or else you'll miss important things. I had a lot of frustrating deaths in the game because of one object that I was supposed to shoot that I missed, for example. You've also got to go to some areas in specific orders or checkpoints seemingly won't activate. Maybe it's because I'm bad at the game, but there were points where I had to stop for a bit because I was just stuck doing the same repetitive sequence of events. Though despite its flaws, it's a piece of gaming history that I think people really invested in gaming should at least try. 7/10

42. The Adventures of Shuggy (PC): 6:41, July 4th.
I'm not really great with giving impressions of platformers, so I'll try my best with this. I got it for free during the Steam summer sale, when the devs gave it away, so that might partially be why I sort of enjoyed my time with it. It feels and plays like a basic flash game, though I can't help but admire it for trying to include so many different gameplay elements into one game. And that's both it's strongest point. There's a ton of variety in levels, ranging from normal platforming levels to levels in which you must rotate the level geometry, while others have you trying to outrace yourself via having past Shuggies that follow your path, touching one of them instantly causing a game over. Needless to say that the last type of level in that sentence can get very frustrating. Combined with level types are different abilities Shuggy has in various levels, including using a grappling rope, which was pretty rad, shrinking and enlarging, controlling a zombified character and forced to time your jumps, having infinite jumps, and a wide variety more. Some of these are handled much better than others. Other than the variety, there's not really much to talk about. The OST is entirely forgettable, the visual style is decent but nothing special, the difficulty undergoes a random spike here and there, the jumping feels a bit too floaty, and movement feels much too loose. All of that just makes it less enjoyable for me, but as I've said before, I'm not the biggest fan of platforming/puzzle games. 6/10



May has been my most productive month so far, four games beaten, here are the first two:

Game 10: Mario Strikers Charged - 7,5/10 - 27:09


Finished winning all trophies and challenges after I had shelved it for years. This game is evil, you start the first cup and destroy everybody even if you barely know how to play, you reach the second cup and the real challenge begins, there's a great jump in difficulty but everything is fair, you struggle but in the end you make it. Then you get to the fuckin' Crystal Cup: they could have put up a sign saying "Abandon all hope, you who enter here". The last cup isn's difficult, it's hell on Earth, it's worse than Devil May Cry at the highest difficulty setting, almost freakin' worse than fuckin' Battletoads, at least there you can perfect yourself until you learn by memory every obstacle and enemy; here the CPU is just UNFAIR, you can end up taking 10 goals in a matter of seconds if you don't keep up your guard. I'm generally really good at games, and it had been years since a game had caused me such rage. Out of those 27 hours I played, about 20 were spent on the fucking Crystal Cup: lose just once in the tournament section and you have to start over and play 10 (!) qualification matches, even if you win the tourney you have to beat the fuckin' champion twice. The same applies to the last few challenges, hellish difficulty. It's a shame because the gameplay in itself is mad fun, it's great to play with friends and (I guess, nerver tried) online too.

Game 11: HarmoKnight - 7,5/10 - 18:52
Got a gold for every stage in the game, both at normal and hard. A nice underappreciated rhythm game with a charming world design: there's a lot of attention to detail, all the enemies are comprised of musical instruments and when you hit them they sound accordingly; some of those critters could have worked just fine as pokémon (the game is made by Gamefreak). The difficulty settings are quite balanced: the normal playthrough goes smoothly till the end, there's an excellent learning curve in the game; the hard levels are challenging enough but don't prompt you to rage quit due to frustration... that is until the very last ones, those are hellish, however that is to be expected from the end game. The songs are fine but nothing to write home about, there's a good degree of variety in the stages, thanks to the introduction of new enemies, the use of different characters, vehicles, and QTE bosses, but they could have tried to shake up things a little more, the secondary characters are under-utilized (also I hate how the music stops everytime you switch characters, totally breaks the mood).
First games of June complete!

Game 39: Splinter Cell Blacklist (PS3) - 10 hrs~
Played through the single player missions before sending back. Really enjoyed this one. I wish the levels had more paths and were a bit less linear though. I'll definitely go back and play the previous titles in the series now.

Game 40: Sonic Adventure 2 (PS3) - 4-5 hrs~
I was surprised to dislike this one so much after I played Sonic Adventure to full completion last year and enjoyed most of it. The side character missions were an absolute drag here and the camera is too much. I completed the Hero missions and decided to call it a day since I don't particularly care to play through variants of what I just played through to unlock an extra stage/bit of story.

Game 41: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PS1) - 5 hrs~ **
Still my favorite Crash game to this day. Was going for 100% but gave up somewhere around the "Road to Ruin" level.


** indicates replay


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 27: The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Took about an hour on PS3. The game seemed utterly pointless. Just quick vignettes for random characters


Back after being in a Diablo 3 coma for a few months, hoping to make some good progress over the next few months while it's pretty dry for games across the board. I think I'm finally going to bite the bullet and do Persona 4. I was putting it off because I really want to play the Vita version since by virtually all accounts it's way better, but I'm not going to be able to get a Vita any time soon, and I want to play Persona Q without having to worry about any spoiler stuff, and I also have Persona 4 Arena sitting on my shelf, etc. Definitely going on a PS2 kick either way though.

Original post here.

Game 23: Grandia III (~42 hours)
# I know fully understand why everyone mostly shit on this game when it came out. On a lark decided to try to start finally wiping out my PS2 backlog that's like all JRPGs, and this was literally just the first one alphabetically. Gameplay-wise the combat is pretty excellent, and the graphics and music both hold up pretty well. The story is a complete goddamn mess, thinking about things in hindsight practically nothing makes goddamn sense. The two best characters in the game (one of which is your mom, which is hilarious and awesome) literally just bail about a quarter of the way through the game, then it's all downhill from there. It honestly feels like only half a game happened plot-wise, then they realized they had to put an ending in. You never see some people you would expect to see again later on (including one of the primary villains, who I realized in typing this out literally just stopped showing up), and nothing about the main villain's motivations or anything makes any fucking sense. There's also literally ZERO side or optional content; you get an airplane and a world map very early on but there's no practical point to it since there's only like 8 locations on the world map and you can only land there. No optional dungeon, bosses, exploration, anything; this was FFXIII corridors before FFXIII came out. That said, the story isn't aggressively bad, just kind of typical JRPG bullshit and baffling towards the end. I still ultimately enjoyed my time with it since the combat is so good, but I don't know that I'd really recommend it to anyone at the end of the day.


Original post here.

13) American McGee's Alice

Found some of the platforming and swimming sections to be almost intolerable, but loved the twist on the source material and thought the combat was surprisingly fun. I wrote a feature on it here - http://www.highscorereviews.com/2014/06/07/feature-retro-reviews-american-mcgees-alice-2000/.

14) Alice: Madness Returns

Satisfying and disappointing at the same time. I think it can look great at times but is somewhat let down by some bland looking levels, which is a shame because the opening Wonderland level looks terrific. Combat was fun, though, and platforming much improved. Pretty unsettling plot twist, too.


new games added

Game 18: Super Mario World (SNES) - 5hs+
# Beat this on the Wii U's virtual console. I play this game every year but it's been a few years since I beat the game for the last time. Nothing much to say other than it's my favorite platformer of all time.

Game 19: Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) - 15hs+
# Beat all the cups on 100cc and slowly trying to unlock everything the game has to offer. Online is great and adds a ton of replay value, shame about the gutted battle mode. Graphics wise it's one of the best, if not the best, looking games of this new gen.

Game 20: Wolfenstein The New Order (PS4) - 10hs+
# Best FPS single player campaign I played in a LONG time, maybe since Perfect Dark on the N64. The gunplay is fantastic. Beat the game on Uber difficulty which is the toughest part trophy wise so I will go back and get all the collectibles to get the platinum trophy.


Dot Hacked
Terajima Ryoko GET! After taking a super short break the challenge resumed with me beating .hack//Outbreak in a few days. Its always been the shortest of the bunch but this time I blew through it in just 10 hours o_O

Games Beaten: 27 / 52
Total Playtime: 340 hours, 38 minutes



Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 28: Super Mario Bros. 3
3DS VC. Played it on a whim today, don't remember why it was on my 3DS, but I enjoyed revisiting it. Muscle memory was still there 100%, couldn't put it down until the curtain fell.

Currently in prgress: PS3-Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, PS4-MGSV Ground Zeroes, XBone - Dead Rising 3, Wii U - Mario Kart 8, 3DS 0-Etrian Odyssey, Vita - started soul sacrifice, not impressed and i may not finish it


Game 33: Final Fantasy Tactics - 43 hours

I've had this game for years and I've just recently sank my teeth into it, and I loved it. It's incredibly deep and rewarding in ways that many games just aren't, and it's immensely satisfying to build units into specifically crafted death machines, although there is something to be said about being too deep; The zodiac system and the Brave/Faith counters were generally pointless, and there were times where I couldn't tell why my attacks would suddenly go from incredible damage to never hitting.

The story was excellent, with a complex and intriguing political plot unlike most other fantasy games, with a main character whose dogged, unwavering idealism is a perfect counterpoint to the political insanity he's surrounded by. A character like that should be grating in a "dark" story, but here, Ramza flourishes.

Lastly, I just want to mention that if you ever want to play this game fairly, don't ever use Cid. He ended up mostly soloing the last quarter of the game, he was so broken.


Game 21 : Yoshi New Island - 6 hours - 06/08/14
Okay ish Yoshi island game. The game is not bad, but the levels are really short, the music is the same throughout the game and it's extremely easy. I ended the game with 112 lives. The new aesthetic is alright, but I would have preferred a SNES style. 6/10

Game 22 : Binding of Isaac : Wrath of the Lamb - ??? - 06/09/14
Played a run or two every day since I started to watch Northenlions runs. I had beaten Mom back in the days, but never with the new content. I know that Mom is literally the beginning of the game, but I consider it still beaten since I saw the credits and killed the last boss. I might still continue to do a run every day. Split shot really was the best thing I got off this run. My problem is that I hate dying in games, so I die and just "ragequit" to do something else. A really good game still. Cant wait for Rebirth. 8.5/10


Dot Hacked
"Ethans a traitor I'll kill him!" "What? No. Chill out its all good." PSU: AotI's story mode got beaten! Episode 2 that is. What I wouldn't give ta play Episode 3 again... but alas its forever locked behind the now dead online mode of the game. THANKS SEGAC TEAM

Games Beaten: 28 / 52
Total Playtime: 347 hours, 15 minutes



Game #43 is finished!

Game #43: Final Fantasy III - 35 Hours
Man those last few dungeons were really challenging. This was my third time plaything through the game, but only my first time finishing it. I always seem to lose intrest every time I hit the last few dungeons. The job system was pretty fun to play around with. While the grinding was a bit tedious, I personally didn't mind it too much.

Updated post

Tales of Symphonia is coming along nicely. Although, I'm taking some time off from the game to play some Symphony and Tomodachi LIfe.
Game 17: Watch_Dogs [PS4] 15 hours? Not sure doesn't say

Had a pretty fun time with he game. I tried hacking and being as stealthy as I could which I think made me enjoy the game a lot more than I would have had I plaed run and gun GTA style. A few trophies away from the plat now, although I'm not sure I'll get it, the drinking games are tough.

Updated Post


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game #29
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
Finished all the Ops finally. Not a lot of content but fuck am I excited for Phantom Pain
Toootally forgot to post my updates here, whoops!

61. Gunman Clive(3DS) May 30th - Time Taken: 88m
Finished Gunman Clive again, but this time on Hard Mode, I no damaged a lot of stages since you take so much damage on hard you end up learning how to avoid all damage to complete the stage.

Also the game said it took 88m to complete but the 3DS timer said it took way longer than that, but I'm not sure which one is correct since I do have a few other save files I was playing.


62. Portal(PC) June 3rd - Time Taken: 1.4hrs
Finished Portal again, I hadn't played it for about 3 years so I thought I would've forgotten the majority of the puzzles, but nope, my memory is better than I thought it was, haha.

63. Castlevania(3DS) June 4th - Time Taken: 4hrs 26m
This game got CRAZY difficult at the end of the game, the first like 12 stages weren't that tricky to beat, but then it just gets crazy difficult, I was stuck on the area before you fight the final boss for months.

64. InFamous: Second Son(PS4) June 5th - Time Taken: 8.5hrs
Pretty fun game, but I hate how glitchy climbing up buildings is, a lot of the time Delsin will just hump the wall instead of actually climbing it, frustrating.

And aside from Delsin and Reggie, the rest of the characters aren't as interesting, inFamous 2 had a better cast and better gameplay imo, so I still think that is the best.

65. Ico HD(PS3) June 6th - Time Taken: 6hrs 3m
This is the first time I've ever played Ico, and wow, what a really well done game, I loved just holding Yorda's hand and helping her get to places, also the small bits of vibration that happen whenever Yorda takes a step when you hold her hand, very nice touch.

66. Anarchy Reigns(PS3) June 9th - 3hrs 46m

Eh, I really didn't like it.
The character designs are really weird, a lot of the characters look like they were set in the wrong aspect ratio and the gameplay was super simple, I haven't tried it out on Hard mode or the multiplayer yet so maybe it's better there, but on Normal, it was pretty uninteresting, if it wasn't so short I probably wouldn't have finished it.



1: Stick it to the Man
2. Flower
3: Resogun

4: Limbo
5: LittleBigPlanet PSVITA
6: Urban Trials Freestyle
7: Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
8: Thomas Was Alone
9: Tearaway
10: Soul Sacrifice
11: Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
12: Muramasa: Rebirth
13: Mutant Mudds Deluxe

Wii U:
14: Pikmin 3
15: Super Mario 3D World
16: Mario Kart 8

17: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

18. Plague Inc.
19. The Room 2


It feels weird listing Titan Souls as one of my beaten games this year after I learned they're making a full game after the success of the Ludum Dare Titan Souls. I'll have reconsider listing it or make an addendum or something at the end.
Game 42: Grand Theft Auto III (PC) - 17 hrs 30 mins
Owned this one on PC and PS2 across the years but I've never actually completed the story until now. Still one of my favorite GTAs and overall sandbox titles. This definitely got a lot harder than I expected later on. I actually had to use a cheat code for the last mission :(. The atmosphere in this game is something that I think hasn't been matched in any of the other GTA titles. Liberty City feels truly unwelcoming. I also spent a fair amount of time collecting all of the packages on the first two islands, might go back to do the third. Only complaints would be lack of the map in the menu and the constant attacks from the gangs. Glad I finally finished this.

Game 43: Castle of Illusion HD (PS3) - 2 hrs~
Cute little platformer. Really easy for a somewhat expected spike in difficulty with the last boss but otherwise a really enjoyable time.

Game 44: Resident Evil 4 HD (PS3) - 13 hrs~ **
I don't really have much to say about this one that hasn't already been said by now I'm sure. Didn't enjoy this one as much as I had in the past this go around. The highlight of the game was definitely the castle sections (4-1-4-3 in particular) with the village section being okay and the island being pretty bad in my opinion. Playing this on the Wii definitely spoiled me as far as difficulty/controls go, I definitely died a lot more than I'd expected. Just 5, Revelations, 6, and maybe ORC to go and my RE series playthrough will be done.

** indicates a replay


Game #44: Tales of Symphonia - 52 Hours
This game started out a bit slow, but when the first major plot twist finally came around I got hooked on it. The battle system is pretty simple, and battles with the regular goons doesn't drag too long. The dungeons were boring, but at the same time they were pretty short. I like how much substance the sidequests have in terms of story with a few of them highlighting one of the main characters. I didn't get a chance to get some of the endgame sidequests done since the final parts of the main story was too good to pull away. Overall I had a really good time with this game. I would definitely go back and aim for a 100% completion.

Updated Post

I got Yakuza 3 in the mail today, so I will be starting that before I dive into ToS: Dawn of the New World. I'm also going to start playing Kid Icarus: Uprising, pretty excited to finally play it.
Game 24 - Outlast (PS4)

I had little knowledge about this game, other than people fell off their chairs when playing it.

I didn't fall off my chair, but I was on the edge of it. It's a very atmospheric game, which draws you into the world of the deranged and magical. I don't want to say too much as I really think this is a game everyone should experience, even if only for 10 minutes, just to see how game atmosphere is the key to success.

If Alien: Isolation is anything like this, I will buy it day 1 and probably shit myself.

Game 25 - Watchdogs (PS4)

I stayed clear of all the internet rage regarding the game's 'downgrade', and had pretty much a media blackout to the story. Yet, I still went into this game with higher than normal levels of hype, which is rare for me.

Even though my expectations were high, I came away enjoying the overall experience. Sure there were one or two things that bugged me, such as strange physics and I feeling that 'that will be so much better in WD2' at some of the ideas suggested in Watchdogs, but overall I had a fun time.

Chicago was a fun city to explore, and I found it to be visually very impressive at times. I've never been to Chicago and the only references I have are from what I've seen in movies and TV shows, but even then I recognised certain landmarks and areas.
People of Chicago have Ubisoft done a good job of building up your city?

There were clear areas, and districts within the map too, which made me want to explore and even the NPCs within each region seemed to have some sort of unique feel to them.
In fact, now I think about it exploring was the most fun I had with Watchdogs. Walking around spying on NPCs to see what they'd do. Some actually had interactions with NPCs, such as the two Bateman Businessman unsuccessfully (and rudely) trying to pick up a date with a passing female NPC.

Sadly, I felt like the game feel apart with the main storyline, as it wasn't that interesting and the main character is just flatout boring. He has no personality. I found him to be little more than a mobile phone. The story didn't really help, as if you had been playing the game one way
(say stealth) it pushed you down another path as that was the story it wanted to tell. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about this, but the way the game was designed and presented you with all the passive options to hack your way around enemies, it was slightly disappointing to be told you HAVE TO KILL all the enemies to finish that mission.

The main draw and area I'd like to see Ubisoft expand on in future Watchdog games is the online hacks and invasions, where you can hack players in their single player game and they can invade into yours almost seamlessly. It works well, and adds a real air of paranoia to the game.

Overall, a good experience and a nice introduction to what I think will be another strong franchise from Ubisoft. The game showed a lot of promise (even if at times some of the ideas were under cooked/utilised), and despite all the attention it gained due to it's visuals it does have some really stunning moments.


Yeah magician was the one I noticed the most. I do not get why they didnt put him in, but hey, beetle was pretty cool. Clown was funky though.

Oh, yeah, I really liked Clown. That was a very clever addition, especially with the balloon animals. I just miss Magician and Animal, I hope we see those again sometime soon!


Updates. I have been making some nice progress lately.

Weeks gone 23. Games beaten 25.

My Backloggery and Darkadia account.

Game 19: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - 8 hours 2 minutes according to Wii U's Daily Log which is pretty accurate
# I beat every stage. Another longterm project so to speak. Still I quite fancied this game. First of all soundtrack is amazing. I'm growing quite fond of Disasterpeace's work. The game feels like such a solid package. Especially for an indie game. Very polished all around. Gameplay is just as tight as you would want it to be in a rhytm runner platformer type of a game. Some small gripes like not being able to use Pro Controller and the way how the game is just so goddamn loud. It caugh me off-guard everytime I booted it up. Has plenty of collectables but I wasn't feeling like going after them. Although I have to give special mention for a few funny ones like the costumes referencing to Little Mac and Power Glove. (The image below is actually from the retro parts of the game. The actual game doesn't really look like that and I think the fact that the screenshot is actually captured from GamePad makes it a bit low-res)

Game 20: Transistor - 18 hours according to Steam but that contains some idling
# Got all achievements. Another game I was there for at day 1. Unlike OlliOlli and LUFTRAUSERS it didn't leave me cold at all. Basically Supergiant Games continues from the strong foundation they built with Bastion. Maybe the biggest improvement is the gameplay. I was really impressed with how it is. It was just masterly designed. There's so many ways to approach combat in this game. The game does a good job of making you to think different ways too. Difficulty was just right too. The game let's you to make the game harder by selection various "limiters" which make the game harder but earn you more exp. I think this approach worked pretty well. Having all 10 of them on makes the game pretty challenging. In general I had little troubles with the game. Story was beautiful and intriguing. With very minimal writing the developers managed to create a world full of likable characters. Oh and the OST is just phenomenal too. Transistor is definitely one of my favorite games of this year so far.

Game 21: Braid - 7 hours according to Steam but that includes basically 1.5 playthroughs
# Finished the game. Another game that was in my backlog for a long time. I think I originally bought it on XBLA about 4 years ago. It was way shorter than I imagined. Maybe it's because the game was already somewhat familiar to me (I had completed two playthroughs to halfway before) but I didn't really feel like it was as hard as I remembered. There were a few harder puzzles that had me scratching my head but most of the time it was simply because there was some gameplay mechanic I didn't know existed. I can't say I care much for such puzzle design. However I still feel like the overall quality of puzzle design was very high. Music and graphics were both pretty nice. I still think Braid hasn't aged that well. What has happened after Braid is that indies by large have picked up the slack. It's not a benchmark game anymore but it was still a nice little trip. Can't say I cared much for the story (even knowing what it is referencing to) or maybe it was just too good for me to appreciate. Very good palate cleanser. Can't wait for The Witness.

Game 22: Killer is Dead - 8 hours 16 minutes according to in-game timer
# Completed the story on Normal. I have give extra credit for Steam Family Sharing and Burnburn that allowed me to play this game. So this was a very curious game. Certainly loved the surreal vibe it had going for it. Few hours in you go less and less WTF but this aspect is there for the duration of the whole game. Cel-shaded look worked really well with this game too. Soundtrack was excellent. The bad part of this game is gameplay. It just simply has little redeeming factors whatsoever. Mindless button smashing is what the game becomes way too quickly. Actually playing the game was just so dull. The PC port was shit tier too. Locked to 30FPS and while a rather easy ini tweak fixed that it caused crashes so I was forced to play it in 30FPS which is obviously not optimal at all. Overall "quick & dirty" seemed to be the theme with the PC port. I have to also say that the controversy surrounding Gigolo missions pre-release wasn't unwarranted. They were indeed absolutely stupid. I can't think any reason why they should have been in the game. Killer is Dead is definitely a game worth playing if you know what to expect and what not to expect. It just pales in comparision to some of the excellent action games we have gotten this past generation.

Game 23: Mario Kart 8 - Will check later how long it took.
# 100% completion except for one glider that I'll get at some point but it's a longer term project. I'm a huge Mario Kart fan and 8 didn't disappoint me at all. Such a stellar game all around. Looks nice too. I liked the gravity gimmick they introduced. Made for some crazy course designs. Online is as fun as ever and Mario Kart TV spices it up nicely. That said the online play also experiences some really unfortunate problems with the connection and it's also missing some features I have come to expect like voice chat during racing. AI in singleplayer also feels a little cheap. All in all I liked many of the changes they introduced that made the 1st player more vulnerable. I think especially in Mario Kart 7 keeping 1st place was too easy. I have to give extra credit for OST. It's just amazing all around. I think Mario Kart 8 will be very high on my personal list of 2014's best games.

Game 24: Advance Wars - 14 hours 41 minutes
# Beat the campaign. Decided to play this now before I jump into the sequel later. I had fun with this game. Certainly shows that Intelligent Systems was the same masters of strategy games 10 years ago that they are today. Masterfully crafted game. At the same time it's simple and has incredible depth. I didn't find the main campaign hard. That said I didn't go look for trouble and didn't even dare to check how the harder version of that campaign is. Writing was kind of silly and even creepy sometimes. These people seemed to have way too much fun with war. I was also pleasantly surprised with how well the GBA emulation on Wii U worked.

Game 25: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise - No idea how long it took
# Beaten every level except the very last one reaching the credits in the progress. The last one was just way too brutal for my lacking sense of rhythm. Another game I started almost a year ago and only came back to finish now. Very charming experience all around. There aren't many music games like this around. I like how they centered the whole game to one thing: improving the player's rhythm. Most imporantly in a music game like this the soundtrack was great. Even the licensed tracks were a good fit.

Next up: Bravely Default


Game 34: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence - 22 hours

I don't get why people ride this game so much, because it was a huge step down from the first two games. I get that the advanced tech wasn't going to happen given the setting, but it was still annoying common to get ambushed because I couldn't work my way around the muddy, dark jungle without getting spotted.

The survival aspects were cool (if a little ridiculous when you would knife a frog and it would evaporate and leave behind an enormous ration container), and the game gets points for having the only good implementation of regenerating health in any video game, where it helps cultivate a rewarding, patient style of play.

If the game falters in one major area compared to its predecessors, it's definitely the boss fights. The Cobra Unit is nowhere near as interesting as Foxhound or Dead Cell, mostly just showing up to get shot. The End is pretty interesting and the Sorrow was trippy, but the rest were incredibly bland. The final fight however, is legitimately amazing. Easily ranks in the best fights in the series.

Will start MGS4 soon.


46. 1001 Spikes (Finished 6/15/14 - estimated total time 20 hrs)
Comment: I recently got this game because I'm a fan of 2D platformers and had heard that this game was good, but difficult. After beating the game's main story mode and dying over 2500 times I can say they weren't lyin, this game is both good & challenging. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game (even though it kept kicking my butt) and finding/unlocking all the hidden items/characters scattered throughout the game. I also loved the numerous references to other 8 bit classic series like Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Ghosts n Goblins, etc that were hidden (or in some cases in plain sight) throughout the game.


47. LIMBO (Finished 6/15/14 - estimated total time 4 hrs)
Comment: This was another one of those games that I had initially started playing a few year back, but had never gotten around to go back and try to finish it until now. As for my thoughts on the game, well it's a solid game with an interesting art/graphic design and some head scratching puzzles that (imo) relied to heavily on trial & error. I was also surprised by the game's abrupt ending which I honestly gotta say kinda pissed me off as I had expected there to be more to it than just boom, done, roll credits.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Game 31 - Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, PS3
Been playing in bits and pieces since its release, finally just SS'd the last mission I needed.


Dot Hacked
I see you've caught an "x-animal/food". The "x-animal/food"... /boredmonotonevoice
Oh hey I also beat MGS3! Why doesn't eating the parrot cause a time paradox!?

Games Beaten: 29 / 52
Total Playtime: 361 hours, 56 minutes


I don't get why people ride this game so much, because it was a huge step down from the first two games.



22) Ravenmark
First mobile and probably last mobile game to be on this list. Great game, lots of content, challenging content if you try to get all 3 circles. It was a great game to play on my commute to work. Story driven SRPG, no grinding, no spawning troops, and "hero" abilities to use. My only real complaint is that sometimes the gods of randomness aren't kind. Missing 4x in a row is not fun for anyone.


My 3DS died so the Vita has been getting some love the last few weeks.

Game 30: Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) 30/5/14. 4:43

It's Mario Kart in HD! And I got a free Monster Hunter! The best.

Game 31: Tearaway (Vita) 6/6/14. about 5 hours

It was cute and nicely gimmicky and pretty fun but I don't get the overwhelming love it inspires in others. Maybe I am dead inside. It's also not one to play on the train. I think it's the only 3D platformer not made by Nintendo that I've ever finished though so that's something.

Game 32: Limbo (Vita) 13/6/14. about 4 hours

Played this upon 360 release and really enjoyed it but not so much this time. For every clever puzzle and lovely atmospheric touch there's a trial-and-error death that frequently feels unfair and offputting, I ragequit a few times.

Game 33: Sound Shapes (Vita) 17/6/14. about 2 hours

This was a nice surprise. I'd heard good things but found the first few levels a bit weak, once the complexity increases later on though it really comes into its own, the Beck levels in particular are superb. Great fun for under a fiver.

Game 34: Okami HD (PS3) 17/6/14. 34:05

So this is what Kamiya did before Twitter. Imported it on release but took a break after the first third and only picked it up again a couple of weeks ago. Ludicrously pretty, great music and packed with ideas.

Original post.


Game 33: Tekken 3D: Prime Edition - An Hour or 2?
(Started 6/17/14 / Finished 6/17/14)
It looks great, it sounds great, it has a large cast of fighters BUT it also has NO story mode, no arcade mode and nothing to do but survival mode. So I did the 100 man survival mode, finished and fell asleep from boredom after.



48. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Finished 6/18/14 - total play time 23 hrs 27 mins)
Comment: As I mentioned in the comments for Oracle of Seasons I decided to restart this game in order to get the true ending and I'm kinda glad I did as the last two boss fights were really challenging (it didn't help that I didn't get the Master Sword) more so than I had expected. I for the most part enjoyed playing this game despite not liking the in game trading system or occassionally getting lost ofter and spending every few hours trying to figure out what I needed to do next before having to resort to a guide.

Down to the "final four" games, right now the early favorites for game #49 are Parasite Eve II, The Last Story, Tekken Tag Tournament and Pikmin 3.
It continues! Oddly enough, my backlog is actually increasing during this challenge. Also added Spyro 2, NSMBU, Super Stardust HD and Kirby's Adventure to In Progress.

Game #19: Super Mario World (Wii U VC) - 7 hours, 36 mins (Completed)
Found all exits. It's Super Mario World. Play it if you haven't. That's all I got.

Game #20: Divekick (PS3) - I dunno, 2 hours? (Finished)
Beat Story Mode with each character, but no trophy for some reason. This game is fun in small bursts. I can't see myself devoting too much time to getting good at it.

Game #21: Mario Kart 8 - 53 hours (Finished)
I got all the gold trophies and characters, didn't bother with Time Trials and only have 41 stamps. You can guess where those 53 hours came from, right? The game is a dream (or a nightmare) online, offline is a little bare.

Game #22: Spyro the Dragon (PSN) - 7-9 hours (Completed)
Collected all the things. I grew up with a demo of this and the full Spyro 2, where I also collected all the things. Collecting all the things in this game was really easy. Its ease is my biggest complaint. The final boss
dies in 2 hits when you catch him
. Come on. I think Kirby games give me more trouble than this did.

Despite that, the game held up okay. The
music is amazing, the controls are solid enough and the art style makes the graphics look less dated, kinda like Crash. I did appreciate how focused this game was compared to its sequel. All the levels are pretty small and finding the dragons and gemeralds usually only takes a bit of scouring. The only quest is the one you're given in the beginning, and the only mini-games are arguably the flying levels and catching the thieves. I mean, I have no problem with mini-games, I completed Banjo-Tooie and DK64 twice each. But it's appreciated.
Game 1: Remember Me - PC- 10 hours - beaten Jan 2nd
Completed the game on Normal/Errorist. Picked it up for 10$ in the recent Steam winter sale and so far it's my game of the sale. Remember Me has one of the most stunning worlds, it's simply a beautiful game. I haven't felt compelled to take as many screenshots like that in a good long while. I normally don't dig linear, highly cinematic games but I was completely enthralled by Remember Me. Will probably replay it after I polish off a few other games.

Game 2: Batman Arkham Origins - PC - 18 hours - beaten Jan 12th
Completed the main campaign. Got this for free with my new GPU, At first I was kind of ambivalent about the game, aside from the larger openworld of Gotham City Origins didn't feel like it was adding much. But the more I played of Origins the more I liked it. The art direction, specifically WB Montreal's take on the characters is super well-done, I like them more than Rocksteady's. The main thing that won me over was the story, it's easily my favourite out of the three Arkham games.

Bought the season pass in a Steam sale and I'm screwing around finishing off the remaining openworld activities and combat challeneges while I wait for the next story DLC to drop. Something I didn't really feel compelled to do in Arkham City.

Honorable mention: Bravely Default demo - 3DS - 9 hours beaten Jan 12th
I played this demo nearly 10 hours. I maxed all of the jobs, maxed the village and got all of the reward drops for the main game, which I cannot wait for a pre-ordered shortly after I began playing the demo.

Game 3: Steamworld Dig - 3DS- 6.5 hours - beaten Jan 15th
It's like Dig Dug with persistant mines, loot and upgrades across three sizeable areas peppered with multiple dungeons. Fun game, overall it took me about 6 and a half hours. Got all of the upgrades and mined for all of the loot. About the only thing to shoot for in a repeated playthrough would be a faster time and fewer deaths. It's a really fun little game, I'll definitely double dip on it in the next Steam sale, although I'd say it's totally worth the 10$.

Game 4 - Diablo 3 - 150 hours - whenever Loot 2.0 dropped
Started a brand new Barbarian with Loot 2.0 and ended up with my first level 60 hero. I think I got bored with Vanilla D3 shortly after launch, I had a hero in every class but the furthest I got back then was level 42 on Nightmare before getting bored. I loved Loot 2.0 so much I powered through with that new Barb to 60 and then finished leveling up my Monk, Wizard, Demon hunter and Witch Doctor to 60. The barb and Wizard were the only two I seriously farmed with. Ended up making a few lvl 60 Hellfire Rings in anticipation of the Crusader and Reaper of Souls.

Game 5 - Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - 100 hours? - late March/ early April
Played through the main campaign and then Reaper of Souls with a Crusader. Once I got it to 70 I farmed up my Wizard, Witch Doctor and Barbarian to 70 as well. Most of my time in Adventure mode was spent with the Crusader and Wizard.

Honorable mention: Bravely Default - 40 hours - got up to Chapter 4 and stopped
I liked the game but it honestly felt like it was dragging on for far too long. I'm not certain if I want to go back to it or not.

Game 6 - Star Wars Dark Forces - 8 hours
The Dark Forces/Jedi Knight pack went on sale and since I owned the series but hadn't played it, I decided to hammer my way through them all. I hadn't played Dark Forces before this, it was a pretty solid SW themed Doom clone.

Game 7 - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - 9 hours
First time playing through Jedi Knight. A sizeable leap over Dark Forces but the force powers and lightsaber combat were kind of more an interesting idea at this point in the series.

Game 8 - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast - 9 hours
This was the first game in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series that I played back in the day. I love it as much now as I did back then. It's just so damned fun once Kyle gets his saber and force powers.

Game 9 - Star Wars Jedi knight Jedi Academy - 13 hours
Played through the game twice as a Light and Dark Side Jedi, just to try out both Force affinities and to see the different possible endings. Mechanically it's the most refined game in the series but it's still not as good overall as Outcast, for my money.

Game 10 - Tearaway
I loved this game from start to finish. The overall aesthetic and soundtrack are completely brilliant and I loved how the game used all of the Vita's various features (front and rear touch as well as the built in cameras and microphone).

Honorable mention - Final Fantasy X HD - put in over 40 hours before stopping
Got bored and stopped, pretty close to the end too. I'll probably get back to it when I've got nothing else to play.

Game 11 - Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
I love these games and never want the series to end.

Game 12 - Watch_Dogs
I loved the game when I started playing and hated it by the end. Outside of unlocking all of the ctOS towers (for hacking and fast travel points) I completely ignored all of the side activities and hammered through the campaign as quickly as possible. I don't like Aiden Pearce, he's the most unlikable protagonist I've encountered in recent memory. I will never replay that campaign nor will I bother to complete all of the side quests or participate in the online stuff.

Game 13 - Thief 2014
I hate this game. I sincerely doubt the people that worked on this really sat down and played the older Thief games and understood what it was they were making. It certainly was not a worthy successor to the series.

Game 14 - Broforce - Early Access
I've played through the campaign and world map a few times now so i feel pretty safe inputting it down as beaten. Broforce is a total blast, it's Metal Slug mashed up with The Expendables and a crazy amount of environmental destruction. Even though it's Early Access, Broforce feels pretty feature complete. The only issue I've had is with the online coop not exactly functioning well.

Game 15 - Wolfenstein: The New Order
Hands down this is the best campaign I've played in a shooter since Half-Life 2. I was so skeptical about this new Wolfenstein, really only bought it at launch for access to the Doom beta (morbid curiosity) and was pretty much blown away by the quality of this re-imagening of Wolfenstein. I hope Machine Games stick around and get their hands on more id IP's. I'd love to see them do Doom, Quake or Hexen.
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