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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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I don't think she will win, but damn she was fine in that movie.

With a capital f, for fine.


which movie is the critic's darling this year? ZDT or Lincoln? Amour?
Based on the scores and critics' awards thus far, the darling is ZDT but that doesn't seem to matter at all for the Oscars.
Politics has made Lincoln the runaway favorite... and unless things change over the next few weeks, it will clean up.
Based on the scores and critics' awards thus far, the darling is ZDT but that doesn't seem to matter at all for the Oscars.
Politics has made Lincoln the runaway favorite... and unless things change over the next few weeks, it will clean up.

Politics is always what matters more than quality. Quality is sometimes used as a leveraging tool, but it's always a matter of gladhanding, politicking and prom-night chitter-chatter. The critical awards really don't factor in much. It's why the Golden Globes winners aren't much of a factor, because the people who vote on the Globes are basically junket whores who you've never heard of.

The Academy is no different than any other general group of people - you can get a sense of consensus in that group without having seen a single one of the movies they're discussing. Someone could wade into this board, scan through the film-related threads, and come up with a really solid conception of what people generally really like, and why.

The Academy is the same way - the difference is that the group of people concerned are people who make, or have made, movies through that system.


I would love to see Wreck It Ralph or ParaNorman win for best Animated Feature. Although I wouldn't mind Brave winning it. I still need to see Pirates and Frankenweenie.
I enjoyed Brave a lot more than I expected to but it being widely perceived as a "lesser" Pixar film means it won't take home the prize.

Finally got around to seeing Pirates and Frankenweenie last night. Pirates was fun but largely by-the-numbers and forgettable.

Frankenweenie was better than I was expecting it to be but ultimately pales in comparison to ParaNorman. You can take those two films and put them up alongside one another and in almost every instance the ParaNorman counterpart was better developed, voiced and realized. The Frankenweenie characters were almost all cookie-cutter archetypes that went nowhere... whereas the ParaNorman crew started that way and were developed in interesting ways.

That just leaves Wreck-It-Ralph which I haven't seen. I expect I'll get a kick out of the insider video game references but I doubt the Academy will pick up on many of them and given the way the awards have fallen thus far, I fully expect ParaNorman to win the Oscar.


Based on the scores and critics' awards thus far, the darling is ZDT but that doesn't seem to matter at all for the Oscars

haven't seen ZDT yet (it's not out here) but I've been reading the some of the impressions here and on other boards and while the movie seems to be generally well-like, it certainly does not get the reaction I expected from a 93% RT and 95/100 MC movie. Is it just undeserved backlash because of the overwhelmingly positive critical reception?


Argo is pretty much the worst movie out of all nominated movies I have seen (not counting the have sex with handicapped dude movie because I don't watch everything.)

I don't like any of the Hollywood dramatization parts of the movies, they are very jarring even on the first viewing. Just read an article that compare the movie to the real life event and you will see which parts are made up. Actually you don't have to. They are too obvious and they are at least 60% of the script.

Argo is Hollywood self congratulatory bullshit.


haven't seen ZDT yet (it's not out here) but I've been reading the some of the impressions here and on other boards and while the movie seems to be generally well-like, it certainly does not get the reaction I expected from a 93% RT and 95/100 MC movie. Is it just undeserved backlash because of the overwhelmingly positive critical reception?
Being a critical darling (even if you're not an Academy favorite) doesn't necessarily translate into universal praise from moviegoers.

Just look at The Master... or any Paul Thomas Anderson film, for that matter... for an example of a film where critics will wholeheartedly give tonguebaths to a film that even avid movie enthusiasts have a hard time being enamored with. Amour (from this year's nominees) may be another example of such a film.

I found ZDT to be decent. Not phenomenal or anything. Chastain's performance was solid. She did a commendable job conveying her character's all-consuming obsession over tracking down bin Laden. I was actually more interested in what happens to this character after the compound raid than anything we were given in this movie. What does she do with her life after all of this goes down? It was somewhat of a one-dimensional performance compared to Lawrence, not as emotionally harrowing as Watts or Riva and not as impressive as Wallis... but it did the job.

I found the raid itself to be pretty dull and the
death of Jennifer Ehle's character
was insulting predictable. It falls into the bottom half of the Best Picture nominees list... for me (I've seen all of them). Gave it a 7 out of 10 on IMDB.


ZDT's the only front runner I really want to see, that and maybe Argo.

I'd love for Django to win but that's about as likely as Tarantino getting a best director nod.


ZDT's the only front runner I really want to see, that and maybe Argo.

I'd love for Django to win but that's about as likely as Tarantino getting a best director nod.
Tarantino has a legitimate shot to win another screenplay Oscar.
Amour and Flight aren't really contenders. And Boal won for Hurt Locker just a few years ago.

That pretty much makes it a two-horse race between Django and Moonrise Kingdom. And Quentin's been winning the more high profile contests between those two films.


Tarantino has a legitimate shot to win another screenplay Oscar.
Amour and Flight aren't really contenders. And Boal won for Hurt Locker just a few years ago.

That pretty much makes it a two-horse race between Django and Moonrise Kingdom. And Quentin's been winning the more high profile contests between those two films.

Well since Wes Anderson is as likely to win a best director Oscar as Tartortino then they should give the best script to him damn it!

Moonrise Kingdom is IMO the best Wes Anderson movie.


I really enjoyed Argo. Actually, I've enjoyed all the Best Picture nominees I've seen so far (Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Life of Pi and Silver Linings Playbook). Hoping to see Lincoln tomorrow.


sparkle this bitch
Managed to see Life of Pi, I'm definitely gonna try to rent Beasts of the Southern Wild next week.

As of now, I'd go with, in order,
Life of Pi
Silver Lining Playbook


Django Unchained


Academy gonna knife Spielberg '98 style?

This is more and more becoming my prediction, too.

Nobody can stop the Harvey Weinstein Machine, it seems. He's gonna rip it right from Spielberg and Chastain's hands. 3 Best Pictures in a row would be pretty excessive, though, right? Even for the Academy.
Academy gonna knife Spielberg '98 style?
The director category is definitely the most unpredictable now; it's probably not going to become any clearer either, since Affleck could easily take the DGA and BAFTA.

Chastain's gonna lose Best Actress, isn't she? :/
It depends on the BAFTAs. In the last 10 years, the 4 times the SAG best actress winner lost the oscar, the BAFTA winner got it. The BAFTAs showed a lot more love for ZDT in their nominations, so it's still wide open.
What is it with the Academy and Harvey Weinstein? I don't really know the story there, I know some see him as a villain. lol

Dude is a marketing force like no other and represents what is wrong with a lot of these ceremonies. It isn't about which is the best whatever of the year, it's which has had the most aggressive/expensive marketing campaign - which Harvey Weinstein is the absolutely sultan of. The dude earns every award he gets - because any filmmaker would be lucky to have a producer with the sway and understanding of Weinstein promoting and supporting their film.


How is this movie ?

It's a beautifully photographed, often slowly paced film about characters who are difficult to relate with. Somehow, it still packs quite a punch and has a terrific performance from Quvenzhané Wallis. The ending is tremendously moving, or at least it was for me.


I enjoyed Argo but it was really Affleck-ish. Like, well-executed, but unsurprising and occasionally aimless. Affleck is a great scene writer but I thought his scene choice fell apart halfway through. Probably enjoyed The Town more and I wasn't really into that one either.

FTR I'm 100% behind GWH winning best screenplay when it did.
I'm a little peeved about Silver not picking up the Best Ensemble SAG. I'd argue that pretty much kills the film's last chance at a surprise BP win. It's now Lincoln & Argo - and Argo's lack of a Director nod is a pretty massive nail in that coffin.


Best Picture

Beasts of the Southern Wild
Django Unchained
Les Miserables
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty
Seen none of those, damn.
Interested in the bolded, when they hit bluray, though.

Also why is Kon-Tiki up from Norway, but not Oslo, 31st August?


How is this movie ?

absolutely didn't enjoy it, which means you and most other people will probably love it

going to see either Lincoln (original version) or Zero Dark Thirty (dubbed) tonight. Watched Heart Locker last week and quite liked it actually. Which one should I pick first?


Absolutely pathetic part deux
A Ranking of the Best Picture Nominees from Worst to Best (out of 5 stars)
Lincoln - *
Beasts of the Southern Wild - * 1/2
Django Unchained - * 1/2
Zero Dark Thirty - **
Les Miserables - ** 1/2
Silver Linings Playbook - ** 1/2
Life of Pi - *** 1/2
Argo - *** 1/2
Amour - *** 1/2

Best animated film should go to Pirates.


Dude is a marketing force like no other and represents what is wrong with a lot of these ceremonies. It isn't about which is the best whatever of the year, it's which has had the most aggressive/expensive marketing campaign - which Harvey Weinstein is the absolutely sultan of. The dude earns every award he gets - because any filmmaker would be lucky to have a producer with the sway and understanding of Weinstein promoting and supporting their film.

On top of that, he's kinda the reason why the Oscars are held in February nowadays, as AMPAS was trying to curtail the excessive campaigning tactics that he pioneered and that studios like Dreamworks were putting into practice, which led to some rather nasty back-and-forth controversies, like what happened with A Beautiful Mind.

Of course, that hardly matters these days, as he found a way to adapt.


absolutely didn't enjoy it, which means you and most other people will probably love it

going to see either Lincoln (original version) or Zero Dark Thirty (dubbed) tonight. Watched Heart Locker last week and quite liked it actually. Which one should I pick first?

ZDT, Lincoln shouldn't even be called "Lincoln", it should be called "The Thirdteen Commencement" or "Thaddeus Stevens".
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