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999 SPOILERS Discussion Thread

RedSwirl said:
We still don't know that those men actually had to die for her to survive. Akane's first headache struck immediately upon seeing the 9th man's corpse. Those three men also didn't really have any impact on what went on.

Maybe Snake did have to disappear for most of the second half of the game but did that have to involve a murder? Maybe Junpey did have to find those items he did in the captain's quarters, but did he HAVE to find them on Cap's corpse? Furthermore, why bring someone like Ace there who they knew might try to sabotage the game? Why bring any of the four men there if they might try to do that? At least they could just have them locked away and then given to the authorities for their crimes after the time loop has been completed.

I guess that's the morally ambiguous part of the resolution for you then.
Personally, I think Akane didn't plan on any of the core 9 characters dying. I think she expected Ace and the 9th Man to work together in sabotaging the game, and that's probably why she chose Gentarou and Teruaki to be part of the main group, and have the other two Cradle execs contained. Gentarou is the only one that makes use of the 9 bracelet in the whole game on the True End path, so whether it was attached to Teruaki, or stolen from his corpse, the outcome would have been the same. (Especially since 9 doesn't make any impact on any digital roots, so if Teruaki was alive, they still could have all gone through the same door up until Gentarou kidnaps Lotus.)

You'll notice that during the True End path, that's the only time she had a fever, so that was the only hitch in her pulling off her required time line successfully, and that it wasn't enough of a hiccup to render the scenario to be a failure. (Which results in her either dying or disappearing.)

Could there have been a situation that resulted in no one dying? It's possible, but Ace decided to take things into his own hands and kill his other three colleagues. And while that might not of been what Akane wanted, she was still able to close the loop and so she went forward. (Stopping wasn't really an option.)

As for why the Cradle execs had to be there, remember that in order for the Morphogenetic Field to work, the element of danger had to be present. Since I believe she wouldn't be comfortable with implanting bombs on innocent people, she had to have people there that were actually putting there lives on the line. And since Cradle had previously put herself in that same position, she retaliated and turned the tables on them. (While still giving them a chance to repent.) As she has access to all the information of the different possible scenarios, she saw that the only people that ever were at risk of having their "bombs" detonate were the Cradle execs. If she didn't actually plant a bomb in them and they broke the rules, then all the atmosphere of danger would be lost and Junpei wouldn't be able to tap into the Morphogenetic Field.

Akane had to cover her bases, and that involved putting their lives at risk. But as I said before, this was all an act of self defense. If Junpei wasn't at the incinerator with the feeling of a life or death situation intact, he wouldn't have been able to connect with young Akane. Do I think Akane is an innocent, gentle flower? No. But I don't think she's a murderer either. (Kidnapper though? Very much so.) But the very fact that she had a fever when Teruaki exploded is indicator enough to me that she didn't want/plan for him to die.

Personally, I think the events that happened in the True End are the only ones that actually happened in real life. I'm not a proponent of the alternate realities theory. I believe all the information that Akane transmitted to Junpei through the Morphogenetic Field was learned by her seeing the possible futures, not by experiencing them all together in tandem. So when they were doing the "real thing", she was trying to use all that she had learned to achieve the desired result. And while there was a least one mistake, (Teruaki going boom), she had to keep going or she was done for.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Gunloc said:
Personally, I think Akane didn't plan on any of the core 9 characters dying. I think she expected Ace and the 9th Man to work together in sabotaging the game, and that's probably why she chose Gentarou and Teruaki to be part of the main group, and have the other two Cradle execs contained.
See, that still makes no sense to me. I thought the true end made it clear that young Akane had seen all five future timelines play out, and that includes knowing who dies.
The_Technomancer said:
See, that still makes no sense to me. I thought the true end made it clear that young Akane had seen all five future timelines play out, and that includes knowing who dies.
But then why did she have a fever? I think there are a lot more possible scenarios than the six that are shown in the game.


Also, the number Junpei uses at the end could have just been one random-ass number. Young Akane could have just made it up on the fly and sent it to Junpei of the true ending while Junpei of the safe ending found that number that Zero-Akane had hidden.
AniHawk said:
Also, the number Junpei uses at the end could have just been one random-ass number. Young Akane could have just made it up on the fly and sent it to Junpei of the true ending while Junpei of the safe ending found that number that Zero-Akane had hidden.

She should've just made the number appear in his mind rather than the riddle with the watch. Would've saved time. She made things so needlessly complicated in the current nonary game.


cosmicblizzard said:
She should've just made the number appear in his mind rather than the riddle with the watch. Would've saved time. She made things so needlessly complicated in the current nonary game.
You referring to the true ending? That's what she did - the riddle simply was a trigger to get Junpei's mind to get the number flash in his head. He only solved the puzzle in the Safe ending, you only "solve" it in the true ending if you forgot the solution to the riddle and so the game just reminds you how to solve it again.
XiaNaphryz said:
You referring to the true ending? That's what she did - the riddle simply was a trigger to get Junpei's mind to get the number flash in his head. He only solved the puzzle in the Safe ending, you only "solve" it in the true ending if you forgot the solution to the riddle and so the game just reminds you how to solve it again.

Unless she forgot it, I don't know why she couldn't just cut out the middle man and send him the actual numbers instead of what was needed to get the numbers.
cosmicblizzard said:
Unless she forgot it, I don't know why she couldn't just cut out the middle man and send him the actual numbers instead of what was needed to get the numbers.
Young Akane doesn't know about the numbers in the first place until the safe ending, so I don't think that part was overcomplicated. When I was playing it, I certainly forgot what the numbers were in the space of about an hour between getting the safe ending and inputting them for the true ending. Remembering a string of ten digits in a glance is pushing it for most people!

I guess there could be another explanation related to how Junpei's connection with the morphogenetic field grew stronger through the game up until he actually connected with Akane. Akane doesn't really give Junpei commands as such, she just follows potential decisions that he could make to their outcome. This is why there's no "punch Clover in the face and run" or no "turn around before you get stabbed" options in the game. By the time you need to open the coffin Junpei still kinda solves the riddle (very quickly) for himself, so perhaps that signifies his link is getting stronger. This is also the point in the game at which he begins to know things that he shouldn't too.

Incidentally, that riddle to open the safe was bizarre. I hope that made more sense in the original Japanese as I never would have solved it in a million years on my own without the power of multiple choice!
Sputnik Sweetheart said:
Everything says he wasn't in on it apart from his lie about Akane dying in the first game. I can't see this as anything other than a plot hole (though a very minor one in the scheme of things) unless new info comes to light. The only point against this is if you believe that he was still too concerned for Clover's safety to tell truth, or because he'd guessed of June and/or Santa's involvement/identity already.

Hmm, I think I’ll stick with this explanation.


It never occurred to me, but is the final puzzle actually timed? I didn't sense any urgency, no music tempo changes or graphical heating-up imagery.


jaxword said:
It never occurred to me, but is the final puzzle actually timed? I didn't sense any urgency, no music tempo changes or graphical heating-up imagery.
Nope, not timed.


Junior Member
Gunloc said:
Personally, I think Akane didn't plan on any of the core 9 characters dying. I think she expected Ace and the 9th Man to work together in sabotaging the game, and that's probably why she chose Gentarou and Teruaki to be part of the main group, and have the other two Cradle execs contained. Gentarou is the only one that makes use of the 9 bracelet in the whole game on the True End path, so whether it was attached to Teruaki, or stolen from his corpse, the outcome would have been the same. (Especially since 9 doesn't make any impact on any digital roots, so if Teruaki was alive, they still could have all gone through the same door up until Gentarou kidnaps Lotus.)

You'll notice that during the True End path, that's the only time she had a fever, so that was the only hitch in her pulling off her required time line successfully, and that it wasn't enough of a hiccup to render the scenario to be a failure. (Which results in her either dying or disappearing.)

Could there have been a situation that resulted in no one dying? It's possible, but Ace decided to take things into his own hands and kill his other three colleagues. And while that might not of been what Akane wanted, she was still able to close the loop and so she went forward. (Stopping wasn't really an option.)

As for why the Cradle execs had to be there, remember that in order for the Morphogenetic Field to work, the element of danger had to be present. Since I believe she wouldn't be comfortable with implanting bombs on innocent people, she had to have people there that were actually putting there lives on the line. And since Cradle had previously put herself in that same position, she retaliated and turned the tables on them. (While still giving them a chance to repent.) As she has access to all the information of the different possible scenarios, she saw that the only people that ever were at risk of having their "bombs" detonate were the Cradle execs. If she didn't actually plant a bomb in them and they broke the rules, then all the atmosphere of danger would be lost and Junpei wouldn't be able to tap into the Morphogenetic Field.

Akane had to cover her bases, and that involved putting their lives at risk. But as I said before, this was all an act of self defense. If Junpei wasn't at the incinerator with the feeling of a life or death situation intact, he wouldn't have been able to connect with young Akane. Do I think Akane is an innocent, gentle flower? No. But I don't think she's a murderer either. (Kidnapper though? Very much so.) But the very fact that she had a fever when Teruaki exploded is indicator enough to me that she didn't want/plan for him to die.

Personally, I think the events that happened in the True End are the only ones that actually happened in real life. I'm not a proponent of the alternate realities theory. I believe all the information that Akane transmitted to Junpei through the Morphogenetic Field was learned by her seeing the possible futures, not by experiencing them all together in tandem. So when they were doing the "real thing", she was trying to use all that she had learned to achieve the desired result. And while there was a least one mistake, (Teruaki going boom), she had to keep going or she was done for.

The only situation in which Junpei and company were in any real danger was the incinerator. Other than the 9th man (I'll get to that below), the execs themselves didn't put anyone in any danger in the second game. They were just thrown in there and then killed by Ace (who was manipulated into doing so by either Akane, Aoi, or both of them).

I'll accept that Akane couldn't have predicted the 9th man's murder - that's the one part where things went wrong, so that takes off one death. The other two, still not sure. Maybe Guy X had to die in order to drive home the sense of danger, maybe.

Even if they DID have to die, that brings up a whole new moral question of weighing three lives against one - no matter what crimes they may be guilty of. The basic question is: Is it self defense you kill two people in the future in order to prevent them from murdering you in the past? Are those two men still guilty in that future time? Do they even still have intent to kill in that future time? Ace and the 9th man did sure, but we'll never know in regards to he other two.

If the answer to that question is "no," then at beset it's straight-up vigilante justice. I imagine Junpei at the end would be simultaneously overjoyed to see Akane again and somewhat horrified at what she's become capable of. Were I in his situation I'd probably ask for a full debriefing - the whole 9 years of what the hell she was doing up to that point, which is kinda what they do in regular experiments anyway. I wouldn't be able to trust her ever again otherwise.

I'm not even gonna try to think into what would happen if some cops or somebody discovered Building Q with three mangled corpses in it.
Tricky I Shadow said:
Hmm, I think I’ll stick with this explanation.
The problem I have with that one is there isn't any way he would have known June and Santa's identity at that time. Without that, saying Akane died in the incinerator is a very specific lie for someone to tell that just so happens to corroborate Seven's story. The story that Snake didn't actually hear. I'm very happy to be corrected on that last detail if anyone knows better!

At the same time, Snake it a pretty smart guy. I'd rather make do with this explanation than pin something else on the "morphic resonance" catch-all!


RedSwirl said:
The only situation in which Junpei and company were in any real danger was the incinerator. Other than the 9th man (I'll get to that below), the execs themselves didn't put anyone in any danger in the second game. They were just thrown in there and then killed by Ace (who was manipulated into doing so by either Akane, Aoi, or both of them).

I'll accept that Akane couldn't have predicted the 9th man's murder - that's the one part where things went wrong, so that takes off one death. The other two, still not sure. Maybe Guy X had to die in order to drive home the sense of danger, maybe.

Hm, I don't really see it that way. After witnessing what happened to the 9th Man, I doubt anyone needed any further convincing. As it stands, the point of tricking Ace into killing Nijisaki/Guy X was to make him think it was Snake, thereby preventing any discovery of him not actually having a bomb in him and keeping him safe from getting killed in some other manner (after all, if he was willing to do such a thing to the 9th Man, surely he'd kill someone else if he thought they knew too much). Since I vouch for the belief that it was never June's intention for anyone to actually be killed (one could say knowing that she's Zero puts her questioning of "Why did this happen?" after the 9th Man's death in a different light, added to the fact that the game was structured to make the survival of all participants feasible), let's say that it was indeed Santa's decision. Given just how much saving his sister meant to him, it's not unlikely that Santa would've made a rash decision that potentially compromised the entire operation, which tricking Ace into killing the 9th Man and subsequently triggering the first of June's fevers most certainly did.

As Zero's assistant, surely one of Santa's responsibilities was to ensure that the Nonary Game would conclude and that Junpei would reach the incinerator to save Akane in the past. In order to accomplish this, he needed to modify Zero's original plan as he saw fit. It wouldn't have been possible for Ace to kill Nijisaki the way he did at all if he hadn't killed the 9th Man in the first place (after all, no [9] bracelet to go with his [1]), so if anything, gassing Snake, changing his clothes, and hauling him off to stash him in the coffin all the way down in the chapel was a countermeasure. Thanks to that alteration to the plan, things were able to continue moving forward. However, the consequence of this was Clover's instability, leading to not only the death of the key to the whole plan in Junpei as observed with one of the outcomes of the field, but the deaths of all three people responsible for coordinating the game as well.

Still, I would definitely agree with wanting to have a full explanation from June of everything that had happened between those nine years if I were in Junpei's place.

EDIT: That said, I question if one could really say that the incinerator was the only time anyone was in any real danger. Aside from the flooding of D Deck, there was also the fact that the four members of Cradle's Nonary Project were the ones with actual bombs in them. Given just how powerful these bombs were, it doesn't seem too far-fetched to suggest Ace could've gotten someone else killed if his went off while someone going through a numbered door with him was too close in the event they didn't reach the DEAD within the time limit.
RedSwirl said:
The only situation in which Junpei and company were in any real danger was the incinerator. Other than the 9th man (I'll get to that below), the execs themselves didn't put anyone in any danger in the second game. They were just thrown in there and then killed by Ace (who was manipulated into doing so by either Akane, Aoi, or both of them).
Regardless of when Junpei actually was in danger, the only important thing was that he perceives that he is peril the whole time, which was accomplished.

RedSwirl said:
I'll accept that Akane couldn't have predicted the 9th man's murder - that's the one part where things went wrong, so that takes off one death. The other two, still not sure. Maybe Guy X had to die in order to drive home the sense of danger, maybe.
That's possible, but I just think that it was an unfortunate side effect of getting a psychopath (Ace) involved in the game. Since Akane didn't experience any fevers as a result of Guy X & Cap's deaths, it probably meant whether they lived or died wouldn't effect the outcome of closing the paradox. But I have to believe that their survival was a possibility. If Akane had access to the information of every possible outcome, why would she give them a venue to confess to their crimes if their deaths were unavoidable. Just for show? I don't think so.

And there is always the possibility that Aoi and/or Seven were the ones that tricked Ace into killing Guy X. (Remember that Aoi was standing outside the numbered doors when everyone was looking for Snake.) Perhaps it was a course correction measure after the 9th Man died, which may have started them down a path that would result in failing to close the paradox.

RedSwirl said:
Even if they DID have to die, that brings up a whole new moral question of weighing three lives against one - no matter what crimes they may be guilty of.
Well considering the three lives are all the people that contributed to the death of the "one life" in question, then yes it's justified self defense. It's not like it's three innocents being collateral damage.

RedSwirl said:
The basic question is: Is it self defense you kill two people in the future in order to prevent them from murdering you in the past? Are those two men still guilty in that future time? Do they even still have intent to kill in that future time? Ace and the 9th man did sure, but we'll never know in regards to he other two.
They had already perpetrated the act the would cause Akane to die, so they are still guilty in my eyes. Losing the intent to kill after you sent in motion the events to kill someone doesn't erase what you've done.

RedSwirl said:
If the answer to that question is "no," then at beset it's straight-up vigilante justice. I imagine Junpei at the end would be simultaneously overjoyed to see Akane again and somewhat horrified at what she's become capable of. Were I in his situation I'd probably ask for a full debriefing - the whole 9 years of what the hell she was doing up to that point, which is kinda what they do in regular experiments anyway. I wouldn't be able to trust her ever again otherwise.

I'm not even gonna try to think into what would happen if some cops or somebody discovered Building Q with three mangled corpses in it.
I agree that Junpei must have many questions, but I don't think he'll hold it against Akane. Considering how deep their connection is, he probably already knows all he needs to know on some level. And it's not like Junpei is a totally innocent either, remember the stunt he pulled at door 3. He can be ruthless when he wants to be.


Aksys Games Dev.
Seems someone else bought the 999 novels and knows Japanese, so they posted some interesting plot points from the novels, if you guys are interested :)


Just to note, the novels were released by Chunsoft and they weren't written by Uchikoshi, but by Kenji Kuroda.

This is just an alternate version of 999 as a whole and information in the novels doesn't apply to the game's universe.
Sputnik Sweetheart said:
The problem I have with that one is there isn't any way he would have known June and Santa's identity at that time. Without that, saying Akane died in the incinerator is a very specific lie for someone to tell that just so happens to corroborate Seven's story. The story that Snake didn't actually hear. I'm very happy to be corrected on that last detail if anyone knows better!

At the same time, Snake it a pretty smart guy. I'd rather make do with this explanation than pin something else on the "morphic resonance" catch-all!

Eh, well then I'll stick with that he was still too concerned for Clover's safety to tell the truth. That’s good enough for me! : p


Tricky I Shadow said:
Eh, well then I'll stick with that he was still too concerned for Clover's safety to tell the truth.
Didn't he pretty much state that? He was told by Zero to tell noone anything about the previous game, or Clover gets it.


XiaNaphryz said:
Didn't he pretty much state that? He was told by Zero to tell noone anything about the previous game, or Clover gets it.
The discrepancy isn't that he remains silent, but that he actively lies to Junpei about Akane's death. I personally take this to mean he was in on it, or at least told to lie to Junpei during the game at some point. There's really no other explanation here.

Edit: Xia, your avatar itself is a minor spoiler = D
XiaNaphryz said:
Didn't he pretty much state that? He was told by Zero to tell noone anything about the previous game, or Clover gets it.

Well yeah he did....he thought that it was safe to tell Junpei what happened 9 years ago. But maybe he still didn’t want to reveal that when Seven said a girl died that it was a lie.

And why didn't he speak up? Who knows? Perhaps he figured something out somehow....maybe he didn't want to reveal too much because he thought Clover was still in danger?


Feep said:
The discrepancy isn't that he remains silent, but that he actively lies to Junpei about Akane's death. I personally take this to mean he was in on it, or at least told to lie to Junpei during the game at some point. There's really no other explanation here.

Edit: Xia, your avatar itself is a minor spoiler = D
Only in context. Just like Akselziys!
XiaNaphryz said:
Only in context. Just like Akselziys!

Yes, wtf. I remember seeing Hongou in the game with his cowboy hat and I was like, "HEY, I saw that avatar on GAF before!"

So, I beat the game earlier. This game was so ... beautiful. I never expected that I would enjoy it so much. Nevertheless, I do have two questions...

So Alice was Akane, right? RIGHT? TT_TT Whatever the case was ... dat ass was fine at the end..

And secondly, do they ever explain why Lotus dresses so provocatively? Was she a dancer of some sort as well as some sort of hacker? At first I thought she was younger, but when she said she had two kids at a young age, I could only surmise she was in her late 20s to mid 30s. Not that old, but older than I imagined.


Aksys Games Dev.
spindashing said:
Yes, wtf. I remember seeing Hongou in the game with his cowboy hat and I was like, "HEY, I saw that avatar on GAF before!"

So, I beat the game earlier. This game was so ... beautiful. I never expected that I would enjoy it so much. Nevertheless, I do have two questions...

So Alice was Akane, right? RIGHT? TT_TT Whatever the case was ... dat ass was fine at the end..

And secondly, do they ever explain why Lotus dresses so provocatively? Was she a dancer of some sort as well as some sort of hacker? At first I thought she was younger, but when she said she had two kids at a young age, I could only surmise she was in her late 20s to mid 30s. Not that old, but older than I imagined.

All those questions and more shall be answered once we put up the 999 Fan Questions To The Creators in the very near future :3


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
spindashing said:
And secondly, do they ever explain why Lotus dresses so provocatively? Was she a dancer of some sort as well as some sort of hacker? At first I thought she was younger, but when she said she had two kids at a young age, I could only surmise she was in her late 20s to mid 30s. Not that old, but older than I imagined.

Remember, one of her kids was involved in the first incident. That means they'd now be around Akane and Junpei's age. And of course all the other characters make fun of her age. She's probably in her 40s.

As for choice of wardrobe, I think that's just Chunsoft deciding the game needed a little eye candy. =P
ZealousD said:
Remember, one of her kids was involved in the first incident. That means they'd now be around Akane and Junpei's age. And of course all the other characters make fun of her age. She's probably in her 40s.

As for choice of wardrobe, I think that's just Chunsoft deciding the game needed a little eye candy. =P

Oh, shoot. I did my math wrong. Junpei said he was 21, if I remember correctly. Well, damn, I didn't think she was so old at all. Then again I was mezmerized by her boob bounce animation. xD

Akselziys said:
All those questions and more shall be answered once we put up the 999 Fan Questions To The Creators in the very near future :3


I love it. Suscribing to this thread!


spindashing said:
So Alice was Akane, right? RIGHT? TT_TT Whatever the case was ... dat ass was fine at the end..

I answered this one earlier in the thread already, but no problem, I can do it again.

No. Alice was the one hitchhiking on the side of the road at the very end. Junpei and crew were following the tracks left by a separate car taken by Akane and Aoi up ahead.


Korigama said:
I answered this one earlier in the thread already, but no problem, I can do it again.

No. Alice was the one hitchhiking on the side of the road at the very end. Junpei and crew were following the tracks left by a separate car taken by Akane and Aoi up ahead.
Is Alice significant in anyway or did her appearance simply concluded her own little side story?


Nintendo-4Life said:
Is Alice significant in anyway or did her appearance simply concluded her own little side story?

Pretty much the latter (just a silly bonus scene thrown in at the end for the sake of doing it).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
spindashing said:
Oh, shoot. I did my math wrong. Junpei said he was 21, if I remember correctly. Well, damn, I didn't think she was so old at all. Then again I was mezmerized by her boob bounce animation. xD

She is literally referred to as "grandma" several times in the story. You really thought she was in her late 20s? lol
My only real complaint about the game is that Lotus is drawn far younger than she apparently is -- or it's a side effect of the whole "once you're 25 your life is over and you're washed up" syndrome.

Everybody would make cracks like she was old and unattractive and such but she was really drawn like she was in her late 20's, in my opinion. Dunno. Just seemed weird, like they couldn't decide between "middle-aged woman" and "tits!"

Edit: I see that people perceived her at wildly different ages! :lol


Aksys Games Dev.
Just look at Demi Moore haha :)

The official ages are:

Junpei: 21
Akane: 21
Clover: 18
Santa: 24
Snake: 24
Ace: 50
Seven: 45
Lotus: 40

And Lotus's twin daughters are both 21, Nona and unnamed daughter, so she'd have been 19 when she gave birth lol.
ZealousD said:
She is literally referred to as "grandma" several times in the story. You really thought she was in her late 20s? lol
No, I saw that. Come on, I'm not blind. xD I'm more or less referring to my own assumptions on the characters when I first started the game. I imagined she was younger, but as I played I learned she was much older than I imagined.

She still a hot MILF, then. Radical!

Also, thanks for clarifying the whole Alice thing @ Korigama. I should have read the earlier pages of this thread, I don't want to come across as a troll. The whole Alice thing is ridiculous, then. She was merely thrown in just to end her story, but I do admire that. It was a comical end.

Edit: Okay. I more or less assumed the other ages too. Maybe I thought Clover was a bit younger. I loved Santa inferring that he wanted to see up her skirt as she walked up the steps, though. xD


timetokill said:
My only real complaint about the game is that Lotus is drawn far younger than she apparently is
Asians age at a different rate. ;P

14-22 can look really similar in many cases. Then it goes from 23-35, sometimes as high as 45. Then from there until 55-70, depending on vices involved.
XiaNaphryz said:
Asians age at a different rate. ;P

14-22 can look really similar in many cases. Then it goes from 23-35, sometimes as high as 45. Then from there until 55-70, depending on vices involved.

Ha, I don't know... everybody else was drawn pretty much accurately, as far as I could tell. Maybe they drew Clover a bit younger, for obvious reasons.

There is just nothing about Lotus that says "40 year old mother" to me.


XiaNaphryz said:
Asians age at a different rate. ;P

14-22 can look really similar in many cases. Then it goes from 23-35, sometimes as high as 45. Then from there until 55-70, depending on vices involved.

people still check my ID and well, i'm old. ;)
spindashing said:


ZealousD said:
She is literally referred to as "grandma" several times in the story. You really thought she was in her late 20s? lol

Not exactly word for word, but:

Lotus: "Hmm, what could this oil be for?"

Santa: "Maybe we can use in on your face to even up some of your wrinkles."

Lotus: "How about I put it on your face and light it on fire!"

That made me chuckle. The game has tons of stuff that are genuinely funny.


Aksys Games Dev.
My GOD! The answers to some of these questions are just *_*

Uchikoshi was super kind to have answered all these the way he did. It's like having a source book come out for the game :3 Really awesome stuff!

Can't wait for all of you to read the answers!

Time to get HYPE!


Akselziys said:
My GOD! The answers to some of these questions are just *_*

Uchikoshi was super kind to have answered all these the way he did. It's like having a source book come out for the game :3 Really awesome stuff!

Can't wait for all of you to read the answers!

Time to get HYPE!

I was the one that said "you be trollin"

That was me.


Akselziys said:
My GOD! The answers to some of these questions are just *_*

Uchikoshi was super kind to have answered all these the way he did. It's like having a source book come out for the game :3 Really awesome stuff!

Can't wait for all of you to read the answers!

Time to get HYPE!
Akselziys said:
My GOD! The answers to some of these questions are just *_*

Uchikoshi was super kind to have answered all these the way he did. It's like having a source book come out for the game :3 Really awesome stuff!

Can't wait for all of you to read the answers!

Time to get HYPE!



Hey Aksys dudes, can we get more Clover sprite rip love? ;)

Like the scene towards the end of the true ending where she's running up the stairs. You can leave the other guy out, of course.


XiaNaphryz said:
Hey Aksys dudes, can we get more Clover sprite rip love? ;)

Like the scene towards the end of the true ending where she's running up the stairs. You can leave the other guy out, of course.

Haha, dude, there's plenty of hentai on the net, why would you want that particular butt shot so badly?
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