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A new video shows Donald Trump grabbing and kissing a former Miss Universe

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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.
People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.

Yeah, self serving assholes are simply self serving assholes. Don't blame Trump on society growing a moral conscience. Let's face facts. Trumps gets away with all his flipflops and flimsy ass non answers because of one thing. He opened his campaign with an open attack on a beleaguered ethnicity. That's all that matter to his audience.
People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.



Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Tell me what is so terrifying and awful about the video. He was a little awkward, maybel slightly rude, and the "she came" reference was cheesy. But sexual "assult"? What the fuck.

I'm not even sticking up for trump. I don't care. But I just see a bunch of fake outrage.


Tell me what is so terrifying and awful about the video. He was a little awkward, maybel slightly rude, and the "she came" reference was cheesy. But sexual "assult"? What the fuck.

I'm not even sticking up for trump. I don't care. But I just see a bunch of fake outrage.

You could try reading the thread, or growing a conscience.

You have to look at the kiss in context, along with the rest of the interaction. It's not just that he tries to kiss her.

- He spends a few minutes building her up to the crowd, just so he can tear her down in public for slighting him, all while pretending to laugh it off.
- He tops it off with a creepy joke implying that they had sex and he got her to orgasm.
- He makes a weird comment about her height, belying some insecurity with a woman taller than him.
- He goes in for the kiss and she ducks it, making it apparent that it's not welcome.
- They both look toward the back of the stage and Trump says something inaudible, after which she laughs it off nervously and asks to sit down.

This is an interaction between a company owner and a former (former!) employee of his. It's weird and tense and she's doing the best she can to be pleasant and apologize for the apparent misunderstanding, while he acts like a general prick and then tries to use the kiss to assert the idea that they still have a familiar relationship where she's deferential to him. It's not appropriate in any way.


Tell me what is so terrifying and awful about the video. He was a little awkward, maybel slightly rude, and the "she came" reference was cheesy. But sexual "assult"? What the fuck.

I'm not even sticking up for trump. I don't care. But I just see a bunch of fake outrage.

Sexual assault is any unwanted physical contact intimate in nature that isn't penetration. If a kiss is unwanted, you can't do it, no matter where it's located. I know that might be hard for some men to comprehend but the law is theoretically on the side of not treating women like property anymore. Sorry.
Tell me what is so terrifying and awful about the video. He was a little awkward, maybel slightly rude, and the "she came" reference was cheesy. But sexual "assult"? What the fuck.

I'm not even sticking up for trump. I don't care. But I just see a bunch of fake outrage.

Let me guess, you think "Sexual Assault" only refers to just rape right?


Are people still clinging to the hope that one of these videos will finally be the one to bring him down?

I'm honestly not expecting anything to bring him down at this point :/

I do, however, hope that having conversations about his sexual assaults/harrassments/humiliations, and just how common it is for women to experience, is able to open some eyes. That thread a while back, of people sharing their stories of the first time they were sexually assaulted sparked by Trump, gives me hope that it's doing that.


People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.

Actually, people being nonchalant about this or brushing it off as "nothing happened" is part of the reason why a man can continue to run for president despite having said he grabs women by the pussy, facing multiple sexual assault allegations, and just being generally known for being a complete asshat against women in general.


People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.

I bet she was just asking for it too with the way she was dressed right?


People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.
Yeah Im not sure how this thread is so many pages. Its creepy but on the scale of creepiness its just below 'Italian talk show creepy.'


Yeah Im not sure how this thread is so many pages. Its creepy but on the scale of creepiness its just below 'Italian talk show creepy.'

Yes, and we should aspire to have a creepy Italian talk show host as the President of the United States. Nothing wrong here at all...
Things like "tear her down" and "pretending to laugh it off" and "belying some insecurity" are all things the video doesn't show. It's all assumptions based on what you think his character is like.

This isn't based on what we think is character is like, it's based on what has repeatedly shown his character to be. This video is just one of many examples, and even if Trump is just "pretending" to be horrible, that still means that he is.

It's quite usual that when people see a person as a monster, they likely interpret that person's every word and move as a negative. This of course doesn't take away what that person has previously said or done. But not every thing a monster does should be interpreted as a thing done with the worst possible intentions and malice.

And when a thing that someone does fits their previous behavior, it would be foolish to ignore everything else that came before (including what he was saying in the same video).

What comes to the kiss, Trump is seen kissing young boys and girls (6 years old and less) too on their cheeks. Is he a serial kid molester too?

Given the lawsuit against him, he might be.

This is not a problem in Finland at all. A kiss to the cheek is not seen as sexual here, and I don't think it has been seen as sexual in America too, until lately. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Even their former or current work relations don't matter here.

Trump is American, so your argument doesn't apply to him. And his kiss has been seen as sexual, given his previous statements about how he "just starts kissing" women he finds attractive. Have you seen him kiss men?

If the "until lately" part is true, how does that change anything?

Personally, I don't kiss people on their cheeks and rarely hug anyone, because I'm shy and socially awkward. But I do let people kiss on my cheek and hug me if they feel like it. I don't take it as a sexual thing nor do they who do it. It's like a handshake. As I already said, I've been kissed like that by both women and men. I haven't ever felt the women have tried to make heterosexual advances or that the men have tried to make homosexual advances towards me with that.

Again, why are you treating Trump like he's from Europe? If Americans see kissing as something other than a handshake, then shouldn't that make it easier for you to entertain the idea that he's doing something wrong?

Seriously, why are people acting like this is a character assassination? If the incident in this video never happened, every single bad thing that people have been saying about him in this thread would still be completely true.

If you (in the general sense, I'm not singling you out here Airola) are taking offense at the idea that Trump kissing women on the cheek makes him, and by extension, you, a sexual predator at worst and a creep at best, then stop making everything about you. This isn't about you or your culture, this is about an American who has admitted to sexually assaulting women and kissing them whenever he wants.


This isn't based on what we think is character is like, it's based on what has repeatedly shown his character to be. This video is just one of many examples, and even if Trump is just "pretending" to be horrible, that still means that he is.

And when a thing that someone does fits their previous behavior, it would be foolish to ignore everything else that came before (including what he was saying in the same video).

You still can't just make things up even if previous actions have been horrible. Base your judgment on what he's actually done and said. And he's definitely done and said a lot. There are plenty of things to accuse him of, but this is not one of them. Or at least the kissing part isn't.

Given the lawsuit against him, he might be.

If that would be the case, his cheek-kisses wouldn't still be something you could use to use against him on any court.

Trump is American, so your argument doesn't apply to him. And his kiss has been seen as sexual, given his previous statements about how he "just starts kissing" women he finds attractive. Have you seen him kiss men?

Well, I've seen him kiss a young boy on his cheek. Was that sexual?

I mean, we here too see mouth-kisses as sexual, not always though. But still people who kiss sexually and love to kiss sexually don't necessarily find a kiss to the cheek as sexual. That's why it is a kiss on a cheek instead of other places.

If the "until lately" part is true, how does that change anything?

I mean that I've seen cheek-kisses done by Americans to Americans countless of times in speech situations like that. And if it has become an offense, it has become one just lately.

Again, why are you treating Trump like he's from Europe? If Americans see kissing as something other than a handshake, then shouldn't that make it easier for you to entertain the idea that he's doing something wrong?

People are claiming this is a universal thing. That it shouldn't be ok anywhere. Or at least our "European opinions" about this subject seem to be called wrong.

Seriously, why are people acting like this is a character assassination? If the incident in this video never happened, every single bad thing that people have been saying about him in this thread would still be completely true.

Yes. Every single bad thing would still be true. But those bad things don't make all other things immediately bad.

If you (in the general sense, I'm not singling you out here Airola) are taking offense at the idea that Trump kissing women on the cheek makes him, and by extension, you, a sexual predator at worst and a creep at best, then stop making everything about you. This isn't about you or your culture, this is about an American who has admitted to sexually assaulting women and kissing them whenever he wants.

I accept the idea of kissing on mouth without consent making someone a creep. Or a sexual predator in more exteme cases. I accept the idea of Trump being a creep. But I don't accept the idea of a cheek-kiss being a sexual assault. And especially if people are trying to make it a universal truth.

Now, show me a video where Trump actually forces himself to do sexual things to women or anyone, and he can go to jail for all I care. Let the court prove he is a sexual predator and in jail Trump goes, and rightfully so.

Why can't I give examples from my own life in this subject? If you want this to be a universal moral truth, then it involves my European life too and my examples should be counted as part of the discussion too.


For me, the worst part was that he's just basically up there humiliating her. Saying he should have called her stupid, dumb, etc. And the sexual joke really pushed it over the line.

And regarding the kiss: considering the awkwardness of the entire exchange, I wouldn't even want to shake his hand, let alone be kissed by him. You don't exchange pleasantries with a person after you've just embarrassed them in front of an audience.


Unconfirmed Member
People reacting to this are just reacting to react. Nothing happened in that video. Society is fucking stupid. Reactions like this to a nothing video like that is freaking exactly why someone like trump can run for president and become so popular.

I'm not really concerned about finding another reason to be upset at Trump or using videos like this to bring him down. There's already a million other things to attack Trump with, and we're pretty maxed out on evidence that Trump is a sexist and only the worst of the worst imaginable videos coming out could move the needle on the few hold outs that don't already see trump as scarily sexist.

But it really is troubling that people don't see the problem with this video, and does show how easy it is for people like Trump to get away with truly disgusting stuff.

For instance, people often defend this sort of thing as a european greeting, trump or not, even though Trump isn't european, the woman isn't european, Trump never greats anyone but beautiful women like this, and Trump is on tape talking about how much he loves grabbing and kissing beautiful women because for him and most americans, kissing anyone outside your family is sexual.

Or look at his clear power play to humiliate the woman with his "jokes". The fact that he's using a thin veil to hide those insults doesn't excuse those insults, and doesn't make what he's doing doesn't ok.

It's not just Trump, we have a problem with men of all types getting away with crap like this, and I hope we can use Trump as a learning experience to see the ignored sexism that's going on today.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
For me, the worst part was that he's just basically up there humiliating her. Saying he should have called her stupid, dumb, etc. And the sexual joke really pushed it over the line.

And regarding the kiss: considering the awkwardness of the entire exchange, I wouldn't even want to shake his hand, let alone be kissed by him. You don't exchange pleasantries with a person after you've just embarrassed them in front of an audience.
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