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Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies SPOILER thread | So THAT'S why it's rated M


I wasn't feeling the music for the game at first but boy did that change fast. I really loved the Cornered theme.

I'm only on case 3 so far, but I have to say. Juniper Woods is easily the most attractive female character in the franchise.
What? No. She looks great in case 3 but 1 she looks dumb.

There's an even prettier new character coming up.





How did I not notice that. Interesting watching people inherit things.

Honestly, you know what would have REALLY mind fucked everyone?

If in case 5 the person who got stabbed on their hand by Athena was Kristoph Gavin rofl. It totally crossed my mind for a minute, especially since the scar on his hand was never really explained in AA4, also we never tore down his black psych locks.


Older Mia looks just fine. Girl just needed to not wear that weird Wonder Woman Breast Plate she always wore.

She's not unattractive but she def looks a little weird compared to her younger design. I can't really pinpoint why.

There was always something off about her face. I might be able to blame the rough graphics of the first game but I never really got that off feeling about other characters.


PK Gaming

So i'm just spit-balling some ideas for the next ace attorney game, stop me if I get out of hand.


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i'm sorry


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

Honestly I felt the only thing they needed to do was address the hanging stuff from Apollo Justice like the Jurist System and Kristoph's black locks. Otherwise I was okay. AAI was very cameo heavy, and while I really enjoyed AAI, and as much of AAI2 as I got to play, I think new characters should be brought in over reusing old ones all the time.

Still super excited for Maya in AA6, though.


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

I was fine with it. I might have wanted Pearl, Trucy and maybe Gavin to have a more significant role in the story, but I really was fine with how they were implemented in the end and it let newer characters have more of the spotlight. It could have been a problem if the new characters were terrible, but most of them were great.


So i'm just spit-balling some ideas for the next ace attorney game, stop me if I get out of hand.


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-A famous moderator is banned, but even a banned moderator has a job to do and duties to perform.
-Prepare to tackle a slew of incredible threads!

System wars! Florida threads! Girl sighting threads!

Prove your righteousness or get out, and remember "BELIEVE"

i'm sorry

I love it and where is your avatar from


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

I was a little disappointed by the lack of resolution to certain points of AA4: The Jurist System, Apollo and Trucy's family connection (and their mother), Kristoph's Black Psyche Locks etc. Although to be fair to this game, they did establish that the black locks can be broken, so maybe they'll return to that.

Apart from that, I was fine with it. Edgeworth was introduced and integrated pretty naturally into the narrative, and in a way that didn't detract attention from the newer characters. I am a little disappointed that Trucy and Pearls didn't get a bit more to do, but that can be addressed later.


So i'm just spit-balling some ideas for the next ace attorney game, stop me if I get out of hand.


A forum in ruins...
We now enter the dark age of Neogaf

-Arguments and evidence mean everything now! Losing an internet argument can get you or your client banned!
-Face of against legendary moderators.
"A banned user is moderating a website? How can you even post?!?"
-A famous moderator is banned, but even a banned moderator has a job to do and duties to perform.
-Prepare to tackle a slew of incredible threads!

System wars! Florida threads! Girl sighting threads!

Prove your righteousness or get out, and remember "BELIEVE"

i'm sorry

Ah, the phantom is Evilore, it all makes sense now.
I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

I would have like a little more, but I was also okay with the game standing on its own the way it did. It would have been nice to at least have some acknowledgment of events from the ending of Apollo Justice, though.

I think the focus mostly on new characters worked out to the game's advantage, though. I would hope that we see Ema, Gumshoe and Franziska return in the next game, and for them to follow up on Apollo/Trucy stuff and Kristoph's Black Psyche-Locks.


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

It was certainly much better than AA4's which was quite disappointing due to the lack of many recurring characters outside of anybody that appeared in 1-5.

The lack of Ema was a bit weird. And what happened to Lamiroir (err, Apollo's and Turcy's mom, I feel like I'm completely off with her name)?

EDIT: Just Googled her name.

EDIT2: Well I found my answer: "Phoenix asked whether she would reveal herself to them, and she replied that she would wait for the right moment."


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

I would have liked a few more nods to the stuff that happened in AJ. I think not having Ema or Gumshoe worked fine story wise but I still would have liked to have seen them. I'm actually suprised that Larry and Gumshoe weren't referenced at all, not even vauge ones like Maya in AJ. But I don't really mind overall, it let the new characters have time to really shine.


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

Was it backlash to AAI and AA2? Which were kinda cameo happy?

Honestly, I think thought AAI had way too many cameos (OLLLLDBAGG UGH). And since this wasn't a Takumi game I was cool with some of his pet ideas being left out (and I have a feeling he isn't coming back to the series at all). I'm happy with how it worked. There wasn't room for too many cameos with all the characters needing to be focused on anyway (the three protags).


How so? It makes sense timeline-wise, as I recall.

8 when she debuted in AA2? 1 year to the end of AA3. 8 years since the end of AA3. which would put her directly at 17 like was listed.

Oh of course it makes sense, it's just that I don't feel her appearance/animations changed enough from the timeframe. The one Maya-like animation she had was nice though.


I'm curious, what were everyone's thoughts on the level of connections to past games? Think there should have been more? Less?

Personally I wouldn't have minded a little bit more for the returning characters to do, and a few more direct nods to the events of AJ, but I can respect that they were trying to go for a clean slate, and we did get some pretty great new characters out of it. I guess it just feels a little odd to only have major characters return and then for most of them to have small roles.

I thought they had a good amount of returning characters. They could have handled them a bit better though. Trucy had barely any significance to the plot outside of getting kidnapped, Klavier should have had another appearance outside of case 3, perhaps working with Edgeworth in Case 5, and Edgeworth himself I thought was handled great. His relationship with Wright.
I'm reserving judgment on Pearls since I know she appears in the DLC Case.

As for the unresolved plotpoints from AJ, the only major ones were the Jurist system and Apollo and Trucy being siblings. The latter of those they can easily save for later in the series. And with the Jurist system, I don't get why they didn't mention it. I understand not wanting to affect the gameplay all too much by actually implementing it, but saying something along the lines of "It didn't take off," or "They're still hammering out the details" would have been a much better solution to the complete avoidance of the subject.


Was it backlash to AAI and AA2? Which were kinda cameo happy?

I imagine it kind of was. I've seen this way of thinking described better than I could, but DD feels very reactionary in a lot of ways. Phoenix gets the main role back, Apollo gets a chance to stand on his own, a new protagonist is introduced to keep things fresh, we get one of the most fan-ish complaints of AJ ("Where were Maya/Pearl/Edgeworth/etc.") directly addressed... it wouldn't surprise me if the team recognized they were pushing their cameo fever a bit far in the AAI games and tuned it down on purpose.


Eh, I think it's changed enough and I wouldn't expect much of a wardrobe change given her circumstances.

DLC case spoilers: http://www.court-records.net/screenshot/GS5/gs5-6k.png

That case with her being included with the game from the get-go probably would have changed my opinion, but Capcom gotta make those DLC dollars. :/

As for the unresolved plotpoints from AJ, the only major ones were the Jurist system and Apollo and Trucy being siblings. The latter of those they can easily save for later in the series. And with the Jurist system, I don't get why they didn't mention it. I understand not wanting to affect the gameplay all too much by actually implementing it, but saying something along the lines of "It didn't take off," or "They're still hammering out the details" would have been a much better solution to the complete avoidance of the subject.

Isn't this because Japan was trying out a Jury System at the time as well and it didn't exactly pan out as planned? So trying to just forget about it would make sense in context, haha.


That case with her being included with the game from the get-go probably would have changed my opinion, but Capcom gotta make those DLC dollars. :/

I've been putting off my playthrough of the English version so I can play the DLC case chronologically (after finishing case 2). I'm curious as to how it affects the balance/tone of the game when slotted in like that.

Isn't this because Japan was trying out a Jury System at the time as well and it didn't exactly pan out as planned? So trying to just forget about it would make sense in context, haha.

Well, the jury system (it's actually a bit different, but 'jury system' is easier) is still around, and moderately popular (insofar as a jury system can be). I think they just didn't want to write that story.


Apollo probably broke those in court when he exposed Kristoph's crimes.

I always assumed this was the case until I saw people talking about them as though they were left unexplained in the game. :/

Though, following Pearl's explanation of the black psyche locks, his crimes weren't hidden from even himself, were they? He knew what he did ...


I always assumed this was the case until I saw people talking about them as though they were left unexplained in the game. :/

Though, following Pearl's explanation of the black psyche locks, his crimes weren't hidden from even himself, were they? He knew what he did ...

Kristoph was pretty fucked up. He probably wasn't even consciously aware of why he committed those crimes.


Hmm? I need more details here.

Was quickly browsing through Youtube and apparently there's a couple bad endings you can get in the last case that's not just a standard game over if you fail at certain sections?


Was quickly browsing through Youtube and apparently there's a couple bad endings you can get in the last case that's not just a standard game over if you fail at certain sections?

Holy....shit. I just watched one of them and I'm really depressed now.


Was quickly browsing through Youtube and apparently there's a couple bad endings you can get in the last case that's not just a standard game over if you fail at certain sections?

One of the bad endings is where you fail to prove Blackquill and Athena's innocence.

Blackquill gets executed, Athena is found guilty, Trucy and the other hostages "disappear," Apollo becomes depressed, and Phoenix gives up being a lawyer.


One of the bad endings is where you fail to prove Blackquill and Athena's innocence.

Blackquill gets executed, Athena is found guilty, Trucy and the other hostages "disappear," Apollo becomes depressed, and Phoenix gives up being a lawyer.

Man, the only way to follow that up would be having Von Karma suddenly show up laughing with the text "RETURN OF VON KARMA" popping up Zelda 2 game over screen style.


With the next Ace Attorney game, there is Kristoph Gavin's motivations they could bring back. Maybe he was working behind the scenes to bring about the dark days of the law.

Also there is the whole Trucy, Apollo, Thalassa Gramarye connection.

And if they could slip in some reason for not going ahead with the Jurist system, that would settle that for me :)
Black psyche locks were retconned from Apollo Justice to this game. There is literally no chance that the black psyche locks on Kristoph were ever meant to reveal a dark secret that was hidden even from himself.


Black psyche locks were retconned from Apollo Justice to this game. There is literally no chance that the black psyche locks on Kristoph were ever meant to reveal a dark secret that was hidden even from himself.

Which would make the hypothetical explanation of them in AA6 that much better.

Pearl asks Phoenix what he really thinks of Maya.

Seven Black Psyche-Locks.

End AA6.


Black psyche locks were retconned from Apollo Justice to this game. There is literally no chance that the black psyche locks on Kristoph were ever meant to reveal a dark secret that was hidden even from himself.

Why? As I said before, Kristoph was a fucked up guy. He might not have even been consciously aware of his true motives to crimes he committed.
Why? As I said before, Kristoph was a fucked up guy. He might not have even been consciously aware of his true motives to crimes he committed.

Are you really trying to argue Kristoph the master manipulator was not aware of his various crimes? Lets not retcon one of the few good characters Apollo Justice has in order to explain a retcon of another mechanic in the black psyche locks. Even in a series with insane twist as Ace Attorney there is always evidence and hints of the truth, nothing about Kristoph in AJ made you think "he has a dark secret even he doesn't know about".


Are you really trying to argue Kristoph the master manipulator was not aware of his various crimes? Lets not retcon one of the few good characters Apollo Justice has in order to explain a retcon of another mechanic in the black psyche locks. Even in a series with insane twist as Ace Attorney there is always evidence and hints of the truth, nothing about Kristoph in AJ made you think "he has a dark secret even he doesn't know about".

The locks don't necessarily reflect the crimes he committed in AJ. It's simply something that the user has hidden to themselves that they are unaware of. Even if if were the case that the locks were in fact related to all of the crimes he committed in AJ, it means he likely did some real fucked up shit behind the scenes and that he's purposefully forgotten/pushed out of his mind.
The locks don't necessarily reflect the crimes he committed in AJ. It's simply something that the user has hidden to themselves that they are unaware of. Even if if were the case that the locks were in fact related to all of the crimes he committed in AJ, it means he likely did some real fucked up shit behind the scenes and that he's purposefully forgotten/pushed out of his mind.

Except the locks in question appeared when Wright asked "why did you kill shadi smith" which we found out later was due to revenge for Kristoph being fired by him in favor or Wright. Kristoph even denies knowing that Shadi Smith was Zak. Unless you want to argue he murdered someone over memories he surpressed it doesn't make sense.

The black psyche locks were meant to show that Kristoph would never admit the truth even if evidence was shown in his face. He knew with the laws current system there was no decisive evidence to prove him guilty. The whole point of the jury system was to defeat Kristoph who knew that he held the decisive piece of evidence which made him basically invincible. It is why he basically admits to everything after Apollo presents the copy of the letter because "but do you have the real letter? Without it you have no real proof and the Judge could never find me guilty"

There was no darker secret to his motives or surpressed memories. Kristoph's actions were the same at the time he created the false evidence to bring Phoenix down and sent a poison stamp to kill the forger to seven years later when he killed zak/shadi and framed Phoenix for the murder. The black psyche locks were retconed between Apollo Justice and AA5.
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