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Actors/Actresses who were robbed of an Oscar

The vibe I'm getting in this thread is that the academy should start issuing guidance to voters and try to halt the practice of 'make-up' awards to artists who were edged out in tough years before, because it leads to a domino effect of better films getting shortchanged, causing more 'make-up' awards to get shit out at inappropriate films and performances.

But then again that's me having faith in the academy as a meritocracy. lol


Micky in The Wrestler
Jake in Nightcrawler
Gosling in Drive
Who was nominated in The Departed? Feel like the entire core of that movie should have been nominated.
Scarlett Johansson in Her

WB decided on Whalberg for a supporting nom, and put forth DiCaprio's leading performance in Blood Diamond in hopes it would improve its box office potential (because that movie was tanking).


Here's another Shakespeare in Love theft: Gwyneth Paltrow winning Best Actress over QWEEN Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth.

Harvey Weinstein spent an insane amount of money on Oscar campaigns that year, not in the least of which being the fact that on Shakespeare in Love, he was a producer, which made him directly eligible for an Oscar. But he also spent a crazy amount of money on the campaign for Life is Beautiful too, leading to Roberto Begnini's surprise win in the lead actor category.

Thankfully, there's been a lot less of that recently since TWC seems to be more or less broke, but as always, whenever Harvey is hungry, best clear the way.


Harvey Weinstein spent an insane amount of money on Oscar campaigns that year, not in the least of which being the fact that on Shakespeare in Love, he was a producer, which made him directly eligible for an Oscar. But he also spent a crazy amount of money on the campaign for Life is Beautiful too, leading to Roberto Begnini's surprise win in the lead actor category.

Thankfully, there's been a lot less of that recently since TWC seems to be more or less broke, but as always, whenever Harvey is hungry, best clear the way.

Yeah I heard about that.

I'm actually surprised that's the only Oscar he's gotten (out of only two nominations). Guess he stopped caring about getting one after that.


Gary Oldman, robbed by



semen stains the mountaintops
Yeah, Garfield was decent in that movie but nothing stood out as great. He was much better in Silence.

Casey Affleck was the clear winner last year, his performance made that movie feel like it was more of a ducomentarty than a film. It's not often that a performance makes you feel like you shouldn't be watching these people's personal moments.


Yeah I heard about that.

I'm actually surprised that's the only Oscar he's gotten (out of only two nominations). Guess he stopped caring about getting one after that.

Generally speaking, studio heads tend to take executive producer credits as there are those that see them having a credit as a more direct hand as a bit tasteless as they're going to reap the benefits no matter what, but Harvey is nothing if not opportunistic. He saw his shot and he took it.


Gyllenhaal for almost every performance he's put in. Same for Leo DiCaprio.

When you have at least a handful of nominees then someone who technically deserves the award is bound to miss out, sadly.


Junior Member
Denzel Washington had one of the finest performances of the 90s as Malcolm X. Its an insult that he didn't win that year.
Frankly, Spike should have won best director too, the direction in that movie was Scorsese-like in its execution.

They way I understand it, it's a chain.

Pacino won it that year for Scent of a Woman right (I don't really remember)? Only reason he got it then is because he didn't win it for Godfather II.

Edit: Beaten.
Ellen Burstyn in 2001. She should have won Best Actress for Requiem for a Dream.

Julia Roberts won for Erin Brockovich.

Ellen Burstyn not winning for Requiem and losing to Julia Roberts' good but hardly brilliant performance is probably the biggest miscalculation in Oscar history.

Mickey Rourke lost to Sean Penn because Hollywood hates him and people wanted to make a statement about Prop 8 rather than just reward the best performance.

Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream
This over and over and over. Ellen Burtsyn’s monologue with Jared Leto was haunting. One of the acting performances I’ll never forget.
Denzel Washington had one of the finest performances of the 90s as Malcolm X. Its an insult that he didn't win that year.
Frankly, Spike should have won best director too, the direction in that movie was Scorsese-like in its execution.

Denzel in The Hurricane as well. Incredible performance.


Leonardo DiCaprio should have won Best Supporting Actor for Django Unchained and wasn't even nominated. Christopher Waltz did a fine job, but Leo gave the best and most memorable performance of that film IMO.

That role had some great impact it felt so damn real not only that his bloody was real that made it even better, his performance was outstanding.
Gary Oldman's only been nominated once and it took forever, which is a shame, as he's given a few Oscar worthy performance, but I've heard people in the academy may not even like him. He's likely a shoe-in for The Darkest Hour this year though, which makes up those previous losses.

No idea how Casey Affleck won best actor over Andrew Garfield this year. Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge was beyond insane.

Affleck had more acclaim, and was already the frontrunner. Garfield was fortunate enough to get nominated anyway.

Not acting but Daft Punk not even getting nominated for Tron Legacy score was such a huge oversight that I've lost just about all respect for the academy.

The academy doesn't go for those types of films usually, so it isn't really that surprising.
It’s odd that neither Bette Davis nor Gloria Swanson didn’t win an Oscar for their performances in All About Eve and Sunset Boulevard considering they are two of the most iconic performances ever. Had to have been vote splitting. I would have had a hard time deciding which performance I preferred too but...

Also: Emmanuelle Riva should have won over Jennifer Lawrence.

They allegedly split votes, and Judy Holliday wound up winning it as a result.


I'm not surprised Gary Oldman has never won or has only been nominated once. The man just doesn't seem to work in moves that generally get award noms.
I'm not surprised Gary Oldman has never won or has only been nominated once. The man just doesn't seem to work in moves that generally get award noms.

Yes, but the academy has occasionally gone out of their way to nominate actors for surprise "non baity" performance, and he's given a few that of those kind of performances. I suppose the fact that he's done a lot of paycheck junk film doesn't help, but still.


That role had some great impact it felt so damn real not only that his bloody was real that made it even better, his performance was outstanding.
Kudos on the rest of the cast staying in scene too, especially Kerry Washington. Her disgust and shock was real, to not break character shows how much of a pro she is.


Bill Murray not winning for Rushmore or Lost in Translation really bummed me out as a teenager. As an adult now it still bums me out since he'll likely never win one now. He's a wonderful actor that the old, crusty voters seem to think is still starring in Meatballs.

My heart bleeds for all these overpaid actors.

While I don't doubt that some millionaire actors take their awards a bit too seriously, this thread is more about the meta concept of how actor awards validate our own opinions of their performances.


Stallone not winning for Creed is painful, especially considering it went to the dude from that corny ass Spielberg flick
Eddie Murphy not winning for Dreamgirls

This, omg so much this. He lost to Alan Arkin who was in the vastly overrated little miss sunshine and only in the movie for like 5 minutes. It was a travesty.

Also Viola Davis losing out to Meryl Streep for The Help, Denzel in Malcom X and Fences, Amy Adams not getting nominated for Arrival, Taraji not being nominated for Hidden Figures

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Two recent ones that bothered the fuck out of me.

Aaron Taylor Johnson - Nocturnal Animals

Not even nominated for an oscar! Dude won the golden globe tho. He was fucking amazing in that movie. Career defining performance imo

Stallone - Creed

He should have fucking won. Rylance was good and all, but Stallone probably had the best performance out of anyone I saw that year


Yes, but the academy has occasionally gone out of their way to nominate actors for surprise "non baity" performance, and he's given a few that of those kind of performances. I suppose the fact that he's done a lot of paycheck junk film doesn't help, but still.

Eh, the slumming typically isn't as big a factor. Forrest Whitaker has been in way more bad films than good (usually not his fault, though), and he still won for The Last King of Scotland. I think the thing that hurts Oldman is that he tends to stick to straight genre films more often than not, and we know how much the Academy like those.
Denzel Washington had one of the finest performances of the 90s as Malcolm X. Its an insult that he didn't win that year.
Frankly, Spike should have won best director too, the direction in that movie was Scorsese-like in its execution.

It should have been either Denzel or Clint that year.

Jake Gyllenhaal for Nightcrawler.
Ellen Burstyn for Requiem for a Dream.
Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler.


Gold Member
As Good as it Gets should have won best picture over Titanic... YEAH I SAID THAT

Stallone for Creed
McKellen for Gandalf
Murphy for DreamGirls
Kubrick for every single fucking movie he made for maybe the exception of Eyes Wide Shut
Fellowship of the Ring should have won best picture.
Ridley Scott should have won best Director for Gladiator
Jim Carrey should have won for either Truman Show or Man on the Moon(Man on the Moon in fucking particular btw, such a brilliant performance)
Shakespeare in Love should have beaten Elizabeth for Best Picture.

BIGGEST HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!! Citizen Kain should have won best picture.

Peter O’Stole in fucking everything.. Lost 8 fucking times.


Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler wasn't even nominated. Robbed.

Yeah, totally agree with this one! Jake is already great in everything he does, but his performance in Nightcrawler absolutely nailed the creep factor needed of that character.


Unconfirmed Member
mickey rourke for his performance in the wrester. i truly believe that that is one of the all-time great performances.

no one remembers sean penn's performance.*

*(i have no data to back this fact up)

I thought we won it. Color me shocked.


Gold Member
mickey rourke for his performance in the wrester. i truly believe that that is one of the all-time great performances.

no one remembers sean penn's performance.*

*(i have no data to back this fact up)

Thats a tough one.. Penn's portrayal of Harvey Milk was absolutely fantastic. Its a tough call, coin flip.. Both deserved it.
Kerry Washington, Kurt Russell, John Goodman, Donald Sutherland, Emily Blunt, Jeff Daniels, Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, Danny Glover, Martin Sheen, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce, Julie Delpy, Hope Davis, Mia Farrow, Brain Cox...

All never nominated for an Oscar, not even once.

My personal astounding pick of injustice goes towards on the best films of the 90's getting shut out completely. Heat didn't get nothing. Not even for Sound Effects, and it objectively has the best sounding gunfight in film history.
As Good as it Gets should have won best picture over Titanic... YEAH I SAID THAT

Stallone for Creed
McKellen for Gandalf
Murphy for DreamGirls
Kubrick for every single fucking movie he made for maybe the exception of Eyes Wide Shut
Fellowship of the Ring should have won best picture.
Ridley Scott should have won best Director for Gladiator
Jim Carrey should have won for either Truman Show or Man on the Moon(Man on the Moon in fucking particular btw, such a brilliant performance)
Shakespeare in Love should have beaten Elizabeth for Best Picture.

BIGGEST HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!! Citizen Kain should have won best picture.

Peter O’Stole in fucking everything.. Lost 8 fucking times.

If anything was going to beat out Titanic it should have been LA Confidential.
This may have already been mentioned, but Eli Wallach wasn't even nominated for playing Tuco in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

My thoughts on the Academy anytime an Oscar ceremony is announced:

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