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After reading this, only retards will liken Umbrella Chronicles to Gun Survivor


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
cvxfreak said:
15 minutes. :D

I don't think it's unreasonable going in, but people should realize that there are huge differences and a comparison isn't fair at all. Especially since the GS games have a negative stigma to them.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
CVX`s hotblooded fervor for RE:UC will have you all eating crow! MARK MY WORDS!!


Dangerous Porno Pipeline said:
CVX`s hotblooded fervor for RE:UC will have you all eating crow! MARK MY WORDS!!

:lol I'm not saying REUC is immune from teh suck. Could very well be a dragged out, repetitive game.

I'm just saying it can't possibly suck for the same reasons as the GS games because Umbrella Chronicles actually fixes those problems.

It's all about how well it comes together in the end. UC is looking up in that regard.


Bildi said:
Geez, this thing is going to be useful for the rest of eternity.

Look in my opening post closely. I actually mentioned that pic. :lol

So, to say that Umbrella Chronicles is another Gun Survivor means you need to identify which one. Not that many can do that since those who make the comparison probably haven't played the series anyway. superpapermario.jpg


Deku said:
I haven't been following this game closely and I've only been glancing at the threads. From my observation, it isn't so much that GAF has anything against light gun games but the fact that certain posters are using 'the lightgun genre' as a stealthy way to say "It's not really RE, it will probably suck too."

This is more or less an extension of the 'non-games' rallying cry of months past. If you can't attack a game on quality, imply it isn't really a game or in this case, not really RE. I expect the criticism to continue and intensify if the sales for this game is good.

This is a pretty good and informative thread, please don't ruin it with your usual drivel.


When people say its part of the gun survivor series, they mean its a bullshit RE cashin that has limited playability and just reuses past assets to pass off as a new game.


Deku said:
I haven't been following this game closely and I've only been glancing at the threads. From my observation, it isn't so much that GAF has anything against light gun games but the fact that certain posters are using 'the lightgun genre' as a stealthy way to say "It's not really RE, it will probably suck too."

This is more or less an extension of the 'non-games' rallying cry of months past. If you can't attack a game on quality, imply it isn't really a game or in this case, not really RE. I expect the criticism to continue and intensify if the sales for this game is good.

you are really ****ing reaching dude
kammy said:
When people say its part of the gun survivor series, they mean its a bullshit RE cashin that has limited playability and just reuses past assets to pass off as a new game.

So in other words, when people say it is part of the gun survivor series, they're completely wrong?

Yeah, the OP said it already.


Well, doubts were raised by me to me with respect to this being a bit of a letdown. Just watched the video from gamers day and I'd say there is no cause for concern on my part. Looks like an action-packed romp through the best bits of the original at least. Love the bits with the crimson heads. :)


im glad i never played any of the GS games, maybe that's why im really really looking foward to UC, and was pretty cool when they announced it was on-rails.

i actually compare it a bit with House of the Dead, and i LOVE House of the Dead.


UC is sounding pretty cool. the ability to freely look around with the analog stick as you are moving along the rail is a great idea, because it allows things to sneak up behind you which will increase the tension alot.
The length of the game sounds enormous when you consider that you are being pushed along on rails. with a game that long I seriously doubt that it will be all-out non-stop action like HotD or Time Crisis are. There will probably be alot of times when you are just slowly walking down a dark corridor with nothing happening while you sit there on edge just knowing that some creepy bastard is going to jump out of a window at you sooner or later, which could get pretty tense.
Has there been any mention of a brake button so that you can just stop and look around?
3. The Gun Survivor series had low production values. Umbrella Chronicles has high production values.
One look at the graphics will make this very clear. Gun Survivor 1 reused character models from RE2 (literally); Survivor 2 reused the actual CODE: Veronica engine and assets and didn't even have any voice acting. Gun Survivor 4, once again the best one, actually had a pretty good graphics engine, with some of the best blood effects in the series. But Umbrella Chronicles take last-gen RE graphics to a whole new level without stepping into RE5 territory.

Umbrella Chronicles looks to be reusing assets such as the suits of armour from RE4, and zombie models from REmake, there was also a Crimson Head in the garden in the first batch of screenshots.
I understand what the OP is saying, but you have to understand that it is hard not to compare the two when you are talking about to light-gun shooters made by the same company.


snack said:
I understand what the OP is saying, but you have to understand that it is hard not to compare the two when you are talking about to light-gun shooters made by the same company.

although apparently only one of them was made by capcom.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
snack said:
I understand what the OP is saying, but you have to understand that it is hard not to compare the two when you are talking about to light-gun shooters made by the same company.
But this isn't being made by TOSE or Cavia.


How in the world does REUC reuse previous assets other than the obvious? The visual look isn't exactly the same as the REmake and Zero; they're just very similar because that's the style Capcom's going for. Capcom will end up reusing downscaled character models from the GC games, but let's not forget where RE2 and RE3 come in. To imply that Capcom's whoring old assets for this game is also incorrect.

Ranger X

I'm not excited that much for Umbrella Chronicles but i like a good Resident Evil.
I'm gonna put this on the "try and see" category.


Wow, its amazing the lengths we gamers go get others to agree. If its sunny by you, get out and enjoy the weather :)


the piano man
CVXfreak, your intentions are good, we all can see that but I think I can tell you why your message doesn't get its point across, kind of.

The Resident Evil games are loved because of their particular gameplay, a mix of horror and action adventure 3rd person exploring elemtents. You already know that, I know. Having said that, let's go analyse RE:UC:

THIS game, so far, shows:

.- a 1st person standpoint. Which in the eyes of many diehard RE fans is a total blasphemy or a joke or something bad.
.- The pointer works like a light gun. We haven't seen anything in regards to combat but shooting zombies. It might be fun, who knows, but that's definitely not something a Resident Evil fan is looking forward to do. In fact a big chunk of hardcore resident evil fans, dodge enemies, they don't shoot them.
.- On-rails movement. Exploration, like we now it in traditional resident evil games, goes down the drain. Sure, you can turn around to look for stuff but we are talking about a totaly different gameplay here, not the kind of exploring a resident evil fan wants in their games.

basically, this is a SPINOFF and as such, the game will receive hate. Nintendo fanboys wanted resident evil 5 but they got his and now they are pissed. Simple as that, they will come with whatever argument to show their hate towards this game, one being comparing it to the GS series which maybe more than 80% of said gamers haven't even touched.

You won't we able to stop the hate from all fronts, sorry pal.

to the haters, BUY a PS3 or 360 and get Resident Evil 5, Stop wanting this game to be RE5, it will never be it.


^I'm aiming to minimize the Gun Survivor comparisons and labels. I'm not really going to argue about the game's true questionable merits because they're actually valid criticisms at this point. Gun Survivor redux shouldn't be one of them. :)

Fady K

sphinx said:
to the haters, BUY a PS3 or 360 and get Resident Evil 5, Stop wanting this game to be RE5, it will never be it.

As a Resi freak like cvx myself, i need my RE fix on all consoles. Heck, I even bought the DS iteration. I say its best for RE fans to get both a Wii and a PS3 (or a 360 for the PS3 haters).

CVX, good read, I agree with you. I really look forward to this game, and the fact that it is on-rails actually means to me that the gameplay may be more fitting for a shooter. N the games presentations looks awesome. Ill play this the same way those two awesome actors did in the trailer for RE4wii.
sphinx said:
The Resident Evil games are loved because of their particular gameplay, a mix of horror and action adventure 3rd person exploring elemtents. You already know that, I know. Having said that, let's go analyse RE:UC:

THIS game, so far, shows:

.- a 1st person standpoint. Which in the eyes of many diehard RE fans is a total blasphemy or a joke or something bad.
.- The pointer works like a light gun. We haven't seen anything in regards to combat but shooting zombies. It might be fun, who knows, but that's definitely not something a Resident Evil fan is looking forward to do. In fact a big chunk of hardcore resident evil fans, dodge enemies, they don't shoot them.
.- On-rails movement. Exploration, like we now it in traditional resident evil games, goes down the drain. Sure, you can turn around to look for stuff but we are talking about a totaly different gameplay here, not the kind of exploring a resident evil fan wants in their games.

This, in a nutshell, is why I am skeptical about RE:UC. I'm sure Capcom will port RE5 eventually over to the Wii. Hell, if someone could port RE2 on a cartridge, anything is possible. UC should've been a 360 game. Its seemingly derivative shooter elements would have fit better on that platform.

With that said, perhaps Capcom is just using UC as a vehicle for "testing" ideas they may want to implement into the numbered RE games.


cvxfreak said:
How in the world does REUC reuse previous assets other than the obvious?

They're even reusing the Outbreak environments rather than make new ones for the re3 section.
Whoa did you write all that yourself? Please find something better to do with your time.

The comparison is a perfectly valid one. Both Gun Survivor and UC are (primarily) first person light gun-style games set in the Resident Evil universe. There's no reason to throw a hissy fit just because a few people see some parallels here.
Nightstick11 said:
This, in a nutshell, is why I am skeptical about RE:UC. I'm sure Capcom will port RE5 eventually over to the Wii. Hell, if someone could port RE2 on a cartridge, anything is possible. UC should've been a 360 game. Its seemingly derivative shooter elements would have fit better on that platform.

With that said, perhaps Capcom is just using UC as a vehicle for "testing" ideas they may want to implement into the numbered RE games.
This thread had a good run.


Nightstick11 said:
This, in a nutshell, is why I am skeptical about RE:UC. I'm sure Capcom will port RE5 eventually over to the Wii. Hell, if someone could port RE2 on a cartridge, anything is possible. UC should've been a 360 game. Its seemingly derivative shooter elements would have fit better on that platform.
No one would care about UC on the 360
I love how many of the responses to a long, properly thought out post is "lol get a life", as though people who hang around on a video game message board and make short, grammatically poor, foolish posts are somehow spending their time more efficiently.


miguel_c_hammer said:
Whoa did you write all that yourself? Please find something better to do with your time.

The comparison is a perfectly valid one. Both Gun Survivor and UC are (primarily) first person light gun-style games set in the Resident Evil universe. There's no reason to throw a hissy fit just because a few people see some parallels here.

Thank you for completely missing the point of the whole thread.

DemonSwordsman said:
if the gun survivor games were good, and sold well you can bet your life this would be called gun survivor.

That's true, but the whole reason I made this thread to begin with was because Gun Survivor = negative stigma. The Gun Survivor series, as I demonstrated in the first bullet point, is fairly flexible in terms of gameplay. But the criticisms stem from the connection to the GS games even though a direct comparison just doesn't work.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I love how many of the responses to a long, properly thought out post is "lol get a life", as though people who hang around on a video game message board and make short, grammatically poor, foolish posts are somehow spending their time more efficiently.

Not only that, but they're saying it to a dedicated RE fan who has actually played pretty much every RE game, written FAQs (assuming it's the same cvxfreak, of course!) and knows the development background of the titles under discussion.

Disagreeing with what he's written is one thing, but sneering at him for writing it is pretty sad.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, ok, it's not Gun Survivor. Sadly, it's not House of the Dead either. Going by the IGN videos, so far it looks good, but just looks boring to play. The bullets don't leave any marks, no holes through the zombies, and the animation looks very blah at this point. The environments look good, and there's destructible objects, but shooting the zombies themselves doesn't look all that fun. =(

I mean, you already took away the player's freedom, and locked the perspective, so you have to give the player alot to see and do when killing the enemies. Hopefully, they can do that. They said it would be 15-20 hours long, but I'm not buying that at all. This is due for summer release, so I'm not all that faithful they will make it interesting to kill throughout the whole game. My friend just got a Wii so I'll borrow it and give it a rent though.
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