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All New, All Different Marvel Begins This Fall

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Can someone please explain to me these weird ass comic book stories and why there are so many series reboots? Is there any continuity?

I've never read a comic book in my life - although a couple have interested me - it all seems all too overwhelming.

I picked up Kingdom Come from the library as it caught my eye but I honestly don't know how one is able to keep up with all the stories.

There was a bread about comic book continuity the other day that should provide some answers.

Basically, Marvel has never done a reboot and it looks like this isn't entirely one either. Basically they're shaking up the status quo a bit and restarting every single series to issue #1 in an attempt to create an entry point for new readers. However, the events of the Marvel Universe for the last 50+ years still happened. That said, you don't really need to know any history to jump in. Continuity doesn't matter all that much.


Junior Member
There was a bread about comic book continuity the other day that should provide some answers.

Basically, Marvel has never done a reboot and it looks like this isn't entirely one either. Basically they're shaking up the status quo a bit and restarting every single series to issue #1 in an attempt to create an entry point for new readers. However, the events of the Marvel Universe for the last 50+ years still happened. That said, you don't really need to know any history to jump in. Continuity doesn't matter all that much.
I see.

To be honest I think it's much more easier to read an event which comes in one book, I would much rather do that. Are there any that are worth reading?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Basically. It's still Lemire and Perez and they're starting over from issue #1 even though they've only done one story arc over five issues.

Don't know why they didn't just hold off on starting this new one. Seems so pointless.


I see.

To be honest I think it's much more easier to read an event which comes in one book, I would much rather do that. Are there any that are worth reading?

Most events are compiled into one book, but the issue with events is that they tend to draw on continuity the most. Kingdom Come is a good place to start since it's an "Elsewhere" story, meaning it doesn't take place within the main DC continuity. You might not know who some characters are, but it's no big deal. Kingdom Come was one of the first DC comics I read.

As for good, limited run single-trade superhero books, I'd recommend:

All-Star Superman
Superman: Birthright
Batman: The Long Halloween


What? I thought that it was based on a mobile game.
Nope, everything marvel releases in other media is based of something in comics. #itsallconnected

When did Spider-Man get boobs?
Best damn Spider Woman ever

I'll probably give new Guardians a chance. I can do it for Kitty.

Any idea what's up with All-New Hawkeye? Is that really Old Man Barton? Not sure how that's supposed to work with regular Clint running around with the New Avengers.

Also, got a question for Slayven... Might be better to make a thread though...
So can one of you post all the released hip hop album variant covers and the albums they are referencing?

They haven't posted them all yet, they will be 50+



What's the F4's relationship with the X-Men?

I saw in an article last week Reed and Susan had X-Men at their wedding, but I notice a general lack of them appearing in X-books which seems odd to me given Franklin is a mutant, right?

I still haven't read the first Illuminati series, but I'm assuming Reed and Xavier were on good terms. Did Xavier want Franklin at the school? As smart as Reed is, isn't it odd Franklin never spends time with what's technically his own people?

Just curious how all that works and if they've ever gone into it. Franklin is potentially the most powerful mutant, but not even Cyke ever mentions him from what I can tell. It's strange there isn't even passing mention of him/his power/his potential when the X-Men are so often dealing with threats to the race as a whole.


No Scrubs
What's the F4's relationship with the X-Men?

I saw in an article last week Reed and Susan had X-Men at their wedding, but I notice a general lack of them appearing in X-books which seems odd to me given Franklin is a mutant, right?

I still haven't read the first Illuminati series, but I'm assuming Reed and Xavier were on good terms. Did Xavier want Franklin at the school? As smart as Reed is, isn't it odd Franklin never spends time with what's technically his own people?

Just curious how all that works and if they've ever gone into it. Franklin is potentially the most powerful mutant, but not even Cyke ever mentions him from what I can tell. It's strange there isn't even passing mention of him/his power/his potential when the X-Men are so often dealing with threats to the race as a whole.

Honestly, the whole reason for the school is to protect and train mutants. Reed can do both of those things for Franklin, and do them better. Besides, Cyke knows better than to try and recruit the kid. Imagine if something happened, Sue would be on the warpath and that's something he would want no part of. Or god forbid Reed. Those are the last two people you want pissed at you.


What's the F4's relationship with the X-Men?

I saw in an article last week Reed and Susan had X-Men at their wedding, but I notice a general lack of them appearing in X-books which seems odd to me given Franklin is a mutant, right?

I still haven't read the first Illuminati series, but I'm assuming Reed and Xavier were on good terms. Did Xavier want Franklin at the school? As smart as Reed is, isn't it odd Franklin never spends time with what's technically his own people?

Just curious how all that works and if they've ever gone into it. Franklin is potentially the most powerful mutant, but not even Cyke ever mentions him from what I can tell. It's strange there isn't even passing mention of him/his power/his potential when the X-Men are so often dealing with threats to the race as a whole.

They never had a real deep relationship, they crossed over a few times, and Wolverine did traumatize the THing that one time. But they were never close like the F4 are with Spiderman or even the Avengers.

Think of Superheroics as an industry, everybody might now OF everyone else in the field, but not everyone is going to be buddy buddy. Sue is too much of a helicopter parent to allow Franklin to go X-men school. Hell he had to sneak out when he was a member of The Power Pack.


Honestly, the whole reason for the school is to protect and train mutants. Reed can do both of those things for Franklin, and do them better. Besides, Cyke knows better than to try and recruit the kid. Imagine if something happened, Sue would be on the warpath and that's something he would want no part of. Or god forbid Reed. Those are the last two people you want pissed at you.

Right, Cyke is a lunatic anyway. I'm more interested in what Charles thought.

Because if Franklin is as powerful as stated, I think the X-Men deserve to be kept in the loop on how his powers grow. He warps reality, right? After House of M, I would make it a point to keep tabs on the kid.

They never had a real deep relationship, they crossed over a few times, and Wolverine did traumatize the THing that one time. But they were never close like the F4 are with Spiderman or even the Avengers.

Think of Superheroics as an industry, everybody might now OF everyone else in the field, but not everyone is going to be buddy buddy. Sue is too much of a helicopter parent to allow Franklin to go X-men school. Hell he had to sneak out when he was a member of The Power Pack.

I see.


Xavier has proven time and time again he is the last person to call to help with a uber powerful mutant.

Scarlet Witch

Top tier mutants he had failed a myriad of ways.
Whats everyones consensus on which Avengers run to get? Im currently reading through New/Avengers and Infinity then Secret Wars. Is there a direct continuation? As from what I can tell Hickman is no longer writing any Avengers.


Whats everyones consensus on which Avengers run to get? Im currently reading through New/Avengers and Infinity. Is there a direct continuation?

What you're reading right now leads into Secret Wars. As a matter of fact, the very first issue of Secret Wars is the actual, proper last issue to both Avengers/New Avengers. We're headed towards a definitive end for that material.

I'm looking forward to New Avengers and Ultimates because Ewing is hella good. I'll give the main book a chance because Waid is decent, but I'm not really thrilled about having three teens on the team and apparently not much of a budget backing it.


Junior Member
Xavier has proven time and time again he is the last person to call to help with a uber powerful mutant.

Scarlet Witch

Top tier mutants he had failed a myriad of ways.
Wanda isn't a mutant


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Xavier has proven time and time again he is the last person to call to help with a uber powerful mutant.

Scarlet Witch

Top tier mutants he had failed a myriad of ways.

Who was the last omega trained at the charles xavier/ jean grey school? Quire?
What's the F4's relationship with the X-Men?

I saw in an article last week Reed and Susan had X-Men at their wedding, but I notice a general lack of them appearing in X-books which seems odd to me given Franklin is a mutant, right?

I still haven't read the first Illuminati series, but I'm assuming Reed and Xavier were on good terms. Did Xavier want Franklin at the school? As smart as Reed is, isn't it odd Franklin never spends time with what's technically his own people?

Just curious how all that works and if they've ever gone into it. Franklin is potentially the most powerful mutant, but not even Cyke ever mentions him from what I can tell. It's strange there isn't even passing mention of him/his power/his potential when the X-Men are so often dealing with threats to the race as a whole.

Wolverine was a member of the Fantastic Four once!

Whats everyones consensus on which Avengers run to get? Im currently reading through New/Avengers and Infinity then Secret Wars. Is there a direct continuation? As from what I can tell Hickman is no longer writing any Avengers.

Secret Wars is the end. I think whatever they do next is going to be completely different. If you're looking for another good Avengers run read the Busiek/Perez one.


Oh okay thanks.

Wouldn't her ponytail be a weak point?

Can you post all of the available ones and the albums they are referencing?
It was the 90s, everyone had weird hair. I will look for a site that has them all

Who was the last omega trained at the charles xavier/ jean grey school? Quire?
I always forget Quire, I was going to say Xorn but the recons on him/them makes my head hurt.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Xavier fucked up with another omega mutant in the latest Uncanny run. Name escapes me, but Xavier tries to make him forget he has powers and it works until (Conveniently) His will is found and he asks the X-Men to keep an eye on him.

And everybody dies.


Cyke has Goldalls, the time chick, and the medic kid. But Goldballs might be omega plus.

Uncanny #35:
They actually just went back to the JG school. Realized they couldn't be a team without the adults, so technically Storm has them now. Eva is still gone though.
I'm reading up on what happened to Prof X since he died and I just got to this (axis spoilers)

During the AXIS storyline, a fragment of Professor X's psyche (which had escaped the scrubbing of his memories) still existed in Red Skull's mind preventing him from unleashing the full potential of Professor X's powers.[120] During a fight with the Stark Sentinels, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch attempt to cast a spell to invert the axis of Red Skull's brain and bring out the fragment of Professor X to defeat Onslaught. Doctor Strange was targeted and captured by the Sentinels before they could cast the spell.[121] When Magneto arrived with his supervillain allies, Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch attempted to cast the inversion spell again and Red Onslaught was knocked unconscious and reverted to his Red Skull form. Although they did not know whether Professor X was now in control, the Avengers decided to be cautious and take Red Skull to Stark Tower.[121] It was later revealed that the spell had actually caused all the heroes and villains present to undergo a "moral inversion" rather than simply bringing out Professor X in the Skull, with the result that the Skull and other villains became heroic while the Avengers and X-Men present became villainous.[122] Eventually, the inversion was undone.[123]

That may be the dumbest thing I've ever read.


I'm reading up on what happened to Prof X since he died and I just got to this (axis spoilers)

During the AXIS storyline, a fragment of Professor X's psyche (which had escaped the scrubbing of his memories) still existed in Red Skull's mind preventing him from unleashing the full potential of Professor X's powers.[120] During a fight with the Stark Sentinels, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch attempt to cast a spell to invert the axis of Red Skull's brain and bring out the fragment of Professor X to defeat Onslaught. Doctor Strange was targeted and captured by the Sentinels before they could cast the spell.[121] When Magneto arrived with his supervillain allies, Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch attempted to cast the inversion spell again and Red Onslaught was knocked unconscious and reverted to his Red Skull form. Although they did not know whether Professor X was now in control, the Avengers decided to be cautious and take Red Skull to Stark Tower.[121] It was later revealed that the spell had actually caused all the heroes and villains present to undergo a "moral inversion" rather than simply bringing out Professor X in the Skull, with the result that the Skull and other villains became heroic while the Avengers and X-Men present became villainous.[122] Eventually, the inversion was undone.[123]

That may be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

You never read Good Ol Boy Carnage


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm reading up on what happened to Prof X since he died and I just got to this (axis spoilers)

During the AXIS storyline, a fragment of Professor X's psyche (which had escaped the scrubbing of his memories) still existed in Red Skull's mind preventing him from unleashing the full potential of Professor X's powers.[120] During a fight with the Stark Sentinels, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch attempt to cast a spell to invert the axis of Red Skull's brain and bring out the fragment of Professor X to defeat Onslaught. Doctor Strange was targeted and captured by the Sentinels before they could cast the spell.[121] When Magneto arrived with his supervillain allies, Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch attempted to cast the inversion spell again and Red Onslaught was knocked unconscious and reverted to his Red Skull form. Although they did not know whether Professor X was now in control, the Avengers decided to be cautious and take Red Skull to Stark Tower.[121] It was later revealed that the spell had actually caused all the heroes and villains present to undergo a "moral inversion" rather than simply bringing out Professor X in the Skull, with the result that the Skull and other villains became heroic while the Avengers and X-Men present became villainous.[122] Eventually, the inversion was undone.[123]

That may be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Yeah, Axis was pretty awful.

It had some good stories come of it like Deadpool and Carnage, but yeah.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm reading up on what happened to Prof X since he died and I just got to this (axis spoilers)

During the AXIS storyline, a fragment of Professor X's psyche (which had escaped the scrubbing of his memories) still existed in Red Skull's mind preventing him from unleashing the full potential of Professor X's powers.[120] During a fight with the Stark Sentinels, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch attempt to cast a spell to invert the axis of Red Skull's brain and bring out the fragment of Professor X to defeat Onslaught. Doctor Strange was targeted and captured by the Sentinels before they could cast the spell.[121] When Magneto arrived with his supervillain allies, Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch attempted to cast the inversion spell again and Red Onslaught was knocked unconscious and reverted to his Red Skull form. Although they did not know whether Professor X was now in control, the Avengers decided to be cautious and take Red Skull to Stark Tower.[121] It was later revealed that the spell had actually caused all the heroes and villains present to undergo a "moral inversion" rather than simply bringing out Professor X in the Skull, with the result that the Skull and other villains became heroic while the Avengers and X-Men present became villainous.[122] Eventually, the inversion was undone.[123]

That may be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

... Yeah. We try not to talk about Axis.


We should have retired this super-thread when we got public solicitations.

Hopefully the next ANAD Marvel news we get is moved into its own thread.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Some of you guys are going to be disappointed when Marvel just ignores Rage of Ultron post ANAD.

honestly, id rather my pym not floating in space. but at the same time, i bet they use that to be without him for a while.


well, its not like they would be reading ant man for pym. him being there and not being old would probably confuse them too.

That's what I meant. Maybe Pym will get white Nick Fury'd for awhile for the sake of those mythical movie audience crossover customers.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
That's what I meant. Maybe Pym will get white Nick Fury'd for awhile for the sake of those mythical movie audience crossover customers.

turned into a mystical being in space? i hope not. he needs to help raise william
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