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All-time favorite movie/television scenes

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We all have a favorite scene from a movie or television show, one that stays in your head long after you've finished watching. More often than not, when you think of that movie/show, that particular scene is the one which comes to mind. For some people, it could be an intense action scene; for others, a simple conversation between two characters. Here are a few stand-outs for me, though I'm sure I'm forgetting many.

Inglourious Basterds - Opening Scene

Everything about this scene is perfect. A sense of dread is palpable from the very moment a Nazi car pulls up to the Lapadite farm. You know something bad is going to happen, but you're not sure what. Even little things, like Landa asking for milk, instills a sense of creepiness to his character and his motivations. Seeing the strong, stoic Lapadite broken down and reduced to tears in front of Landa is probably one of the most intense scenes in the movie. Love it.

Inglourious Basterds - Bar Scene

Yes, another scene from Inglourious Basterds. Like the above, this scene is driven entirely by dialogue, yet dripping with tension. Anything that can go wrong does go wrong in this scene. What was supposed to be a quiet and solitary meeting becomes anything but, as unforeseen characters intrude upon the protagonists. The serious nature of the scene is actually heightened by the game the Gestapo officer forces the Basterds to play, as the longer they're forced to stay at the bar, the more likely they are to blow their cover. A long scene, but it feels anything but.

Breaking Bad - "Stay out of my territory"

When I think of Breaking Bad, I think of this scene. It's when meek and milquetoast Walter White finally takes charge of his Heisenberg persona, becoming too badass to handle. The music is perfect, as is Cranston's acting. Here's the scene for those interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLMF7p8hO7A

An honorable mention would be the warfare scene at the end of Children of Men, but I decided to stop at three. So, guys, what are your favorite scenes? I realize we had a thread like this at the beginning of the year, but I figure there might be some new responses this time around.


My favorite scene ever is in Inland Empire, although I'm not a huge fan of the film. It's the scene with the stabbing.
My favorite scene from any movie ever is the scene in Boogie Nights where they go to Rahad Jackson's house to sell him fake coke.

Sister Christian, Cosmo with the firecrackers, the long close up shot of Dirk's face, Tom Jane stealing the scene....love it.

Also my favorite movie ever.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Pretty fucking hard to pick from my favorite movie ever but I'll go with this one...


So great <3

Pulp Fiction final scene for those who don't know.


I'm going obscure because I know most of my scenes will be mentioned.

A Bronx Tale- Scene with the bikers in the bar. ([Click]"Now youse can't leave")

I love this movie for a lot of great scenes.
Jayzus said:
The Wire


It's always sunny in Phili

Spartacus Blood and Sand


We need specific scenes...

here is one : Wrath of Khan, Kirk screaming "KHANNNNN!!!" The peak of Trek cheesiness and awesomness.


Okay, I'll be unoriginal first and mention this scene from the Wire. It's Snoop Pearson buying a nail gun at the hardware store.

And to be more original, I love this scene from 'Allo 'Allo where Lieutenant Grüber makes his first appearance. Even after having seen it a hundred times, it's still hilarious to me.

big ander

Just some TV for now. Here's what I could think of:

The Shield
Shane kills Lem
The Shield
Vic breaks down at the end of season 1
The Shield
The Barn parties as and IAD agent walks by Vic and Monica cries on her couch
George Mason sacrifices himself
The IT Crowd
Roy in the handicapped bathroom
Jack dies next to vincent
Charlie dies
Breaking Bad
Walt kills those drug dealers for Jesse
Breaking Bad
The final scene of Grilled as they fight off Tuco
Jeff decides against talking to Pierce about his mom
Troy and Abed sing "Somewhere Out There" as Chang dances with his wife
Troy and Jeff talk on the football field about Troy going back to football
Arrested Development
They get taught a lesson at the end of Pier Pressure
Party Down: There is no one single moment.
the finale
Twist at the end of My Screw Up

I'm sure I have more.


I have a lot of scenes in my head that I absolutely love, but the one that stands out at the moment is from American Dad!:

American Dad! Season 4, Episode 17:
I don't want to spoil anything by being too specific, so here goes:

The opening dream of 8 1/2

Late Spring, at the end where the father's peeling the apple.

Ugetsu Monogatari, when he returns home.

The very beginning of The Wire. "If he always stole the money, why'd you let him play?" "You got to, this is America, man."


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

It's a heavily flawed film, but the opening to this is one of the most dreadful things I've ever seen. If Aliens was a shelf of fine China, this intro takes it and knocks the whole fucking thing over in a violent rage. The music combined with the art design (especially the monk scene in the assembly cut where the doctor sees the EEV crash) create an atmosphere of total despair within the first 5 minutes. This film had no revelations in respect to introducing a new creature, yet it still managed to keep an alien air of mystery. As a huge fan of the entire Alien series, this opening remains my favorite scene, despite Aliens being my favorite movie period.
I can't answer this off the cuff. Would require a lot of thought.

But right now the scene springing to mind is Schindler's schmoozing of all the Nazi officers at the ballroom in the opening of Schindler's List.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The final scene of Last of the Mohicans.

Incredible, rousing, building music, a ton of adventure and action compressed into a couple of minutes - the entire story of the movie and the characters is compressed into a single sprint, with a redemption, a sacrifice, a love story, a revenge story, a culture's demise and a very slight twist (in the fight with Magua) all in this short, visceral, thrilling sequence.



listen to the mad man

National Cathedral -> Mr President, will you be seeking re-election "Brothers in Arms" montage, Two Cathedrals, The West Wing


Stumpokapow said:

National Cathedral -> Mr President, will you be seeking re-election "Brothers in Arms" montage, Two Cathedrals, The West Wing
It is the best episode of TV I've ever seen.
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