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Am I the only person that prefers human Ganon over Pig Ganon?


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Especially his design as a human in Ocarina of Time was so dope and imposing, and that laugh....

Only for him to transform into...a big ass warthog. I mean come on man. I get that that's the form we were introduced to first since Zelda began so its the original but I personally don't like it, it seems backwards in terms of "intimidation factor"...you got this huge, swole ass dark skinned warlock with fire orange hair and then he's like "nawl this ain't my final form" and turns into Pumbaa with a trident. I'm not feeling it. He seems like he should morph into a Hydra or something resembling whatever depiction of Satan. I would have liked it better if his beastly form was retconned into something else in Ocarina of Time and carried onto all the other games that displayed his human form first.

If not that, just keep him human. He's scary enough as is.


I can see it if you're comparing OoT Ganondorf to other depictions of Ganon in other games, but OoT Ganon? Hell no, that form was incredibly badass.


I think his human form has a nice design, but i think i prefer his original design due to nostalgic reasons. I also dont like the name "Ganondorf".
I agree with you, and this is coming from a super old school Zelda fan for whom OoT never quite lived up to its predecessors. Despite my love for the first three games, human Ganon as seen in OoT/WW/TP is the better and more iconic representation to me.


The TP escalation was probably my favorite set, though, as good as OoT is.

Controlled Zelda fight -> Pig Ganon -> Horseback fight -> Traditional sword fight


*pushes glasses up nose*

There's no such thing as "human ganon." That's Ganondorf ... hey, wait -- quit giving me atomic wedgies!


I personally can't stand human Ganon. He just comes across as really dull in both appearance and personality. Pig Ganon is a much better contrast to Link and Zelda to me.


Ganondorf > Ganon

I'm biased though since OoT was my first Zelda. I really dislike the old very pig-like design of Ganon.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Hope Ganon is a women in BotW and tries to seduce Link. Only to transform into the Beast... poor Link.
Pig Ganon feels more refreshing: it's cartoony hand has a great design, IF we count TP out, wich had a pretty bad pig honestly.
Ganon from OoT was the perfect balance though.
I feel like human Ganon is the most popular incarnation, especially with the recetn 3D games, but I like the idea of him being a big monster instead of a human sized guy.

Thats why I love the idea of Calamity Ganon in BotW. It's not even a "he", its just this malevolent force of nature.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Never been a fan of Pig Ganon. TP Ganondorf is my favourite (unless we're counting Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf in which case he wins hand down.)


never left the stone age
I can see it if you're comparing OoT Ganondorf to other depictions of Ganon in other games, but OoT Ganon? Hell no, that form was incredibly badass.

OOT Piggu was fucking great. Wind Waker Ganondorf was great too, nice to see a human side of him tbh. That's why I'm now banking for Old Manondorf in BotW

At least can we all agree that this one sucks?


Well yeah, he was an arrogant shithead in TP.
I like both.

I perfer Ganon as a final boss tho, then again Wind Waker has my favorite final boss battle.

It's really rare for me to like the main villians human and monster form. I feel most can't pull it off
...This is sort of weird, considering I usually wish he'd be more unique in Smash Bros., but the way he fights in Smash currently would actually be something I'd like to see in Zelda? If Ganondorf has to show up in his Gerudo form then make him physically intimidating, the kind of guy that would put Link in a headlock rather than engage him in a sword fight. Very rarely Link has to fight anyone who actually knows how to fight, let alone anyone fighting unarmed.

Ganondorf has infinitely more potential than the big lumbering swine. That said, they have to make use of that. Wind Waker did... and I'd say Twilight Princess definitely did not. All the same, it's nice for Dorf to have that beast mode to fall into if needs be.
Human incarnations are more deceptive, manipulative, even political. Pig incarnations are just expressions of raw power and anger. So yeah i prefer human incarnations of Ganon.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Why not just say Ganondorf over Ganon. The distinction exists for a reason :)

I don't like calling him Ganondorf...it just rolls off less imposing to me and sounds like Tolkien character's name. I know there's a distinction but to me he'll always be just Ganon...whether pig or human.


I get that Ganondorf was originally meant to be a homage to Hokuto no Ken's Raoh, but I never felt that same sense of "badass unstoppable conqueror" that Raoh embodied, in Ganondorf. And the only time he ever came across as remotely sympathetic as Raoh ended up being in his Wind Waker incarnation.

So, that said, I never really cared for Ganondorf. Ganon the Blue Boar always came off as more of a straight to the point Demon King. Finding out he was based off of Zhu Bajie from Journey to the West (much like how Bowser was originally based off of the Ox King) was something I always found was a nice touch.

I earnestly hope that Breath of the Wild will show us the Blue Boar again. He's due for a legit appearance in a 3D console Zelda game.


formerly nacire
Ganon's beast form in TP is one of my favorites. Probably second to his final form in OoT followed by his human form in WW.
Is Ganon even a thing other than a temporary transformation at this point?

I don't mind Ganondorf but I dislike how Nintendo just kept sticking with him through future games. When OoT was released it was the one that was set in the earliest part of the timeline back then, and Ganondorf was part of Ganon's origin story. Seeing him become Ganon at the very end was the completion of the origin into the Ganon pig-monster he was known as.

Then in WW he appeared as a human for no real reason, and in subsequent Zeldas he was still human. Nintendo just liked the character better I guess. TP was the worst rendition, mostly because becoming Ganon was just another thing in his magic repertoire. Yawn.

Toss this into the pile of Nintendo Flanderizing its characters along with babifying Yoshi and anime-fying Samus.


Yeah, but when he's a human, he's not Ganon, he's -

*pushes glasses up nose*

There's no such thing as "human ganon." That's Ganondorf ... hey, wait -- quit giving me atomic wedgies!

oh, nevermind. This has been brought up.

Ganon's beast form is basically a corruption of him once he usually has been given immense power from the Triforce. You can look like Pumbaa with a trident when you've got unlimited power.


Ganondorf is technically cooler looking, I'll give you that.

BUT pig Ganon just feels like a man so evil he's no longer even remotely human. He's a foul beast.


Both are boss as fuck. I do lean bit towards human Ganon since I love fighting a human sized enemies in games and it feels more personal when you are face to face dueling it out.


OoT Ganon is great! Timeless design, in my opinion.

Sort of related: I've realized that modern versions of OoT (3DS, Virtual Console) don't really capture the spectacle of the final boss fight as well as the original hardware does, simply because there's no slowdown when Ganon transforms into his badass pig self.

Seeing the frame rate slow to a crawl was actually pretty cool! It was as if your N64 was struggling under the awesome power of the great Ganon!
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