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Amazon no longer selling Versus XIII?


I think she mostly does beautiful melodies and atmospheric/battle music and is excellent piano pieces.so I am very excited to see her contribution in versus.

I hated the vocals in XIII-2 :/ I think the music in the game was so uneven...I liked everything by Hamauzu and some others like Dash ,Caius and Noel's theme.But some area music was just so unlikeable (Oerba, Sunleth waterscape, sunny archylte steppe)

I can see how it's not for everyone, but I loved almost all the tracks with vocals. It was such a different direction for the series, and some of those were so good they could have been radio hits on their own and not just part of an OST. I don't think that would fit Versus very well, but I thought the experimentation was neat for XIII-2.

I have no idea what they'll do for LR, and that excites me. Hamauzu, Mizuta, Suzuki and one of the guys from Language.

They said something on the SQEX music blogs about indian drumming (probably for the desert area) and some famous Japanese female drummer contributing as well.

I think troy baker made me hate snow. He was just so obnoxious...I guess its probably cuz snow IS an obnoxious idiot..Baker did a an excellent job with James sunderland in silent hill 2 though.Thoroughly enjoyed him.

Yeah, Snow was obnoxious at times, and I put a lot of that on Baker. I wasn't into his Ryu Hayabusa in Ninja Gaiden 3. He's good, but I can always tell it's him. Laura Bailey can sound totally different and has way more range.


I can't think of any well-known names I'd actually like to see in the game. I'd rather not hear Yuri or JYB outside of side characters perhaps. Troy Baker doesn't bug me as much as some as I honestly don't think I've played too many games with him there (I've yet to play Vesperia or Infinite for instance).

I'm trying to think of a good Noctis out of known VAs, but no one stands out in my mind.

I thought XIII's dub was pretty good overall. My favorite may have been Sazh. Just...no one like Vanille. Actually, I wonder what other members of the cast there will be as we don't really have any inkling on members of the party outside of Noctis and his friends.

Edit: Oh god, I forgot he was Snow actually. I hated Snow more than anyone else in that game. Baker was part of that I suppose, but there really wasn't much there to work with in the first place.


Yeah, Snow was obnoxious at times, and I put a lot of that on Baker. I wasn't into his Ryu Hayabusa in Ninja Gaiden 3. He's good, but I can always tell it's him. Laura Bailey can sound totally different and has way more range.

oh yeah Laura Bailey has tons of range. Helena in RE6 is pretty much 100% different from Serah. I also thought her performance with serah was excellent.
I'm hoping this game ends up blowing everyone away. Lost Odyssey was the last good Final Fantasy game I think... And even that's questionable. I really enjoyed playing through FF9 earlier this year via PSN.

I suppose even if an E3 reveal is awesome there's a very good chance the game is going to be questionable given the horrendous production/development time line.
I'm just trying to find a kinder word than "bad." It's not really bad, but I'm just not that into her stuff. When I listen to Uematsu, I hear some of the catchiest tunes ever with great melodies; especially FFVI and FFIX. When I listen to Mizuta, I hear a musical chameleon, who can take on almost any style, whether it's Uematsu's super catchy melodic style like he did with over 180 tracks in FFXI, or orchestral stuff similar to Hamauzu like he did in XIII-2, or even fantastic pop music like he did in XIII-2. When I listen to Hamauzu, I hear someone really at a master level in orchestration and piano composition, with the ability to mix in interesting ambient and aggressive electronic tracks as well.

When I listen to Shimomura, I can't point to anything she's really doing that I feel is at the ultimate AAA top tier level. Dearly Beloved is great. Guile's Theme is great. Pain of Assault is great. But most of the other tracks that fill out her OSTs don't grab me, personally, and I never find myself compelled to listen over and over.

I'm hoping that she was bound by a more Disney-esque style on KH so that doesn't reflect her true style. I'm hoping that some of the other things like Radiant Historia and Xenoblade were just kind of smaller projects that she didn't put everything into. Versus seems like her biggest OST opportunity ever in some ways, so I'm kinda expecting her to put out her best work. That's basically what Hamauzu and Mizuta did when they got a shot at the FF series. Both did a lot of OSTs before that.

Her 3rd Birthday stuff makes me the most optimistic, because it's dark, it's aggressive, it's really interesting musically and it mixes in really well produced electronic stuff with orchestration.

I know she has tons of fans though and lots of people won't agree with me, and they love Somnus. That's totally fine. I hope you guys love it too.

Well you certainly have a.... "unique" opinion about everything. That much we do know.

But I find it funny how one can love XIII and XIII-2 OST's and still rail against Shimomura but hey if it had to be someone...

Shumomura's music links

Dearly Beloved

Fate of the Unknown

Xions Theme

Ventus' Theme

Aqua's Theme

Terra's Theme

Roxas Theme

Namine's Theme


Well you certainly have a.... "unique" opinion about everything. That much we do know.

But I find it funny how one can love XIII and XIII-2 OST's and still rail against Shimomura but hey if it had to be someone...

Shumomura's music links









Her best music was in KH2...Can really tear me up.


Ok, I have a question about that. Are the airship sequences part of an overworld map or is everything 1:1? Like, is the map you run on the same map you can fly the airship? Meaning, if you're in an airship, you have the ability to fly over the same cities/towns that you can walk in.

I think, technically, the map for the airship is a separate map from the actual one you walk on, but you CAN fly the airship around it. It isn't SUPER important because from the sky, Orience isn't very big, being only one landmass. Then again, it takes a LONG time to walk the whole of Orience, and so, rather than expending Chocobos or paying gil, you can use your airship (which carries over into New Game +!) to get places quickly or reach the areas you cannot reach by foot, chocobo, or ferry. Namely the Desert, the Valley of Marlboros, and the Tower of Agito. There's also an ocean fortress you have to go to for an optional mission, but I don't remember if you MUST have the airship to reach it.


You can pair Shimomura's music with a lot of things and it would either give you "the feels" or get you super pumped! Two examples:

Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration

KH2 Final Mix Secret Ending

The secret ending is super amazing, and I've always loved that. The music there is really pretty great for that cutscene, and they mix it in really, really well with the video. The part with the main piano melody kicking in at 1:11 is the best part. As I said, she's definitely not bad, but for me personally, I just don't know if I would listen to it away from the game quite as much as some of the other stuff.

XIII's OST is just on a different level for me. I could probably write a book on it, but just taking Saber's Edge, the music just blows me away. I just try to imagine the force of a full orchestra playing that live. If you listen to the actual CD and not listen on youtube, and if you listen with a pair of fairly nice headphones, the sound quality on the whole OST is just insane. The piano lines in that song are super fast and technical. The layering is extremely rich, with different sections of horns coming in at different times with the strings playing really technical rhythms in the background, and the tympany drums. Around 2:00 - 2:10 in, they just hit the climax and it's just a wall of sound. If I was there when they were recording that in the studio, I just think I would have lost it.

But Hamauzu is my favorite game composer of all time, so I don't expect everyone to agree. The list of other insane XIII tracks is just extremely long for me. Hanging Edge blows me away. The sound quality is insane. Ryo Yamazaki and Mitsuto Suzuki can just work magic in a recording studio. If you have a FLAC copy of Vile Peaks and nice headphones, the bass just hits you instantly. The violin rhythm in Desperate Struggle is also super technical, and then when you combine that with the drum line it's a really impressive song. If you listen to The Cradle Will Fall with nice gear, when the bass kicks in it sounds like it's from the depths of hell lol. Eden Under Siege is another personal favorite. Too many to list.


XIII's OST is just on a different level for me. I could probably write a book on it, but just taking Saber's Edge, the music just blows me away. I just try to imagine the force of a full orchestra playing that live. If you listen to the actual CD and not listen on youtube, and if you listen with a pair of fairly nice headphones, the sound quality on the whole OST is just insane. The piano lines in that song are super fast and technical. The layering is extremely rich, with different sections of horns coming in at different times with the strings playing really technical rhythms in the background, and the tympany drums. Around 2:00 - 2:10 in, they just hit the climax and it's just a wall of sound. If I was there when they were recording that in the studio, I just think I would have lost it.

Hamauzu's arrangement and production are some of the best I've heard in video games.

His composition skills versus Uematsu, Sakimoto, etc. can be debated (personnally Hamauzu's my favourite), but there's no debating that his talents as a producer are vastly superior to most japanese video games composers.


Hamauzu's arrangement and production are some of the best I've heard in video games.

His composition skills versus Uematsu, Sakimoto, etc. can be debated (personnally Hamauzu's my favourite), but there's no debating that his talents as a producer are vastly superior to most japanese video games composers.

Yeah, I agree completely. And Mitsuto Suzuki and Ryo Yamazaki also did a lot of the arranging in XIII I think, along with Hamauzu. Suzuki is a great composer (3rd Birthday especially), but his real talents seem to be sound engineering.

And the good news is Yamazaki is back (along with Hamauzu and Suzuki of course). I don't expect it to be on the same level as XIII with a full orchestra, but it should be pretty great.


XIII's OST is just on a different level for me. I could probably write a book on it, but just taking Saber's Edge, the music just blows me away. I just try to imagine the force of a full orchestra playing that live. If you listen to the actual CD and not listen on youtube, and if you listen with a pair of fairly nice headphones, the sound quality on the whole OST is just insane. The piano lines in that song are super fast and technical. The layering is extremely rich, with different sections of horns coming in at different times with the strings playing really technical rhythms in the background, and the tympany drums. Around 2:00 - 2:10 in, they just hit the climax and it's just a wall of sound. If I was there when they were recording that in the studio, I just think I would have lost it.

But Hamauzu is my favorite game composer of all time, so I don't expect everyone to agree. The list of other insane XIII tracks is just extremely long for me. Hanging Edge blows me away. The sound quality is insane. Ryo Yamazaki and Mitsuto Suzuki can just work magic in a recording studio. If you have a FLAC copy of Vile Peaks and nice headphones, the bass just hits you instantly. The violin rhythm in Desperate Struggle is also super technical, and then when you combine that with the drum line it's a really impressive song. If you listen to The Cradle Will Fall with nice gear, when the bass kicks in it sounds like it's from the depths of hell lol. Eden Under Siege is another personal favorite. Too many to list.

Whole heartedly agree on Hamauzu. A musical genius indeed. I think another one of my favorites is his academia theme. Captures the perfect feeling for what the city represents. will to fight is so brilliant, I would love to listen to different arrangements of it.

I think another remarkable piece is his Final Fantasy Prelude and Beautiful Heroes from XIII-2. Oerba's theme as well...Haha we could probably write a book like you said lol
I don't think any piece of Hamauzu's music has ever struck me as powerfully as anything Uematsu or Shimomura have done, personally. Hamauzu's stuff tends to be very weak on core melody, tending to aim more toward ambience. Makes it very forgettable in my mind.

Followers of Chaos from XIII-2 is probably the only song from the XIII duology that stood out to me.

Terra's final boss theme in Birth By Sleep is one of my favorite Shimomura pieces because of its twisting of recurring leitmotifs from other songs in the game. It's just a very powerful song considering what it's a remix of. I didn't get that impression out of anything in XIII or XIII-2 aside from the motif tweaks on Caius' theme.

But that's just me. As an Uematsu/Shimomura/Ito loyalist, I'm probably always going to be opposed to Hamauzu's style.


Who did the main themes of the Dissidia games? I like whoever that is. :p

I love Keeping the Peace off Dissidia. And most of the other remixes and new arrangements are so great that I had trouble getting excited for Theatrhythm since it didn't have them. How can anyone get excited for the old Chaos Shrine after hearing this?

Most of the original compositions in Dissidia were Ishimoto. If you like him, he also did The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy: Type-0. Both very good OSTs. He also works on all the Kingdom Hearts games.

Dissidia was largely composed by Takeharu Ishimoto and Tsuyoshi Sekito, I believe.

I love Keeping the Peace off Dissidia. And most of the other remixes and new arrangements are so great that I had trouble getting excited for Theatrhythm since it didn't have them. How can anyone get excited for the old Chaos Shrine after hearing this?

Most of the original compositions in Dissidia were Ishimoto. If you like him, he also did The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy: Type-0. Both very good OSTs. He also works on all the Kingdom Hearts games.



I don't think that's right.
Dissidia was largely composed by Takeharu Ishimoto and Tsuyoshi Sekito, I believe.
Thank you, kind sir.
I love Keeping the Peace off Dissidia. And most of the other remixes and new arrangements are so great that I had trouble getting excited for Theatrhythm since it didn't have them. How can anyone get excited for the old Chaos Shrine after hearing this?

Most of the original compositions in Dissidia were Ishimoto. If you like him, he also did The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy: Type-0. Both very good OSTs. He also works on all the Kingdom Hearts games.

As far as remixes were concerned, I'm quite fond of Crystal Cave and Force Your Way.

Weapons of White
Man, Ishimoto is pretty metal. I approve. The part with the bass is just


I am fine with whoever composes Verus/XV as long as it is not Sakimoto. I think Shimomura would be a good choice since I feel she kinda seems to be influenced by classic music wich seems to fit Versus/XV's atmosphere.
I am fine with whoever composes Verus/XV as long as it is not Sakimoto. I think Shimomura would be a good choice since I feel she kinda seems to be influenced by classic music wich seems to fit Versus/XV's atmosphere.

Versus is already confirmed to be composed by Shimomura. She was announced to be the composer years ago. :)
I am fine with whoever composes Verus/XV as long as it is not Sakimoto. I think Shimomura would be a good choice since I feel she kinda seems to be influenced by classic music wich seems to fit Versus/XV's atmosphere.

Shimomura is the one composing Versus (XV). I think Nomura trusts her completely to provide amazing music.


Yeah, sorry that my post seems so ambigous, I already know that she is the composer, and I am fine if they added other composers as long as it is not Sakimoto. What makes me feel that she'll do a good job isn't just cause of Somnus; the 2008 and 20011 trailers had a very nice piece of music.
Yeah, sorry that my post seems so ambigous, I already know that she is the composer, and I am fine if they added other composers as long as it is not Sakimoto. What makes me feel that she'll do a good job isn't just cause of Somnus; the 2008 and 20011 trailers had a very nice piece of music.

I don't think they're adding more composers. Versus is her main project - the reason she worked with other composers for BBS and 3D is because she was busy working on Versus.


I think it'll be both. Sony doesn't co-develop, or even seek exclusivity if it's not on PS4. But the loss of missing the PS3 install base would be costly, probably more than it's worth moneyhatting for.



I went back playing all the previous games though. XIII is still one of the best.

You don't have to defend yourself Perfo but nice job. Honestly, I could look down on all FF fans who haven't played 11 to an reasonable extent but that is not fair. One of the reasons I love FF so much is that every title is different and has its own appeal. I know people keep harping for another FF6 or another 7 but I do not want that them. I already played them: Final Fantasy 6 and Final Fantasy 7. I like how 8, and 10, 12 and 13 tried new things. I cannot wait to see what Versus (or XV) brings.


God F***ing dammit! I've done it, I've actually let myself get hyped for this. Watched the 2011 trailer a couple times, jesus the CGI is amazing, I remember being blown away the first time I saw the trailer.

Hopefully Verendus is telling the truth.

E3 here we come! CHOO CHOO!


Junior Member
I think it'll be both. Sony doesn't co-develop, or even seek exclusivity if it's not on PS4. But the loss of missing the PS3 install base would be costly, probably more than it's worth moneyhatting for.

I generally agree with this but SE doesn't really do cross gen games outside of MMOs and JRPGs don't have a cross gen precedent, so I would be very very surprised if it's cross gen. If they really don't want to ignore the PS3 install base, they'd probably just continue making it the best PS3 game they can (as was originally intended) and release it, which is still very possible while at the same time they're making a new FF game for next gen. I mean right now they said focusing on getting FF XIV for PS3 out the door because that's what they've been promising for years now, though since it's an MMO a PS4/Xbox One version is going to come too.


I generally agree with this but SE doesn't really do cross gen games outside of MMOs and JRPGs don't have a cross gen precedent, so I would be very very surprised if it's cross gen. If they really don't want to ignore the PS3 install base, they'd probably just continue making it the best PS3 game they can (as was originally intended) and release it, which is still very possible while at the same time they're making a new FF game for next gen. I mean right now they said focusing on getting FF XIV for PS3 out the door because that's what they've been promising for years now, though since it's an MMO a PS4/Xbox One version is going to come too.
And before FFXIII, they had no history of multiplatform Final Fantasies.

They haven't done it before, but there would have been no reason to author a PS2 version of FFIX, for example, because the console could play it anyway. Being PS3 exclusive and launching next spring is masochistic.


Junior Member
And before FFXIII, they had no history of multiplatform Final Fantasies.

They haven't done it before, but there would have been no reason to author a PS2 version of FFIX, for example, because the console could play it anyway. Being PS3 exclusive and launching next spring is masochistic.

Which is true, but IDK, since it's a Nomura game I still expect it to be exclusive to PS3 or PS4. Like KH 1.5 Remix, which isn't even on the Vita like FF X/X-2.

I disagree with your second point. Not everyone's jumping to next gen right away, especially in just a matter of a couple months after the new consoles release. If it released much later, then sure. I mean the current gen consoles aren't even <$200 yet, save the 360's 4GB model, plus many devs are making cross gen games for a reason.


And before FFXIII, they had no history of multiplatform Final Fantasies.

They haven't done it before, but there would have been no reason to author a PS2 version of FFIX, for example, because the console could play it anyway. Being PS3 exclusive and launching next spring is masochistic.

Do PC releases count as multiplatform?


Which is true, but IDK, since it's a Nomura game I still expect it to be exclusive to PS3 or PS4. Like KH 1.5 Remix, which isn't even on the Vita like FF X/X-2.

I disagree with your second point. Not everyone's jumping to next gen right away, especially in just a matter of a couple months after the new consoles release. If it released much later, then sure. I mean the current gen consoles aren't even <$200 yet, save the 360's 4GB model, plus many devs are making cross gen games for a reason.
The transition is going to be much quicker than I think people are expecting, and SE already know that, which is why they were the first publisher to announce a next-gen only game with Thief.

Do PC releases count as multiplatform?
If they'd been day one, I'd have included them, but in theory sure, but by that logic, most of them are on GBA too. By that logic, they're also cross-generational too.
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