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Amazon's first three PC games unveiled: New World, Breakaway, and Crucible

New world sounds like it's trying to be Ultima Online.




My Dark Age of Camelot Armsman's armor color scheme was a tribute to a blacksmith in UO :]
They all sound like promising concepts to me (well, Breakway is pretty close to multiple proven game designs, so it has that going for it). I'll look forward to more information about New World.
Crucible sounds like it could be fun except:

- the whole WHO CAN YOU TRUST thing gets old ultra fast. Regular horde-mode co-op is better.
- 12 is too many
- Game master idea sounds good on paper, but will be awful in praxis

The others, eh.


The premise of each game sounds interesting, but I'm more eager to see how they fair in popularity. I want Amazon to stick around as a publisher.


Breakaway is much weirder than I thought, although I imagine this poor man's plunder is just one mode of many. That was not an all that exciting match to watch, I couldn't really tell what were most characters doing or what was going on.

Their games seem to be pretty creative at least.


So far they've only been announced for PC. It's not impossible they show up elsewhere, but I'm not sure if anyone has asked Amazon about this directly.

Separate thing, but (as I'm sure you know) Amazon does have (or had??) a mobile initiative that has published games on iTunes; not sure if any of those made it to Google Play or only were on the Amazon App Shop. And they have worked out means of selling digital codes on Amazon by working with Sony (PS3 and PS4) and MS (only Xbox 360?) to sell digital titles. So as the program goes on, they could.

That said, all three games seem to brag about their livestreaming feature (which is a market Amazon is very interested in finding killer apps for) and surely use other Amazon commerce methods that are layers that might be difficult for MS or Sony to allow onto their box. (Even Google makes some Amazon apps difficult to get on Android because it's outside of their revenue system.)

So my guess is that like these three are unlikely to be anywhere but PC, but future Amazon products might play the field a little more?


New World:
- Essentially it's an open world sandbox MMO where you colonize 17th century North America, but the twist here is that all the supernatural stuff people from the era believed is actually true.
- You can build towns, forts, and camps as permanent world spaces.
- You can also choose whether to be a farmer, crafter, adventurer, or do all of these types of things depending on how you like the play the game. If you remember the old era of sandbox MMOs, you've probably got the right idea.
- You can also work with or against other players, and it generally simulates the whole world going through the year from seasons to 24 hour day cycles to weather to crop growing to etc.
- I'm guessing this game is probably the farthest off of the three given the state of the art assets, but it seemed like the one that'd interest GAF posters the most so I put it first.
- Video: https://www.twitch.tv/playbreakaway/v/92134477?t=10m05s
Just reading this description before seeing any screenshots, I absolutely pictured this in my head with UO-like graphics


All three games look like interesting concepts, I play multi mostly nowadays so I'm lookong forward to trying them out.
Crucible sounds the most interesting.

New World could be good too, but I think that largely depends on its business model (Freemium vs. Buy once)

Breakaway seems like a blatant shot at something like a Rocket League with non-traditional sports. Not sure it grabs me right away.
New World: Sounds cool. Also sounds pretty ambitious. Need to see more details before I can get excited.

Crucible: Really need more details before I can be interested. Basically sounds like Deathmatch Hunger Games and that could be awesome, but it really depends on execution.

Breakaway: Not sure why everyone is so down on this. Looks like it could be an interesting and unique take on the arcadey sports genre.
Crucible sounds like THE CULLING. Hopefully they learn from the mistakes of that game.

It's weird, when The Culling was out, it was super hot. There were so many people playing it. Now it's forgotten pretty badly. (Only a matter of time before it's F2P or goes in a Humble Bundle)

The Culling is one of the few games I bought and played for only like 3 days before dropping it. It's one of the few games I'd rather be watched played, than play myself.


Major props to Amazon. Getting into the games industry ain't easy. All of these look much more interesting than their other original stuff on the Fire Tv.

Would have liked to see at least one Singleplayer game, but they have a clear target audience.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
So THAT'S what Double Helix has been doing.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Strider is fantastic and Killer Instinct is this gen's best fighting game.


Still without luck
Christ, I can't say enough how much I fucking hate this way of "revealing" your new game.


Someone pretending to draw concept art for your new game.




Worth pointing out that Amazon has been scooping up developers from all over Seattle, poaching quite a few from ArenaNet;

Eric Flannum (former Game Director, now Creative Director at Amazon)
Colin Johanson (former Game Director, no job title but LinkedIn says he's at Amazon)
Jeff Grubb (former Game Designer, now Senior Narrative Designer at Amazon)
Jon Peters (former Game Design lead, now Senior Combat Designer at Amazon)​

Quite a few others, but those four are really the big ones. Since the Guild Wars 2 expansion ended up being a disaster amidst rumors of internal problems, there's been a steady flow of people out of ArenaNet and into Amazon, so I'm not surprised some kind of MMO was in the works. I'm fairly certain all four of them were involved with the original Guild Wars, which should be good news to a lot of fans.

All of that makes me very curious to see what the New World is all about.


Man, gotta give them credit. Extremely interesting concepts and ideas to take advantage of the current streaming craze. None of these games are for me but I'm glad someone is making these.


Yeah, the ArenaNet people are very obviously on New World, especially since they're at the Seattle studio and Breakaway is from Irvine.
Worth pointing out that Amazon has been scooping up developers from all over Seattle, poaching quite a few from ArenaNet;

Eric Flannum (former Game Director, now Creative Director at Amazon)
Colin Johanson (former Game Director, no job title but LinkedIn says he's at Amazon)
Jeff Grubb (former Game Designer, now Senior Narrative Designer at Amazon)
Jon Peters (former Game Design lead, now Senior Combat Designer at Amazon)​

Quite a few others, but those four are really the big ones. Since the Guild Wars 2 expansion ended up being a disaster amidst rumors of internal problems, there's been a steady flow of people out of ArenaNet and into Amazon, so I'm not surprised some kind of MMO was in the works. I'm fairly certain all four of them were involved with the original Guild Wars, which should be good news to a lot of fans.

All of that makes me very curious to see what the New World is all about.

There's a lot of ex-343i guys as well.
Worth pointing out that Amazon has been scooping up developers from all over Seattle, poaching quite a few from ArenaNet;

Eric Flannum (former Game Director, now Creative Director at Amazon)
Colin Johanson (former Game Director, no job title but LinkedIn says he's at Amazon)
Jeff Grubb (former Game Designer, now Senior Narrative Designer at Amazon)
Jon Peters (former Game Design lead, now Senior Combat Designer at Amazon)​

Quite a few others, but those four are really the big ones. Since the Guild Wars 2 expansion ended up being a disaster amidst rumors of internal problems, there's been a steady flow of people out of ArenaNet and into Amazon, so I'm not surprised some kind of MMO was in the works. I'm fairly certain all four of them were involved with the original Guild Wars, which should be good news to a lot of fans.

All of that makes me very curious to see what the New World is all about.

Yeah, the ArenaNet people are very obviously on New World, especially since they're at the Seattle studio and Breakaway is from Irvine.

Now I'm really interested in it. A cool concept with an experienced team.
My Dark Age of Camelot Armsman's armor color scheme was a tribute to a blacksmith in UO :]

Just reading this description before seeing any screenshots, I absolutely pictured this in my head with UO-like graphics

These two know the truth.
I don't think to date there has been a game that comes close to the "idea" of Ultima Online. In it's humble 2d graphics it decided to allow:

1) Player towns
2)Player houses
3) Player vendors
4) Completely useless skills that were there for fun.
5) Sailing the open oceans of the world for fishing which could actually net you good money

But the true, amazing part of Ultima Online is how it let other players fuck you over any chance they got.

You could as a skill, steal inventory from other players. If you died they could loot everything on you. Griefing was built into the game and the game rewarded you by making those players who act like little assholes as targets for you to hunt down. Targets that, by all means were more fun to hunt down than NPCs. That is what made it special, that is why it is missed by many. A great deal many "sandbox" mmos lack that special magic charm.


I'll echo the sentiment in this thread.

New World and Crucible sound like really neat concepts and I'll be keeping my eye on them. On the other hand, everything about Breakaway looks rough.


There's a lot of ex-343i guys as well.

YES, that's the other team I was thinking of, I knew it had something to do with Microsoft but since I couldn't remember I didn't include it. Cheers!

New World sounds really intriguing. Likely incredibly far off but hopefully not.

Yeah, if it's an MMO and we're just getting little details now, it could be years away. Peters was there 16 months ago, Flannum for 13, Grubb for 8 months. Probably a year into development, so yeah... quite a ways off, unless the game was already in development and they were just vetting who to bring in to manage it, but still... not much earlier than that.

Then again, Amazon has the infrastructure in place, a ton of money and a lot to prove; maybe they're moving along at a really good pace. Still, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Man, gotta give them credit. Extremely interesting concepts and ideas to take advantage of the current streaming craze. None of these games are for me but I'm glad someone is making these.

Not a fan of this approach. Too many failures to count amongst games that have done the hard push for streaming and esports right of the gate. 343i basically triple-downed on eSports on an IP with HUGE brand name recognition and was promptly rewarded with a game with significantly less than half the sales of their previous sequel, what makes Amazon/Double Helix think it'll work for an unknown IP?

All the biggest games in streaming and eSports grew organically from the bottom up, starting with a fun game with broad appeal. The 1-percenter types (popular streamers/esports personalities) will emerge from that audience, not the other way around.
I'll remain skeptical of the game until I can actually play it, but I really love the setting they are going after with New World. There's a lot of rich imagery and lore possibilities to pull from the myths and folklore of various native tribes.
Not a single single-player game? Lame.

Amazon doesn't have a whole lot of incentive to make purely single player games. Notice how these all have a big Twitch component (which they own) or the potential to be streamed, and can run on their Amazon cloud servers.
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