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Amazon's first three PC games unveiled: New World, Breakaway, and Crucible

Breakaway seems to be the only one with potential to be something, If Battlerite and Rocket League can get popular out of nowhere why not this? It seems solid enough for an alpha footage.

As for the others? Bleh. a new MMO in this day and age? Yeah thats not going to end well


If you know enough people to fill an entire game of Crucible that could be like... A genre defining experience. Not a very original idea on paper but the concept sounds like a blast.


- Breakaway is 4v4 sports game where you try to get a ball into the other team's goal. First to three wins, and after ever goal, a new round is started.


As for the others? Bleh. a new MMO in this day and age? Yeah thats not going to end well

Yeah, I mean, it's not like WoW's latest expansion was hugely successful, a B2P Sandbox MMO has found great success in the past year, and FFXIV is still going strong. :^)


Gonna be honest, I'm actually most interested in the weird Rocket League-ish MOBA thing. Others just don't seem like my kind of game.
Makes sense for Amazon to go after the Twitch audience with their games considering they own Twitch. I'm not actually interested in playing any of these though.

I'm just a little bit salty that they leaned so heavily on the FG community to showcase something that wasn't a fighting game.


new world sounds cool but i'm tempering my expectations to expect a run of the mill survival sim (or whatever the genre is called now)

crucible sounds alright too, kind of like Dark Zone on the Division, which was a failed experiment but maybe this game will get it right, dunno

MOBAs aren't my cup o tea so i won't touch Breakaway. but maybe amazon has a hit on their hands

nothing amazing but good to see Amazon join the fold. the more the merrier
Yeah, I mean, it's not like WoW's latest expansion was hugely successful, a B2P Sandbox MMO has found great success in the past year, and FFXIV is still going strong. :^)

You just proved my point, Wow isn't a new mmo neither is FFXIV, they're both pretty old, extremely established ones.
Breakaway reveal will probably be my number one gaming disappointment of the generation.

The vague ass "AAA 3rd person competitive melee" description and invitations of FGC people, and Double Helix pedigree made me think we were finally getting the multiplayer DMC/Anarchy Reigns 2 I've waited for for years. Instead we got a basketball MOBA. Go away Amazon.


Not the whole studio, mind, they just poached a lot of their senior staff.

Oh, well I'll still remain optimistic.

You just proved my point, Wow isn't a new mmo neither is FFXIV, they're both pretty old, extremely established ones.

If it's anything like Ultima or Wurm online. It will be unlike any other mainstream MMO game out there.

Think of it like Minecraft MMO, but with even more freedom and customization.


It's nice to see a publisher investing a lot into PC. It shouldn't be too surprising though, given their multiplayer and stream-friendly focus.

New World has my interest, but they'll have to do a lot more than make another survival-crafting game a la ARK. Lean more into Ultima Online and EVE Online. ;)


As for the others? Bleh. a new MMO in this day and age? Yeah thats not going to end well

Yeah, I have my apprehensions as well, but from the sound of things they're going to be trying for the more sandbox-based approach that everyone moved away from because they were chasing WoW. The big MMOs on the market right now (apart from World of Warcraft, of course) are the ones that did their own thing (EVE), had a strong license (FFXIV, The Old Republic) or moved away from the WoW model in significant ways (Guild Wars 2). The ones that tried to imitate WoW too closely or doubled down on that playstyle have... well... just go see how many people are playing Wildstar.

You start dropping hints that this thing is like Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies or DAoC and you're talking about an untapped segment of the MMO market that feels neglected by the theme park model that's been dominating the genre for a decade now. That would turn heads, I think.

Hell, Everquest Next, before Daybreak pulled the plug, looked to be going that way too.
New World sounds so great. too bad I'm not into MMOs (especially if it ends up being paid subscription monthly) but man that concept is fantastic. (helps sharing the name of such a good movie too :D). depending on how the game is and their payment model i might actually play that

crucible seems like it could be fun. breakaway sounds like a messy amalgam of rocket league and overwatch though.


I'm not interested in playing any of those. The MMO has the most interesting concept but it's an MMO so... yeah... and Breakaway is easily the worst of the three. Totally uninspired.

Lots of folks trying to make Esports games nowadays. I honestly think the audience for Esports will grow but will *always* be a subset of people who like games. And regardless of audience growth, it's gonna come at the cost of other games' audiences. And you're not going to steal viewers away with something like Breakaway.


Crucible has me most interested, but if New World can fill the hole in my heart that The Secret World left then I'll be very interested. Breakaway could be interesting. Kinda like a class-based Rocket League. Or Lunaro if you play Warframe.


New World sounds so great. too bad I'm not into MMOs (especially if it ends up being paid subscription monthly) but man that concept is fantastic. (helps sharing the name of such a good movie too :D). depending on how the game is and their payment model i might actually play that

Way too early to be even speculating on a payment model, but the last few MMOs that have launched with a sub switched to F2P after a couple months or went belly up. FFXIV and WoW are the only ones that still maintain a sub. I imagine it's unlikely they'll try that model considering how bad it's been for everyone else.

For all we know, the game could be B2P but "Free with Amazon Prime". In fact, that might be a sneaky ass way to get people into beta testing; free beta access for Prime memberships only =p.


New World sounds so great. too bad I'm not into MMOs (especially if it ends up being paid subscription monthly) but man that concept is fantastic. (helps sharing the name of such a good movie too :D). depending on how the game is and their payment model i might actually play that

subscription model is deader than dead. it'll be buy to play no doubt
I don't know how else to say it, but these all seem like very "modern" games. Heroes, livestreaming, eports, etc.

Hope they do well in their foray into gaming.


Too early obviously but yeah i'll echo my interest in a return to the sandbox mmo path of design. The other two seem like zeitgeist games which are incredibly boring in theory, but as is seen with Overwatch if you actually make a good complete game then I will play it.


Damn gaf is jaded. They all seem interesting. Breakaway was the only one I was "ehh" on but after seeing gameplay it could be immense fun with a group of friends.

That sounds like that's what you need to enjoy most of these, friends. Hmm.


As for the others? Bleh. a new MMO in this day and age? Yeah thats not going to end well

MMOs are ripe for a something big and new, and whichever company gets the next big hit will make a billion dollars on it. It's like a lottery, lots of big losers, but someone is going to win big.


A new SANDBOX mmo? Yes plz.

Though I can't be the only one who personally wished that they didn't go for the fantasy aspect, imo that will detract from it's setting, I mean how many fantasy mmo's are out there?The games setting is already unique in that game space, adding fantasy to it makes it less unique because that's something tihat mmo players have came to "expect" and know.

having the actual historical setting with no fantasy elements would have been eough. You could have still had survival elements in the world, from wild animals to even things like disease/sickness, etc.


New World sounds potentially really cool. I love the idea of a supernaturally-affected frontier. I really hope it's a huge sandbox proper and not just a grindy microtransation-fest, because the idea is great.

Crucible sounds like it could be the Hunger Games everyone wants if done well.

Breakaway is atrociously cheesy, visually and thematically, but the game actually looks fun as hell, and the twitch-centric stat and broadcaster integration could be really cool. I hope the warriors have a healthy range of customization options, play-wise.

Despite the cheese of the warriors in Breakaway, I am genuinely impressed with the ideas on display here. This could be pretty huge.
I had an idea for a RPG called "A New World" which was rooted in a fantasized version of 17th, 18th, and 19th century America where all the American myths, folktales, and legends were real. LOL

Ewww at it being an MMO tho.


The words carved on the conquistador's face in that New World are Vita Aeterna, "Life eternal." The smaller print is verses one and two of chapter 22 of the Book of Revelations;

1 Et ostendit mihi fluvium aquæ vitæ, splendidum tamquam crystallum, procedentem de sede Dei et Agni.

2 In medio plateæ ejus, et ex utraque parte fluminis, lignum vitæ, afferens fructus duodecim per menses singulos, reddens fructum suum et folia ligni ad sanitatem gentium.

"1. Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

So, basically, it's about the restoration of Eden. Curious.
Apart from the reservations about Breakaway's art, I get the feeling from these descriptions that Amazon is taking their games as seriously as their original shows.

Orphan Black and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress seem to be pretty good.
"Let's make an MMO!"

The famous last words of every pub/dev making their first game.

These do look intriguing though. Hopefully they're actually enjoyable beyond the Twitch integration gimmicks.

The visuals of all three games look fantastic.


"Let's make an MMO!"

The famous last words of every pub/dev making their first game.

These do look intriguing though. Hopefully they're actually enjoyable beyond the Twitch integration gimmicks.

It's Amazon...I don't think they'll go under even if all three games fail.
All three games seem very reliant on having a large player base, so I'm pretty skeptical.
This is also troubling.

Maybe I missed something at some point, but do we know the DRM for Amazon's games? Will these be available on Steam?

It's Amazon...I don't think they'll go under even if all three games fail.
Oh, I know that. I just thought it was funny is all. I mean, there's even experienced devs like Carbine who ended up with the flop that was WildStar. It's a crazy difficult genre to get into, because it's incredibly expensive to do right, and Amazon's going for it right out of the gate.

But it's a developer with the financial backing and network infrastructure of Amazon, which is kind of a game changer in my book. They're not starting from scratch or looking for investors, and they've poached a lot of good talent. I'd say this is the best footing an MMO developer has had in ages, at least since EA was willing to throw gobs of money at The Old Republic.

That, more than anything else, has my curiosity piqued.
I haven't actually been following this close enough. Who'd they manage to get onto the dev team for this MMO?


"Let's make an MMO!"

The famous last words of every pub/dev making their first game.

But it's a developer with the financial backing and network infrastructure of Amazon, which is kind of a game changer in my book. They're not starting from scratch or looking for investors, and they've poached a lot of good talent. I'd say this is the best footing an MMO developer has had in ages, at least since EA was willing to throw gobs of money at The Old Republic.

That, more than anything else, has my curiosity piqued.
Not a single single-player game? Lame.

Amazon's whole goal with making games is to drive people to use Twitch because that in turn makes them more money, so they are going to make games that cater to and take advantage of the typical streaming and audience community. It sucks, but it's business.


I haven't actually been following this close enough. Who'd they manage to get onto the dev team for this MMO?

See my posts earlier in the thread; they've pulled a ton of top level designers from ArenaNet (Guild Wars 1 & 2), along with people from Valve, 343i... bunch of places.


Unconfirmed Member
New World sounds like a game I've wanted for a long time..well let's wait and see what amazon will deliver.
Of course they are multiplayer focused. Shocked, I said. They are trying to make a cash cow ip so they can milk it dried years to come. Sadly i don't see any of these titles being that.


I like the sound of all of these actually. Breakaway could be a new Deathrow. I just can't help but think they could have added some incredible movement mechanics like flips, dodging, wall runs a la Unreal Championship 2 or something. Really make it interesting to move around with the ball. Most people are just running around with it from what I've seen.
It is pretty impressive, and a big commitment from Amazon, that they are working on three different games at the same time, and in different genres (although all being multiplayer would help with some technology share).

The deep integration of twitch into Crucible is interesting but whether that game gets an audience or not on twitch remains to be seen. They will likely push it hard to make it a top-streaming game, but the audience to watch it may simply not materialize and you'd then wonder how many resources Amazon would put in to keep it running and updated. I'm not immediately sold that watching a "DM" for a 12-person multiplayer game is terribly riveting, not the least of which is that keeping track of 12 people as a viewer is pretty damn difficult. So it'll be interesting to see what they do to make this a good twitch experience.
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