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AMD sends autistic boy parts for a gming PC, dickhead brother takes it for himself

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people were saying like disown the kid, i think at the top of this page someone said they were physically ill.

its a terrrrible thing to do. i work with special needs kids sometimes as part of my job and this is just an incredibly shitty thing to do. breaks my heart for the little brother.

but hes a kid, kids fuck up and lack perspective. he doesnt need to be kicked out and live on the streets. just some parenting. thats all this should be. parents going to him, making sure he understands why it was wrong, and making things right. people are calling for his fucking head. good god. kid is getting death threats. the situation is gonna be SO MUCH WORSE for that family now when it should of been just the family handling this from the beginning.

now the entire family is going to have to deal with the internet knights coming to burn down castle frankenstein. great job internet.

Bro fist I work with special needs too.

As far as the comments on gaf, someone in another thread said "remember, half the people on here are 12 years old" and I starting to believe it haha.

Maybe I am naive but I think this will be forgotten and hopefully nothin happens to the family.
Bro fist I work with special needs too.

All the people blaming the parents:

The parents are probably technologically inept. The kid probably fed them the line of the whole PSU and case situation and they ate it up, which is why that reasoning was something he thought could fly on the internet.


This doesn't seem that big a deal to me. My mum tried to suffocate my uncle with a pillow when they were kids. These things happen.
Has the dickhead older brother been relentlessly harassed by the Internet yet?
Or are we going the gofundme/charity route and getting the 10 year old a computer?
Gimme the deets.
people were saying like disown the kid, i think at the top of this page someone said they were physically ill.

its a terrrrible thing to do. i work with special needs kids sometimes as part of my job and this is just an incredibly shitty thing to do. breaks my heart for the little brother.

but hes a kid, kids fuck up and lack perspective. he doesnt need to be kicked out and live on the streets. just some parenting. thats all this should be. parents going to him, making sure he understands why it was wrong, and making things right. people are calling for his fucking head. good god. kid is getting death threats. the situation is gonna be SO MUCH WORSE for that family now when it should of been just the family handling this from the beginning.

now the entire family is going to have to deal with the internet knights coming to burn down castle frankenstein. great job internet.
It's ridiculous. Everyone is acting like the older brother killed the younger brothers pet! The older brother is just a high school kid. High school kids think they're owed the world and are often dicks. The older brother simply thought what he did was the right thing to do (it wasn't). He made a stupid mistake like a lot of teenagers do!


Guy's a dick, but it's not my business what he does with PC components.

The death threats are excessive however, and IMO, worse than what the guy did.


The "community" that cares so much about this young autistic kid should pitch in to help him get a new PSU/mobo/CPU so he can use his gifts from AMD rather than just talking shit.. Should work out to a dollar per person...
It's ridiculous. Everyone is acting like the older brother killed the younger brothers pet! The older brother is just a high school kid. High school kids think they're owed the world and are often dicks. The older brother simply thought what he did was the right thing to do (it wasn't). He made a stupid mistake like a lot of teenagers do!

theres a thread on the second page of off topic about isis beheading a significant and innocent person. it has 2 pages.

a high schooler does something high schoolers do and is a dick without thinking. 10 pages. pitchforks out. people have dox'd him and sent death threats. a bunch of parts came from amd, he wanted them, justified it like a high schooler justifies things, probably told his parents 'oh those parts wont work for him but these will', they believed him, he got excited and posted on the internet, again not thinking it through.

the solution to this is just letting the kid know why its wrong, making him understand it, and giving the parts to the little brother.

how do we do that? we fucking dont. his parents do, or dont, and either decision by them isnt our business.
Absolute scum of the Earth.

What are the parents doing? If my son did that to his brother I'd disown him.

Yeah, some kids need tough love.

Skip out on chores? Locked out of house for a week.

Cut a brownie unevenly and take the bigger half? Thirty lashes.

Put a GPU meant for your brother in your PC? Completely disowned.

See if they try any of that a second time!
Yeah, some kids need tough love.

Skip out on chores? Locked out of house for a week.

Cut a brownie unevenly and take the bigger half? Thirty lashes.

Put a GPU meant for your brother in your PC? Completely disowned.

See if they try any of that a second time!

If my kids stay out after curfew im sending them to Guantanamo.



Ugh what a horrible thing for an older brother to do. Though on one hand, that's what older brothers do in my experience. However the fun twist to this is the older brother is an idiot and posting his shittiness online for the world to see.

The fun twist of this is the older brother's actions and his inability to understand what's wrong with them make me think he's probably on the spectrum as well.
The fun twist of this is the older brother's actions and his inability to understand what's wrong with them make me think he's probably on the spectrum as well.

or just a shitty high schooler, upon getting to and out of college, will like 90% (maybe generous) of us be like 'man i was a shit'


Older brother should of lied and said the 3 monitor rig was for younger brother probably could of got more free stuff and less death threats...


Tagged as I see fit
A lot of times parents don't want to intervene between brothers for whatever reason. When I was younger I used to deliver newspapers. I saved up for a long time to buy a Casio synthesizer and my brother (who is 6yrs older and lived in another apt in the same building) took it for himself. I asked my parents to get it back for me and they told me to deal with it myself, which, was impossible, seeing as my brother was 6yrs older and much bigger than I was (and an adult).

Sad to say, now I am 46 and I haven't spoken to my brother in over 25yrs. 😖

Your brother was not very brotherly to do such a thing and your parents messed up by not helping you get your keyboard back. He may as well have taken your hard earned cash right out of your hands with your parents looking on in the background while shrugging. SMH.


Looks like the internet is overreacting again.

Older brother has said he's now received countless death threats and doxxes. How is that justifiable in any case?

Dude is a dick but people are treating him like he murdered someone.

nobody is trying to justify that. That unfortunately is the reaction of the mob. Whether it be on the internet or anything else. Straight up mobbin


Good to know not everyone on NeoGAF is reasonable and compassionate.

It is possible to be compassionate for someone without wishing their older brother gets murdered.

nobody is trying to justify that. That unfortunately is the reaction of the mob. Whether it be on the internet or anything else. Straight up mobbin

Some people in here have already said they want to see him imprisoned and whipped.
theres a thread on the second page of off topic about isis beheading a significant and innocent person. it has 2 pages.

a high schooler does something high schoolers do and is a dick without thinking. 10 pages. pitchforks out. people have dox'd him and sent death threats. a bunch of parts came from amd, he wanted them, justified it like a high schooler justifies things, probably told his parents 'oh those parts wont work for him but these will', they believed him, he got excited and posted on the internet, again not thinking it through.

the solution to this is just letting the kid know why its wrong, making him understand it, and giving the parts to the little brother.

how do we do that? we fucking dont. his parents do, or dont, and either decision by them isnt our business.
Exactly! I'm certainly glad the internet wasn't big when I was a teenager. I've done selfish things as a teen and I'm sure everyone else here has as well!


The "community" that cares so much about this young autistic kid should pitch in to help him get a new PSU/mobo/CPU so he can use his gifts from AMD rather than just talking shit.. Should work out to a dollar per person...

Some redditors wanted to do just that but were shot down by others saying the big brother would swipe that stuff too.


As a father of 3 boys, 1 that is autistic. I bet the older brother does this shit all the time. I know my oldest always tries to take his brother's stuff. Like the state gave my autistic son an iPad, and the oldest is always trying to take it or trying to get his brother to let him use it. I usually have to intervene, but it has force my autistic son to become better at self advocating.

Also, fuck the parents for enabling the older brother to be a shit head.


I...I think you may be going a tad bit too far.

i really really hope you dont have kids

For all you people saying people went to far just think about this.

Monitor: $449

GPU: $239

So the brother basically stole $688 from his 10 year old, autistic brother.
For all you people saying reddit went to far just think about this.

Monitor: $449

GPU: $239

So the brother basically stole $688 from his 10 year old, autistic brother.

Oh man call the cops! I'm sure they will crack the case of the 16 year old who took something from his 10 year old younger brother and the parents will surely cooperate with law enforcement!

the solution to this is just letting the kid know why its wrong, making him understand it, and giving the parts to the little brother.

how do we do that? we fucking dont. his parents do, or dont, and either decision by them isnt our business.

Very well put. It's not the Reddit or GAF communities' job to raise this kid. There isn't a resolution to this issue that is A) any of our business and B) going to satisfy people.


The world sucks. The older brother is a shit. Once he goes to college next year the younger boy will have nothing of this stuff. Sad stuff.
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