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Anecdotal evidence RE: Xbox One vs PS4 demand

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Not sure why you think that, given that Sony is confirmed to have sold around ~1.3mil in NA alone in November, whereas MS announced they sold 1mil across 13 countries as of the 23rd. Unless MS sold 900k of those in the US, I don't see how they can come close.

I don't know, with PS4s so hard to find, I just feel the X1 launch in NA may be very front loaded, especially if they actually had a good amount of units in stock for Black Friday (people may have settled for it when it became obvious PS4 was not going to be in stock any time soon). Once PS4s are more widely available I think we'll see the shift to PlayStation more clearly, but for November, they'll be rather close (in NA, of course). We'll find out either way in a few days and it's sure going to be interesting.

I feel like I'm going to be repeating this in all these sales threads, but really, what benefit is there for the consumer from Sony dominating?

I mean even as a PS4 owner, what is it you think that huge sales will lead to? This isn't the PS2 era -- no major publisher is going to risk putting a game exclusively on one platform unless it's given a hat made or money. The cost of development is too high. This is the generation that will take us even closer to the homogeneous in all factors.

It'll drive the point home to MS that their BS policies need some changing. Hopefully it'll also prevent them from trying anything too stupid in the future and lead to improvements in the way they handle business (think how Sony turned the PS3 around).
All my friends had 360s this past gen.

Now, a few have PS4s, and the rest are staying on current gen or have moved to PC. Literally no one I know has an Xbox One. Which makes it a lonely experience online.

Every store around me has been sold out of both since launch. Have yet to either in the wild.


I don't know why everyone keeps saying there are more xones being shipped in total when we don't know for sure either shipment schedules. We will only know for sure after we get NPD if xone being available correlates to more actually being shipped. I think Ps4 will still be ahead in NPD because I imagine shipments went something like this

PS4 Xone
Week 1 1000K 700K
Week 2 50K 100K
Week 3 50K 75k

Just an example but this scenario seems likely or else xone would of broke launch records too. So while it may seem wow the xone has great supply today it doesn't neccessarily mean it had greater supply overall. Does this make sense. Will be a very close race over the holidays in the US.


The NPD numbers from January onwards will tell the real story, once that holiday and launch demand wanes, and supply and manufacturing is normalized.

For all we know, Microsoft could be supplying triple the XBox One that Sony is supplying the PS4 to NA, maybe Sony had to keep more stock for Europe where demand was high. It can skew numbers. It's difficult to pinpoint which console is doing better, when we don't really know how many each has supplied.

What I've seen is both consoles restock at local Walmart, Best Buy and Future Shop stores and quickly sell out.


Until we get NPD numbers, anecdotal evidence is all we have.

oh, and this:


edit: goddamit rvy

What is the source for this gif?


I saw Xbone's sitting on shelves at a couple stores Black Friday afternoon. PS4 US demand doesn't seem much higher though based on second hand street values. $500-$550 is low for an item you can't find in stores, and as compared to Wii and PS360 launch Holiday valuations.

No one in their right mind is going to pay higher prices of a brand new console that's higher than the MSRP price.


I feel like I'm going to be repeating this in all these sales threads, but really, what benefit is there for the consumer from Sony dominating?

I mean even as a PS4 owner, what is it you think that huge sales will lead to? This isn't the PS2 era -- no major publisher is going to risk putting a game exclusively on one platform unless it's given a hat made or money. The cost of development is too high. This is the generation that will take us even closer to the homogeneous in all factors.

Well from what I've learned from the 360/PS3 is that developers will probably now prioritize the console with the larger install base over the one with the lower (better multiplats). Thats one thing i guess.


Well from what I've learned from the 360/PS3 is that developers will probably now prioritize the console with the larger install base over the one with the lower (better multiplats). Thats one thing i guess.

And this time the more powerful hardware is the one that is being prioritised.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I feel like I'm going to be repeating this in all these sales threads, but really, what benefit is there for the consumer from Sony dominating?

The big upside is that it will force MS into being more competitive in order to regain their market-share. And ultimately its good for long-term reasons as Sony Corp needs a win far more than MS does.


No one in their right mind is going to pay higher prices of a brand new console that's higher than the MSRP price.

People have routinely paid sometimes upwards of $200-$500 of the MSRP during past gen launches. The problem this time, for scalpers/hoarders, is that Sony and Microsoft made sure they tons of supply for launch night, that there was plenty of stock for pre-orders and that they are restocking stores almost every week or two. It's not that difficult to find one in stock, either online or by calling your local store and learning when they will restock.

That being said, my friend had buyers remorse and sold his ps4 for $500 cash like a day after launch, it cost him about $450 with tax, so he at least made some profit.
Yes it is. They like money right? If more money is going to the people who are doing things right, then everyone else will want to do things right in the future.

Define the right things? In your opinion? GAF's? I'm not saying that Microsoft's policy around check-ins wasn't flawed, but there was also a lot of benefit to be had from it that's been nullified because a conservative audience argued for benefits that, honestly, I wonder if they are even going to use. I mean this is the same audience that chastises GameStop for its pre-owned policies and focus. Even then, Microsoft never said that games couldn't be sold or traded, and they never got a chance to clarify what it was.

But the point remains, in the current climate, not a single person has been able to show me something that I'll benefit from as a consumer and a PS4 owner by Sony dominating this generation.

EDIT: Lots of people bring up what is good for Sony. Why should I care? They're a publicly listed corporation, not a bloody person.

EDIT 2: And it applies to any field. What benefit do I get from Apple and Samsung dominating the smart phone market? Absolutely none. Hell, given Samsung's build quality, I'm actually losing.




If X1s are available everywhere...then there are a lot of stupid people on Ebay. Just sat and watched multiple $600+ ebay auctions end..lol. One was $595 (final bid) PLUS $66.98 in shipping.

Ebay shopping and selling is just a bad idea on expensive things now.


People have routinely paid sometimes upwards of $200-$500 of the MSRP during past gen launches. The problem this time, for scalpers/hoarders, is that Sony and Microsoft made sure they tons of supply for launch night, that there was plenty of stock for pre-orders and that they are restocking stores almost every week or two. It's not that difficult to find one in stock, either online or by calling your local store and learning when they will restock.

That being said, my friend had buyers remorse and sold his ps4 for $500 cash like a day after launch, it cost him about $450 with tax, so he at least made some profit.

I agree, though in the case of online, we're not in the late 90's or in the mid-2000 eras anymore where online shopping wasn't as big back then. People can easily find consoles through online shops like Amazon if they can't find them inside the store nowadays.
Anecdotally, I think the PS4 box sucks. It's tiny and flimsy, but at least it's nicer than the Wii and Wii U's boxes, where you can never fit everything back in ever again once they've been opened.

Also, the stores around me are consistently sold out of both of them (and 3DS). Lots of Wii U sitting around, though.

No kidding. I usually get a cup full of candy canes or something.

Than again, I also get the priviledge of paying $35 to attend the company XMAS party. Yippie.
When I used to work for a publisher, we would have really sweet holiday parties during years where a new entry in a particular series would be released. One of those years, they rented out space from Sony Picture Studios and held a casino night with free food, open bar, and everything, and I walked away with a special edition PS3. When they weren't doing so hot, though, we'd have bowling parties with mandatory attendance.

Now I'm at a much smaller place, and we don't have holiday parties at all. =(


That's not a benefit to the consumer.

Consumers will choose who to support and that's the consumers' decision. If MS screwed up bad enough to get thumped this gen then so be it.

What is the benefit to consumers in artificially propping a company up instead of letting the natural progression of competition take over?


But the point remains, in the current climate, not a single person has been able to show me something that I'll benefit from as a consumer and a PS4 owner by Sony dominating this generation.

Multiplatform games will be better because development will be focused on the PS4 which is more powerful.

More Indie games. Sony's relationship with Indies seems to be much better, so if there is a big install base on a platform with relatively easier publishing ability, then that benefits us because we'll get more games.

The PS4 was very meticulously designed consulting with a wide range of developers. So they've built something that the developers like and is less esoteric than XBone I believe?

If the guys that make the games like it, then that means they'll make better games on it, which is great for us.


Junior Member
Nope. Sony will dominate in all regions. MS are in trouble.

Ehh, even if Sony dominates, MS aren't "in trouble". Since they're making profit on each unit, and should be raking in serious cash with NUads, they'll be gravy even if they achieve a ball park of say (complete speculation incoming) 30 million consoles. They'll be fine. They'll probably get smashed in terms of market share, but their profitability will be way up. Sorta like Nintendo has operated.
At the retail store I work at we are sold out of both, but I get between 5-10 calls a day (and even more walk-ins) asking for ps4s, whereas I haven't had a single person ask me about the xbox one.
Define the right things? In your opinion? GAF's?
The right thing in the eyes of the consumers.
I'm not saying that Microsoft's policy around check-ins wasn't flawed, but there was also a lot of benefit to be had from it that's been nullified because a conservative audience argued for benefits that, honestly, I wonder if they are even going to use. I mean this is the same audience that chastises GameStop for its pre-owned policies and focus. Even then, Microsoft never said that games couldn't be sold or traded, and they never got a chance to clarify what it was.

But the point remains, in the current climate, not a single person has been able to show me something that I'll benefit from as a consumer and a PS4 owner by Sony dominating this generation.

EDIT: Lots of people bring up what is good for Sony. Why should I care? They're a publicly listed corporation, not a bloody person.

EDIT 2: And it applies to any field. What benefit do I get from Apple and Samsung dominating the smart phone market? Absolutely none. Hell, given Samsung's build quality, I'm actually losing.
I don't know how someone can make assumptions as to what's better for the consumer either way honestly, domination or a close race.


We'll have a better idea when the NPD results come out but the impression I have is that Sony clearly won their launch week (we've already got PR to back this up) but has been lagging behind Microsoft in the supply race ever since due to clearly heightened demand for the PS4 outside of North America.

This has allowed Microsoft to double-down on the United States and flood the channel with supply. This likely resulted in a stronger Black Friday and will likely lead to NPD results for November reflecting a slight margin for Sony but one that is effectively a statistical tie and a margin that will quickly evaporate if MS continues to make up ground. (In other words, I suspect the Xbox One will win December if PS4 supply isn't ramped up. And when I say, "win December" I mean it will lose to the 3DS and possibly even the Xbox 360.)

We'll see whether the rush of PS4s being allocated to Best Buy on the 8th is enough to stem the tide and halt Microsoft's forward momentum.

NPD won't tell us much until demand levels off in January but I suspect that the One won't falter too much even if it slips those first two months as there will be a huge marketing push for Titanfall that I'm not sure Sony can match.

I suspect Microsoft is going to keep throwing money at the United States until it wins (more units than X360, more market share due to the Wii evaporation, much smaller gap between it and the PS4 than the X360 enjoyed vs. the PS3) while handily losing the rest of the global market (PS4 dominates everywhere else).

That's my initial take based on anecdotal evidence. There's going to be enough momentum shifts for each "side" to claim wins over the next few years between the PS4, Xbox One and 3DS.
More anectodal stuff: My friend who works at Gamestop says that they got about 60 PS4s and 40 Xbox Ones at launch, the PS4s were sold out on launch day but they still have a couple of Xbox Ones as of 2 days ago.

This is definitely going to be vary by region. My local gamestop in MD got around 60 of each system for pre-orders and sold all them. They got restocked for black friday and have sold all of them as well, Dont know how many they got for black friday, sorry.
It seems to be basically impossible to find either system in a retail store in this area.
I feel like I'm going to be repeating this in all these sales threads, but really, what benefit is there for the consumer from Sony dominating?

I mean even as a PS4 owner, what is it you think that huge sales will lead to? This isn't the PS2 era -- no major publisher is going to risk putting a game exclusively on one platform unless it's given a hat made or money. The cost of development is too high. This is the generation that will take us even closer to the homogeneous in all factors.
It will help motivate Microsoft create a product that is appealing to us. As in, kill off Kinect out of the box and have Xbox Live be more in parity with PS+.
Ehh, even if Sony dominates, MS aren't "in trouble". Since they're making profit on each unit, and should be raking in serious cash with NUads, they'll be gravy even if they achieve a ball park of say (complete speculation incoming) 30 million consoles. They'll be fine. They'll probably get smashed in terms of market share, but their profitability will be way up. Sorta like Nintendo has operated.
I wonder how much MS is spending on advertising. It seems like every retailer is advertising the Xbone.
Consumers will choose who to support and that's the consumers' decision. If MS screwed up bad enough to get thumped this gen then so be it.

What is the benefit to consumers in artificially propping a company up instead of letting the natural progression of competition take over?

Different things, though. Voting with your wallet is fine. Actually celebrating (as many have) and posting things like "Return of the King!" is another. It's the latter I'm growing tired of. It's very much the cult of consumption.


Different things, though. Voting with your wallet is fine. Actually celebrating (as many have) and posting things like "Return of the King!" is another. It's the latter I'm growing tired of. It's very much the cult of consumption.

Companies who do things right are celebrated. The ones who do wrong are vilified. There's no cult of consumption, just a cult of celebration. Last gen it was 360 being celebrated and PS3 being vilified. (well at least until the last few years).

And also we're all Sony fans and are happy that Sony is doing so well after the disastrous start to last gen. :p
I've had my PS4 since launch, but for the hell of it I check out the local Wal-Marts, Best Buys and Targets and have yet to see either an Xbox or PS4 on store shelves. I'm in Jacksonville, Fl.
I feel like I'm going to be repeating this in all these sales threads, but really, what benefit is there for the consumer from Sony dominating?

I mean even as a PS4 owner, what is it you think that huge sales will lead to? This isn't the PS2 era -- no major publisher is going to risk putting a game exclusively on one platform unless it's given a hat made or money. The cost of development is too high. This is the generation that will take us even closer to the homogeneous in all factors.

How about we look at what Sony was forced to do with the PS3 when it was being dominated by MS?

Sony's domination would force MS to either be more competitive (i.e. offer more value to consumers) or get out


If X1s are available everywhere...then there are a lot of stupid people on Ebay. Just sat and watched multiple $600+ ebay auctions end..lol. One was $595 (final bid) PLUS $66.98 in shipping.

Ebay shopping and selling is just a bad idea on expensive things now.

Did you see that other thread earlier in the day?
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