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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


You clearly don't have any sort of valid criticism or counterargument. The point is that the failure of the victim to respond does not absolve the perpetrator of guilt. By the way, it's a great analogy.

To what extent do you think she is a victim here?

Dude wanted to get with her. She said no. He got mad. She left. Nothing else happened.


Here's an expansion on your analogy.

Person A & B live in a society where people often punch each other in the face and enjoy being punched in the face.
In fact the future of the species depends on people punching each other and boy do we fucking love to fuck punch.

However. There are rules and etiquette to be followed.
One cannot simply punch someone else in the face.
There MUST be consent.

However it's also not acceptable to just meet someone and say "hey do you fancy a punch in the face".
So there's like a series of back and forth interactions where people will not say "PUNCH ME DADDY!" straight away but will rather ease themselves into a situation with small steps.

So Person A might "test the water" with Person B to see if they might well be open to a punch in the face.
Then Person B will react in a way that says "Hell NO" or they could react in a way that's like "you can't punch me in the face right now but this is not a definite NO either".

You have to remember in this case that nobody got punched in the face.
Person A ultimately said "goddammit Person B, I was hoping to punch your face" and Person B said "no way" and then they both parted ways.

It's fair to criticize Person B if down the line they publicly try to humiliate and destroy Person A over a misunderstanding where Person A really wanted to punch Person B in the face but was a little annoyed and angry when it didn't happen.

Holy fuck to have to explain this to low IQ muppets - Saruhashi why do you bother! They need basic critical thinking.

Also how do we know she is a women? Did she identify as one or are we misgendering her and Joe could be transphobic too as the women might have been a man! Has Joe ever come out as a cis male?


Guys have to initiate everything and make all the first moves. This girl flirts with him, agrees to meet up, is agreeable the whole night, goes to dinner, ect. And when he tried to sleep with her, she said no. He didn't rape her. They just didn't have sex.

Years later, she's pretending to be so traumatized by that one night when a guy was hitting on her that she just couldn't hold her silence in anymore! And man what if she had just made it clear from the get-go what her intentions were? She might not have this amazing tale to tell!
Pure Gold 🥇💰💰💰😃


Ahahahahahaha there's no end to it.

I'm sorry for Joe, he looks like a decent fella and I hope he's cleared of all the shit they're gonna throw him.

But this has started to become funny. The extreme PC are gonna eat each other one after another.


Resident Cheap Arse
You clearly don't have any sort of valid criticism or counterargument. The point is that the failure of the victim to respond does not absolve the perpetrator of guilt. By the way, it's a great analogy.

Okay, your analogy is awful because it removes any choice from person B

Now if Person A had suggested they wanted to engage person B in a slap fight, given Person B ample opportunities to decline the slap fight and then still didn't slap Person B when person B chose not to engage in said slap fight then you might be closer -but that would still be off.

You're removing any agency from Person B in order to fit your narrative. Person B had choices, Person B had opportunity and ultimately Person B was never slapped as they, you and the other bandwagon jumpers are trying to claim.

Your analogy was shit.


What did he give Last of us 2?
Ya know, a lot of people in this thread have said stuff like in jest, but I'm wondering if there's any truth to stuff like this. Maybe not directly to The Last of Us 2, but Joe's attitude towards that game shows that he's no SJW, or doesn't share the mindset that we must love games like TLoU2 because it's such a great representation of minorities. He didn't eat it up as soon as the leaks hit a month ago, and was vocal at his dislike for what was leaked, so he doesn't seem to follow the hivemind. I liked hearing that from him, but it also felt like something that the hivemind would not approve of.
Wouldn't call this sexual harassment, just sounds like Joe never learned how to not be a douche around woman and can only use his name and brand to get any action.
Yea, Joe has never been good with women. At the end of the day I have to ask what is the point of all of this? Sounds like he was being a creep who couldn't get laid and got butt hurt, but be he never sexually assaulted her or harmed her in any physical way or even had sex period. Further more, he has stopped contacting her a long time ago. So what can she even do about it? Even if it is true she is blasting this on social media for attention to make drama.
Is Anita involved?

Did Anita sexually harass Joe or something?



Yea, Joe has never been good with women. At the end of the day I have to ask what is the point of all of this? Sounds like he was being a creep who couldn't get laid and got butt hurt, but be he never sexually assaulted her or harmed her in any physical way or even had sex period. Further more, he has stopped contacting her a long time ago. So what can she even do about it? Even if it is true she is blasting this on social media for attention to make drama.

Well to be honest if he tried it this time he would have done it many times before and after and who knows if some women we highly pressurized into sex or worse. Just like the Harvey case as soon as one person comes forward the floodgates sometime open and we will get the real picture.
Well to be honest if he tried it this time he would have done it many times before and after and who knows if some women we highly pressurized into sex or worse. Just like the Harvey case as soon as one person comes forward the floodgates sometime open and we will get the real picture.
If that's the case we will have to wait for the evidence to speak for it self. Let's not jump to conclusions and call him Harvey 2.0

Airbus Jr

We have Angry Joe in the bag now

Next target Rich Reviewtechusa, Yongyea, Pewdepie and Colin Moriarty
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Gold Member
Well to be honest if he tried it this time he would have done it many times before and after and who knows if some women we highly pressurized into sex or worse. Just like the Harvey case as soon as one person comes forward the floodgates sometime open and we will get the real picture.
If morons think of Harvey, then the damage is done. RIP Joe.
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Because she had a boyfriend! Don't you understand? She was someone else's property at the time. How dare Joe not see the flashing light above her head that said TAKEN.

It's such nonsense. I already said this, but I'll say it again, being in a relationship doesn't mean someone is going to assume you're completely off limits. There are so many damn rules to this shit now, how is anyone even supposed to keep track of it all. My mom was married when she met my dad, being in a relationship doesn't mean someone can't show interest in someone else, and even if they do, it's not fucking illegal! You tell them you're not interested, and you move on! I'm typing this in an angry joe style ranting voice, because this shit pisses me off so much.
In reality most women have boyfriends or at least close male friends who will act in front of you like girl boyfriend, so if you are not willing to take your chances in situation like that, you will end up alone. Personally when girl says I have a BF I say that's fine and I'm not pushing for anything from that point, however I'm always giving them my card with contact number. Often these girls reach to me later on and dont even mention their BF from that point. In my experience many women are just unhappy in their current relationship, but they just dont want to be alone (and play with their fingers by themselves) so they prolong the inevitable. They will however glady "upgrade" her current BF for someone better if you show the potential.

When it comes to Joe (and the whole accusation story) any bright woman would see from a mile what was really going on (Joe intentions), and the most important thing is Joe wasnt pushing at this women when she finally said no verbally.
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Okay, your analogy is awful because it removes any choice from person B

Now if Person A had suggested they wanted to engage person B in a slap fight, given Person B ample opportunities to decline the slap fight and then still didn't slap Person B when person B chose not to engage in said slap fight then you might be closer -but that would still be off.

You're removing any agency from Person B in order to fit your narrative. Person B had choices, Person B had opportunity and ultimately Person B was never slapped as they, you and the other bandwagon jumpers are trying to claim.

Your analogy was shit.

The failure of the victim to exercise their agency does not mitigate or excuse the perpetrator's immoral intentions and actions. Lying to someone is wrong; telling someone to accompany you to your hotel room so that you can quickly do one thing and then leave when your actual intention is to get them to do something else is immoral. Period. Lying and deceiving is wrong.


Angry Joe and Michael Bay get Metoo'd on the same day? Crazy times.

Does nobody else find it odd how these always happen in waves? Like they have been organised by someone.
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The failure of the victim to exercise their agency does not mitigate or excuse the perpetrator's immoral intentions and actions. Lying to someone is wrong; telling someone to accompany you to your hotel room so that you can quickly do one thing and then leave when your actual intention is to get them to do something else is immoral. Period. Lying and deceiving is wrong.
Pursuing women who are already taken? A bit sleazy but not remotely sexual harassment...*unless* the woman decides the advances were unwanted. See that's the distinction here, she decided arbitrarily that the advances were unwanted and so it was sexual harassment, regardless of his intent...that's how this works...in the minds of crazy nutjobs who have no idea how people even end up in relationships.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
The failure of the victim to exercise their agency does not mitigate or excuse the perpetrator's immoral intentions and actions. Lying to someone is wrong; telling someone to accompany you to your hotel room so that you can quickly do one thing and then leave when your actual intention is to get them to do something else is immoral. Period. Lying and deceiving is wrong.
That sound like from some law case. I always wonder with self-righteous topic, why does words change so much...for non-native speaker, this is extremely obvious....


I mean, we are only hearing her side of the story and the idea of what's "immoral" in this context will be down to the individual interpretation.

Hitting on a girl who is in a relationship might be immoral but if you don't know she's in a relationship when you are hitting on her...

At the start he is pretty innocently flirting with her. "Maybe you can cheer me up if it all goes wrong".

His way of getting her number is a bit weird and cheeky but could also be seen as creepy in another context they've already been communicating through DMs so maybe it's nothing?

He invites her to his room. She goes to his room.
She does make it sound like he drags her to the hotel but she 100% chooses to go into the room.
He invited her into the shower which IS a bit strange buuuuuut she plays it off like "you're so funny" and it's not like he comes out naked and stands in front of her.

At this point he is clearly hitting on her. Wants to bang her and is, with no subtlety whatsoever, putting out signals to see how she will react.
Maybe his "star power" has gotten him laid before so he knows he just has to make it obvious that he wants it and his "fans" will jump at the chance.
I dunno.

He changes gears after the shower thing doesn't work. Just chatting etc.
At this point though she is choosing to not make an excuse and leave so you'd have to imagine he's thinking "OK the shower thing hasn't scared her away so I was probably too forward but she is probably still interested".

I mean, surely you've been in a relationship before where you were ready to fuck but she/he/they were not ready so you dialed it back and waited for the other person to get to the same level of comfort as you? This is like dating 101.

At the restaurant. "I have to tell them you're my girl" is once again CLEARLY an example of Joe putting something out there to see how she responds.
Once again, if you've been in a relationship then you surely know that the early stages can be a bit of a "testing the water" scenario. Fucksakes it could even be saying something on a first date like "I'll pay for this one and you can pay on our next date". Again, dating 101. Millions of people all over the world doing this same routine.

OK. He isn't letting her use her phone but you telling me she hasn't the sense to just go for a piss and use her phone privately there?
Like, it IS kind of rude to use your phone at a dinner etc but he is also being a bit controlling there.
Either way she says it's been 5 hours since she contacted anyone but that could have been solved with a trip to the toilet.
IF Joe had stopped her going for a piss then sure that's super weird but nothing specifically immoral so far.

When he grabs her purse and phone, I dunno. Is this place like a club or something? Like did he give her stuff to someone to put into a locker or something. She mentions it's a party. Is he paranoid that she will take footage and share it around? From her POV this is not cool but she kind of goes along with it so I dunno.

Again with the touchy feely stuff Joe is testing the waters in my opinion. She needed to shut that shit down ages ago but she seems to be letting him do it which HAS to mean he is thinking she doesn't mind. I guess we could argue here that dating should not be this weird "beating around the bushes" dance and that dudes should just be like "OK lady I like you and I want to bang you so lets agree or disagree and hammer out a timetable for when things are going to happen."

For the next bit Joe DOES come off as extremely paranoid. Like he is letting this girl have access but he is concerned that she is going to betray him to people on social media or some shit? I dunno. I think this is where she is not telling the FULL story and maybe has led Joe on to some extent putting in a place where it's possible that he is worried about being used or something. Like chicks maybe pretend to be into him but they just want the clout of being with some minor celeb? I dunno. This whole bit is sketchy. Is he trying to protect himself or control her or is it both?

He is pissed of that she has a boyfriend and that she has basically kept that from him. He says he thinks she is using him for clout.
Personally, I think he is trying to apply some pressure because he knows he is losing her at this point.
This would seem to me to be immoral, yes. At least not cool.
However, I wouldn't say it's serious yet.

He lets her go and she gets a cab home.
He hasn't touched her inappropriately or forced himself on her.
In fact, he's tried it on with her, found out she has a BF and then has just let her make her own way home.
I thought we wanted dudes to take "no" for an answer?

He doesn't assault her or actually do anything to her.
I mean, the dude is trying to get it on with the girl and she says "no I have a boyfriend" and he says "fuck you bitch go home" and that's IT.

This is the equivalent of chatting up a girl at the club. You buy her a few drinks and you grind up against each other on the dancefloor and then she says she has to leave early with her friends or her BF will be mad. You might give her a bit of grief but in the end you let her go and enjoy the rest of your night and maybe bang a fattie as consolation.

The way she presents it you'd think he actually forced himself on her or something.
It's actually kind of disgraceful and I'd be more inclined to feel like she is behaving immorally here.
Literally doing the thing Joe seemed worried about which is that she would use him to grow her own reputation.
This is probably the most well thought out responses in this thread, and boy what a thread. Hit the ground running with "Cheating is fine, everyone can do it plus some people are polyamorous so maybe everyone is" which is lovely, then it jumped into something about The Last of Us 2 and "PATHETIC CUNT", which is more of the perfectly healthy, reasonable attitudes we like to see, and that all made it in by post #10.


We have Angry Joe in the bag now

Next target Rich Reviewtechusa, Yongyea, Pewdepie and Colin Moriarty
oh, yongyea don't have enough time between all the ads in his videos. I swear, his (excellent) news videos are cut in like 7 segments with ads (on mobile)


oh, yongyea don't have enough time between all the ads in his videos. I swear, his (excellent) news videos are cut in like 7 segments with ads (on mobile)
I never watch videos on mobile, can't you adblock that shit?


This is probably the most well thought out responses in this thread, and boy what a thread. Hit the ground running with "Cheating is fine, everyone can do it plus some people are polyamorous so maybe everyone is" which is lovely, then it jumped into something about The Last of Us 2 and "PATHETIC CUNT", which is more of the perfectly healthy, reasonable attitudes we like to see, and that all made it in by post #10.
Well see, unlike resetera, we aren't a hivemind, and we're all a slew of different opinions and values. We have the freedom here to actually express how we feel, unlike the fear monger that they do over in that shitty place. I wasn't trying to say everyone is poly now, but I was basically saying that every one does not have the same values everywhere anymore. Just because one person values the sanctity of...dating someone else...doesn't mean everyone does, and you shouldn't expect everyone else to accept that either. Like Beyonce says "if you like it, than you shoulda put a ring on it". Dating someone doesn't mean you're off limits.
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The failure of the victim to exercise their agency does not mitigate or excuse the perpetrator's immoral intentions and actions. Lying to someone is wrong; telling someone to accompany you to your hotel room so that you can quickly do one thing and then leave when your actual intention is to get them to do something else is immoral. Period. Lying and deceiving is wrong.
Women are humans too are they also like something "more" from the opposite sex than boring talk about politics 😃. The problem is however most of them are just afraid to be straightforward and honest, because our modern society will label them as sluts if they are too easy. Males who are successful with women however learned how to talk with them.

"come to my place, I will show you something" (a fish or snake 😁) is used by all players and any bright women knows what it means.

What's funny, MANY women will lose their attraction and respect to you if you will be worried to take any action leading to the "consumption". Many women told me that and like it or not, but women hate when guys play safe and never do the moves. It's feminine energy to them and they are disgusted by it. I had to learn all of it on my own mistakes because when I was really young I thought like you.


advanced basic bitch
I'm not surprised over any of this as far as Re goes. They would have James Rolfe canceled to if they could for not reviewing Ghostbusters 2016 or having problematic friends. They love a good hanging.


Well see, unlike resetera, we aren't a hivemind, and we're all a slew of different opinions and values. We have the freedom here to actually express how we feel, unlike the fear monger that they do over in that shitty place. I wasn't trying to say everyone is poly now, but I was basically saying that every one does not have the same values everywhere anymore. Just because one person values the sanctity of...dating someone else...doesn't mean everyone does, and you shouldn't expect everyone else to accept that either. Like Beyonce says "if you like it, than you shoulda put a ring on it". Dating someone doesn't mean you're off limits.
You don't need to sell GAF to me, there's a reason I'm here and not over at Era. I value open discussion, even if I disagree with what's being said - like with some of what's been said in this thread.

I'd argue that to being in a relationship definitely means you are off limits unless explicitly stated otherwise in a niche circumstance. That's why it's called cheating, because you're breaking the rules of the relationship.
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