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Angry Joe gets called out by IGNs review editor for misquoting their Titanfall review


Seems to me that angryjoe is in the wrong on this issue.Showing quotes from the preview in place of the review is a misrepresentation for which the big sites would get more shit for.Anyway not such a big issue but angryjoe could handle it better and be less of a kid.

Watch the video that isnt exactly how it happened, he was using it as jab at all the reviews giving it glowing reviews and not mentioning flaws. It was pretty clear what he was doing with saying that. Besides that, Dan correcting him about when they said that is actually making them look worse, not better. If anything Joe made that quote look less horrible.
This is how I feel about it. Angry Joe was wrong in the first place, but it was completely ridiculous of Stapleton to jump in there out of nowhere and start some shit.

I just want to say, If Stapleton didn't bring this fight on to twitter would we even be talking about it?

That being said, there are both legitimate points for both sides. But I'll side with IGN on this one. 8 is great ,8.9 still great but so close to amazing seems to sound like Titanfall to me.


Maturity, bitches.
Semantics at this point, but even your argument there acknowledges each are different.

Yeah I know its just semantics. I'm just saying if Joe wants to be an awkward sod he could always point out that he did post a review when showing the "believe the hype" quote just not a final review. ;)
This whole fiasco shows that outlets need to keep their previews in check before going on the defensive. Using the preview quote as part of the game's marketing, a-ok; using it as a criticism for the high praise of the game, suddenly malicious. I get when there are 180s between preview and final products but moments like these just show that the voice they're presenting for themselves is schizophrenic and self-serving.

Regardless of what the reviewing scale standards are in IGN and in the industry, Joe is either being ignorant or disingenuous of how the 10.0 scale is used by reviewers and perceived by readers. Dan here is right in that the .1 matters here, since it's a cutoff grade in IGN's grading scale, and .9 or .0 grades are intentionally made by reviewers to make that distinction. Whether or not Joe disagrees with that process, if he doesn't understand how review scales work on a big site like IGN, then perhaps he should do that first before talking about it in his videos.
It's kind of funny seeing this as throughout the years I've only heard grief by games press over the bickering of review score minutia; the Sessler video posted in this thread is a great example. Yet that seems to be the exact drive over IGN's use of their scale.


I just want to say, If Stapleton didn't bring this fight on to twitter would we even be talking about it?

That being said, there are both legitimate points for both sides. But I'll side with IGN on this one. 8 is great ,8.9 still great but so close to amazing seems to sound like Titanfall to me.

That's an insane hair splitting difference when you are dealing with something as subjective as video games. This isnt a math issue, this is on of preception. It's like saying you bought a video game for $50, since it was 59.99, most people just say they spent $60.


Hold on.

This all started with the IGN editor claiming that he can't wait to see which reviews Angry Joe "maliciously misquotes" here.

You want to talk about saying things you shouldn't? About angry joe making accusations out of context by quoting a preview instead of a review?

How about going on Twitter and throwing out an accusation of malicious misconduct with ZERO additional context given?
That was a funny read. I kind of understand why the IGN dude is mad. The .01 is ridiculous but if Joe is talking about reviews he shouldn't post a quote from a preview. Also, there would have been a much better way to approach this from the IGN guy..no need to make it public on twitter.

I really think numbered review systems are dumb though. I would much rather the value of a game determined by categories like: Buy, Wait for Price drop, Rent, Skip or something like that. I don't know if any sites already to this. If you are going to have a numbered system, just make it 0-10..no decimals.


On one hand, its absurd to bitch about a .1 discrepancy. On the other hand, when a game is considered shit if its less than an 8 that .1 actually means quite a bit.

All in all this argument displays some of the fundamental problems with games journalism today.


Skipped to 8.25 in the video and watched for a minute or so, to be fair he did misrepresent the review and should have addressed that in a professional manner. The name calling paints him in a very bad light too.

More importantly, in said video Joe then goes on to say, "I could've cared less" - no, Joe. You mean I can't care less or similar as you're just contradicting yourself with the former. That really winds me up when I see it on the internet for some reason. He should be punished for this terrible crime.
Angry Joe is clearly in the wrong here. He quoted a preview quote and made it look like was part of their review, then he claims they gave it a 9 when they didn't. Then angry Joe calls him names the entire time.

Angry Joe is the idiot in this argument.

ppl just say "they're both idiots" and forget about it when they don't want to take sides because they don't like IGN, when Angry Joe is clearly the bigger idiot.


And 9 is basically 9.1 and that is basically a 9.2. Shit why isn't everything just a 10 with that logic.

Umm what? That is a terrible argument. Reviews are subjective, the effective difference between a 8.9 and a 9 isnt quantifiable. Nobody reading the review and then the score could accurately point out and justify the .1 difference. Fractional differences in scores for a review are just not helpful at all, and have very little to do with informing the consumer better.
But the general opinion is that Titanfall gameplay is exceptional, but overall lacking on content.

So, it would makes complete sense why the preview is hyperbolic and explosive, while the final review is slightly more subdued.

probably also different style guides too.

8.9 vs 9 isn't the issue here though, its that disgusting preview for me.

everything about it feels... nasty to read.


This is a stupid argument, and I find Angry Joe to be in the wrong for giving it so much time, although I don't know his persona since I haven't watched any vids of his, so maybe it's just him being "Angry" like Angry Joe should be.

IGN, on the other hand... 8.9? Fuckin' 100 point scales, man. Even though they're more like 35 point scales, but whatever. That's not even the real issue to me, though. The thing that bugs me most is them saying that anything they say in previews is completely worthless. They make all these hyperbolic, insane statements, but then they say "this doesn't actually mean anything because we said so". Between review embargos and previews being incredibly positive all the time, it's obvious that IGN and the other major review websites' loyalties lie with the publishers. If a game is being publicized, then it's literally impossible to hear anything negative about it until consumers have it in their hands, and that's kind of messed up. The only thing you can do is pore over videos and see if there's anything that stands out to you as "not good".
IGN and other game sites have seriously got to get some control over their employees. Joe handled it poorly but holy shit that first tweet Dan sent was completely ridiculous.


Skipped to 8.25 in the video and watched for a minute or so, to be fair he did misrepresent the review and should have addressed that in a professional manner.

More importantly, in said video Joe then goes on to say, "I could've cared less" - no, Joe. You mean I can't care less or similar as you're just contradicting yourself with the former. That really winds me up when I see it on the internet for some reason. He should be punished for this terrible crime.

He absolutely should have addressed it in a professional manner.

But we simply cannot overlook the fact that his FIRST exposure to IGN's issue with his review is an accusation of maliciously misrepresenting a review with no additional context given to the public on how it was malicious.

Which, curiously enough, is potentially a malicious misrepresentation of Angry Joe's review itself.


I couldn't bring myself to finish reading the exchange. The IGN guy has a point but the whole thing kind of devolves anyway.

Gamers...gamers never change. :p


I don't agree with (or like) either of them but Joe voided the entire discussion when he started name calling. Keep it classy dude, keep it classy.

The whole thing started with the IGN guy making a comment, a MONTH after AngryJoe's review was posted, on his twitter. "I can't wait to see which reviews you maliciously misquote when you cover it!"

Classiness was off the table from the get go.


Skipped to 8.25 in the video and watched for a minute or so, to be fair he did misrepresent the review and should have addressed that in a professional manner.

More importantly, in said video Joe then goes on to say, "I could've cared less" - no, Joe. You mean I can't care less or similar as you're just contradicting yourself with the former. That really winds me up when I see it on the internet for some reason. He should be punished for this terrible crime.

He didnt misrepresent the review with that quote, what are you talking about? He used that line, then started saying "9/10, 10/10" and ect. He was using it as a segway to explain the insane hype the game got. Beyond that him using it there would be BETTER then him implying they were talking like that before they even reviewed the game. Joe did not make them look worse, at all.


never left the stone age
IGN and other game sites have seriously got to get some control over their employees. Joe handled it poorly but holy shit that first tweet Dan sent was completely ridiculous.
Well, Joe is his own employee. He can act however he wants if he can face the consequences
Honestly coming into Joe's twitter feed and calling him out like that was asking for trouble. Should have sent a professional email.

8.9 is pretty much 9. You may call it what you want in how you want people to perceive it (8.9 is great 9 is heaven on earth) but at the end of the day, when people see a 10 point scale and you say 8.9, people will interpret it to pretty much a 9. Arguing otherwise is just arguing a technicality. If they wanted to say it was closer to 8 than 9 then call it 8, or 8.4.

Review scores are dumb anyways. It's not like all games are the same and you can just use some arbitrary points system to measure them all equally. This is probably part of why you tubers have some success... because rather than nitpicking at a sheet of points they need to score, they just look at the game and say what they liked and didn't like about the experience.
Hold on.

This all started with the IGN editor claiming that he can't wait to see which reviews Angry Joe "maliciously misquotes" here.

You want to talk about saying things you shouldn't? About angry joe making accusations out of context by quoting a preview instead of a review?

How about going on Twitter and throwing out an accusation of malicious misconduct with ZERO additional context given?

Ding ding ding. No one should be siding with IGN on this topic.
Yea the .1 scale is a bit dumb. But it seemed like the guy was more upset about misquoting and overall misrepresentating their review. Was the preview by the same person?

Sometimes I feel a lot of you guys are robots... Focusing in on only the .1 thing. That clearly wasnt the only reason he was annoyed and then you have to take into account how much disparaging crap Joe has said over the years about media sites and IGN in particular.

I'm not really into IGN, but man the internet, "wow he's upset at .1?!?" It's like a bunch of little kids in school
Comes off as Stapleton having an axe to grind. Joe asks something only tangentially related to the subject and Dan jumped onto it. Then Joe proceeds to handle it in his usual unprofessional manner.

Both come out looking like jackasses to me.


probably also different style guides too.

8.9 vs 9 isn't the issue here though, its that disgusting preview for me.

everything about it feels... nasty to read.

Ya, I dont understand how Dan thinks brining it up that it wasnt in the review, but the preview makes it better. It makes it worse if anything.
That's an insane hair splitting difference when you are dealing with something as subjective as video games. This isnt a math issue, this is on of preception. It's like saying you bought a video game for $50, since it was 59.99, most people just say they spent $60.

It's their scale. They are the ones that make the rule for their scale. If they say 8.9 or 7.9999 so be it. It's their thing where they show what it means to them. So if 8.whatever is still great, and 9.point whatever is still amazing. We are the ones that read the review and chose what is more trustworthy. I just believe that they have the right to defend themselves when they think they are being misrepresented


Joe's point stands even if he would have put 8.9 out of 10. The IGN guy just brought more attention to how terrible their review system is.

Camp Lo

I don't watch AJ for a number of reasons but I liked his Titanfall review. That said, that twitter fight was shameful shit. Both sides should feel ashamed.


It's their scale. They are the ones that make the rule for their scale. If they say 8.9 or 7.9999 so be it. It's their thing where they show what it means to them. So if 8.whatever is still great, and 9.point whatever is still amazing. We are the ones that read the review and chose what is more trustworthy. I just believe that they have the right to defend themselves when they think they are being misrepresented

They can believe anything they want and argue for their right to believe it, doesnt mean I dont think their reasoning behind it is absolute bullshit. The fractional difference doesn't help the consumer, it's not there for us. And again, their scale isnt a mathimatical science, so unless they can consistently explain what constitutes a .1 in terms of net positive or a net negative their fractional system is useless and unexplainable, imo.


Lol Dan Stapleton comes off so petty arguing over .1, when Joe doesn't even single out IGN when he says 9 and 10s.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The argument about what an 8 represents and what a 9 represents is psychotic when consider which number 8.9 is closer to. Twitter fights are so strange.


IGN can try to defend that preview coverage all they want but it won't change the fact that it was bullshit.

IGN has the 100 point scale for the same reason Metacritic does, to compare titles and make more accurate reviews, maybe a 8.7 game is better then a 8.5 game but not as good as a 9?
When you're trying to compare apples to oranges, and you're employing 10-20 people to compare apples to oranges and they all have different preferences and biases towards apples and oranges, using a scale that fine is completely meaningless. Hell even a 5 point scale breaks down incredibly quickly as the number of reviewers increases (or even just plain over time), there is no good reason to try to make a 100-point scale work on this scale because you can't.


As I said previously, both acted childish. But the name calling was just too much.

I agree that Joe (another one I really don'y give a damn about) lost it after a while, and reacted in a negative way, but that's exactly what it is: a reaction. If not for the absurd, badly worded and sudden accusation, coming out of nowhere a month after the fact, none of this would've happened.

Everything could've been solved with a private mail from IGN to Joe, it's mind-boggling that this Dan guy thought it was a good idea to tweet that idiotic stuff.
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