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Anime recommendations for a new comer

Fate/stay night unlimited blade works





Far to many to name here but off the top of my head......

Anything by Studio Ghibli
Ninja Scroll (Movie)
Cowboy Bebop
Guyver (new and old series)
Ghost in the Shell (Movies)
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex / Arise
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Afro Samurai
Attack on Titan
Vampire Hunter D (2nd movie is better)
Studio ghibli and mamoru hosoda films would be a starting point. Princess mononoke and spirited away from the ghibli side. Horror wise I can't say much but paprika was a film that most people enjoy.


Wow thanks for so many recommendations I'll give them a try

I mean what did you like from Big Hero Six, give us more context. Did you like the light hearted superhero aspect? The feel good get-over-depression aspect? The cute relationship between the mascot of Michelin tires and the main character?

edit: OOH. Barakamon is a great recommendation, if you can get over it's only subbed (not sure if dubbed yet) definitely watch.

I liked the baymax and hiro characters relationship yes, but I loved the setting of fictional sanfransokyo as well as the super hero's

So maybe something in a futuristic city setting with a group of hero's,and Maybe light hearted but not necessary?


Princess Jellyfish. That show always hits the mark with newbies. Mostly a comedy with a bit of romance and one hell of an endearing pair for protagonists. The fact that it's short sucks, but it's a great ride.

The opening song is god tier too.


Perfect Blue - It is a movie so quick watch, and has a mix of drama and horror
Baccano - Has a mix of everything in it. Great gateway show
Another - Horror and Thriller
Death Parade - Not really horror, its more mystery but she might like it
Shinsekai Yori - Warning: very slow start, and most the horror elements are in the second half but they are fantastic

If she is into drama like you say you could recommend some Key anime to her, like Clannad, Air, etc.


Chrno Crusade(it's not based off the video games) - little horror, little light heartedness, little love story.
Darker than Black - Xei just is awesome
Xam'd - little love story, great story, great animation.

Would be my recommendations.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Death Note, although there aren't any other shows quite like it.


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.
Troll recs are bannable right? Cause these two need to know this shit has long since stopped being funny.

Anyways actual recommendations:

Full Metal Panic
Attack On Titan
Anything by Studio Ghibli
Azumanga Daioh
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Between these shows, your friend should find something they like.

whoa sorry anime gaf, i had no idea recommending certain show was bannable!

oh noes


I rewatched this recently, and it's not very good.

But it's another series I'd recommend if your friend is into shipping OP.

Yep, that's why I mentioned it, it seemed like a good anime "appetizer".

Personally the animes that initiated me were Ninja Scroll, Battle Angel Alita, DBZ, Saint Seiya and several more violent shows but I wouldn't recommend them to newcomers unless they're really into that.


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.
I'm a jackass and just post a link to this thread of mine.

Guardian of the Spirit.
Usagi Drop.
Ein Landarzt.
Hunter x Hunter.
Level E.
Shingeki no Bahamut.
The Tatami Galaxy.
Michiko to Hatchin.

Would be some candidates that could interest you.


Unconfirmed Member
So I'm going to introduce anime to someone. I need recommendations on what would be a good show for her. It has to be in English. She likes girly, horror, drama, and feelgood movies to name some interests. I have a few in mind but I haven't watched as much anime as some of you here and since I don't really watch dubs I'm also stuck there.
Based on this I'm going to make a suggestion that I can't believe I haven't seen anybody else make yet. Aside from Ghibli movies, it's far and away the most obvious answer based on those criteria. And that is:



Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

Try Mushishi and Death Parade. I think you'll like them.


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Death Parade

For movies that fit that mold I'd recommend any Satoshi Kon movie.

The only thing is specifying battle anime as something that you don't want narrows down what can be recommended, since there's plenty of good anime that have battles but lack the other tropes you're complaining about. Or don't do the standard shonen battle tropes. (or don't have the fluff most shonen battle anime have despite the source material being older than them)


Neo Member
My recommendation for people's first anime is probably the original Fullmetal Alchemist. It's a name with enough mainstream recognition, and can open up lots of possibilities in terms of further watching it (the movies, Brotherhood, the manga). The Conqueror of Shamballa is a necessary film, because it is the concluding movie to the series, even if it isn't canon. Then if your friend decides to pursue Brotherhood, or the manga, there's room for discussion on how the approaches differed. I feel it's a better entry point than Brotherhood because it's pacing is a bit better and doesn't have alot of anime tropes or effects that Brotherhood does. The pacing to me personally is overall alot better because the manga wasn't completed at the time and so they drew out some of the more dramatic parts. The series definitely has some feel good moments, and there are several parts that kind are slightly horrifying, while also maintains high tension. Fair warning though, the ending is kinda shite, but that's only to set up the expectations for alot of anime in the future.
Start with movies. The Girl Who Leapt through time seems like a good starting point. It's down to Earth, characters are relatable without having typical anime tropes and is just a great movie for girl or guys

Ghibli of course. I'd go with Spirited Away if you want light hearted adventure. There is a reason why it's the most renowned amongst Western critics.

Or if she is up for a movie that can really tug on the heart strings and show the length the medium can go then Grave of the Fireflies

Avoid series to start. But Death Note is probably the best gateway Anime IMO despite its obvious problems. Monster is my all time favourite series, and is basically the Anime equivelant of a HBO series in terms of quality
5 Centimeters Per Second
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Whisper of the Heart
Tokyo Godfathers
Perfect Blue
Millennium Actress

She will like the movies as a girl.

this is a great post also i suggest Barakamon (great series)

Spirited Away is the most well known, but like I said earlier, personally I'd wait to watch that in Japanese, but that's just me being picky. Laputa: Castle in the Skyhas some nice Miyazaki elements from flying to fantasy locations. It even has Mark Hamill what with all the current Star Wars buzz going around (I don't really know Star Wars).

off topic but your avatar is the best


I'm a jackass and just post a link to this thread of mine.

Guardian of the Spirit.
Usagi Drop.
Ein Landarzt.
Hunter x Hunter.
Level E.
Shingeki no Bahamut.
The Tatami Galaxy.
Michiko to Hatchin.

Would be some candidates that could interest you.

Thank you, I'll take a look at your thread. I wish there was some a database using some of your point of interests, so one could filter all the moe or fanservice for example.

Try Mushishi and Death Parade. I think you'll like them.

I've seen some of Mushishi, can't really remember what I thought of it. Might look into it again. Death Parade sounds weird, but interesting. Thanks.

Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Death Parade

For movies that fit that mold I'd recommend any Satoshi Kon movie.

The only thing is specifying battle anime as something that you don't want narrows down what can be recommended, since there's plenty of good anime that have battles but lack the other tropes you're complaining about. Or don't do the standard shonen battle tropes. (or don't have the fluff most shonen battle anime have despite the source material being older than them)

Oh yeah, had forgotten about 2199! I saw a bunch of the old series a while back and I really enjoyed it. Reminds me I have to check out the new Cobra as well.

Yeah, with battle anime I mean shonen battle anime, with full episodes of people fighting etc., that don't seem to focus on much other things. I'm alright with watching violence, it's just that I want more than bad guy vs good guy comparing strengths. Feel free to recommend anime with battles that isn't the same cookie cutter stuff airing every season. Thanks
I can be described as a casual anime viewer at best, so I can recommend this as a newcomer:

Bokurano - A group of children get enlisted into a "game" of controlling a giant robot to defend The Earth from other giant robots by a mysterious man in a cave on the beach. As they finish the first fight the children discover more and more details about the horrible game they're now playing.

The children are the main characters of the anime instead of the robot, so character development and suspense are principal to the story. The children are not treated as just the pilots but as individual human beings, each with their own background and personalities.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Girls are "Contracted" to become magical girls in exchange for a wish by a magical creature, then are forced to fight against Witches, the embodiment of curses and negative desires (with an amazing surreal art style and animation by Gekidan Inu Curry). Madoka, the titular character, is prevented to form a contract by a mysterious dark magical girl.

The story is stellar (this is my favourite anime, so I may be biased towards it), but the character development is not as good. You have to watch the first three episodes at least in order to form an opinion.
There's also a trilogy of movies, the first two being the original 12 episode series condensed and graphically improved, with a different soundtrack than the original series (which I prefer, but in no way is inferior to the original) and a third movie, a sequel to the series with amazing art, but and ending that divides the fanbase in two.

Others that I've liked:
- Most Ghibli
- Children who chase lost voices
- Your lie in April
- The Tatami Galaxy


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

House of Five Leaves - on crunchyroll. Slow, low key samurai drama
Shigurui - warning for extreme sexual content and gore.
Serial Experiments Lain -
Mawaru Penguindrum -it has teenagers, I guess it kinda does have a tsundere and it has some stuff you'll probably frown on but I dare say it is still worth a try. It's hard to find an anime as weird and unique (and as good ;p) as Mawaru.
Mononoke - on crunchyroll
Dennou Coil
Tatami Galaxy
Shin Sekai Yori - on crunchyroll
Mushishi -on crunchyroll (second season only I think ?)
Aku no Hana - on crunchyroll


Ghibli films
Death Note
Death Parade (Not sure if there's a dub)
Usagi Drop (Not sure if there's a dub)
Cowboy Bebop
Madoka Magica


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

Everyone should watch Paprika. Whether they're looking for anime or not. Great movie.



Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

Check out any of the Satoshi Kon movies

Ghibli films
Death Note
Death Parade (Not sure if there's a dub)
Usagi Drop (Not sure if there's a dub)
Cowboy Bebop
Madoka Magica
Funimation did a broadcast dub for death parade (and other newer shows too), which is pretty neat


Cowboy Bebop is about the best for a starting anime. It plays way more like a western show that has a light, but substantial through-line and good characters arcs for all the main players.

I would also suggest anything Ghibli for more fantastical, light-hearted feature films and anything by Satoshi Kon (movies) for something a bit more on the mature side.

School Days ;)

boku no pico

As someone who was banned for making one of the above suggestions in a legit ask thread months ago, this is a bad idea. Just stop.
Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

Silver spoon. It has teenagers, but it touches the subject of not knowing what you want to do with your life and how you can discover it. It's a beautiful anime based on the manga by the same author of FullMetal Alchemist. It's the type of anime that puts a smile in your face when you had a really shitty day.



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.
I know exactly what you're looking for.

Legend of Galatic Heroes (Hear me out... this is it. No kids of any type. Great characters. It's what Star Wars wishes to be.)
Shin Sekai Yori (Has teenagers, but definitely not your typical anime teenagers. It's a psychological dystopian story about morality under extreme circumstances, much like Monster)
Shirobako (Actual working people making anime. Alternates between extreme stress about adult fears and lighthearted sequences.)
Gin no Saji
Yamato 2199
Spice and Wolf
Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

You can actually find plenty of TV shows that don't fit into the stereotypical "anime" mold.

Anne of Green Gables - Isao Takahata's adaptation of the classic children's novel about an orphan girl adopted by an elderly couple on Prince Edward Island in Canada, and her experiences growing into adulthood.

Aoi Bungaku - An anthology series containing adaptations of various works of classic Japanese literature done by different directors at Madhouse.

Emma: A Victorian Romance - Exactly what it says on the tin: A romance story featuring a maid in Victorian England.

Gankutsuou - An adaptation of Dumas' novel Count of Monte Cristo, reimagining 19th-century France through a wild sci-fi lens.

Kaiji - A down-on-his-luck high school graduate gets involved in increasingly desperate gambles.

Kagewani - A horror story in the classic vein, about a professor investigating the appearances of a certain type of monster across Japan.

Kaiba - A sci-fi story about a world where memories can be easily exchanged between bodies, with a very unique visual style.

Master Keaton - An adaptation of a manga by the author of Monster, about a multi-talented globe-trotting insurance investigator.

Mouryou no Hako - A murder mystery set in 1950s Japan involving a series of people who get caught up in a strange dismemberment case.

Wolf's Rain - A somber tale in a dying world, about shapeshifting wolves who band together in search of a longed-for Paradise.

I could go on, but hopefully that gives you an idea of the kind of variety that's out there.


Anybody have recommendations on anime with less of the typical annoying anime tropes? Something that might be a bit different. I don't want to watch angsty teenagers save the world once again (or teenagers at all), the tsundere characters, battle anime, harems, clubs and the squeaky voices.

I know of Monster and Planetes, both which are great. Feels like I'll have to go for movies instead of tv shows in order to find something.

I would just go with Death Note tbqh.
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