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Anthem streamer breaks NDA, loses access to account they setup for this


So many arm-chair lawyers...

False equivalency. The NDA likely lists punitive measures; these measures are in place to dissuade breaking the NDA. In your poor analogy, the individual who broke the Samsung NDA would have likely been liable for a punitive fine, potentially tens of thousand's of dollars, in the case of a prototype phone. On topic, the NDA EA presented likely listed a permanent ban of the Origin account linked to the Anthem Closed Alpha as a punitive measure. EA didn't "come in his house" to take anything; they banned the account that the individual used to break the NDA, which the individual agreed to when signing the NDA... that they then broke. Not only is this legal, it's perfectly moral.

Or, if you prefer meme format:
EA: "As part of access to our super secret test, you'll need to agree to be punished should you tell anyone about it before we say its OK."
Guy: "Sure, that sounds fair"
*Guy tells everyone about the test*
"Ok, here's the punishment you agreed to accept".

Are you a lawyer?.


He knew what he was signing and what the potential consequences were. Or maybe not, almost no one reads what he signs nowadays, but that doesn't take away the responsibility. The guy is probably like "meh, whatever" at this point and already created a new accout, but people in this thread... Dear lord, adult life will hit some of you guys really, REALLY hard.

Kagey K

It’s been posted a few times already, but it was a Origin account with only the Anthem Alpha as the only game they ever bought.

EA banned and deleted one game, the same one he broke NDA with.

He didn’t lose 1 dollar, in fact he probably made money now based on clicks.


It’s been posted a few times already, but it was a Origin account with only the Anthem Alpha as the only game they ever bought.

EA banned and deleted one game, the same one he broke NDA with.

He didn’t lose 1 dollar, in fact he probably made money now based on clicks.

If there were many games on the account, would that have stopped EA from banning the account?

Kagey K

If there were many games on the account, would that have stopped EA from banning the account?
The account wasn’t banned. He was able to sign into it. Only the one license that account owned was banned.

You can see his account loaded and signed in perfectly at the .44 sec mark.

He literally only lost acces to the game he broke NDA on, as shown on the twitch link above.
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The account wasn’t banned. He was able to sign into it. Only the one license that account owned was banned.

You can see his account loaded and signed in perfectly at the .44 sec mark.

He literally only lost acces to the game he broke NDA on, as shown on the twitch link above.

Well then, I see no problem.

Kagey K

Exactly, but here we are 3 pages in because people can’t bother to check for themselves and read crappy headlines with no context.

I mean it’s correct in that he lost his entire library, they just ignore his library consisted of 1 Alpha, and he broke the NDA on it,
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But there was nothing to check, they are supposed to give early access to people that play their games, what was the point in handling the game to a streamer then?... see if he could resist to streaming it?. Maybe they are to blame.
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I signed a lot of NDA during my gamescom visits and do it still for my Nintendo reviews.
If a Beta Tester/Reviewer is not able to read a NDA, he should get help or just dont sign it.
No mercy, sorry.


Lmao. There was a girl on Twitter who tweeted to a Dev who said "Don't publically share feedback" to which she replied was sketchy. If she read the lengthy NDA that was emailed out, she would know why.

I wish people could read, but this guy deserved it.


Yeah, keep supporting launchers and control over consumers, people. This is what you deserve.
but this guy deserved it.
No he did not. What the fuck is wrong with you people? He deserved to lose access to Anthem, not to his full fucking library.
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He totally should pay for any damage he caused to EA... which is none.

Honestly, I think EA did more damage letting the masses play this version of the game.
First impressions are everything, even if you're shouting from the roof-tops it's an earlier version of the game that's currently out there.

But why pay an internal QA Team or hire external QA Companies when you can just throw it into the wild for free and get them to load test.
It is fucking astounding how every game release this close to launch has people defending it, they've all already forgotten about FO76.

JFC I'm so disappointed but there's still a slither of hope the January Demo will have something.
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Are you a lawyer?.
Not practicing, but have worked in law, focused primarily on finance contracts. NDA’s around IP for finance products, risk management calculations, etc, weren’t the focus of the practice, but certainly seen more than a handful.


When does my Chrono Trigger SNES license expire? Aside from not making illegal copies of the game, what are my restrictions with Chrono Trigger SNES?

You'd have to read that tiny booklet that came in the box with the cartridge. Full text of the license is printed on it, since it won't fit on a cartridge. I'm sure Nintendo's lawyers have a copy of it laying around even if none of us do.


As he should. If someone breaks a Samsung NDA on samsung phones, Samsung should be able to come in his house and take his Samsung washer and dryer and samsung tv as well?

Idiots like this one are the reason we get so few demos or real betas. Devs can’t test their games in peace without nitwits disclosing the very thing they promised to hold in confidence.

Then when games aren’t tested and released broken this community wants to scream bloody murder. You can’t be serious. Zero sympathy for this guy. He’s a parasite.
Is there a link to the leaks? Or at least a summary of what he leaked?

They shouldn't be able to take everything you paid for. But at the same time I can't feel bad for an idiot who willingly breaches a contract after signing it.


Anthem producer had already warned against breaking the NDA

The streamer was clearly in violation of the NDA. However, it would have been fine if only his access to Anthem Alpha was revoked and any freebies given to him were taken away. As for revoking access to (or removing from his account altogether) the games that he purchased with his own money (if any), that sure sounds like harsh. Though, again it depends on the terms and conditions of the NDA that he signed.

And to those saying contract is not enforceable by law, well, a contract IS literally a legally binding agreement written or otherwise.

That said, his owned game library should be restored.


Lol you're trolling right? It's their business, their money, their livelihood at stake... If someone challenges your income for 15 minutes of fame youre telling me you'd move on? It's not a video game, it's their business, it's how they make money and pay people.

Anthem producer had already warned against breaking the NDA
That said, his owned game library should be restored.

I mean... why? How dumb do you have to be to purposely break a NDA? I'm with the post that suggested he could have his library back if he agrees to wage garnishes.
Until we know the terms of the DNA - which should be harsh for a purposeful malicious act - then I fail to see the problem.
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Yeah, keep supporting launchers and control over consumers, people. This is what you deserve.

No he did not. What the fuck is wrong with you people? He deserved to lose access to Anthem, not to his full fucking library.

It's looking like he did only loose access to Anthem, which was the only game in his Origin library.


Neo Member
That's because not everything in an NDA , TOS or whatever you click agree to before you use something is enforceable.That would be up to a judge. It's like those warranty stickers that say void if removed.Those are not enforceable no matter what they say but they will continue to use them to make consumers believe it . The law is not a rigid as some would like to believe
Um no man. This is a legally bonding contract that you SIGN...
I find the general reaction to this depressing. Yes, the streamer broke an NDA. In this instance, and most in this industry, so what? He would have been leaking information that the general public doesn't have. If we had more people breaking NDAs, we'd have a more consumer-friendly world. If it were up to EA, you'd never see any bit of media or information about Anthem, save for the curated bits EA wants to show. You'd never know anything real about the game, any of its flaws. Yes, a legal NDA was broken. Again, so what? What does that hurt besides EA's marketing plan.
So a company dose not have the legal right to protect their IP's? Ok got it.


If it’s just his library he got off easy. Anthem is a multi multi million dollar property. They could have gone after him for actual damages to the brand and potential lost sales.


Not practicing, but have worked in law, focused primarily on finance contracts. NDA’s around IP for finance products, risk management calculations, etc, weren’t the focus of the practice, but certainly seen more than a handful.

So the answer is no, of course not, a lawyer would know that it´s way more complicated than "you signed for this punishment, therefore it´s legal and moral".
So many people in this thread that do not understand your actions have consequences. I don't like EA as much as any gamer but this is all his fault all of this would have been avoided if he followed basic instructions. If you are a journalist for Hollywood and you get special permission to see a new movie on set and you agree not to leak anything and later post pictures on the internet of the set you will get blacklisted from the industry and you deserve it, you broke their trust, and thats what it is an agreement on trust.
If I did that, I would lose Alice, Madness Returns, several Command and Conquer games, The Saboteur, Dragon Age 1 and 2 (yes I like 2. It has its considerable flaws, but I like it.) Kingdoms of Amalur (classic), Crysis 1 and 2, Dead space 1 and 2, jade Empire, Mass Effect 2, Mass effect Andromeda (got it for like 7 bucks. Still haven't finished it.), Sim City 4, Shank and Bulletstorm.

That's quite a number of good games to lose just to be a dick and break an NDA. The person who broke the NDA, I would assume, knew there would be repercussions, and he/she paid the price for it. It's not a good idea to fuck with a slimy company like EA when it comes to shit like that.


People understand the concept of action>consequence since they were building world models when they were babies. It´s about fairness, how people seem to think it´s ok to let companies decide what is fair and what it isn´t is lame.
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If it’s just his library he got off easy. Anthem is a multi multi million dollar property. They could have gone after him for actual damages to the brand and potential lost sales.

Translation: they know the game's a train wreck right now and don't want to poison the well. They're terrified of another ME Andromeda (and they should be; word of mouth is that this game is raw ass).


Having signed a few NDA's for similar stuff in the past, if that's all that happens, he gets off easy.

The people whining about 'muh games' aren't taking into account that it's a TOS violation for his Origin account as well.
Translation: they know the game's a train wreck right now and don't want to poison the well. They're terrified of another ME Andromeda (and they should be; word of mouth is that this game is raw ass).
Games in development are in development. Joe Customer seeing issues in an Alpha test will be confused and think their shipping product has problems.
So a company dose not have the legal right to protect their IP's? Ok got it.
I get it, I’m in the minority. I don’t think actions shouldn’t have consequences, but I also don’t think it should be so one-sided. I don’t think it’s fair, or right, that companies can take away your account and purchases. An NDA is just as legally enforceable as the TOS you agree to with every software install. To me, it’s ridiculous that you can sign away all consumer rights and be left with very little recourse.


You'd have to read that tiny booklet that came in the box with the cartridge. Full text of the license is printed on it, since it won't fit on a cartridge. I'm sure Nintendo's lawyers have a copy of it laying around even if none of us do.

Sorry no. I can play it anytime I want, I can loan it out, I can sell it, I can use it as a doorstop, etc.... The only thing I can't do is make illegal copies and distribute them. I can't make illegal copies of my car and distribute them either but it doesn't mean I don't own my car.


Not practicing, but have worked in law, focused primarily on finance contracts. NDA’s around IP for finance products, risk management calculations, etc, weren’t the focus of the practice, but certainly seen more than a handful.
I guess we can add one more armchair lawyer to the pile.


I get it, I’m in the minority. I don’t think actions shouldn’t have consequences, but I also don’t think it should be so one-sided. I don’t think it’s fair, or right, that companies can take away your account and purchases. An NDA is just as legally enforceable as the TOS you agree to with every software install. To me, it’s ridiculous that you can sign away all consumer rights and be left with very little recourse.

It should be illegal to sign away your rights. If an EULA asks for your first born, it's unenforceable.
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Sorry no. I can play it anytime I want, I can loan it out, I can sell it, I can use it as a doorstop, etc.... The only thing I can't do is make illegal copies and distribute them. I can't make illegal copies of my car and distribute them either but it doesn't mean I don't own my car.

Those things you mentioned? Who said any of them were against the terms of the license? All of those things you're talking about? You're not doing them to the game, you're doing them to the media kit. You still don't own the game, because just like you said: if you did own it, you'd be able to make and sell as many copies as you'd like.

Fortunately for most of the people who believe this stuff works one way when in fact it works an entirely different way none of it matters because they're never in a position to be caught, never in a position to make it worth pursuing a case against.
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Those things you mentioned? Who said any of them were against the terms of the license? All of those things you're talking about? You're not doing them to the game, you're doing them to the media kit. You still don't own the game, because just like you said: if you did own it, you'd be able to make and sell as many copies as you'd like.

No, if I owned the COPYRIGHT I could COPY and distribute copies. I own my copy of the game and I always have. There is a difference in owning a copy of a product and owning the copyright.

Anyway, here is the manual: http://www.gamesdatabase.org/Media/.../Chrono_Trigger_-_1995_-_Square_Co.,_Ltd..pdf

See if you can find the EULA,

you said:
Fortunately for most of the people who believe this stuff works one way when in fact it works an entirely different way none of it matters because they're never in a position to be caught, never in a position to make it worth pursuing a case against.

Maybe it just doesn't work the way YOU think it does for older games. Maybe the game industry hasn't always been as anti-consumer as it is now and maybe you are trying to rewrite history in favor of corporations.
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