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Anti-Trump protest erupts in Albuquerque downtown, NM after Trump held an event

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Donald Trump isn't really a Republican, ideologically speaking. He isn't even very conservative. NeoGAF seems to do a pretty poor job of understanding why Trump is popular.

We're well aware of what he's proposed, what he's flip flopped on, pandered too, and lied about. He's hot garbage.
We're well aware of what he's proposed, what he's flip flopped on, pandered too, and lied about. He's hot garbage.
Unfortunately this is relative; a lot of people feel the same way about Clinton. Neither candidate is particularly popular but hey, that's what American politics is right now.
minorities out here being spit on and forgotten, having shit talked about them as if they're subhuman, and when they stand up for somethin'.. funny thing is people seem more worried about horses

horse injured in protest: WTF CRUELTY YOU SCUM
minority hurt via cop: wait 4 the facts


Donald Trump isn't really a Republican, ideologically speaking. He isn't even very conservative. NeoGAF seems to do a pretty poor job of understanding why Trump is popular.

It's not terribly complicated. He jettisoned to the top of a crowded Republican field off of speeches "telling it like it is" about those goddamn Mexicans, and hasn't looked back.
If a person sees a protest and goes "well that makes me want to vote for the racist/bigot/sexist guy" then they were already going to vote for him anyways. This protest doesn't help or hinder him.
That just isn't true. Plenty of white moderates have been drawn to Trump because of these protests; they don't talk about it in public due the social consequences of doing so but anonymous polling reveals his growing popularity. I hate to say it but these Bernie Bro types are going to be the ones that decide the election based on whether they go to Clinton or Trump.
Unfortunately this is relative; a lot of people feel the same way about Clinton. Neither candidate is particularly popular but hey, that's what American politics is right now.

No, it's not relative. They're campaigns aren't remotely similar in any shape or form with Trump launching hard right-wing bombs out of the gate speaking to the lowest common denominator in this country, and never let up because so many of his supporters are straight up slime.
No, it's not relative. They're campaigns aren't remotely similar in any shape or form with Trump launching hard right-wing bombs out of the gate speaking to the lowest common denominator in this country, and never let up because so many of his supporters straight up slime.
I didn't say how people feel about Clinton was warranted. People just don't like her; her unavailability ratings are quite high, with only Trump having higher ones. All this ideological stuff won't matter in the voting booths. There's only two choices and that is what binds them together. They don't have to be similar.


McCain and Romney are not Centrist LOL!!! They are Right Wing

America has a funny definition of what is the ''Center''

there is not such thing a Centrist Republican because the GOP as a party is Far-Right. You have some who a less Right wing but they are still Right Wing

I get what you're saying, personally I think Republicans are far right and I think it's ridiculous. But you gotta look at reality. Far-right politics are competitive in America. So the boundaries of "Center" in the Republican party will reflect that.

McCain and Romney are far better candidates than the alternatives like Santorum, Huckabee, Paul Ryan, etc.
That just isn't true. Plenty of white moderates have been drawn to Trump because of these protests; they don't talk about it in public due the social consequences of doing so but anonymous polling reveals his growing popularity. I hate to say it but these Bernie Bro types are going to be the ones that decide the election based on whether they go to Clinton or Trump.

If a protest is what makes you decide to vote for someone who is blatantly racist/sexist/bigot/homophobic, let's be real, chances are extremely high you already believed in those same ideologies and you just needed a convenient excuse to vote for Trump.

And Bernie bros aren't deciding anything other than what fad to hop onto next.
I get what you're saying, personally I think Republicans are far right and I think it's ridiculous. But you gotta look at reality. Far-right politics are competitive in America. So the boundaries of "Center" in the Republican will reflect that.

McCain and Romney are far better candidates than the alternatives like Santorum, Huckabee, Paul Ryan, etc.

yes it's true, McCain and Romney are leagues better than the rest of the GOP field.

I think that the party is fucked for a generation. Crazies have taken over, not just one sort of crazy but two or three types of crazies.


Junior, please.
Schattenjäger;204634320 said:
Nothing coming up

But you basing this'll college professors being the smartest people in society - not sure I agree with that

Link fixed, sorry.

And I'm not saying college professors are the smartest people in society, merely an example of a set of smart people. They are some of the smartest people in society. I don't understand how one can disagree with that, it's just fact.
Schattenjäger;204634320 said:
Nothing coming up

But you basing this'll college professors being the smartest people in society - not sure I agree with that

It's common knowledge that most college faculty are liberal. Google it. Where do you think the decades old attack line about liberal indoctrination on campus comes from? Come on man, this is low hanging fruit.

Now it's a goal post moving to college professors not necessarily being the smartest

Donald Trump isn't really a Republican, ideologically speaking. He isn't even very conservative. NeoGAF seems to do a pretty poor job of understanding why Trump is popular.

This is nonsense. Trump makes things up as he goes along. The Republican party does not. Which side do you think will influence the other significantly in terms of policy? If you think Trump isn't going to rubber stamp the Republican Congress, you're delusional.
If a protest is what makes you decide to vote for someone who is blatantly racist/sexist/bigot/homophobic, let's be real, chances are extremely high you already believed in those same ideologies and you just needed a convenient excuse to vote for Trump.

And Bernie bros aren't deciding anything other than what fad to hop onto next.
What people actually believe is usually pretty nebulous and most people hold a lot of contradicting beliefs simultaneously, and in Trump's case it is very easy for people to whitesplain away his negative traits, i.e., "He only hates illegals","He hasn't actually said anything sexist","He supports Kaitlyn Jenner so he can't be that bad", etc. Obviously this is probably bullshit and Trump will most likely be a detrimental president for minority groups but it is very easy to ignore something that's just a hypothetical. And moderates and other nonaligned people are very important to American politics; even during the American Revolution, a third of people were neither Loyalists nor Patriots, and even today these sorts of non interested people pay dividends for non-establishment candidates like Bernie or Trump. That's why so many Bernie votes on this site have said that they'd vote for Trump if they couldn't vote for Bernie. They are more anti-establish than pro any particular ideology.


That just isn't true. Plenty of white moderates have been drawn to Trump because of these protests; they don't talk about it in public due the social consequences of doing so but anonymous polling reveals his growing popularity. I hate to say it but these Bernie Bro types are going to be the ones that decide the election based on whether they go to Clinton or Trump.

Which makes you wonder why are they hiding that they support trump due to the social consequences?

Could it be that perhaps, just perhaps, that yeah rioting sucks as that means there is a system problem but the person they now support is the ones directly causing those problems?

This isn't really a comment directly to you I've just seen how many people support trump "to themselves" and I agree on that. I just don't agree that they are impressionable enough to still weigh their options unless they are incredibly ignorant of trump, the republican party as a whole and the current state of politics.

Those people know damn well what trump stands for and still chooses to side with him. Using an excuse such as riots and protests to support him. And I genuinely believe they are excuses to justify their support of him, that or they are just completely uncaring & lacking any empathy towards minority rights and their fight to be considered as human beings for something so small in the grand scheme of things as a fucking riot.

And please don't take my post as hostile towards you. I'm mad but not at you. I wanted to keep this general but also wanted to quote you.


Gabriel Knight
It's common knowledge that most college faculty are liberal. Google it. Where do you think the decades old attack line about liberal indoctrination on campus comes from? Come on man, this is low hanging fruit.

Now it's a goal post moving to college professors not necessarily being the smartest.
Yea I know it's well known

My point is that you can't say the smartest people are Liberals
There are smart people all over the political spectrum
It's less about intelligence and more about what benefits the individual
Schattenjäger;204635487 said:
Yea I know it's well known

My point is that you can't say the smartest people are Liberals
There are smart people all over the political spectrum
It's less about intelligence and more about what benefits the individual

Academia is mostly liberals. Academia is the pursuit of knowledge through research. Now, I'd need some help understanding how academia is not representative of the smartest people.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
That just isn't true. Plenty of white moderates have been drawn to Trump because of these protests; they don't talk about it in public due the social consequences of doing so but anonymous polling reveals his growing popularity. I hate to say it but these Bernie Bro types are going to be the ones that decide the election based on whether they go to Clinton or Trump.

No they won't. I'd be willing to bet that of these 'bernie bro' types maybe 20% of them even show up to vote. In my opinion they are largely a group of 'internet activists' that scream loudly but don't follow through at the booth. If his internet echo chamber was at all representative of the votes he wouldn't be down over 3 million in the popular vote in a primary.
Which makes you wonder why are they hiding that they support trump due to the social consequences?

Could it be that perhaps, just perhaps, that yeah rioting sucks as that means there is a system problem but the person they now support is the ones directly causing those problems?
Actually, Trump's ability to cause riots only makes him more popular. Authoritarian types love that sort of chaos because it shows the system doesn't work. And why wouldn't they hide it? Even among most Republicans Trump is viewed as a vulgar sort of person that proper people shouldn't like. He's a populist.
This isn't really a comment directly to you I've just seen how many people support trump "to themselves" and I agree on that. I just don't agree that they are impressionable enough to still weigh their options unless they are incredibly ignorant of trump, the republican party as a whole and the current state of politics.

Those people know damn well what trump stands for and still chooses to side with him. Using an excuse such as riots and protests to support him. And I genuinely believe they are excuses to justify their support of him, that or they are just completely uncaring & lacking any empathy towards minority rights and their fight to be considered as human beings for something so small in the grand scheme of things as a fucking riot.

And please don't take my post as hostile towards you. I'm mad but not at you. I wanted to keep this general but also wanted to quote you.
Most people don't care about bad things their group does as long as they get some benefit out of it. Now, I'm the sort of person that focuses on the negatives and generally doesn't stick around, but plenty of people simply ignore it. Obama continued the very unpopular drone strike program but we voted for him anyway. That's how it is with Trump supporters. I used to think privilege was getting things for nothing and that offended me because I felt like it was making light of my own accomplishments. But now I realize what it really is is just not having to worry about certain things.

And don't worry. I didn't think you were being hostile towards me but even if you were hostile towards me I wouldn't care.
No they won't. I'd be willing to bet that of these 'bernie bro' types maybe 20% of them even show up to vote. In my opinion they are largely a group of 'internet activists' that scream loudly but don't follow through at the booth. If his internet echo chamber was at all representative of the votes he wouldn't be down over 3 million in the popular vote in a primary.
We can only hope.
From the article:

The scene outside Albuquerque's convention center was chaotic as police ushered protesters away from Trump's event and into the nearby streets.

There, anti-Trump protesters -- many critical of his positions on immigration -- loudly chanted, "F--- Donald Trump."

The protesters had broken a glass door to the convention center. Some taunted police and jumped on police vehicles as officers in riot gear and on police horses moved them away from the convention center's exits.

Trump had already left the event, by that point, but responded on Twitter Wednesday morning.

"The protesters in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but outside, criminals!" he tweeted.

You'd have to be naive or fucking obtuse to argue that this didn't play right into Trump's hand. Starting shit was probably the entire point of his visit. Newsflash: it's not just right-wingers who hate "mexicans" -- anti-immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment is a pretty centrist position in America. Waving Mexican flags and fucking shit up helps us how exactly?

Edit: more anecdotal evidence that will be promptly dismissed by the "this is fine" crowd: I'm bumping into more Trump supporters all the time. Latinos! People who I find lovely otherwise but for some reason go in for his smarmy authoritarian bullshit and who fall for the "thug" dog whistles.

Personally, this tells me two things: (1) it reminds me that Latinos aren't some monolithic group -- as if that needs to be said -- and we're not all energized by the same political concerns; there are many whose families have been in this country for generations and do not identify with their immigrant past, and there are those who are first generation but are self-hating, "one of the good one" types; and (2) if this fucker is winning over people from one of the groups he's blatantly demonizing, am I really supposed to assume that the same thing is not happening within other demographics, except at a much greater degree?

You know, I used to laugh at this whole Trump thing, but the joke increasingly feels like it's on me. I'm legitimately beginning to worry about November.
From the article:

You'd have to be naive or fucking obtuse to argue that this didn't play right into Trump's hand. Starting shit was probably the entire point of his visit. Newsflash: it's not just right-wingers who hate "mexicans" -- anti-immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment is a pretty centrist position in America. Waving Mexican flags and fucking shit up helps us how exactly?

please trump would've spun it no matter the outcome

replace thugs with losers or immigrants and it still would have the exact same effect
From the article:

You'd have to be naive or fucking obtuse to argue that this didn't play right into Trump's hand. Starting shit was probably the entire point of his visit. Newsflash: it's not just right-wingers who hate "mexicans" -- anti-immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment is a pretty centrist position in America. Waving Mexican flags and fucking shit up helps us how exactly?

I don't know, ask the protest's strategist.


From the article:

You'd have to be naive or fucking obtuse to argue that this didn't play right into Trump's hand. Starting shit was probably the entire point of his visit. Newsflash: it's not just right-wingers who hate "mexicans" -- anti-immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment is a pretty centrist position in America. Waving Mexican flags and fucking shit up helps us how exactly?

Sorry but nothing about being anti-Latino is centrist, that's pure right wing bullshit.


Water is not wet!
For those that think that violent protests are an effective measure halting Trumps advance, do you think there is a threshold to where the violence becomes counter-productive?
a modern "centrist" is already right leaning, so if shit like this makes you lean even further you're just looking to justify it
God, I am not a Trump supporter. Violent protesters make me side with Cops and push an authoritarian button inside of people. I would never vote for a Conservative.

But I have zero patience for Far left Anarcho Guy Fox protesters throwing rocks. Violent protesters fuel the authoritarian side.
please trump would've spun it no matter the outcome

replace thugs with losers or immigrants and it still would have the exact same effect

Please, yourself. You're telling me his spin would have been as effective had the protest been a peaceful one? Sure, keep thinking that.

Sorry but nothing about being anti-Latino is centrist, that's pure right wing bullshit.

We live in a pretty right-wing country. That's the point. I'm saying his anti-Latino rhetoric has broader appeal than just current Trump supporters.
The protests are a demonstration to the undecided. If Trump's opponents sat on their hands and hoped for the best, what message are you actually showing? If we're really taking exception to the use of violence, the American revolution should have been a sit in.
For those that thing that violent protests are an effective measure halting Trumps advance, do you think there is a threshold to where the violence becomes counter-productive?

That's the wrong angle on a few levels. First off, a protest is not a neat and tidy event. Things can happen outside of the original intent. Second, Trump is white nationalism spreading into mainstream. Americans shouldn't care to bicker about what would be perceived well by whom if this or that happens in order to decide whether or not to protest hate.


Water is not wet!
That's the wrong angle on a few levels. First off, a protest is not a neat and tidy event. Things can happen outside of the original intent. Second, Trump is white nationalism spreading into mainstream. Americans shouldn't care to bicker about what would be perceived well by whom if this or that happens in order to decide whether or not to protest hate.
Ah, well, i wish you the best of luck then.
God, I am not a Trump supporter. Violent protesters make me side with Cops and push an authoritarian button inside of people. I would never vote for a Conservative.

But I have zero patience for Far left Anarcho Guy Fox protesters throwing rocks. Violent protesters fuel the authoritarian side.

It fuels the authoritarian side... That you find yourself siding with.

Keep trying to justify your "centrist" leanings tho.


Waving Mexican and USSR flags, burning US flags and destroying public property is a bad optic for the Democratic Party and will push independents and the middle class to Trump and the Republicans in droves. It is already happening and playing out in the poles. Top it off with Hillary having high negatives, Bill's sex scandals and the email and Clinton Foundation investigations. Trump is getting more than the typical 3-5% bump for securing the nomination of his party. The shift in the poles is turning into 10%+ shift in the electorate that may stick all the way to election day.
Anti-Latino and Anti-Immigrant sentiment stems in the US stems mainly from racism from White-Anglo-Protestant Puritanisms. Trump is playing on that as his Southern Strategy 2016. He is scum for doing so.

Violent Protests will not slow him down. Gotta use brains, not brawn.

Trump canny be beaten by force but by wit

It fuels the authoritarian side... That you find yourself siding with.

Keep trying to justify your "centrist" leanings tho.

Fuck you. I'm not siding with Trump. I side with Law Enforcement when violence goes out of hand.
Went to ABQ on a roadtrip through the Southwest back in March on the way from Flagstaff to Santa Fe.

Man that place blows. Looked like a riot had already happened there and no one cared.

Golden Pride got them bomb ass breakfast burritos, though.

Pretty much. My father in law is moving there. It sucks but I trying to only ever go there for the balloon festival.


Junior, please.
Schattenjäger;204643107 said:
I'd argue that many smart people that want to make money don't go into academia

And you'd be right. But as a rule, generally, the more educated a person is, the more they are likely to lean to the left.

And again, there are different kinds of intelligence, and smart people on both sides of the fence. It's not black and white.
Fuck you. I'm not siding with Trump. I side with Law Enforcement when violence goes out of hand.

Well aren't you a pleasant person. Do you say that to everyone who calls you out on your supposedly "centrist" views? Explains a lot really.

But that is authoritarian of you btw. Even if you refuse to acknowledge that fact.


Here's the Anaheim PD guidelines for protesters, ahead of Trump's speech at noon.

Essentially, it says don't riot. Wouldn't be surprised if one or more of these bullet points are ignored.

Schattenjäger;204643107 said:
I'd argue that many smart people that want to make money don't go into academia

Are you asserting that entrepreneurs are smarter than academia, or just that not all geniuses go into academia, preferring to make their fortunes? If it's the former, any facts to back up that argument?
Schattenjäger;204635487 said:
Yea I know it's well known

My point is that you can't say the smartest people are Liberals
There are smart people all over the political spectrum
It's less about intelligence and more about what benefits the individual

You could argue the connection between IQ numbers and intelligence too, but throughout the world, people with the highest IQs also are more likely to be socially liberal than the general populace (found at the same link you're discussing), if that helps.


This is just going to get more and more common as we reach November.

It's gonna be one of the nastiest US elections in a long, long time.
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